Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 128 The Giant Zombie Scared Away

As the soldiers entered the corridor, fierce battle sounds soon sounded in the corridor. The zombies who were focused on the outside were suddenly attacked by humans. They were all at a loss, their positions became chaotic, and many zombies gave up. Taking advantage of their duties, they began to swarm upstairs to counterattack, but the soldiers upstairs took advantage of their geographical advantages to control the upward passage of the corridor, and kept throwing tear gas and bombs, so that the attacking zombies completely lost their combat effectiveness and brought them. Human soldiers wearing protective masks took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the zombies.

These ordinary zombies were opponents of the gunmen, and they were knocked down in the corridor. Then the human soldiers began to attack from top to bottom.

The zombies were unable to counterattack, and instead lost a large number of ordinary zombies. At this time, the ability zombies in the building could not sit still and began to participate in the counterattack. These power zombies have a variety of long-range attack methods, especially the three types of ice, fire, and electricity are the most powerful. However, among human soldiers, there are soldiers of the earth and gold types who are responsible for defense. The soldiers at the front defended, and the soldiers at the back relied on the magic gun to shoot these zombies. Although the magic gun could not destroy these zombies in a short time, as the magic was consumed, these zombies were shot and killed by humans.

In fact, the advantage of zombies lies in the number. The reason why the loss of early human attacks is high is that humans entered the attack group formed by buildings. On average, the buildings on both sides have a dozen windows on each floor, and each window has two zombies with supernatural powers. These twenty-story tall buildings are like a full-fire weapon arsenal, and human tanks can withstand such intensive attacks. , So once human tanks enter the building group, they will all be destroyed by mutant zombies.

Now that humans have penetrated into the interior, the small space inside limits the advantage of the number of zombies, and humans also have a cheating weapon such as magic guns. No matter how much magic the mutant zombies have, they will be consumed by human gunners sooner or later. The mutant zombies with the magic value are not as good as ordinary zombies.

As the human soldiers attacked from upstairs, the zombies in the building couldn't stand it anymore, so they called for foreign aid, but the tanks in the far street blocked the street at the entrance of the building, making it impossible for the zombie reinforcements to approach. . And as the attention of the zombies in the building shifted, humans began to send troops to occupy the ground floor of these buildings, so the zombies in the building were flanked on both sides, which made the zombies lose sight of one another, and the zombies completely lost the opportunity for external reinforcements.

For a whole afternoon, the army smoothly advanced five streets. At this time, the troops in the east and north directions were not far from the city center, but at this time it was getting late, so the human attack also stopped.

At night, the zombies started to sneak into the buildings captured by the humans with the help of the night. It was obvious that the zombies wanted to drive the humans out again at night. The zombies had just reached the edge of the building occupied by the humans, and the warning thunder buried underground was killed by the zombies. It stomped on, and at the same time the searchlight suddenly lit up on the roof of the building, illuminating the street in front of the building group like porridge, and the corpses were exposed under the searchlight at a glance. The floors occupied by humans have many magic guns and even some buildings. At the top, magic cannons were also arranged. For a moment, the guns blasted and the zombies flew all over, and soon the zombies were repelled for the first attack.

Naturally, the zombies were unwilling to fail, so they launched several attacks in the night, and the results were the same. The zombies thought that humans would get tired, but how did the zombies know that Li Yuanhong specially prepared a reserve team for night defense, which was prepared for the night battle.

Not only did the zombies not take advantage in one night, but the number of zombies’ casualties rose sharply due to the dense formations, and they died during the day. However, this night, the zombies actually damaged nearly 800,000 people. In front of dozens of defending buildings, there were piles of zombies, and there was even a street where the zombies became a wall of more than two meters high.

For this reason, Li Yuanhong did not rush to attack the next day. Instead, he sent people to clean up the corpses of these zombies and sent people to strengthen the defense of these dozen buildings. Li Yuanhong wanted to consume some of the zombies' troops through these buildings. As a result, both sides had a tacit truce in the daytime, and when humans cleaned up the corpses, the zombies did not even attack.

That night, the zombies carried out a sneak attack, but this time the zombies changed their strategy. Instead of large-scale attacks on the zombies, they dispatched shadow zombies and long-tongue zombies that are good at hiding. Especially long-tongue zombies have many dark attributes. They are good at invisibility. Li Yuanhong almost suffered from the loss of invisible long-tongue zombies. These zombies, hidden in the dark and good at climbing, began to touch the human position, and they actually bypassed the mines and approached the human defenses, as long as the shadow zombies A teleport can break into the defensive position of mankind, and then kill humans by surprise.

At this moment, suddenly a large net was erected in front of the human position, and the zombies that had penetrated into the net were placed in the center. The long-tongued zombies that were still invisible were suddenly revealed by the magic light from upstairs. Shape, followed by a crossbow arrow attack. The dense crossbow arrows instantly pierced the zombies in the net into hedgehogs. Even if the zombies in the net were not dead, they had already lost their combat effectiveness.

Then someone dragged the net behind and took the zombies back together with the net. Then, the searchlights upstairs shone everywhere, photographing several invisible zombies that had just escaped, and then the crossbow arrow rain followed. , The attack of the zombies went bankrupt again.

Then the zombies carried out several attacks. There was even a group of zombies dispatched fat zombies to take the lead, holding shields to collectively charge towards the human position, but before the intensive human artillery fire, the number of the corpse group became a decoration and it was impossible to play. The advantage of quantity, and the attack distance of those ability zombies is less than 100 meters, which is not comparable to the range of human weapons. Although there are several ability zombies that rushed into the human defense position within 100 meters under the cover of fat zombies, but Nearly a hundred magic guns upstairs fired at the same time, and the magic shield of the power zombie was instantly blown up, and then the zombie fell to the ground.

This night, the number of dead and injured zombies was not as many as last night, only less than 100,000, but there were a large number of mutant zombies and supernatural zombies, in fact, this part of the loss was the biggest loss for the corpse group.

The next morning, Li Yuanhong sent soldiers to clean up the corpses of the zombies. However, he did not expect that there were many uninjured zombies hidden in the piles. They waited until the humans approached, suddenly violently attacked the nearby humans, and many soldiers were unprepared. These hidden zombies were injured, and even more than a dozen soldiers were directly bitten in the neck by the zombies and died on the spot.

Hearing this report, Li Yuanhong stomped his feet in regret: "It's careless, careless, I didn't expect the zombies to also learn to ambush! Commander Xing, tell the search team, regardless of whether the zombies are dead or not, they will use a long spear to fill the head and search. The team must be a team of three, a shield player, a spearman, and a magic gunman. They must not act alone."

"Yes, I'll go down and make arrangements. Besides, shall we attack today?"

Li Yuanhong thought for a while, and then said: "We will attack this afternoon, but we must pay attention. After getting down to the building, we will immediately build fortifications and never enter."

"Yes, I understand!" Xing Ling was treated as a reserve team for the past two days, doing nothing during the day, and fighting him at night is not his turn, making him a little itchy. After hearing that he could attack, Xing Ling immediately came to his spirit.

In the afternoon, the humans suddenly launched an offensive again, which caught the zombies by surprise. They thought that humans started their offensive from the morning. They didn’t know that humans had changed the attack time this time. The zombies in many buildings lacked precautions, and Li Yuanhong was caught off guard. Soon another street fell.

However, this time the human race was not all smooth. Two airships were sneaked by mutant zombies hidden in the building when they were lowering people. Fortunately, these two mutant zombies only attacked the airship’s hull, not the airship. Airbags, perhaps they felt that the hull of the boat was smaller than the airbags and was less resistant to beatings, so the two airships escaped.

But the soldiers who were descending were not so lucky. These mutant zombies were used as live targets. Several soldiers were directly hit by the zombies' abilities during the descent, and fell all of a sudden and died.

At this time, the gunmen on the airship reacted and shot at these zombies. Soon these ambushed zombies were shot and killed by the gunmen, but Li Yuanhong did not let anyone attack these buildings. It is estimated that there may be an ambush inside, Li Yuanhong Don't want to make senseless sacrifices.

"Commander Xing, you let the logistics make some dummies. In the future, before the airship airborne the soldiers, first airborne a few dummies. After the dummies land safely, no zombies appear, then let the soldiers airborne."

"Okay, that's a good idea!" Xing Ling exclaimed, and then went out and ordered the logistics to prepare. After all, the dummy can still be in production if it is broken, and the soldier will not survive if he stands dead.

With the constant contest between humans and zombies, humans gradually advanced towards the city center with more flexible tactics and weapon advantages. Finally, in the morning of the next day, the human front advanced to the point where it was only separated by a road from the city center. Li Yuanhong came to the front to inspect You can even hear the roar of giant zombies from time to time. Obviously, being pressed by humans step by step has made giant zombies thoroughly and angry, and the approach of humans has also made giant zombies feel their own danger.

So that night, the giant zombies organized a larger-scale counterattack, but humans had defensive experience, and the zombies' attack was just a futile effort.

On that night, Li Yuanhong rode an airship and stared at the municipal government where the giant zombies were located. Finally, after midnight that day, many giant zombies and fat zombie guards emerged from the municipal government. Li Yuanhong knew that this was a giant zombie. Want to run. Then Li Yuanhong ordered the airship to fire fully, exploding the corpses that had escaped from the city government to pieces and flying all over. However, due to the darkness, the commander-in-chief giant zombie did not blow up, but did not know where he was.

Li Yuanhong saw the giant zombie leader hiding, knowing that it would be difficult to attack him again. So there is no chase.

Returning to the command post, Li Yuanhong told the fat man: "Fatty, you should pay attention to whether there are giant zombies around the city, especially on the south and west sides. There is no attack from our troops on these two sides. I suspect this giant zombie is back. Slip away in both directions."

"It's not good to slip away, isn't it convenient for us to beat zombies!" Fatty said.

"No, this giant zombie has fought with us, and knows some of our methods of warfare. Once it slips to Jinwei City, we will attack Jinwei City, and there will be major losses, so this giant zombie must stay. "

"Okay, I understand, I will make arrangements." After speaking, the fat zombie left the war room.

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