Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 234 Attack on Sakhalin Island

The giant zombie shield was attacked, and there was no effect. On the contrary, the giant zombie swept towards Li Yuanhong with a single knife. Li Yuanhong quickly backed away, evading the blade but the metal spirit on the knife did not escape. With a "Zila" sound, the sword was angry. A crack was left in Li Yuanhong's armor.

Li Yuanhong also ignored the damage of the armor, and jumped to the side of the giant zombies. The giant zombies also hurriedly swung their shields to open their crotch again, and the two sides collided in close combat.

At this time, the guard stepped aside, panting slightly. Don't look at him hiding easily just now, but the actual physical exertion was huge, and Li Yuanhong came over, just to catch his breath.

Li Yuanhong defended the giant zombies forcibly, and found that the giant zombies are not only powerful, but also not slow. When attacking, they can also protect the portal from storms. After several attacks, he was blocked by the opponent. , Not only shook his hand a little bit sore, but also made himself almost cut by a knife several times.

"Guard, you used a gun to attack this giant's head!" After a long time, Li Yuanhong knew that it would be difficult to win alone, so he shouted to the guard next to him.

The guards were already relieved at this time. Hearing Li Yuanhong's shouts, he immediately took the rifle he was carrying on his back. He raised his hand and shot it. This shot was shot at the head of the giant zombie. At this time, he was fighting with Li Yuanhong and didn't notice the guard at all, so the shot hit the head of the giant zombie.

The head of the giant zombie was attacked, but there was no injury, but the head was severely shaken by the bullet, which only stunned the giant zombie for a second.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would not let this opportunity pass, and immediately moved to the side, slashing at the knee of the giant zombie with a knife and aura. However, the metal shell of the giant zombie was not as hard as usual. Li Yuanhong's knife slashed on it, leaving only a deep knife mark.

The giant zombies woke up at this time, and with a loud anger, they immediately used their own powers, metal storm, and all the surrounding metal began to shoot at Li Yuanhong and the guards.

Li Yuanhong teleported to avoid the surrounding metal array. The metals clashed together. Although the guards quickly avoided most of the metal attacks, they were still shot by a few nails. The guard also had armor on his body, and his injuries were not serious, just affecting a certain speed.

Li Yuanhong, the zombie really couldn't move, and it seemed that he was thinking of other ways, otherwise he would be the one who would suffer the giant zombie.

So Li Yuanhong shouted to the guard: "You shoot him with a rope gun!" Li Yuanhong said as he swung his knife and attacked the zombie again.

Li Yuanhong was entangled with the zombies again, and tried his best to lead the giant zombies back to the guards. The giant zombies did not dare to face the guards completely at this time. He was attacked by the guards several times just now, and he already had the heart to guard.

However, Li Yuanhong took advantage of the distraction of the giant zombies, looking for an opportunity to give the giant zombies a bit, making the giant zombies very annoyed, and it once again accumulated magic power, ready to give Li Yuanhong another big move.

Naturally, Li Yuanhong would not let it succeed. At the moment when the giant zombies were preparing to zoom in, Li Yuanhong suddenly shouted: "Put the net rope gun!"

Following Li Yuanhong's order, the net-rope gun in the guard's hand banged out, and a large net hit the giant zombie.

The giant zombie had been paying attention to the guards at this time. Seeing a big net flying, he didn't care about being interrupted in the casting process, so he swung a knife and cut towards the big net.

However, when the giant zombie turned and cut to the big net, that Li Yuanhong suddenly had a net rope gun in his hand. It was a shot at the giant zombie. Because Li Yuanhong was relatively close to the giant zombie, when the giant zombie heard the sound , The net rope launched by Li Yuanhong has covered the giant zombies.

The giant zombies were suddenly covered by the net rope, and quickly waved his hands to break away, but at this moment, Li Yuanhong had another net rope gun in his hand, and instantly activated it again, directly covering the giant zombies with another layer of net rope. Li Yuanhong was afraid that the giant zombies would break free, so he shot five giant nets in a breath before stopping.

A big net is difficult to break free, let alone five, as the net rope tightens, the giant zombie finally banged and fell to the ground, still struggling, but fortunately this is a metal zombie, if It is a fire-attribute zombie, this net may not be able to trap it.

Li Yuanhong didn't give the giant zombies too many opportunities to struggle. He directly took out his pistol, and a bullet penetrated directly into the head of the giant zombies in time and space. The giant zombies wailed and finally stopped struggling.

On the other side, Commander Xiong led the soldiers and finally solved the zombies with supernatural powers, but the three machine gun robots over there have been maimed, and one of them has suffered serious damage. Moved, and several of the soldiers were dying. Fortunately, there is no life worry.

"Commander Wu, hurry up and clean the battlefield, we will leave here immediately!"

It is not unreasonable for Li Yuanhong to be so anxious. The giant zombies are dead, and those zombies have lost control. They are likely to rush out of the building and seal the underground garage, so you must withdraw here as soon as possible.

Soon Li Yuanhong returned to the ground with everyone. At this time, zombies appeared on the street. Although airships in the air continued to shoot and kill, as more and more zombies, the zombies on the street began to swarm Charged towards Li Yuanhong.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong let the airship fall not far away, and hurriedly took everyone back to the airship. As soon as the airship closed the door, a shadow zombie rushed on the door, biting and scratching.

"Take off!" Li Yuanhong looked through the window and saw the corpses that had already swarmed, and quickly told the fat man.

So the airship slowly took off, and there were already a lot of zombies beating at the door, and even a few zombies were lying on the outer wall of the ship. As the airship flew high, these zombies were like dumplings downwards, and fell down.

As the spacecraft lifted off, the group of zombies springing up on the ground was clearly visible. The sound of guns in the distance attracted the group of zombies and began to flood there. Li Yuanhong knew that the zombies here were not far away.

Li Yuanhong returned to his seat. This battle has almost exhausted Li Yuanhong. This giant zombie is really hard enough. If his sword is not made of a stone of time and space, he may cut it a few times and he will be sharpened, just like the guards now. , Groping for his dagger knife, feeling distressedly, it was full of gaps, which was caused by the collision with the giant zombies just now.

Li Yuanhong comforted the guard and said: "Don't feel distressed. When I turn around, I will ask Luo Xia if there is any dark stone. Then let Master Yu and the others help you build an exclusive shadow dagger."

"Hidden dagger? This is what Li Ge said, don't miss it!" The guard was a little excited.

"As long as there is a dark stone, you will never forget it." Li Yuanhong said.

At this time Wu Xiong came over: "Commander Li, now the zombies in this area are completely out of control, and they are starting to attack our defensive positions. It is estimated that within two days, the zombies here can be eliminated."

"Okay, but don't relax. There are many supernatural zombies and mutant zombies in this group of zombies. Let the airship be in the air for 24 hours to monitor." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes! I have arranged it and will never let the zombies rush through our defense line."

"By the way, you send someone to investigate the location of the giant zombies in another area, and you must not let another zombies run away." Li Yuanhong warned.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Wu Xiong turned and walked out.

Li Yuanhong stared at the group of corpses on the surveillance screen. The zombies that flooded into the streets continued to fall under the destruction of human artillery fire. Li Yuanhong was not too happy. These fallen zombies must have been humans, but Li Yuanhong was right in his heart. Those undead people who caused this disaster are full of resentment.

The battle lasted for two days, and finally the last zombie arrived. However, those power zombies and mutant zombies were very powerful, and they almost broke through the human defense several times. Thanks to the timely fire support of the airship, the attack of the corpse group was suppressed. .

After the battle, the troops repaired for two days, and began to march firmly on the last zombie.

This is a business district. The subway lines here are complex and there are tall shopping malls above. The terrain here seems to be simple, but once you enter the mall, you will enter a maze. Once the troops fall into it, you will definitely Will suffer a great loss.

"Commander Wu, where is the last giant zombie hidden?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It should be here!" Wu Xiong pointed to a commercial road in the center of the business district.

Li Yuanhong looked at it and frowned. There are commercial buildings all around here. If you attack here directly, you will be surrounded by surrounding zombies, and there will also be a huge number of zombies hidden in this mall. This is another arduous task.

Li Yuanhong was planning to advance a little bit outside, and then launched a general attack on the giant zombies in the middle.

At this moment, Fatty Lu ran in in a panic, "Brother Li is not good!"

"What's wrong?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Sakhalin is attacked by monsters!" Fatty Lu said anxiously.

"What? What monster?" Li Yuanhong was surprised. This Sakhalin island is very important to him. If it is breached, his early development will return to before liberation, especially the scientists and children on the island, but they develop themselves. Fundamental.

"It's this monster!" Fatty Lu took out a photo. In the photo, it was a huge monster with a head like a huge octopus and a height of 100 meters. He stepped on the waves and rushed towards a city on the shore. The city’s defensive artillery bombarded him, all blocked by this huge water shield, and every time this monster attacked, a water arrow pierced the shore like a huge wave, where the water arrow passed. They are all buildings and towers, and the defense on the shore is useless.

Li Yuanhong saw this photo and recognized it at a glance. This was the monster he had seen near the Sea of ​​Japan-the sea demon Klusu.

"Commander Wu, I'll give you one day to find out the specific location of the giant zombies, accurately to the floor and room." Li Yuanhong gave Wu Xiong an unquestionable order.

"Yes!" Wu Xiong didn't know what Li Yuanhong planned to do, but since Li Yuanhong ordered this, then it must be strictly enforced.

"Fatty, you hurry up and prepare things for the spacecraft. We will leave at noon tomorrow at the latest and go back to Sakhalin Island!" Li Yuanhong turned to Lu Fatty again.

"Okay! I'm going to make arrangements!" Fatty Lu quickly went down and prepared.

After sending the two out, Li Yuanhong looked at the photos on the table again, and said inwardly: "I hope I can have time to rush back!"

At this time, the guard came over, looked at the photos, and asked, "Isn't this a monster in the sea? It shouldn't land and attack our base on the island?"

Li Yuanhong also shook his head blankly: "Who knows? I hope not!"

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