Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 104 Double Harvest

Li Yuanhong didn’t pay much attention to this. After all, people didn’t want to open the gate of the city. Maybe there were some difficulties. For example, the gate was blocked. In order to prevent the zombies from attacking the city, he did it. Inside, and then sitting in a hanging basket towards the city wall.

Once inside the city, Shanhaiguan is very big. It must have been a place where hundreds of thousands of troops were stationed in the past, and the place was too small to hold it. I saw that the entire city still maintained the appearance of the former pass, and the various buildings were antique, but at this time, many heads were stuck out in many buildings, and they looked at Li Yuanhong curiously. There must be no outsiders here for almost two years, and Li Yuanhong's clothes are also weird.

Li Yuanhong is now wearing a soft armor with a bow and arrow on his back. Although there is no knife at his waist, there is a knife sleeve for hanging the knife. Li Yuanhong is like an aboriginal resident of this ancient city, and the survivors living here seem to be Outsider.

Li Yuanhong followed the young man straight to a hall, which was supposed to be the hall where the soldiers fought in the past. At the top, there was a burly man wearing a straight military uniform. Although the uniform was washed away, it was very straight. At first glance, this person is very agile.

On both sides of this man, there are many people wearing military uniforms and military ranks. These people are holding weapons in their hands and looking at Li Yuanhong with cross-brows. They want to swallow Li Yuanhong like that. If you are less timid , I would really be scared by these people.

Seeing Li Yuanhong's arrival, Qin Ying didn't give up his seat but asked unreasonably, "What is the name of the person below?" His tone was similar to that of the inmate.

Li Yuanhong slanted his eyes slightly to look at Qin Ying, pretending not to hear, and ignored Qin Ying, but seriously looked at the surrounding buildings.

, It looks like a tourist coming to visit.

Qin Ying saw that Li Yuanhong ignored him, and was a little angry: "Boy, what am I asking your name?"

At this time, Li Yuanhong woke up like a dream: "Are you talking to me? I thought where was the crow calling?" Li Yuanhong smiled and said to Qin Ying.

"You... are you brave, you dare to be so arrogant when you come to my site, you look a little brave."

"Cut, where are you? Millions of zombies are not afraid, even if you are such a small person!" Li Yuanhong said nonchalantly.

"Oh? So you have entered Qindao City?"

When Li Yuanhong talked about a million zombies, Qin Ying was the first to think of Qindao City.

"I haven't been to Qindao City, but I haven't been to cities bigger than Qindao City."

"A city bigger than Qindao City? Have you been to Yanjing?" Qin Ying hasn't actually been to many cities. Most of the soldiers, from joining the army to retiring, basically wander around their defense zones, sometimes they can rush. Only by pulling up training or acting can you go far away.

"There are more cities bigger than Qindao City. We came from the east, and Yanjing is in the west. I have never been to Yanjing, but Shencheng and Dalian are not bigger than Qindao City! "

Qin Ying didn't know if Li Yuanhong was talking big, but Qin Ying admired Li Yuanhong's courage, so he softened Li Yuanhong's tone a lot.

"I said this brother, can you tell me what your name is? Are you really going to fight Qindao City?"

"My name is Li Yuanhong, and we are going to fight Qindao City. If this group leader brother wants to confirm whether we are fighting Qindao, you can send someone to see with us."

"Oh? Aren't you afraid that I will spy on your secrets?"

"Hahaha, if you can snoop into my secrets, that's yours. What's more, this fight of zombies depends on hard power, but it can't be done with two mouths, otherwise the zombies in this world would have been killed. Isn't it."

"The Li brother said that in Xia Qin Ying, although he was the leader of a regiment, he was ashamed. Now I have less than half of the regiment in my hand. If you can take back Qindao City, I Brothers from this half of the regiment, I'll leave it to you!"

Li Yuanhong was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Qin Ying to say such a thing. In fact, Qin Ying couldn’t do anything about it. In Shanhaiguan, although the zombies couldn’t get in, they were trapped inside. Although there were fishing boats, these fishing boats were all offshore fishing boats. They didn’t run far, and the Bohai Sea was everywhere. Zombies, they have nowhere to run. If Li Yuanhong can really take Qindao City back, Qin Ying also believes that with such a person, there will definitely be something to do. Li Yuanhong is definitely not here to chat with him, so Li Yuanhong will be attracted here. It's this Guancheng and his subordinates.

Li Yuanhong saw that Qin Ying opened his face like this, so he was not stingy: "Well, if I take Qindao City, you don't have to hand over your people to me. You still bring your soldiers, and I will make up for you at that time. You are still the head of your organization, how about you fight zombies with me when that happens."

"Okay, then I'll thank Brother Li first!" Qin Ying finished speaking, and said to the young officer next to him: "Captain Wu, you will go with Brother Li later to see how they beat the zombies. After the zombies come back and report to me."

"Yes, commander!" The company commander surnamed Wu agreed.

Li Yuanhong's initial negotiations were considered successful, so he took Company Captain Wu back to the barracks, the whole team took a short rest, and then set out again to head towards Qindao City.

Qindao City is located in the north of Bohai Bay. It belongs to the junction of Liao Province and Hebei Province. It has always had a well-developed transportation and a large population. Qindao City not only has convenient land transportation, but also a sea port. Many goods from Mongolia and Northeast China are Ship directly from here. According to legend, it was also the place where Emperor Qin Shihuang went to sea to find immortals, so the tourist resources here are also very rich. This has caused at least two million zombies to gather here, and the difficulty of attack is definitely not less than Jincheng.

With Jincheng’s experience, Li Yuanhong made various plans in advance. He wanted to find a way to drive the zombies out of the city, and then destroy the zombies outside the city. The escape route that Li Yuanhong left for the zombies was not to the west but to the east. , This is exactly the direction of Shanhaiguan.

On the same day, the troops rushed along the highway to the north of Qindao City to the west of Qindao City. The whole Qindao has mountains to the north and west, the ocean to the south, and Shanhaiguan to the east. Li Yuanhong only needs Attacking from the west and north directions can put the zombies in a three-sided attack situation, because Li Yuanhong has transferred Fu Chuanzhi's navy to attack from the sea, so that three-sided attack, Li Yuanhong believes that the zombies will definitely run east.

The battle started in the early morning of the next day. The weather on this day was exceptionally good, and there was not much wind and waves on the sea. This kind of weather was very suitable for attacking. Li Yuanhong sat on the airship. The company commander Wu who followed Li Yuanhong was also with Li Yuanhong. By the side, when the company commander got on the airship, it was like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. He looked everywhere and looked curious. If it wasn't for the discipline of the soldiers, he would probably touch it everywhere.

Li Yuanhong sat in the command room and watched the soldiers fighting below. The zombies in the artillery fire continued to fall. The soldiers stepped on the corpses of the zombies and pushed forward into the city. The scene made the company commander next to him excited. Once, humans were all Being chased by zombies, while watching the soldiers below crush the zombies, making the zombies continue to retreat, the continuous wave attack of the zombies, under the intensive magical artillery fire of humans, can not exert its power at all and can only be given away for nothing. Human head.

The above Chief Wu became a curious baby again. Asking this question and that, Li Yuanhong must answer all the questions, and it is over until the Chief Wu is tired.

Time flies quickly, and soon it's noon, Li Yuanhong asked the fat man, "Fat man, how is the progress of the various offensives?"

"Report Brother Li, the march went smoothly. Although there are a lot of zombies here, they are not as well equipped as Jincheng zombies, and they don’t have the strategy of throwing stones upstairs. In addition, we cooperate with the airship airborne strategy. Zombies are basically beaten."

"Well, but don’t be careless. Before the zombies are forced out of the city, anything can happen, especially the river to the east. Although nothing happened when we came here, it’s hard to say whether there are monsters like giant fish in the river. Be careful when you wait for a while."

"Yes, I'm going to order."

"By the way, Captain Wu, do you know that river?" Li Yuanhong turned his head and asked.

"That river is nothing, it's called Shihe. There is nothing in the river, but there are a lot of birds in the wetland. Some time ago, we wanted to improve our lives in Shanhaiguan, so we were going to the wetland to fight two waterbirds to relieve our greed. Being pecked to death by the waterbirds there, the birds not only grew bigger, but also became very fierce." Chief Wu said with lingering fear.

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he was shocked, and said to the fat man quickly: "Order all airships to not get close to the wetlands, which is marked as a flight restricted area."

"Why?" The fat man asked in doubt?

"Nonsense, can your airship withstand the bird's catch? Once the airbag bursts, you will become free fall, and you don't want to think about it. If you fall from 300 to 400 meters, you will become What!"

Hearing Li Yuanhong's words, the fat man got scared and said quickly: "My mother, why did I forget the airbag!"

"Don't talk about your airbags, even airplanes are afraid of flying birds, not to mention that the birds are much better now than in the past." Li Yuanhong remembered one more thing, then turned around and asked Captain Wu: "Captain Wu, this is nearby. Is there anything similar?"

"When you ask, I remembered that there is a zoo in the southwest of Qindao. This zoo is a safari zoo. Two days ago I was driving a boat to fish and passing there, but I heard the roar of tigers. The sound was very scary. , I remember that I heard Tiger Roar before the end of the world, but there is no Shenren who listened to it two days ago." Chief Wu said with some lingering fear.

When Li Yuanhong heard it, he thought of the white tiger. Since the airship, Li Yuanhong has rarely brought the white tiger out. It seems that it is necessary to take the white tiger to the safari park, but now it is better to solve the zombies.

"Fatty, order the troops not to approach the zoo." Li Yuanhong did not forget to exhort the Fatty.

"Yes, I will pass it on."

At 10 o'clock in the afternoon, the zombies of Qindao finally couldn't stand it and began to retreat. Li Yuanhong did not intentionally force the zombies, but followed behind the zombies, bombarding the zombies in random, and finally the zombies were chased to Shihe.

Here, Li Yuanhong began a large-scale attack. Here, Shanhaiguan city can also see the battle situation here. The reason why Li Yuanhong is fighting with the zombies here is to show his strength, let Qin Ying see, and make him more convinced. . Li Yuanhong wants a double harvest, not only to win Shanhaiguan and Qindao City, but also to conquer Qin Ying's heart.

At this time, Qin Ying was looking at the tide of corpses with a telescope in surprise. The black and heavy corpse tide was being chased by humans, and the corpse tide that once made him desperate was chased by humans. At this moment, Qin Ying knew that he should follow Li Yuanhong.

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