Li Yuanhong was sitting in the conference room with his eyes closed. On the surface, he was resting. In fact, he was anxiously waiting for Wu Xiong's investigation information. If the last giant zombie in the capital was not solved, Li Yuanhong was very worried. This time he attacked the capital. He encountered the ghost again, which made Li Yuanhong feel an invisible pressure, and at this time, Sakhalin was also attacked, which was a coincidence.

Time passed through the torment, and finally Wu Xiong came back before the sun set.

"Commander in chief, finally found out!" Wu Xiong said slightly excitedly.

"Check it out? Where are the giant zombies."

Wu Xiong took out a few photos, and then said to Li Yuanhong: "We detected this after the loss of ten dragonfly reconnaissance planes. This giant zombie is hidden in the middle of this commercial building. This is a clothing layer. It's the clothing area. There is a big specialty store in the middle. The giant zombies are inside, but around the giant zombies are full of supernatural zombies and mutant zombies. One of my dragonfly reconnaissance planes only had time to take a photo. , Was killed."

Li Yuanhong looked at these photos, frowning, and then said: "Have the zombies on other floors been investigated?"

"It's all investigated. The photos are below. There are on every floor. In the whole building, there are at least 50,000 or 60,000 zombies. This guy is ruthless enough to let so many zombies protect him. It seems that this guy is not ordinary. Afraid of death." Wu Xiong said mockingly.

"Well, he is indeed afraid of death, because he almost died once." Li Yuanhong said.

"Huh? The zombie almost died once? Wrong? We attacked Yanjing, but haven't we encountered this giant zombie?" Wu Xiong asked in confusion.

"Not here, it's almost half a year ago. This guy was once in the bed in Shanhaiguan and almost killed it." Li Yuanhong said while looking at the fairly clear picture of the giant zombie.

"So that's it, then Commander Li, how are you going to fight this time?"

"We went straight to Huanglong this time, and after we killed the giant zombie, we were killing the little soldier." Li Yuanhong said.

"This is a bit difficult, right? There are more than 50,000 zombies in it. It doesn't work if you send fewer people, and you can't show them if you send more people?" Wu Xiong said with some difficulty.

"We are going to attack, the specific plan is like this..." Li Yuanhong began to deploy the entire plan, making everyone present panicked.

"Commander Li, this is too risky! In case something goes wrong..." Wu Xiong said with some worry.

"We don't have time to spend time here. This is the fastest way. As long as you cooperate properly, I don't think the danger is great. Okay, everyone hurry up and rest. When the fight starts, there is no time to rest! "Li Yuanhong made a decisive decision.

"Okay!" Everyone was helpless, but seeing that Li Yuanhong was so determined, they could only agree.

Time hurriedly passed, and when the next morning had just arrived, several airships flew straight to the commercial building where the giant zombies were located.

At this time, the giant zombies were sitting on a large chair, which should be prepared for men who were fitting women's handbags. As a result, the giant zombies sat on it, and the pressed chair kept moaning.

The giant zombies also seemed very anxious at this time. Two days ago, another giant zombie who led the team suddenly lost information. Then yesterday, many human aircraft broke in, making the giant zombies feel a crisis.

So starting from yesterday afternoon, the giant zombies ordered the zombies everywhere to tighten their strings and be alert to human attacks.

However, until this morning, there is still no news from humans. Just when the giant zombies thought that humans would give up their attacks, suddenly a shadow zombie ran over: "Report to the king and found that a human airship is coming!"

"How many ships are there?" the giant zombie asked alertly.

"There are two!" The Shadow Zombie said.

"The two are not too many. You have prepared them for me. If the airship is not approaching, please don't do it. Once it approaches, you will hit me fiercely!" The giant zombie urn shouted angrily.

"Yes!" The shadow zombies ran away leading the way.

Soon, the airship flew over the roof of the commercial building, and then the airship began to use magic cannons to aim at the roof vents, and suddenly fired a shot. With the sound of the cannons, the vents were blown up by a big gap, and the humans did not He didn't stop there, but a few more shots exploded the corridor door.

In this explosion, many zombies hidden in the safe passage were directly blown up. The other airship flew to the side of the commercial building and fired at the window, breaking the outer glass, and then adjusting the magic light cannon, and began to blast the zombies exposed in front of the window.

The giant zombies didn’t expect humans to come up and open their way with heavy firepower, and they didn’t investigate, and they were completely uneasy and played cards. As a result, the zombies hidden in the safe passages and windows were unlucky, and they were killed by this wave of attacks. Only zombies.

The giant zombies would never do this kind of beating, so with a roar, they brought back the zombies near the window and in the corridor.

The movement of the zombies was clearly detected by the monitor in the airship, so the human soldiers began to land on the roof of the mall.

As the human soldiers landed, these soldiers did not deploy defenses on the roof, but directly took the machine gun robots to the safe passage and began to attack the zombies at close range.

Upon receiving humans entering the building, the giant zombies finally found a chance to vent, so they dispatched the zombies lurking in the corridor to attack the humans madly.

This commercial building has fifteen floors. When the humans hit the thirteenth floor, they were strongly counterattacked by the zombies, and the two sides couldn't stand each other on this floor.

But as time passed, there was a steady stream of zombies, but the humans showed signs of decline and began to retreat until they retreated to the fifteenth floor to stabilize their position.

And the other airship still has a soft spot for side attacks, constantly sweeping the zombies near the window, not caring about the tragic battle on the roof.

The giant zombies didn't care about this abnormality either, they just asked the zombies not to approach the window, and at the same time stepped up the attack of the humans on the roof of the team. From the perspective of the giant zombies, the humans on the roof will soon be driven out by themselves.

When the fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, a figure sneaked into the building from the vent on the roof, sneaked down the ventilation duct near the window, and went to the eighth floor before entering the horizontal gout duct.

Here, the black shadow crawled carefully in the ventilation duct, for fear of alarming the zombies under the ventilation duct. After an hour, the black shadow climbed to a place less than ten meters away from the central area.

This black shadow is not someone else, it is Li Yuanhong. When he saw the photos taken by the dragonfly reconnaissance plane last night, Li Yuanhong paid attention to a few details, that is, the ventilation ducts of this building are very close to the outer windows, and the ventilation ducts are on the roof. There are also special fans, and the photos taken inside make Li Yuanhong feel that this ventilation duct can make people crawl, so Li Yuanhong decided to sneak into the building through the ventilation duct and behead the giant zombies.

Of course, this plan is very risky. It is impossible to see the outside situation in the ventilation duct. Once the zombies outside the duct hear the sound, the people there will be attacked by the zombies, and the most dangerous thing is the descending section. Slow down, people in the passage will inevitably touch the inner wall of the passage with their hands and feet, which will inevitably produce sound.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong specially sent an airship to attack the zombies close to the window, forcing the zombies to leave the window voluntarily, so that the sound produced during his descent would not be heard by the zombies.

Now, Li Yuanhong is less than ten meters away from the giant zombie, and he is about to reach the position of the sneak attack. At this moment, the giant zombie suddenly stood up, staring at Li Yuanhong's current location, and then shouted and surrounded him. The power zombies around it immediately rioted and launched attacks on the place where Li Yuanhong was located. If Li Yuanhong was hit at this time, he would be instantly killed by these magical attacks.

Li Yuanhong happened to be in a vent at this time. With the help of the mesh of the vent, he saw the strange behavior of the giant zombies, so Li Yuanhong rushed out of the vent and then made a teleport. This was just enough to escape the wave. Magic attack.

However, Li Yuanhong had already entered the group of corpses at this time. It was no longer possible to attack the giant zombies suddenly, and at this time the surrounding zombies began to attack him. Li Yuanhong wanted to take a step forward. It was no longer possible, but at this time Li Yuanhong It was less than five meters away from the giant zombies.

The moment Li Yuanhong fell into the group of corpses, he drew out the blade of the stars, and then used a high-level sword to sweep across the army. With the sword swing, a crescent-shaped sword energy also appeared, accompanied by the place where the sword energy slashed. , The zombies were cut into two pieces.

Li Yuanhong’s sword energy has improved rapidly recently. Before he could only cut three meters away. Now he has reached five meters away. This can already reach the giant zombies. As the blade cuts, the giant zombies burst into anger, and a flash of light directly greets them. With the sword air, the two sides met, and a small storm broke out, causing the surrounding zombies to stagger.

However, at this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly disappeared, and where he disappeared, a black vortex appeared. As the vortex turned, everything around him was involuntarily sucked into the vortex.

The giant zombie was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the black hole. It felt that the black hole was very dangerous. If he entered by himself, he would definitely not end well. So he mobilized all his energy and started to fight the suction. However, all this is still useless, it is still It was attracted to approach the black hole step by step, and as it approached the black hole, the magic power in its body was also quickly lost.

The giant zombies were not reconciled, so they roared and let the zombies next to them come to guard. However, the consequence of it was that more zombies were sucked into the black hole. However, when zombies were sucked into the black hole, the giant zombies clearly felt the zombies. The moment the black hole is sucked in, the suction power of the black hole will decrease, so the giant zombies will roar harder and let other zombies go to death.

Finally, the moment the giant zombie was sucked into the black hole, the black hole disappeared, and the giant zombie collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion of mana.

At this time, the place where the black hole disappeared, time and space shook for a while, and Li Yuanhong appeared again.

After Li Yuanhong reappeared, he quickly looked around and found that the surrounding zombies were sparse, but the giant zombie was not sucked into the black hole, but the giant collapsed to the ground at this time.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong didn't hesitate. He swiped it down and cut off the head of the zombie. The zombie finally escaped the black hole, but he didn't expect to give Li Yuanhong a head.

At the moment Li Yuanhong cut down the head of the giant zombie, the surrounding zombies rioted, and they all rushed towards Li Yuanhong, seeing Li Yuanhong about to be trapped in the group of corpses.

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