Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 73 Meeting Mother and Child Again

The attack of the giant zombie and the attack of the airship were launched almost at the same time. The javelin that was thrown directly hit the pod of the spacecraft. Because the spacecraft had to reduce the weight, the outer rigidity and aluminum alloy lining structure was not defensive. Well, this blow directly pierced the airship out of a big hole. Fortunately, this hole was located in the Dicheng storage area and did not cause casualties. Even so, Li Yuanhong and Fatty jumped off. If the attack hits the airbag, the airship will be reimbursed.

And the magic bullet shot by the magic robe met the wind and snow sprayed by the zombie in the air. The light of the magic bullet was immediately enveloped in ice and snow, and gradually became dim, and finally shot on the shield of the metal giant, only emitting a faint light. Then it shattered.

This scene stunned Fatty. Since the advent of the magic cannon, he has never experienced a failure of the magic cannon, and this time the magic cannon did not even shake the opponent. This scene short-circuited the fat's brain.

"Keep on firing the cannon and bombard the zombies fiercely. Don't let them be free!" Li Yuanhong gave the order calmly. Li Yuanhong knew that these giant zombies have mana limits. Once the mana is exhausted, Naturally, he would be bombarded to death by magic, especially the frost giant. The trick of spraying frost air is definitely very mana-consuming and impossible to use frequently.

Following Li Yuanhong's order, the gunner fired again, and a dozen magic cannons attacked the giant zombies. The giant zombies did the same and continued to fight back, but this time the lightning giant didn't have the javelin, he could only grab an iron fence and threw it at the airship. The effect of the iron fence is not as good as that of the previous javelin, but it is deeply embedded in the outer wall of the airship without shooting through.

The attacks from both sides come and go. On the outer wall of Li Yuanhong’s airship, there are ten-level iron bars inserted, and the counterattack power of those zombies is getting weaker and weaker, even the iron bars thrown by the lightning zombie are no longer Fu has lightning. The Frost Zombie's frost gas was getting weaker and weaker. In the end, it couldn't weaken the magic bullet at all, causing the metal giant to be blown back again and again. Finally, the shield banged and it was blown apart.

With the rupture of the shield, the giant zombies turned around and planned to run back. However, the subsequent artillery fire directly pierced the giant zombies into the sky. The two giant zombies lost their barriers and were surrounded by magic cannons. Then the figure of the giant zombie disappeared in the light of magical energy.

"Cessation!" Li Yuanhong saw the three giant zombies surrounded by artillery fire. It was estimated that the three giant zombies were in danger, so he quickly ordered the gunner to stop shooting.

As the smoke from the artillery fire dissipated, only a few large craters and stumps scattered around the craters were left in front of the church. The scene was a bit **** and unsuitable for children.

When Fatty Lu saw this scene, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Play with your master, this time, let's play a lot!" Fatty Lu looked awkwardly coaxing, as if the foolish person just now had nothing to do with him.

Li Yuanhong ignored him, and ordered to the phone: "Hurry up and search to see if there are any zombies that have slipped through the net, and pay attention to finding the crystal nuclei of the three giant zombies."

After listening to Li Yuanhong's words, the fat man whispered, "What a money fan!"

Li Yuanhong gave the fat man a white look: "I don't plan carefully this day, can I make a fortune? What's more, the three giant zombies are definitely not low-level zombies, otherwise they will not be able to fight our magic cannon!"

"Hehe, Brother Li, your ears are so good, you can hear such a small voice!"

"Okay, don't grind with me, hurry up and see how the airship is damaged, and see if the zombie is stabbed into a hedgehog."

"Oh, why did I forget my precious airship!" Fatty Lu ran out in a shock to check the damage of the airship.

After occupying the port, Li Yuanhong was armed, especially the brown bear that ran away. Li Yuanhong paid special attention. This brown bear had a strong vengeance. He woke up from hibernation early and was driven away by zombies. This guy will definitely be crazy. Revenge, but unfortunately the zombies are gone, this pot can only be carried by oneself.

Li Yuanhong stepped up his guard that day, and the two warships returned to Sakhalin Island and began to transport troops from Sakhalin Island to the port. In just half a day, nearly 30,000 system soldiers were brought over.

With the soldiers, Li Yuanhong has a bottom in his heart this time. The next step is to sweep westward along the Waixing'an Mountains to seize the border as soon as possible to prevent the Russians from turning back and playing a trick of denial after the accident.

On the day of rest that day, Li Yuanhong got on the armored vehicle and began to head west from the land. Not long after leaving the city, I saw two brown bears dangling out of the woods. It was the two brown bears who had escaped yesterday. I saw the brown bears slowly walking towards the convoy, without fear of human beings. It is estimated that this female bear had been in contact with humans before the end of the world.

Li Yuanhong did not dare to act rashly. The power of this brown bear was too great. Those zombies were slapped to death. They were high-level zombies. Even human rifles can't penetrate the skulls of these zombies. The head of the zombie turned into an eggshell, and Li Yuanhong estimated that his armored car was not enough for others to photograph.

Li Yuanhong got out of the armored car and watched the two brown bears vigilantly. The big brown bear walked slowly, and the two were considered to be in peace.

The bear was naughty, and when he saw the armored vehicle, he was curious and ran towards the armored vehicle. Li Yuanhong saw that the bear was coming and got out of the armored vehicle. That meant he wanted to get close to the bear. But Li Yuanhong forgot that this female bear is the most protective of her calf. Seeing Li Yuanhong approaching the bear, he roared and rushed towards Li Yuanhong with teeth and claws.

Li Yuanhong didn't expect this female bear to have such a violent temper. She turned her face when she said that she turned her face, faster than menopausal women turned her face. Moreover, the two sides were not far apart. At this time, Li Yuanhong turned around and escaped. Moreover, once he escaped, the vehicles behind him would be dangerous. Li Yuanhong didn't want to leave the team before he left, and the ancestral land would hang.

In a hurry, Li Yuanhong took out a canned bottle from the space and threw it at the mother brown bear. The female brown bear saw a small bottle flying towards her. He didn’t care. Even the giant tree could be uprooted by itself, and she had thick skin. This small canned bottle would not cause much damage even if it hits her body. As a result, the brown bear continued to fight Li Yuanhong with all his strength. For the small bottle, he just waved his paw and smashed the bottle into pieces easily.

But as the bottle broke, the contents of the bottle splashed out, leaving the brown bear's face covered with powder from the bottle.

The brown bear, who had charged Li Yuanhong aggressively at the moment before, suddenly stopped at a place less than two meters away from Li Yuanhong, and sneezing, his eyes became red, swollen and weeping. It seemed that the brown bear had suffered. bully. Who would have thought that it was not brown bears that were being bullied, but humans.

Li Yuanhong was taken aback by the change of the female bear. Could it be that the female bear changed her character, knowing that humans would not care about him, so she put the brakes on it? Just when Li Yuanhong was wondering, Li Yuanhong saw the residue of powder on the ground and immediately knew where the problem was.

Just now, Li Yuanhong was anxious and took out the bottle containing the chili noodles so as to stop the crazy she-bear. He didn't even think that it would be a victim of the chili bomb.

The female bear was concentrated by the chili pepper, and immediately sneezed again and again. Not only did her nose feel uncomfortable, but her eyes kept tearing because of the chili powder. The female bear hurriedly rubbed her eyes with the claws, but the more she rubbed her eyes, the more uncomfortable her eyes became.

Seeing that the pepper is effective against the brown bear, Li Yuanhong took out a canned bottle from the space. It was filled with pepper noodles. Li Yuanhong took two steps back to prevent accidental injury to himself. Then he threw the canned bottle at the bear.

The she-bear was crying at this time, her eyesight was not clear, and seeing something flying towards her, she habitually patted it with the bear's claws. As a result, the she-bear was struck by the hot feeling that was just now, and now she is covered by pepper noodles again , Now the she-bear is terrible. The unspeakable feeling is extremely uncomfortable. The she-bear never dares to stay anymore, even the cubs don’t care. She wipes her head and ran, running and hitting. sneeze.

The troublesome little bear was taken aback this time, and his mother, who had always loved him, ran away alone. It took a long time for the little bear to react, let out an immature roar, and chased in the direction where the she-bear escaped.

Seeing that both bears were running away, Li Yuanhong was relieved. Today, he was almost attacked by a female bear. It seems that next time you should not be too loving with wild animals, otherwise you will lose your life if you can't keep up with this little life. , But looking at the naive Xiongzi, Li Yuanhong really wanted to take him away to Luoxia as a pet.

After an episode, Li Yuanhong continued to drive westward with the airship clearing the way, and the army followed up. It can be said that there was basically no obstacle. After all, the population of the Russian Far East is too small, and the total population of the entire region is not To six million, and most of them are concentrated in a few cities like Vladivostok. Other cities in China are enough for the population of the county level. So every time he encounters a city, Li Yuanhong starts to attack by street fighting, which not only can Training soldiers' street fighting ability can also minimize damage to urban buildings.

Li Yuanhong went west along the southern foot of the Waixing'an Mountains. Suddenly the mountain became short that day, and a big river appeared in front of him. This big river lies quietly in the mountains and forests, and is entangled in the white world like silver chains. Both directions can't see the end at a glance. I don't know its source or end. It's quiet at this time, like a tamed silver dragon, but who knows, in summer, he will become angry. The black mad dragon roared to show its majesty to the world. This is the sealed Heilongjiang, the border between China and Russia has arrived.

Li Yuanhong looked at Heilongjiang, filled with emotion, and finally opened up the border.

"Fat man, disperse the airship and search around to see if there are any survivors. The forest is densely high here, and it is estimated that more people will survive. Search carefully." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes, Brother Li, don't worry!" Fatty Lu replied through the intercom.

Then the airship began to disperse and searched around. Li Yuanhong took the infantry to the riverside. Although it was the end of March, the ice on the river surface was still very thick and it should not be a problem to leave. Li Yuanhong intends to cross the river and take back the city on the other side of the river in order to establish a stronghold here. It is the northernmost city in China. Every year a large number of tourists come to travel. Various facilities should be relatively complete, and it should be the most suitable base. Up.

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