Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 233: Sword Qi against Earth Shield

Li Yuanhong took the lead and shot the zombies that were dizzy by electricity. Li Yuanhong's shot was immediately picked up by Li Yuanhong. Then Li Yuanhong took out two grenades and threw them into the garage. This time, Li Yuanhong threw flame grenade and the grenade exploded. After that, he immediately lit the surrounding zombies, so that the dark underground suddenly had light.

Then the machine gun robot that rushed out from behind turned on the killing mode. The bullet rain cut all the standing zombies into pieces, and then the whole underground garage was full of blood and flesh, and the smell of blood filled the whole underground, the level of violence No worse than tank bombing.

However, the zombies will not sit still, and soon those zombies with the ability to escape the catastrophe will begin to counterattack, hockey pucks, rockets, stone thorns one after another, making the entire underground garage more chaotic.

Fortunately, the machine gun robots have a certain magical defense ability. They are facing the magical attack of the zombies in the front, and the soldiers shoot at the back, and then the zombies with supernatural powers continue to fall.

Li Yuanhong did not join the offensive team. He was looking for the leader of these zombies, the giant zombies. Finally, I saw a tall figure in the middle of the garage. This zombie was three meters and five meters tall, and its muscles were glowing with metallic luster. Under the magic light, it gave people a feeling of power explosion.

And around the giant zombies, there are many zombies, including fat zombies, long-tongued zombies and shadow zombies. These zombies are always alert to humans, but no matter how busy the parking lot exits, these zombies are not far away from the giant zombies. It seems that a sneak attack is impossible.

Li Yuanhong took out two more flame grenades. Now the zombies' magic attacks are very dense, and he must find a way to cause chaos in the corpse group.

The two grenades quickly threw over the area where the magic launch was densest. After the zombies there were preparing to cast the magic, suddenly the grenade exploded, and several zombies that had not opened their protective shields were directly ignited, making tragic wailing sounds.

However, most zombies with abilities have protection, so Li Yuanhong’s attack does not do much damage to the zombies. However, the shots just now interrupted the zombies’ spellcasters. This allowed the machine gun robot that was under great attack pressure to gain It took a short break, but Li Yuanhong threw the grenade for this purpose.

The flame grenade exploded and ignited a few zombies. More importantly, there were a few cars next to these zombies. After all these years, these cars were full of dust, but these cars were fuel cars. Before the end of the world, this But it can only be driven by the rich. However, at this time, Li Yuanhong used it as a dynamite bag. As the flame grenade exploded next to these cars, the car’s fuel tank was also ignited, and even bigger explosions sounded one after another. The zombies were blown up.

The attack on one side of the zombie group stopped. The human soldiers concentrated their firepower and started attacking the other zombies, while Li Yuanhong rushed into the group of zombies that had just been blown up with his saber. These zombies were just hit by the explosion shock wave, and they were dizzy. At this time, Li Yuanhong rushed forward and chopped off the heads of these zombies like cutting melons and vegetables.

At this time, the giant zombies saw Li Yuanhong rushing into the group of corpses. They were furious and roared. The two fat zombies around him rushed towards Li Yuanhong, and the shadow zombies surrounding the giant zombies suddenly disappeared. Obviously these shadows Zombies have evolved into shadow zombies, and they want to stealthily kill humans.

"Guard, watch out for those shadow zombies, they are invisible!" Li Yuanhong shouted back to the guard after cutting down a power zombie.

The guards were not far behind Li Yuanhong at this time. Hearing Li Yuanhong’s shouts, he immediately used his skills. In an instant, there were three more clones with his appearance beside him, and then lifted the knife to disappear towards the shadow zombie. Rushed to the place.

Li Yuanhong activated the group acceleration magic of the speed necklace he was wearing, and then rushed towards the fat zombie with his knife.

When the fat zombies rushed towards Li Yuanhong, they turned into King Kong zombies. Two fat zombies, like two huge **** of meat, rolled towards Li Yuanhong, but when they were about to collide with Li Yuanhong, Li Yuanhong suddenly disappeared. In front of the King Kong zombies, a big net appeared at some point, and two fat zombies slammed into the net.

On the other side, when the guard and his clone rushed forward, they suddenly stood beside the guard. A shadow zombie appeared. Its long claws pierced the guard's back neck. With this stabbing, the guard With a "bang", it turned into a burst of smoke and disappeared. Just as the shadow zombie was slightly taken aback, the guard next to him stabbed a sword directly, and the sword was in the middle of the shadow zombie's head, and the shadow zombie wailed directly. The ground is dead.

However, after the guard stabbed the shadow zombie to death, two shadow zombies appeared on the left and right sides of the guard at the same time, and at the same time they pierced the guard's chest with sharp claws. But what made the two shadow zombies feel strange is that their sharp claws seemed to pierce the air, without any feeling of tearing their flesh.

At the same time, the last two avatars of the guard drew their guns at the same time and fired at the two shadow zombies. The bullets passed directly through the heads of the shadow zombies that had not had time to dodge, and the two shadow zombies also fell.

However, the two avatars drew their guns and shot them, and the shadow zombies hidden in the dark were placed on the two avatars at the same time. Six shadow zombies pounced on the two avatars respectively, and the two avatars shot, but these The action of the shadow zombies was too fast, and the shooting speed could not keep up with these shadow zombies. Finally, the shadow zombies directly killed the two clones.

At the moment when the two avatars were torn apart, the two avatars suddenly burst into dazzling light. It turned out that the two avatars were not the guard's body, and there were flashing grenades hidden inside the avatars. When the avatars were destroyed, the grenade exploded. .

Well, such a close shot caused the six shadow zombies to fall into a short-lived state of vertigo. In such a short moment, the air fluctuated and another guard appeared. The guard quickly pulled out his pistol and quickly fired six bullets. All bullets were shot into the head of the zombie.

On the other side, the King Kong zombies caught in the trap kept struggling, but the big net was just struggling, and the last two King Kong zombies became two **** of meat, and there was no chance to break free.

Without the protection of King Kong zombies, Li Yuanhong would not let go of the giant zombies, and rushed directly to the giant zombies.

At this time, there were only three fat zombies and a few supernatural zombies beside the giant zombies. Seeing Li Yuanhong rushing forward, several zombies turned into a half-moon shape and came to Li Yuanhong.

Regarding these zombies, Li Yuanhong teleported and moved to the corpse group, so that the magical attacks of those zombies were lost. Then Li Yuanhong used advanced knife techniques to chop the legs of several fat zombies with knife energy, and then With the help of relying on speed, the heads of several weakly defensive zombies were shaved off. In an instant, the guards around the giant zombies were dead and dead.

In less than a minute, Li Yuanhong abolished these guards and shocked the giant zombies standing behind watching the battle. He didn't expect this human being to be so fierce, but in order to survive, the giant zombies could only bite the bullet and rush up.

I saw a roar from the giant zombie, and suddenly a faint yellow mist appeared from the body of the giant zombie, and the body became golden yellow, and a golden shield and a golden sword appeared in its hand. The giant zombie raised the sword and Li Yuanhong rushed.

Li Yuanhong just scrapped the last fat zombies at this time. These fat zombies have thick skin and thick skin. If you fight with them, you will definitely not be able to beat them. But these fat zombies are heavy. Once the bottom plate is scrapped, it is equivalent to killing. Like them. So Li Yuanhong attacked the fat zombies and only attacked the bottom plate.

Just as Li Yuanhong was about to catch his breath, suddenly Li Yuanhong heard huge footsteps behind him, and quickly turned his head to see a huge golden machete heading straight towards him. If it were to be cut, he would have to be cut in two.

Li Yuanhong quickly rolled forward, avoiding the knife. The giant zombie kicked over again. This time Li Yuanhong did not expect to be kicked and he flew out and hit the underground garage heavily. On the stone pillar.

Li Yuanhong felt that Musashi was in great pain, and his mind began to feel dizzy. He didn't expect to be injured by a giant zombie when he met him.

The giant zombies believed that they would not let Li Yuanhong go, so they raised the knife and continued to chop. At this time, Li Yuanhong was still dizzy, and the knife could hardly escape.

At this moment, a gunshot sounded, and the guards rushed over. This shot went straight to the back of the zombie's head. If the giant zombie does not hide, it is estimated that this shot might kill the giant zombie.

The giant zombie heard gunshots behind it, and quickly lowered its head to move sideways, and the bullet flew past its ears, with a "poof", the bullet hit the stone pillar.

The giant zombies roared and looked back at the guard with crimson eyes. Just now the guard and the shadow zombies had seen the battle. The giant zombies also saw it. That strange skill made the giant zombies very jealous, but what the giant zombies didn't know was that clone skill. , There is a cooling time, at this time the guard can't use it temporarily.

The giant zombie didn't hesitate, and directly slashed at the guard with a knife, and the knife was still glowing with light yellow light, obviously the zombie knife had magical power.

Although the guards cannot use the clone skills now, other stealth skills can still be used, especially the dodge skills, which are incomparable to giants and zombies. At this time, the group acceleration skills of Li Yuanhong's speed necklace are still there, and the speed of the guards is higher than usual. Quickly, the swords of the giant zombies were easily avoided by the guards.

Li Yuanhong had slowed down at this time. He quickly rolled aside while the giant zombies were fighting with the guards, took out a bottle of red potion from the space, raised his neck and drank it. Now on the battlefield, a small injury may be given. He brings a fatal danger, not to mention the heavy kick of the giant zombie just now, which has already damaged Li Yuanhong's internal organs.

After drinking the medicine, the effect of the medicine quickly worked. Li Yuanhong soon felt that he was feeling better, stood up and Li Yuanhong moved a little, and felt that there were no obstacles, so he raised his knife and joined the battle group.

Don’t look at the guards easily avoiding the attacks of the giant zombies, but in fact, the guards are constantly escaping. The giant zombies’ skin is thick and thick, and the appearance is covered with a thick layer of metal armor. The guards are fundamentally injured. Without it, the guard's injuries are mainly assassinations, and sneak assassinations are his strengths. With this frontal confrontation, the guards will definitely suffer a long time.

At this time, Li Yuanhong attacked. When Li Yuanhong came up, it was a sword attack that slashed at the giant zombie. This blade was powerful, and the giant zombie felt dangerous. He quickly raised the shield to protect his body, and the sword collided with the shield, sending out metal. A deep knife mark appeared on the shield of Weng Ming.

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