Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 74 Hidden Corpses in the Snow

Li Yuanhong led the soldiers through Heilongjiang quickly and came to the other side of the river. There are some small villages on the bank, with a population of only a hundred, not very large, so there are not many zombies, and many houses have signs of damage. I want to come. It should be done by the beast. Li Yuanhong did not deliberately clean up these zombies, and killed them when they encountered them. Li Yuanhong must hurry up and reach Mohe City as soon as possible.

Because he is not familiar with the terrain here, Li Yuanhong simply thought he had reached the maze. The rivers here are crisscrossed, almost like a natural river maze. Li Yuanhong was soon caught in the white snow and the crisscrossing river network, making him unable to find the north. Fortunately, an airship flew in the sky and Fatty Lu’s voice came: "Li Brother, we found a camp for survivors."

"Well, is it far from here?"

"Not far, just over ten kilometers away."

"Well, you fly ahead and show us the way. I'm almost ready to transfer."

Soon, Li Yuanhong finally followed the airship to a forest camp. The camp was full of wooden houses. At this time, hundreds of people were holding bows and arrows and spears, watching Li Yuanhong's team vigilantly. These people are similar to primitive bushmen, without specially tailored leather pants, leather hats wrapped around their bodies, weapons in their hands are also made of primitive wood, and even short spears do not have iron spearheads. The fur and meat of frozen beasts were drying around the camp, which was obviously hunted by this group of people.

"Hello, I am the China Rescue Army." Li Yuanhong stepped forward and shouted without any weapons.

"Don't come here, we don't welcome strangers here." A burly man stood in front of the team and looked at Li Yuanhong vigilantly. This burly man has a burly figure, thick arms and thick legs, and dense stubble on his face. Obviously he hasn't been in a long time. Hit it well. The frozen face looks black and red, and it looks like a person who often hunts outdoors.

"We won't bother you, we just need a guide. If anyone leads me, I can exchange food or weapons with him." Li Yuanhong shouted, standing less than 20 meters away.

"Where are you going?" The other party still asked vigilantly.

"I'm going to Mohe City!" Li Yuanhong said loudly.

"Where are you going for what?"

"Hit zombies!" Li Yuanhong said.

"What, you are going to fight those evil spirits? Don't be kidding, you are just a few people, and want to fight those evil spirits, I advise you not to die." A strong man who took the lead said with some fear.

"Don't worry, just take us down. It is our business to beat zombies."

Li Yuanhong said so, but those people still showed embarrassment and did not dare to stand up, obviously these people were scared by the zombies.

"Can you really give me a weapon?" At this moment, one and a half-year-old children who were less than 1.5 meters tall stood up and asked.

"Of course, you can choose between bows and arrows or spears and knives." Li Yuanhong looked at the immature child.

"Okay, then I'll go!" The elder boy agreed happily.

"Little tiger, don't go, it's too dangerous there!" the man who took the lead stopped.

"Brother, it's okay, those evil spirits can't catch up with me, and I will only take them out of the ghost town, and will not enter the city." Xiaohu said firmly to the brawny man with his head up.

"Okay, but be careful, don't be fooled by those people." The strong man said.

"I will!" Xiaohu smiled innocently with the child.

Li Yuanhong left the camp with the child and walked towards Mohe City under the leadership of the little guy.

"Where do you come from?" the little guy asked curiously.

"I came from a big city in the west." Li Yuanhong replied

"Are there many evil spirits there?"

"That's a lot, the corpses are all 100,000 million!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Ah? So many? How did you survive?"

"Of course we have to kill them to survive!"

"You really killed those demons? Can I kill those demons too?"

"Of course, I will give you a bow in a while. As long as you can pull it, you will shoot those zombies." Li Yuanhong smiled.

"Great!" The little guy said happily.

"Are there any other survivors around you?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Yes, but there are so many bad people in other people, they often come to grab us to eat." The little guy shook his hand and said angrily.

"Are they crowded?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"I don't know, every time they come, my eldest brother keeps those of us without weapons in the house and prevents us from coming out."

"Oh, then do you want to take back those robbed things?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Yes!" Xiaohu nodded vigorously.

"Okay, after we kill the zombies, you take me to find the bad guys and take your food back." Li Yuanhong promised.

After walking for two hours, Li Yuanhong led the team to the outside of Mohe City. From outside the city, Mohe City is quietly hidden under the snow. Most houses are covered by snow. Many of the houses here are Russian-style, especially the three or four-story small buildings scattered on the hillside, which resemble fairy tales. The hut in the woods gives people a sense of tranquility and tranquility. But at this time all the styles are reversed, all the houses are dark and quiet, making people feel like they are in a ghost town.

Li Yuanhong looked for the zombies through the telescope, but did not see any moving zombies, and there were no footprints in the snow.

"Are there zombies in this city?" Li Yuanhong asked Xiaohu when he turned around.

"Yes, and many." Xiaohu replied with certainty.

"Then why can't I see them?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"They are hiding in the snow."

"Hidden in the snow? How did you know?"

"The people in our camp used to be here last winter. As a result, several people were eaten by the devil hiding in the snow." Little Tiger said sadly.

Li Yuanhong did not speak, picked up the binoculars again, and silently patrolled the streets of the city.

At this time, the four empty boats all flew back, and Fatty Lu's voice came out again: "Brother Li, we went around and found many camps for survivors, but no zombies were found."

"No need to look, you can take a shot at the streets in the city."

"Huh? Brother Li, there is nothing but snow there." Fatty Lu said in surprise.

"Let you drive, you can drive, there is so much nonsense."

"Hey!" Fatty Lu replied somewhat puzzled.

With the sound of a cannon, a large hole was blown out on the street near the edge of the city, but there was nothing else except the snow that was blown away.

"Look, Brother Li, what am I talking about? There is nothing but snow here."

"Which so much nonsense, five hundred meters into the city, another shot."

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say." Fatty Lu muttered.

With the sound of a cannon, it was still the same as before, except for the snow and mud that were blown out.

"Boss, there's still nothing!" Fatty Lu reported.

Li Yuanhong was also puzzled and turned to look at Xiaohu.

Xiaohu frowned, his look was also very confused.

"Do you know where those people were in danger?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Listen to them, as if they were walking into the city for a certain distance, suddenly a lot of demons came out of the snow in all directions, and only the people who were guarding outside ran out." Xiaohu said.

"Okay, let's blast out those zombies." Li Yuanhong said.

"Fatty, drive five hundred meters ahead and give me another shot." Li Yuanhong told the fatty.

"Brother Li, open it!" The fat man said reluctantly.

"Open, hurry up."


Fatty Lu drove the airship for another 500 meters into the city, and then fired another shot at the snowdrift on the street. As the gun went down, the snowdrift exploded a large snow cave, and as the snow cave appeared, several zombies were also blown out.

"Brother Li, there are zombies, there are really zombies!" Fatty Lu said excitedly.

"Then don't hurry up to blow me up!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Good!" Following the fat man's response, the four airships began to bombard the street, and the zombies were like crickets hidden under the ground, turned out by pieces of artillery fire. As the snow cave became bigger and bigger, the fat man on the spaceship realized that this is a snow cave, this is simply the Great Wall under the snow.

Under the snow, there are countless passages extending in all directions, and the zombies lie in the passages, which are isolated from the outside world by wind and snow. The zombies are completely protected from the wind and snow, and once someone comes in, they will naturally step into the zombies. Encirclement, when the zombies emerge from the snow, they will soon besiege creatures that dare to enter the city.

In addition, if the zombie wants to move, it will also be completed through the underground passage, which is no better than drilling out of the ground, so there is no trace of the zombie outside.

The fat man also jumped when he saw the zombies' tricks. If the soldiers below ventured into the city, they would suffer heavy losses. Fortunately, Brother Li let himself fire three shots at the snowdrift before blasting the zombies out.

Mohe City is not big, with 70 to 80 thousand people before the end of the world. If it weren't for becoming a tourist city, many people would run here to watch the Aurora, and there would not be so many houses here. With the continuous bombing of the gunboats, the zombies were all bombed out. Many zombies raised their arms and kept roaring at the airships in the sky, but the fat man could only roar in vain at an altitude of 150 meters.

As the streets were baptized by artillery fire, most of the zombies were killed and maimed, and most of those who survived were injured. Seeing that the time is ripe, Li Yuanhong said to the soldiers behind him: "Offensive, clean up house by house, and don't let any fish slip through the net."

"Yes!" The soldier at the back replied mechanically, and started pouring into the city.

The cleanup battle takes more time. After the entire city was cleaned up, it was already a day later. Li Yuanhong had already occupied a hotel and moved in with Xiaohu.

When I arrived at the hotel, although it had not been occupied for two years, it was still clean. Li Yuanhong found a room near the sun and moved in. The dust in the room was relatively thick. Li Yuanhong simply cleaned up the dust in the room, then took out a lot of delicious food and put them on the table in the room.

"Be hungry, come and eat!" Li Yuanhong greeted Xiaohu.

"Can I eat it?" Xiaohu looked at the delicious food on the table, not only ham, but also canned food and bread, and more importantly, fresh fruits. After the end of the world, Xiaohu has not eaten them. . Although there are wild fruits in the forest, entering the mountain means that you may encounter mutant creatures. If you are not good, you will be killed by the mutant creatures. Therefore, survivors basically only move on the edge of the forest and never dare to go too deep, which results in little chance of obtaining food.

"Eat it, I just take it out and eat it. Besides, if you stay with me for a day, this is also a reward for you." Li Yuanhong said.

"Then will my weapon still be given to me?" Xiaohu looked at the food, his saliva flowed out involuntarily, but he still couldn't forget his weapon.

"Of course it will be for you." Li Yuanhong said.

"Then...then I'm not welcome!" After Xiaohu finished, he quickly reached the table, and his two little hands quickly grabbed the food and stuffed it into his mouth. I'm afraid Li Yuanhong regretted it.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Li Yuanhong smiled and handed Xiaohu a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you!" Some of the little tigers choked up and drank the mineral water.

"Is your eldest brother who took the lead in your camp?" Li Yuanhong looked at Xiaohu and asked.

Little Tiger stopped grabbing the food, then shook his head slightly, moisture in his eyes.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong knew that it was someone with a story again, so he changed the subject and said, "What did your big brother add? What did he do before?"

"My elder brother is called Xuelang. I heard that he was a forest ranger on the mountain."

"Snow Wolf? This shouldn't be his real name, right?"

"I don't know. Anyway, people often call him that. I asked my elder brother, but he didn't tell me, so he said, let me call him his brother."

"It seems that others are not bad." Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"Big brother is kind to us, not only gave us a place to live, but also took us to hunt, otherwise we wouldn't be able to live until now.

"Then let's eat quickly, then take a good rest, and wait until tomorrow we will pick up your elder brother down the mountain, OK to live here!"

"Okay!" Xiaohu finished speaking, and began to fight the food quickly.

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