Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 222 Sealing Medusa

Although most of Medusa’s petrified light reflected back, there was still a part of it shot into the human defense array through the gap of the shield. Although only a dozen soldiers were damaged this time, a few soldiers with shields were hit. The move instantly petrified, the hand holding the shield was instantly crushed by the weight of the shield, and the shield fell to the ground. A gap appeared in the defensive array.

At this moment, Medusa was taken aback by the sudden petrification of the zombies. He obviously did not expect his attack to petrify the zombies, but these are not important to her. For Medusa, the life and death of the zombies is completely free. The cannon fodder of sacrifice will not hurt if you die too many.

So Medusa once again lucked out magic and was ready to give a fatal blow to humans. At this time, the shield defense array had already been breached. At this time, the emission of petrified light would definitely cause large-scale human casualties.

At this time, a soldier was petrified in the human defense formation. This was what Li Yuanhong had expected, so the soldiers who were not petrified later quickly filled up the gap in the defense formation, but it was still not as tight as before.

Then Medusa's petrification light came out again, and another group of zombies were petrified, and this time a lot of humans were petrified, reaching dozens of soldiers.

Li Yuanhong was very anxious when he saw this place. Although on the surface, humans are taking advantage, every time Medusa emits petrified light, it will cause tens of thousands of zombies to be petrified. The human front is already full of petrified zombies. Definitely reached as many as forty to fifty thousand. But Li Yuanhong didn't want his soldiers to be petrified for nothing. If this goes on, the first one to die is definitely his soldier.

Li Yuanhong said to the fat man: "Fatty, hurry up and fire the cannon. You can't let the snake-body banshees fire magic!"

"Hao Le!" Fat Lu was already impatient. It's really uncomfortable to watch others hit and sit around by myself.

As the fat man's passion ignited, the magic cannon bombed the group of zombies again. The artillery fire covered the corpse group, and the zombies’ limbs mixed with the powder that was turned into stone and exploded, instantly making the entire battlefield become smoke and dust. No one can see whether the zombies in the battlefield are dead or alive, and humans The soldiers' bows and arrows rained again into the mist of dust and blood.

The attack lasted for ten minutes. From the surveillance screen, Li Yuanhong never saw zombies or other monsters walking out of the smoke.

"Casefire!" Li Yuanhong issued an order: "Maintain the defensive formation."

Although after ten minutes of shelling, Li Yuanhong didn't believe that the snake-body banshees would be killed so easily, so he couldn't be careless at this time.

As the artillery fire ceased and the smoke from the artillery fire slowly dissipated, Li Yuanhong finally saw the battlefield.

I saw that just now at the center of the shelling, where Medusa was located, a huge stone dome bunker appeared. The bunker was surrounded by bullet craters, and various zombie limbs and broken stone statues fell on Around the bunker, except for the bunker, no signs of life were seen. It seems that the gunfire just now has wiped out most of the zombie army.

"Fat man, give that bunker a shot and remember to use the newly upgraded armor-piercing projectile." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Okay, I've long wanted to see the effect of this armor-piercing bullet." Fatty Lu said loudly.

With a special sound of a cannon, a special magic cannonball directly hit the bunker. The cannonball exploded outside the bunker, but only a large pit was exploded outside the bunker, and there was no other damage.

"Damn it, it's harder than a king eight shell!" Fatty Lu exploded.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong didn't wrinkle. He didn't expect this snake body banshee to have such a strong defensive power. This is an armor-piercing projectile that easily explodes the magical defense of a twentieth-level giant zombie, and it can't penetrate the opponent's defense.

Just when Li Yuanhong had a headache, the bunker cracked open, and three Medusas appeared and beside them, there were many cavemen and zombies following them.

As soon as the three Medusas came out of the bunker, their eyes immediately beamed. As the light in their eyes shot out, many of the eager ones who hadn't come to use shields to protect their bodies, they collided head-on with the light that came, and these soldiers were immediately petrified. , Becoming one by one still maintaining a fighting posture.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong's anger rose in his heart: "Shoot me and bomb it again!"

"Yes!" The fat man also roared angrily.

As the airship roared, the artillery fire on the airship roared again, but Li Yuanhong keenly captured that the bunker closed in an instant when the airship’s artillery fire was turned on. All the artillery fire attacks just added a few craters to the bunker. Did not hurt the zombies and banshees in the bunker.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong knew that the artillery attack had been ineffective. If this continued, he would just waste artillery shells, and his soldiers would continue to be hurt by those petrochemical light rays. The miniature missile on Li Yuanhong’s armrest wrist might be due to this thing. Played.

Li Yuanhong stood up and walked to the hatch. At this time, the guard pulled him: "You can't go down, you can't beat them." The guard said solemnly.

Li Yuanhong also said with a calm face: "I must go down. If we don't defeat them here, we may become their next target."

The guard grabbed his hand and let it go. He knew that Li Yuanhong was right. If he didn't stop these snake banshees in time, his lover Juanzi might also become a member of the stone statue.

"You... be careful!" the guard said gravely. He knew that he could not accompany Li Yuanhong down this time. The magic that could make people in the border town stone could not stop him at all.

Li Yuanhong walked to the airship door coolly: "Don't worry!" After speaking, he jumped down.

Li Yuanhong jumped down wearing magic armor this time. When Li Yuanhong jumped off the airship, the airship’s magic cannons stopped attacking. Sure enough, after a freshman, the husk-like bunker opened again with three Medusas. Numerous little brothers emerged from the bunker again. As soon as they appeared, the three Medusas began to prepare for the petrification of the light, intending to completely petrify the humans on the opposite side. To be honest, the system soldiers have lost hundreds of soldiers. , And the shield soldier in front has already appeared serious defensive loopholes. If Medusa is launching an attack at this time, it will definitely cause greater losses.

At this time, Li Yuanhong fell quickly. During the fall, the distance from the ground was less than 100 meters. Li Yuanhong raised his wrist and pointed the miniature missile sight at a Medusa. He quickly pressed the launch button and launched two at the same time. The courier aimed at another Medusa, and quickly launched two micro missiles.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was less than 50 meters away from the ground, and there was only one micro missile on his wrist. It was too late to change the missile, so Li Yuanhong pulled out the Star Blade on his back and prepared to deal with the enemy below.

At this time, the four micro missiles launched by Li Yuanhong flew to the target quickly. At that time, Dr. Bai told him that this missile was almost a spike for arms below level 20, but Li Yuanhong did not know what the Medusa was below. Level, can only launch two missiles at the same time, and attack a Medusa at the same time, so that even if they can't kill them, you can interrupt Medusa's spellcasting, so that you have time to activate your own time and space magic, so as to kill them all.

"Boom", four explosions sounded almost at the same time. The explosion of the micro missile was not very strong, but Li Yuanhong could feel that the explosive power of the micro missile was definitely not small. The bottom suddenly became a fire field, but he was heading into the fire field for himself. jump.

To make matters worse, the two Medusas were not killed, but the magic of the Petrified Light was interrupted, but the Medusa who was not attacked discovered the existence of Li Yuanhong, so it raised its head and looked at Li Yuanhong. , And the petrified light in his eyes will soon be emitted.

Li Yuanhong was on the way down at this time, and suddenly saw that Medusa's eyes were emitting a strange light. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong immediately realized that it was broken, and what he saw was probably the petrified light that turned people into stone. . When Li Yuanhong felt that the light was the light of petrification, he already felt the blood began to stiffen, and the petrified blood began to spread all over the body, and he was dying.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong unintentionally swung the Star Blade, and when he swung it, he input a trace of time and space magic power into the Star Blade. As a result, the Star Blade burst out with a burst of light, and then Li Yuanhong was softened. The blood that had turned into grains of sand suddenly recovered, and the petrified light that shot towards Li Yuanhong was also melted by the soft light.

Li Yuanhong didn't know, just now he unintentionally used the magic in the blade of the starry sky, the light of the stars canceled out the magic shot at Li Yuanhong, and also cured Li Yuanhong's petrified state, which was regarded as saving Li Yuanhong's life.

Li Yuanhong didn't think much about it at this time. After Medusa finished emitting the light of petrification, he thought that Li Yuanhong would turn into a pile of rocks, and then fall off and become bones. I didn’t know that after my magic was launched, that person not only didn’t die, but also rushed straight towards him, so Medusa also madly activated the magic power in his body, preparing to completely turn Li Yuanhong into a stone. At this time, Li Yuanhong disappeared.

It turned out that Li Yuanhong saw that Medusa wanted to cast the spell again, so he instantly moved behind Medusa. In fact, Li Yuanhong didn’t teleport, and removed the descending impulse. He didn’t need Medusa to attack, and he became muddy. Jumping from a distance of nearly six hundred meters, that speed can definitely throw himself into flesh.

As soon as Li Yuanhong teleported behind Medusa, he immediately launched a weapon in his hand, cracking time and space. But when Li Yuanhong saw the magical effect, he was taken aback. He saw a lot of black chains with magic runes stretched out around Medusa who was attacked by him, binding Medusa up, and then dragging the chain. Medusa entered the black hole where the chain protruded.

When Medusa was dragged into the black hole, her eyes remained as if it was about to emit petrified light, but for this Medusa, its time had been locked by chains, and its entire body had been sealed.

Li Yuanhong was stunned because he thought he was holding the Blade of Time and Space and wanted to use the Time Rift to **** Medusa into the black hole along with the zombies so as to catch them all at once. The difference between the bad and the bad, only sealed one. Only Medusa.

Li Yuanhong was stunned. Those zombies wouldn't let Li Yuanhong go. They roared one by one, rushing towards Li Yuanhong, and the two injured Medusas looked at Li Yuanhong with their eyes, which meant they were preparing to launch petrified light on Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong hurriedly drew his pistol and began to fire a shot at the zombie who was leaping towards him. There was a teleport, and he moved directly behind the two Medusas. He aimed the muzzle at Medusa and shot the pistol. , Inject the power of time and space magic.

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