Apocalyptic Hero System

: 221 Weaknesses of Petrochemical Attacks

As soon as Li Yuanhong entered the tunnel with the little **** his back, he heard the sounds of mice in the tunnel. Although the sounds were not many, it was obvious that mice had begun to enter the tunnel.

"Hurry up, a group of mice are coming!" Li Yuanhong said.

Li Yuanhong ran to the subway with little Karina on his back. Li Yuanhong ran, and still dropped a lot of bread that came out of the warehouse on the road. At that time, some of them were thrown back to the warehouse, but there are still many in the space. . Li Yuanhong threw these bread to lead these mice out of the subway, and ran out with the little **** his back. It was really inconvenient. If he was surrounded by zombies and harpies, it would be difficult to handle.

So Li Yuanhong was going to make some trouble for these harpies and zombies to make it easy for him to escape. Just when the mice came out, Li Yuanhong led the mice to the road, so a bunch of mice followed closely behind Li Yuanhong.

After leaving the subway, Li Yuanhong ran back along the original road. When passing the Winter Palace Square, Li Yuanhong saw many zombies turned into stone statues. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong frowned slightly, but Li Yuanhong did not dare to stop, but accelerated. He rushed to the outside of the city. When passing a place, Li Yuanhong threw all the bread in the space into a nearby building, and then quickly flashed into the building with the guards, and killed the two oncoming zombies. , But this time Li Yuanhong did not include the zombies, because the rats behind will help him solve it.

At this time, there was chaos behind Li Yuanhong. The movement of the rats immediately attracted the attention of the zombies, and the harpy flying in the sky also spotted the long black dragon-like group of rats. Look at the direction of the group of rats. It was the direction of the Winter Palace. If the rats disturbed Medusa, then Medusa would become angry, and I don't know how many brothers would turn into stone.

So when the rats entered the building in front of the Winter Palace, they were finally surrounded by zombies and harpies. So a fight started in front of the Palace Square.

At this time, Li Yuanhong had already led the guards through the building group and out of the city, completely ignoring the chaos behind him. These rats must fight with the zombies, just convenient for him to escape.

When Li Yuanhong returned to the airship, it was already noon the next day.

"Go, let's go back to the Russian base!" Li Yuanhong said to the fat man on the airship.

"Why didn't you save people?" The fat man asked with some confusion when seeing Li Yuanhong only carrying a little girl back.

"No one can save." Li Yuanhong said.

Upon hearing this, Fatty Lu didn't say anything, this kind of thing is too normal in the last days. Fatty Lu gave an order, and then the airship took off and flew towards the Russian base.

When Li Yuanhong flew back to the base, he saw Agataxi waiting in front of the tarmac. Obviously she came here deliberately this time.

As soon as Li Yuanhong exited the hatch, Agataxi greeted him, but at this moment Li Yuanhong hugged Karina, making Agataxi who wanted to hug Li Yuanhong for a moment.

"Who is this child?" Agataxi asked in a daze, for fear that Li Yuanhong would say it was his child.

"Oh, this is what we rescued this time. Her name is Karina. Karina, please call my sister!"

"Hi, sister, sister is so beautiful!" Karina was very cute and said hello to Agatahi.

"Karina is so good!" Agatahi reached out and stroked Karina's head.

Then Agataxi said to Li Yuanhong: "Let's get in the car, my father is still waiting for you!"

After speaking, Agatahi took the lead to walk towards the armored vehicle and got in. Li Yuanhong had to follow the vehicle, then the door closed and the convoy drove towards the camp. On the way, Agatahi asked about some things about St. Petersburg. Of course, she hoped that there would be more survivors. She didn’t know that the entire St. Petersburg troops and civilians were dead. This gave her a beautiful face with a touch of light. sad.

Li Yuanhong did not comfort him, because it is the greatest luck to live in this last days, so sadness should never be the main theme.

The armored vehicle quickly stopped in front of the headquarters. When he entered Peter's office, Peter was anxiously waiting for Li Yuanhong. When Li Yuanhong came in, he asked enthusiastically: "Brother Li is finally back, how is the situation?"

"My investigation is basically clear. At this time, due to the magic of the new aliens, they have a monster with a snake body and a beautiful head. This monster can emit a kind of light. If you plant light, it will be petrified." Li Yuanhong said.

"So awesome!" Peter scratched his head a little.

"Is there any solution to Brother Li?" Agatahi asked at this time.

"Is there a way...There will be no way, but there are several guesses, we can try it." Li Yuanhong said.

"What guess?" Peter and Agatahi asked at the same time.

"According to my understanding, this kind of magic is a range magic, but the effective range of magic is not far. We can attack it from a long distance. Besides, this light, we can reflect it back, but this is just a guess, I can’t guarantee Can the second guess be successful." Li Yuanhong said.

"Reflect back? Use a mirror?" Peter pondered.

"You can also use steel plates, the kind of very brightly ground steel plates. With this protection, we can hide behind the steel plates. As long as we don't see the light, I think it should be fine." Li Yuanhong said.

Peter is very hesitant now. After all, if Li Yuanhong's guess is wrong, it may cause serious losses to his troops. The end of the world is now, and now soldiers cannot withstand the toss.

Seeing Peter hesitating, Li Yuanhong said: "Let’s do it, I will transfer some soldiers from China." Li Yuanhong intends to let system soldiers come to the exhibition. After all, system soldiers are just clones and can be reproduced if they are killed in battle. If life is gone, it is really gone.

"Okay, I agree to this suggestion, but Mr. Li, how is the compensation calculated?" Peter knew that Li Yuanhong was a financial fan. If he didn't talk about it in advance, maybe Li Yuanhong would come back and open his mouth. He couldn't bear it.

"Is this remuneration? It is easy to say that all the crystal nuclei in this battle should be ours! And the materials on the battlefield should be handled by us too!"

"Yes! Of course it should! But this is only limited to those zombies and monsters, not counting the original ones in the city." Peter said.

"Okay, no problem." Li Yuanhong promised on the surface, and in his heart he scolded Peter's ancestors for the eighteenth generation, but Li Yuanhong also had his own idea. When the monsters bring out certain things in the city, it can be regarded as trophies. Up.

When Peter heard that Li Yuanhong had agreed, he immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Li Yuanhong, which was regarded as a deal concluded, but both sides were fighting each other.

Three days later, Li Yuanhong led ten airships to St. Petersburg. Seeing the airship flying from a distance, the harpy who was in charge of the alert made a piercing cry, and soon a large number of harpy flew from the city, and these harpy flew violently and completely wiped out. Human posture.

Li Yuanhong picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Pay attention to each boat, there is a harpy in front of you. Follow the pre-booked plan!" Li Yuanhong said.



The person in charge of each boat answered one after another.

As the harpy approached, several huge crossbow arrows were fired from the spacecraft, which made the harpy, known for its speed, easily dodge in the past. However, the harpy was not happy yet, just one head. It crashes into a huge transparent net. Every node of this net has barbs. Once it gets stuck in the flesh, it can't be easily pulled out.

It turns out that the tail of these crossbow arrows is a net head, and the purpose of firing crossbow arrows is to confuse these harpies. As these harpies are caught in the net, the mouth of the net is tightened, and the harpies are covered in the net, unable to struggle. It fell downward, and at this time the naval guns fired, and each gun hit the falling net bag, blasting the harpy inside to shatter.

The harpy who was still overwhelming just now, in an instant, there were only three or two kittens left. These harpys who slipped through the net screamed and quickly fled back, for fear that the next net would cover their heads. These bloodthirsty and murderous creatures also tasted the fear of being slaughtered today.

As the harpy escaped, the zombies and cavemen on the ground lost their air barriers, and they were directly exposed to human artillery fire. As the aerial naval guns fired, the group of zombies that had just become aggressive were immediately covered by magical flames. , In an instant, tens of thousands of zombies died under gunfire.

Li Yuanhong was here to test Medusa this time, so after a few shots from the airship, the fire ceased, and ground troops were dispatched.

This time Li Yuanhong transferred the system soldiers from Mongolia, with shield soldiers in front, spearmen in the middle, and archers behind. As the infantry went into battle, rows of bows and arrows were shot at the corpse group, and the group of corpses that were attacked by the bow and arrow suddenly fell in pieces.

But the total number of soldiers sent by Li Yuanhong was not more than 10,000. Therefore, the bows and arrows fired by these two thousand people could not stop the footsteps of two or three hundred thousand zombies. Following the roars, the zombies finally approached a place less than 50 meters away from humans. At this time, Li Yuanhong, who had been following the movement of the corpses, finally saw Medusa in the corpses.

"Fat man, focus the camera, keep an eye on the Medusas and not let them go. You must destroy them here."

"Understood, Brother Li, don't worry!" Fatty Lu continued to guarantee the ticket.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong discovered that the Medusas were accumulating energy. Li Yuanhong knew that these Medusas were going to be amplified, so he shouted into the walkie-talkie: "The truth is magic is coming, hurry up and defend!"

As soon as the lower-level commander heard the order, he immediately shouted: "Defense, defend quickly!"

Following the order, all the shield soldiers replaced the round shields in front of them with large square shields. This large square shield was one meter and five meters high. As long as the soldier lowered his head slightly, the whole body was completely protected by the shield.

As the shields were replaced, the light in the group of zombies also flickered, and the light quickly rushed toward the human position, and then collided with the human shield array.

If a careful person takes a closer look, they will find that these shields are different from the previous ones. First of all, there are no patterns on the surface of the shield. Generally, many patterns are painted on the surface of the shield. One is to look good, and the other is to deter the enemy. But these shields are very bright, like mirrors.

The second difference between the shield is that the outside of the shield is slightly concave, rather than convex like a normal shield. This kind of shield was specially prepared by Li Yuanhong for this Medusa.

As the surface of the shield came into contact with the magic light, the light was reflected back. The zombies that were rushing forward turned into stone statues in an instant, and the zombies were still running, and some even had their mouths open. Roaring.

Although humans reflected most of the light from Medusa's petrification, some of the light still leaked out from the gaps in the shield. These lights also instantly turned part of the soldiers into stone statues.

The sudden change made Medusa stunned, but then Medusa began to prepare to emit petrified light, because the soldiers who had been petrified just now made a gap in the shield defensive array.

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