Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 105th safari

With the invasion of human artillery, the corpse group was blocked by the river again. Some zombies crossed the river through the bridge and some went up the river, but those zombies that went up the river ushered in greater bad luck.

When they came to a wetland along the bank of the river, suddenly a black cloud soared from the wetland, a black cloud covering the sky and the sun. The black cloud quickly came to meet the tide of corpses, and the two sides soon met together.

Black clouds descended from the sky and hit the tide of corpses. The zombies have long smelled the smell of the birds in the dark clouds, and their helplessness towards human artillery does not mean that the zombies are afraid of birds. So the giant zombies in this group of zombies roared, and the zombies began to wave their pairs towards the birds in the sky Claws, ready to fight against the flock of birds, but many of the flocks here are long-billed birds that don’t fight with zombies at all. I saw these birds flying on the heads of the zombies, pecking fiercely with their hard beaks, even rifles. The skull of a zombie that might not be able to be penetrated was pecked out of a large hole, and the crystal core inside was easily pecked away by a bird.

So the group of corpses fell in pieces, of course, there were also unlucky birds who accidentally rushed into the group of corpses, and the zombies swarmed up to eat instantly, leaving only a few bones and feathers on the ground. When some birds passed by the corpse group, they were caught by the legs of the zombies, so the zombies were taken into the air. Other birds began to peck at the zombies in the air, but because the head of the zombies was hidden Under the feathers of the flying bird, the deadly place could not be attacked by the bird, so the zombie began to open its big mouth and kept biting the abdomen of the bird on its head. Finally, the bird and the zombie both fell and fell. Torn to pieces and died together.

The humans chasing in the distance stopped. Many soldiers sitting in the tank opened their mouths to watch the chaotic scene ahead, not knowing what to do. At this time, some birds flew over the human tank. Obviously they were also interested in the tank, so they swooped down and pecked at the turret of the tank with their beaks, but they were made of evolutionary steel, regardless of the hardness. The thickness is still unmatched by the zombie brains, so the birds' attacks all return without success. But even so, the bird's pecking was also on the tank, leaving many pecking marks.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!" Seeing this, the tank commander hurriedly issued a retreat order. Although the birds could not peck away the tank, humans could not do anything about this overwhelming bird flock. Whenever there is an accident, the soldier is injured by the bird, it is not very good, not to mention that he is chasing and killing the zombies, since the bird is willing to help, then he will sit back and enjoy his success.

As a result, the human tank group began to slowly retreat, widening the distance from the bird group, driving these bird groups far away and raging above the corpse group. It was not until dusk that the flock of birds dispersed, and the corpse flock below the flock of birds had no standing zombies, but the flock of birds lost a lot after this battle. Where the flock of birds and the zombies fought, only the dead bodies of the zombies and the remains of the birds killed by the zombies were left. These wrecks have attracted many scavengers to come and eat. It may not be long before there is only a piece of bone left here.

On the other side, the fate of the zombies who ran across the bridge was even worse. As early as here, Li Yuanhong sent an airship unit to prepare. When the zombies crossed the river, the magic cannon fell from the sky, and the corpse was immediately torn apart, especially It’s the giant zombie who has been given special care. Last time, his three waves of magic cannons did not destroy the giant zombie leader. This time Li Yuanhong sent two airships to shoot at the position of the giant zombie leader at the same time. The gunfire dissipated, and the place where the giant zombie leader was was replaced by a nearly two-meter deep pit, and no standing creatures existed around the pit.

The reason why Li Yuanhong sent the airship to perform the final task was to completely shake Qin Ying's heart, so as to completely subdue the soldier. Soldiers believe in force, and they are convinced by force to convince them.

Qin Ying on the tower of Shanhaiguan Pass did not disappoint Li Yuanhong. He was really overwhelmed by the scene of the last demise of the zombie group. At that moment, Qin Ying shed tears, which were for the soldiers who died in the hands of the zombies. Also for myself to one day, live out of this Shanhaiguan flow.

The battle ended when the evening came. Nearly two million zombies, except for nearly half a million zombies, were killed by human artillery fire. When Li Yuanhong heard about the bird flock incident, he deeply labelled these mutant birds as "dangerous", especially when he saw the traces left by the birds pecking at the tank, he was deeply afraid.

"Order to go down. We must strictly isolate the wetland. No one can approach it privately. Do you understand it!" Li Yuanhong conveyed this order to his subordinates. The birds that would peck at people's skulls were not a joke, and now he Lack of anti-air weapons is estimated to deal with the birds, so they can only transfer the Griffins, but the birds don’t bother themselves, and they don’t have to have trouble with these birds.

After dealing with the bird flock, Li Yuanhong was about to go to Qin Ying, but Qin Ying took the initiative to find himself: "Brother Li, I saw the process of killing zombies today. I didn’t expect us soldiers to be able to one day. Run with the zombies!"

"Haha, how about it, Captain Qin, I said I can destroy the zombies in Qindao City, right?"

"No, no, I'm convinced, I keep my promise, hundreds of good people like me will be your brother Li from now on!"

"Commander Qin, you are too far-sighted. What is calling? You will be a member of our army from now on. From now on, everyone should be life and death comrades in arms."

"Yes, it's a comrade-in-arms, hahaha!" After speaking, Qin Ying's big hands held Li Yuanhong's hands tightly.

To subdue Qin Ying, Qin Ying, a ground gun, soon Li Yuanhong completely regained Qindao City and Shanhaiguan, and immediately protected some important resources and factories. At the same time, Li Yuanhong set up a restricted area in Shanhaiguan, which will be a branch point of the sub-base, and in the future it will become an important supply base for entry operations.

After all this, Li Yuanhong was not eager to attack. After all, after leaving Qindao City, Li Yuanhong will face two important urban agglomerations, Yanjing City and Jinwei City. These two cities are cities with a population of tens of millions before the end of the world. There are many satellite cities around these two cities. If you enter these city clusters rashly, you will be made dumplings by the zombies.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong must make full preparations before attacking here. Moreover, Li Yuanhong plans to go to the safari park to see how dangerous it is. In the final analysis, the zoo is too close to the transportation line. If the trouble is not good, it will affect his future logistics. But Li Yuanhong didn't plan to go by himself. If he did, he would take the white tiger with him so that he would have the confidence to subdue the animals inside.

After waiting for two days, the white tiger came, and the tigress and the little white tiger came with the boat. The co-author of the white tiger regarded this as a tour, and the family went into battle, but when the airship, the white tiger collapsed on the ground and kept vomiting white. foam.

"Fatty, what's wrong with this guy?" Li Yuanhong asked Bai Hu, pointing at him.

"It's okay, he's a little afraid of heights, and he likes to lean against the window when it's okay, so it's a little uncomfortable, and it will be fine after a while!" said the fat man indifferently. In fact, the fat man is also a little afraid of heights, but this guy is self-aware and never leans in front of the window, so sitting on the airship, this guy has never been okay.

Li Yuanhong was also speechless. He didn't expect the King of the Mountain to be afraid of heights! However, watching a few little tigers jumping around and chasing each other from time to time, they are not affected at all. These little tigers are almost one year old, but their naughty energy is still unabated.

"Okay, hurry up and rest, and I will take you to the zoo tomorrow!" Li Yuanhong said.

Bai Hu drooped his head, listless, and ignored Li Yuanhong at all. Instead, the little tigers listened and kept yelling.

"Brother Li, why don't I drive you into the zoo tomorrow!" Fatty said with concern.

"No, there are birds in the zoo too. They may attack the airship. I go alone, but I can escape if I can't beat them, so don't worry." Li Yuanhong objected.

"Okay... OK! Then you have to be careful tomorrow!"

"Don't worry, I am dead!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong arranged his equipment, took the Baihu family, and walked to the zoo.

When Li Yuanhong came to the gate of the zoo, he saw that one of the gates had fallen to the ground, and the other was hung on the door shaft obliquely. There was a possibility of falling down at any time. On both sides of the gate, there were a lot of bones piled at the door. , It seems that there are humans and animals, which means that there are beasts hunting nearby.

At this time, Bai Hu was also fully absorbed, and it seemed that the threat from the other party was not small.

Li Yuanhong drew out the blade of time, holding his shield, stepped into the zoo cautiously.

As soon as I entered the zoo, it was a piece of rockery. Many of the stones had obvious animal paw prints. Looking at the paw prints, this animal's power is definitely not small. It can grab the rock out of deep grooves. , Can definitely open himself up, so Li Yuanhong was even more engrossed and listened carefully with his ears. There was only a faint wind and no other noise.

Li Yuanhong cautiously climbed up the rockery and set up a pergola to look into the garden. He saw a piece of woodland in front, surrounded by barbed wire and glass walls, but now the barbed wire and glass walls have been broken, and a sign fell on the road in front of the wall. By the way, it looks like a sign for this park.

Li Yuanhong looked into the jungle, but did not see any animals, so Li Yuanhong jumped off the rockery and ran to the sign. When he came to the front of the sign, Li Yuanhong held it up and saw it read: African lion. And there is a big lion head on it.

"Damn, this zoo really knows how to play. It even puts the lion on the outside, and is not afraid that the lion will run out and hurt people!" Li Yuanhong underestimated it. He didn't expect to encounter a beast when he entered the door. It seems that this trip to the zoo Not fun!

Li Yuanhong looked into the jungle. The shadow of the tree was whirling, and he couldn't see the scene inside, but Li Yuanhong knew that there must be a lion hidden inside, and lions belong to social animals. If he meets them, he will probably not please.

Li Yuanhong intends to go around the lion area, first look inside, and then look back to find a way to explore the lion area. In fact, Li Yuanhong wants to see how good the birds in the zoo are. If they are not good, he can take a fat man’s airship to come over and take a look. Those animals that threatened logistics safety have all been bombarded, saving trouble. Anyway, in the end of the world, no one pays attention to animal protection. Besides, many animals here are foreign species and will not affect the ecological balance.

But when Li Yuanhong had just used his brains, he heard Baihu's low growl, his hair tied up, his eyes fixed on the woods, his posture seemed to go to war at any time. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong knew that the master of this lion garden had come.

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