Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 127 Fatty Zombies Blocking the Road

Hearing the call for help from the power zombies, soon, a large group of zombies swarmed from the street in the direction of the center of the city, and many zombies also swarmed from the nearby buildings. These zombies roared to this place under human control. The direction of the buildings on the ground floor began to flood, trying to take advantage of the quantity to regain the lost floors in one fell swoop.

But at this time, the human tank has begun a meeting. With a range of two kilometers, for a group of corpses a few hundred meters away, it can hit the opponent accurately without much aiming. Soon, the gunfire of the tank will destroy the group of zombies. The bombers turned their backs on their backs, and the dense corpses became sparse. This kind of team was attacking the human positions that had been armed, and its effect was greatly reduced. Many zombies were sought after by the humans before they arrived downstairs and directly exploded. head.

The fierce battle between zombies and humans once again attracted the attention of the zombies on the floor where Li Yuanhong was located. In order to prevent their floors from being attacked by humans, all the zombies began to concentrate in front of the window, preparing to give the attacking humans a head-on blow.

But they knew that this attack did not come from outside, but from inside, or from their own back. This time Li Yuanhong directly let go of his hands and feet, and began to quickly sneak attack from behind the zombies. Since the battle on the opposite floor was too fierce, the attention of the zombies was completely attracted. They didn’t care about the tiny sound behind them. I thought it was from my comrades behind him, but when Li Yuanhong and the others had his head beheaded, he knew that he had been attacked.

In this attack, Li Yuanhong captured three floors in a row, leaving six floors. In fact, it was not a big threat to human beings. Li Yuanhong took a rest and began to prepare for the countryside attack. At this time, the sound of fighting outside the building stopped. Come down.

Li Yuanhong didn't know what was going on, so he quietly probed, trying to see what happened, only to find that the streets outside were full of broken limbs of zombies, and the living zombies disappeared. Did the opposite floor fall?

When Li Yuanhong was wondering, when a fierce battle broke out in the opposite building, it was obvious that the humans had caught fire with the zombies upstairs again, which made the zombies in the surrounding buildings nervous, and Li Yuanhong was relieved. The corpse group suffered heavy losses, causing the surrounding corpse group to temporarily give up rescue, so the gunfire stopped.

With the attraction of gunfire from the opposite building, Li Yuanhong started to attack downstairs. Two different offensive states appeared on the two floors. One attacked four floors from bottom to top, and the other also attacked from top to bottom. Four floors. Li Yuanhong is not too concealed now. After all, there are only four floors left. There are not many zombies left, and most of the ability zombies are upstairs. In fact, there are not many ability zombies downstairs. In fact, according to normal , Li Yuanhong didn't bother to fight the next group of corpses, just hand these zombies to ordinary soldiers.

But when Li Yuanhong attacked the third floor, he ran into trouble. A big man appeared in the corridor. It was a fat zombie. Hengrou almost filled the two-meter-wide corridor, and the height of more than three meters made it impossible for the fat zombie to look up. The most funny thing was that the giant zombie was in the corridor with his back facing away. Li Yuanhong, it turned a blind eye to the sound behind him. Even if a zombie was killed by Li Yuanhong, he wailed and did not turn around. Instead, he squeezed forward in the corridor step by step until an open door was turned. Pass over. It turned out that this fat zombie was fat and could no longer turn around.

Just as Li Yuanhong laughed at the fat zombie, Li Yuanhong’s troubles came. The zombies turned back and began to send out his magical attacks. A blizzard-like cone of ice flew towards Li Yuanhong. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong brought all High-defense soil and gold soldiers, when the ice cones came, soldiers who were good at defending raised their shields and activated the earth wall and gold shield techniques to block the ice cones. However, these ice cones are not only strong The lethality, as well as the erosive power of the cold, the soldier who stood in the front quickly felt cold all over his body. If he did not withdraw in time, he would soon be frozen to death by the cold.

Li Yuanhong hurriedly asked the following soldiers to replace the soldiers in front, while thinking about how to solve this problem. Although the fat zombie had difficulty turning around and fighting in this corridor, its fat body also blocked the space of human attack. It is human beings who are hard-headed and suffer.

Over time, I hoped to exhaust the mana of the fat zombie, but the mana of the fat zombie seems to be a bottomless pit. It has been ten minutes since the attack of the fat zombie has never stopped. Moreover, in the hot weather, the corridors are thickly covered. There is a thick layer of ice and snow, and the soldiers Li Yuanhong holding a shield to defend in front have changed five waves. The soldiers who were replaced have not yet recovered.

When Li Yuanhong was worried, Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a question, what would happen if a zombie was hit by his own magic? So Li Yuanhong sent his own space-time magic: reflection space, and stepped closer to the fat zombie against this space.

The fat zombies attacked, and they were directly reflected back by Li Yuanhong, and they all hit the fat zombies. I have to say that the fat body of the fat zombie is really a strong protective layer, such a cold attack, only a thin layer of ice formed on the surface of the zombie, and there is no further.

However, the fat zombie's brain is also very difficult to use. He even sprayed ice cones at Li Yuanhong, completely unaware that the magic attack on him was issued by himself. Instead, because Li Yuanhong kept getting closer, the fat zombie attacked the zombies harder. Finally ten minutes later, the fat zombie finally couldn't hold on, the magic was exhausted, and for a while, the fat zombie's magic stopped.

Li Yuanhong also felt dizzy at this time. If the fat zombies hadn't stopped first, it is estimated that Li Yuanhong would not be able to support it.

"Quickly, attack the head of the zombies, don't let the zombies slow down." Li Yuanhong said weakly at this time. The battle just now almost exhausted his mana, and he couldn't even speak up.

Following Li Yuanhong's order, the soldiers who were slowing down behind Li Yuanhong began to attack the fat zombies. Now the fat zombies are still in a dizzy state due to the exhaustion of magic, and there is no protection against human attacks. So the human attacks hit the zombies one after another.

But I have to say that the thick skin of this fat zombie is not as thick as usual. The arrow shot on the fat zombie’s forehead was blocked by the thick skin of the zombie, and the pain caused by the arrow attack was also Make the zombie slowly wake up from the dizziness. Seeing that the attack by the soldiers behind him was about to be interrupted by the regaining zombies, Li Yuanhong made a fierce blow and directly used the Blade of Time in his hand as a flying knife and threw it at the fat zombie.

At this time, the fat zombie just woke up, and saw a black shadow flying over, and the fat zombie subconsciously blocked his head with his hand. I saw that Li Yuanhong’s Blade of Time disappeared out of thin air in front of his arm, and then stabbed out of thin air from behind his arm, and finally nailed it straight to the forehead of the zombie. The corpse of the fat zombie stood upright. There, Li Yuanhong fell straight down instead.

In fact, it was not that the fat zombies were not dead, but that they were too fat, and the dead corpses were stuck there, but the wall of fat zombies also blocked the zombies who heard the sound downstairs, and gave the team members time to rescue Li Yuanhong.

At this time, in order to kill the fat zombies, Li Yuanhong injected the last bit of magic power into the blade of time. That's why the scene of flying knives passing through the arms of the fat zombies out of thin air, but Li Yuanhong, who exhausted his magic power, finally couldn’t stand it. Go down.

Li Yuanhong was lifted up by the soldiers. Li Yuanhong was already a little fuzzy at this time. He was obviously going to sleep again, but he was still thinking about his blade of time, so he muttered: "My knife, don't forget to Take my knife!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong tilted his head and fell asleep deeply.

When Li Yuanhong went to sleep, the remaining soldiers could not continue to attack. Fortunately, only two floors of the entire building had not been cleaned up, so everyone reported to Xing Ling through the walkie-talkie.

When Xing Ling heard that Li Yuanhong was in trouble, he was still in charge of the casualties of the team, so he rushed to rescue with troops. The zombies on the two floors were mostly ordinary zombies. Which was Xing Ling’s opponent. When Xing Ling rushed upstairs, he was also blocked. The fat corpse in the corridor was embarrassed. Fortunately, there was a metallic non-commissioned officer under his hand. Holding a special metallic weapon in his hand, he smashed the fat corpse in two with a single blow. The fat corpse was unloaded by four pieces. The whole body finally collapsed, giving way to the road.

Xing Ling didn't care about the fat zombies, which made the hallway dirty. He rushed upstairs and shouted: "Where is Commander Li? Where is Commander Li?"

"Commander Xing, here!" The soldier hiding upstairs heard Xing Ling's voice and quickly responded.

"How is it, where is Commander Li injured?" Xing Ling asked anxiously as he walked to Li Yuanhong's room.

When I heard that Li Yuanhong was just fainting with magical power, I was relieved. They didn't suffer less in the magic school. Magical powerlessness was just a routine meal. After a rest, it would be fine, so there is no need to worry about it.

Li Yuanhong was rescued out, and after a short while, Li Yuanhong woke up.

"Commander Li, how do you feel?" Commander Xiao, who was guarding Li Yuanhong's bed, asked quickly.

"It's okay, it's just a little break away, just take a rest." Li Yuanhong massaged his temples with his hands, and then suddenly remembered his knife: "Where is my knife?"

"Commander Li, your knife is here!" Xing Ling took Li Yuanhong's knife from the side.

Li Yuanhong put the knife on his waist again, and then said: "Today I captured this building, and I summarized a few experiences. First, the zombies in the tall buildings are not as difficult to deal with as we thought. Second, they are capable of zombies. The proportion is not very large. Therefore, we can fight like this." Li Yuanhong began to lay out a new combat strategy, and then Xing Ling and Commander Xiao went to prepare separately.

Soon, a large number of airships appeared to the east and north of Tangshan City. These airships began to clear the zombies on the top of the building in the air, and wiped out the zombies that were stationed or wandering on the roof one by one, and the tank group on the ground, Also began to move to the street controlled by the zombies, and opened fire to kill the zombies wandering on the street. Now those zombies guarding in the building began to turn their attention out of the window. However, these zombies did not expect that the human beings were taking advantage of the raging war below. Many airships lowered their height, descended the rope ladder from the bottom of the airship, and quickly landed on the roof of the building. Then these soldiers quickly attacked the building and disappeared.

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