Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 103 There are people in Shanhaiguan

Li Yuanhong turned his head and looked at Fan Huaxiong. Fan Huaxiong was about to speak when he saw Li Yuanhong suddenly. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he hurriedly said, "Commander in chief, why are you here?"

"Nothing, I just know that there are five hundred years old wine here, and I want to borrow the old wine here. I wonder if everyone present can lend me the wine?" Li Yuanhong said lightly.

8 "Borrow, how can it be borrowed! These are the commander-in-chief's spoils, and the commander-in-chief takes all of them!" Shen Mengxi hurriedly said.

"Haha, the commander-in-chief is too polite, Mr. Shen said just now, it is only natural for you to take it away, how can you call it a loan!" Fan Huaxiong also hurriedly said.

"You two are welcome. I said borrowing means borrowing. After two days when I run out, I am returning the wine to them." Li Yuanhong still insisted on borrowing. This made the two people feel a little confused. But fortunately, both of them are sleek people, and they immediately borrowed the donkey Po and said: "What the commander says, just what it is."

"Okay, I will move the wine first!" Li Yuanhong said.

Although the two were a bit painful, they could only agree. Li Yuanhong didn't say anything. You asked the dozens of soldiers to move the liquor to their barracks.

From the beginning to the end, the fat man was inexplicable. Although Li Yuanhong also drank, he was never greedy, and he was not too particular about wine. Why did he make such a fuss today.

"Brother Li, it's not appropriate for you to have conflicts with Fan and Shen for these jars of wine?" Although the fat man doesn't understand politics, he can still feel the changes in Shen Mengxi and Fan Huaxiong's expressions in the wine cellar today. of.

"Fatty, I want these jars of wine to be of great use, not for my own sake. Also, Shen Mengxi and Fan Huaxiong had better not think about it, otherwise they would not be able to pass the test!" Li Yuanhong said.

The fat man still didn't understand. He really didn't understand this kind of intrigue.

Li Yuanhong also knew that Fatty was not the kind of person who likes to play conspiracies, so he was not discussing this matter with him. In the next few days, apart from cleaning up Jincheng, the troops will continue to prepare for the battle. Li Yuanhong must fight as far as Qindao City and occupy Shanhaiguan there. Li Yuanhong will establish a systematic sub-base in Shanhaiguan and continue to attack the customs. , The material transfer can be completed through the mercenary association or the quest item portal of the tavern, and it does not have to be completed in many ways, which greatly improves the efficiency of logistics.

During this period, Li Yuanhong left suddenly for two days. Many people saw Li Yuanhong heading southeast by airship. No one knew where Li Yuanhong went. Two days later, Li Yuanhong appeared in Jincheng again, and when he returned, he announced that he would continue to launch the Western Expedition, and all the generals raised their hands in favor.

From Jincheng to the west, it can be said that there are almost no decent cities. Although there are several county-level cities, the cities are not very large and the population is not very large, so they pushed all the way. On the third day, the army arrived. Outside Shanhaiguan.

Shanhaiguan is a battleground for military strategists of all generations. This is where the throat of entry is blocked. If you want to bypass this pass, you can only go to Mongolia. Not only must you go far, but there are also corresponding passes in Mongolia. So this pass must be won to allow the army to open the way to advance.

However, when there was still five kilometers away from the pass, someone suddenly reported: "Report to the commander-in-chief, there is someone in Shanhaiguan!"

As soon as Li Yuanhong heard it, he immediately said, "It's a good thing for someone to contact them, and then we can move in!" Li Yuanhong said naturally.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the other party will not let us in, and also said, let us roll as far as possible!"

"What? Didn't they see our number and equipment?" Li Yuanhong is very confident in his own force now. In front of him, let alone a Shanhaiguan pass, even millions of zombies are not a problem, let alone, himself. But the armed forces are complete. It's just that this is the end of the world, and there is not much left in human beings. Li Yuanhong doesn't want human beings to kill themselves and cause unnecessary internal friction, but sometimes, necessary fights are still needed, such as treating people like Prince Wang.

"Report to the commander-in-chief. The other party saw it, but they said that they are the garrison of Qindao City and do not need our help."

"Oh? They are also the army. Interesting, I thought all the garrisons around here had run away. Okay, I will meet them." After speaking, Li Yuanhong strode towards a military jeep.

Li Yuanhong was sitting in the car and quickly arrived in front of Shanhaiguan. The city wall of Shanhaiguan was 14 meters high. The famous "First Pass in the World" plaque was hung high above the city tower. The thick city wall, even with modern artillery, It is also difficult to destroy easily. At this time, there were many people standing on the city wall, all of them were holding guns, and several machine guns were seen on the city. But Li Yuanhong didn't care about it. After all, his equipment, these ordinary guns could hardly hurt him.

"Who is in charge of the city!" Li Yuanhong shouted, raising his head.

"Who are you, leave here quickly. It is now under the military control, and there are no extra materials here, so you can't feed too many people. You should leave now!" said a younger officer above.

"We are not here to defect to you, we are here to fight zombies, and want to borrow from you!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Borrow the way? The highway is over there, you can go as you like, we won't stop!" the young man said.

"Haha, it's hard to say, we walk on the front foot, and your back foot will cut off our logistics. We will find someone to make sense at that time! So we still talk about the matter clearly, and we can rest assured!" Li Yuanhong said plausibly. In fact, Li Yuanhong was completely different from worrying about logistics. The materials he brought with him were enough to support the army to take down Qindao City.

"You really are going to fight the zombies in Qindao? That's millions!" The young man always thought that people from outside were going to seize their base, so he was very on guard, but seeing the other party only came, it was not like They are in the state of seizure, so they are a little hesitant. After all, they are also the army. The idea of ​​protecting the family for the people in the state education is still there. Now in the end of the world, you can’t go out to kill the zombies and the common people are already very angry. People, he still admires.

"Of course it is true. Is it just a few million zombies? We have more zombies than this group of zombies. We have all beaten." Li Yuanhong said proudly.

At this time, the young officer showed unbelief on his face: "Just blow it up, relying on your tens of thousands of people, you want to fight millions of zombies, you are so brash!"

"There is nothing you can do if you don't believe it. Why don't you let me go in and talk to your head. When the time comes, he will decide whether you believe it or not." Li Yuanhong said.

"Well, wait a minute, I'll report it." After the young man said, he turned and went down town.

Qin Ying, a head of the Qindao City Garrison, brought his soldiers out of Qindao City at the beginning of the last days and rescued tens of thousands of survivors. If it were in other places, it is estimated that they would run frequently, but There is an empty city nearby, namely Shanhaiguan Pass. It is now a tourist attraction. Tourists usually come to travel. The end of the world broke out in the morning. It was almost an empty city, so Qin Ying took the survivors into this Xiongguan.

Qin Ying is also a bit savvy. At the beginning of the last days, relying on the weapon in his hand, he easily swept some surrounding villages and collected a lot of materials, and he collected some nearby fishing boats to organize survivors to fish. In addition to the grain raided from the surrounding area, Qin Ying can be considered to have a foothold here.

But the following days will not be so easy. Although Qin Ying has a gun, after all, there are not many bullets. When the bullet is finished, the gun will become a fire stick. This makes Qin Ying have to use cold weapons to fight the zombies. The biggest shortcoming of Cold Weapon is that it has to fight close to the zombies, which in turn caused the troop to be scratched and bitten by the zombies. Such injuries undoubtedly sentenced these soldiers to death, so Qin Ying could only stop going out and search. And expansion can only be trapped in this isolated city. Fortunately, the walls of Shanhaiguan city are thick, and the zombies have come several times, but they haven't made any money.

However, being trapped here also made Qin Ying's temper more and more irritable. He is a soldier and hardly knows anything about political affairs. However, not only the soldiers but also the common people follow him. How to manage these people well, he is the first two. They are so big, and as time goes by, these people trapped in the city have nothing to do all day long. This has caused all kinds of things to happen. Even two days ago, some people wanted to grab guns for power. The Eagle's soldiers are well-trained, and they really succeeded.

This incident deeply stung Qin Ying, so Qin Ying came to retreat. For those who want to seize their own power, Qin Ying came to expel them all and drive them all out of the city. Although Qin Ying did not kill them, everyone knew that these people were dead.

Suddenly someone from the city came to report today that someone was going to fight Qindao City. When he heard this, Qin Ying was stunned. There are still people who dare to speak big words to fight Qindao City. This is simply a joke of life. At the beginning, he also took people back to Qindao City, but the tide of zombies left him a deep impression. Had his men and political commissars desperately protected him, I guess he would have explained it. It was the death of the political commissar that made Qin Ying feel helpless about political affairs. Since then, Qin Ying has designated Qindao City as a restricted area, and no one is allowed to approach it.

"How many people did they take to fight Qindao City?" Qin Ying asked.

"I see from the city, there are at least tens of thousands of people," said the young man in the city.

"Just tens of thousands of people want to fight Qindao City. He thought they were invincible. You don't have to worry about taxes these years! Don't care about him, they are willing to borrow the road, and the road is there. , They just leave, I, Qin Ying, will never stop him." Qin Ying said.

"Then we still see their representatives?"

"What do you see them for? Add chaos!" Qin Ying vetoed.

"Yes, I will go down and get rid of him!" the young man replied.

"Go!" Qin Ying waved impatiently.

The young man turned and prepared to go down.

At this moment, Qin Ying suddenly remembered something, and immediately stopped the young man: "Wait a minute, how many people are there?"

"Oh? Ah! Just one person." The young man hesitated before answering.

"Then bring him to see me, by the way, don't open the city gate to prevent them from sneaking!" Qin Ying exhorted.

"Yes!" The young man quickly ran off.

Li Yuanhong waited under the city. After a long time, the young man returned: "Our team leader promised to see you." The young man shouted to Li Yuanhong, and then the young man said to the person next to him: "Quick, hang up Put the basket down."

Following the orders of the young man, a hanging basket was lowered from the city, and Li Yuanhong felt that he was treated as a cargo.

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