Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 239 A Map

"Dr. Bai, aren't you talking about the Bible to me?" How does Li Yuanhong feel that what Dr. Bai said is similar to what is recorded in the Bible?

"Hehe, this is speculation. The scroll found from that monster is actually a notebook with many old news, but those things are all ten thousand years ago."

"One... ten thousand years ago?!" Li Yuanhong was surprised again.

"Yes, but those are not important anymore. The important thing is that this box is mentioned in it. Only the gods are qualified to use this box."

"That is to say, the contents inside must be very precious!" Li Yuanhong said with his eyes bright.

"Maybe, maybe not." Dr. Bai didn't feel much excitement.

"Then Dr. Bai, do you know how to open this box?" This is what Li Yuanhong cares about.

"I'll try it!" Dr. Bai said modestly.

I saw Dr. Bai walk up to the box, took a closer look, then put his hand on the lock, and did not see how the doctor’s hand moved, I felt the magic energy flowing on the lock, and the pattern on the lock changed continuously, and finally the lock was locked. The pattern becomes an image of a woman holding a shield and a long battle.

"This is..." Li Yuanhong thinks how this image feels so familiar!

"The image of Athena, this should be Athena's treasure chest!" Dr. Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Athena? Is this the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology?" Li Yuanhong felt a bit embarrassed today. Could this treasure chest really belong to the gods.

"In fact, this Athena is one of the leaders on the continent of Atlantis, and the gods of Greek mythology are also the rulers of that continent." Dr. Bai said.

"Atlantis?!" Li Yuanhong felt that this topic was a bit too big.

"This Atlantis..." Dr. Bai's chattering box seemed to be opened, and there was an irresistible trend.

"Lao Bai, is this lock unlocked?" Li Yuanhong quickly turned the topic back to the box.

"If you don't study hard, you will know these floating clouds! Open it, and the box can be opened!" Dr. Bai was very dissatisfied with Li Yuanhong's interruption of his topic.

"Okay, let's see what's in the box!" Although Li Yuanhong felt Dr. Bai's dissatisfaction, he didn't care if he could see the contents of the box.

Li Yuanhong opened the box cautiously, for fear that there was indeed the sinful soul mentioned by Dr. Bai, but this situation did not appear.

As soon as the box was opened, a dazzling light flashed through it. There were a lot of gold coins in the box, pearls as big as fists, and a few ornaments glowing with magical energy. One of Li Yuanhong’s acquaintances was very similar to his own speed necklace, but Li Yuanhong saw that the necklace was just a holy Level equipment, cannot be combined into **** level equipment.

At this time, Dr. Bai reached out and picked up a scroll in the box. Li Yuanhong was curious, how could a parchment scroll appear in this box of gold and silver treasures?

Dr. Bai opened the scroll, and it turned out to be a map, an ancient map.

"This is..." When Dr. Bai saw the map, he took a breath.

"What's the matter? Old Bai." Li Yuanhong retracted his hot eyes at Treasure.

"This is a map of the Undersea Kingdom, and it actually marks Yadilantis!"

"Isn't Atlantis land? Why has it become an undersea kingdom again?" Li Yuanhong was also puzzled.

"You need to check this out. Maybe this treasure chest contains information about Atlantis, so leave this treasure chest here!" Dr. Bai confiscated the treasure chest unceremoniously.

"Huh? Old Bai, you can't do this!" Li Yuanhong said with a sad face when he heard it.

"Why don't you let me here?" Dr. Bai looked at Li Yuanhong with a majestic expression.

"How can I put you here, I am absolutely relieved, but we are fighting, can you give me those magical equipment to use first!" Li Yuanhong retreated and asked for the next best thing, it seems that the baby box must not come back. I can only ask for a few pieces of equipment.

"Well, for the sake of your recent hard work, those pieces of equipment will be temporarily loaned to you, but please note that once we need it for research, you must return it immediately!" Dr. Bai said generously.

"Okay!" Li Yuanhong was not so happy. He was originally his own trophy, but he took a few pieces of equipment and was given alms!

Li Yuanhong picked out a few pieces of equipment, one is a necklace similar to the speed necklace, one is an acceleration ring, and the other is an acceleration bracelet. Although the acceleration bonus is not as high as Li Yuanhong's speed necklace, this increased speed attribute Li Yuanhong rarely encountered the equipment.

Li Yuanhong turned around and took out the speed necklace, and handed it to the guard: "This equipment can increase your speed with you."

The guard was not polite, took the necklace directly, and took it with him: "Thank you Brother Li!" The guard's words were still so concise.

Li Yuanhong looked at the remaining two pieces of equipment and found that the bracelet is really not suitable for him to wear. How can a big man wear the bracelet, if you don’t know, he thought he likes a bridesmaid, so this bracelet was decisively by Li Yuanhong. As a gift, ready to give to Li Luoxia.

Li Yuanhong saw that the things in the treasure chest had no relationship with him, so he could only say goodbye to Dr. Bai, and Dr. Bai did not keep Li Yuanhong, because this time Klusu brought too many things, so I need to step up research in a short time. Many of Crusu's things are far above the current human technological level.

Li Yuanhong returned to his room and was tired enough today. To deal with that Klusu, Li Yuanhong was tired enough to run back and forth. Just as Li Yuanhong was about to fall asleep, suddenly the door was knocked: "Commander Li, Master Xu Yingxu wants to see you in a hurry!"

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he quickly got up. Xu Ying was the guard of the base and the highest commander here. He had something, which was definitely not a trivial matter.

Li Yuanhong quickly got dressed, and then said to the guard outside the door: "Let him come in!"


With a promise, the door was opened and Xu Ying walked in in a uniform: "Commander Li, we received a strange signal just now, as if we were asking for a box?"

"What's the signal? Didn't the other party indicate their identity?" Li Yuanhong was a little puzzled. The box the other party said should be the box on Klusu's body, but how did the other party know that he has that box? The box was only shown to the guard and Dr. Bai before, and no one else knew. Is there an insider in the laboratory?

"Report Commander, that signal is very mysterious, not like the signal of our earth's civilization, but somehow appeared on our information platform."

"Inexplicable?" Li Yuanhong also felt inexplicable. This situation is obviously not a signal from other countries, because the information in the base is definitely the most rigorous in the world. Li Yuanhong absolutely believes in the security of the information network built by the system, even Dr. Bai Confidently, the technology of this information platform exceeds that of human beings for at least a century.

But now, there was an intrusion signal how could he not surprise Li Yuanhong.

"Hurry up and check it with me. Did you send it internally? Report it to me as soon as you're done."

"Yes!" Xu Ying promised to go down and investigate thoroughly. Judging from Li Yuanhong's attitude, this matter is no small matter.

After Xu Ying left, Li Yuanhong never fell asleep again, but anxiously waited for Xu Ying to reply.

After waiting for most of the night, Xu Yingcai came back and saw Xu Ying sweating profusely.

"Commander, we checked again three or four times. This signal was not sent internally, it must have come from outside."

Li Yuanhong frowned. Could it be from those aliens?

"Can you find the source of the signal?" Li Yuanhong asked again.

"I can't find this either."

"Then give the signal back a message, saying that if it is a friend, we will meet and talk, if it is an enemy, we will never compromise." Li Yuanhong said domineeringly.

"Yes!" Xu Ying also walked out with firm steps.

Seeing Xu Ying's departure, Li Yuanhong also went to bed. Now that he has made a decision, whoever he loves, wait until he recharges himself.

There was nothing to say all night, but Li Yuanhong was woken up early the next morning.

"Commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief, I wrote back, I wrote back!" Xu Ying rushed in, but the guards didn't stop it.

Li Yuanhong said with his dark circles under his eyes: "Replied? Who replied?"

"That mysterious signal has been answered!" Xu Ying said excitedly.

"Mysterious signal?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback: "What did the reply say?"

"They agreed to meet us!"

"What!" Li Yuanhong was startled and suddenly sat up from the bed.

"When did they say they met?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Say the day after tomorrow, it will be on the east coast of Sakhalin Island, where the monster landed!" Xu Ying said.

Li Yuanhong pondered for a while, and then said to Xu Ying: "Okay, I promise them, then it will be the next morning."

"Yes!" Xu Ying quickly turned around and went out again.

Although Xu Ying is gone, Li Yuanhong has been unable to calm down for a long time. This meeting may face a great risk, and the risk may not be less difficult than fighting Crusu.

So Li Yuanhong began to hurry up and deploy.

"Fatty? You call the chief immediately and ask him to send two missile trackers over at once. They will be delivered tomorrow night at the latest. Yes, tomorrow night at the latest. Also, you let the chief commander prepare the missiles the morning after tomorrow. Status, as soon as my launch signal appears, four missiles will be launched immediately, and they will be launched according to the signal tracker he gave me. Don't ask so much why!" Li Yuanhong hung up the fat man's phone and ran to the magic tower.

"Dr. Bai? Is Dr. Bai there?" Li Yuanhong yelled as soon as he entered the magic tower.

The doors of many laboratories opened, and the guards poked their heads out. Seeing that it was Li Yuanhong, most of the guards retracted their heads, and only one laboratory guard came over.

"Commander Li, why are you so eager to find Dr. Bai?" Obviously, this is Dr. Bai's laboratory guard.

"Hurry up and ask Dr. Bai to come out, and the big deal will come out!"

Seeing that Li Yuanhong was so anxious, the guards didn't dare to delay, so they had to enter Dr. Bai's laboratory. After a while, Dr. Bai walked out with a grievance.

"You bastard, it's annoying to run here early in the morning, don't you know I'm working on a key point?" Dr. Bai scolded.

"Doctor, something big happened!"

"What's the big deal? Could it be that No. 2 Chief's old stupid pigtails?" Dr. Bai's expression was unresolved, and No. 2 Chief was accidentally lying down.

"Where is this? It's like this..." So Li Yuanhong said about the mysterious signal.

When Dr. Bai heard it, he was also taken aback. He didn't expect such a serious matter.

"What do you plan to do with this!" Dr. Bai stopped losing his temper, so he asked Li Yuanhong.

"I have asked Xu Ying to reply to the other party, saying that I want to see them again."

"Hehe, it seems that your kid really has the courage! Well, if you are a friend, you might as well contact more, if it is an enemy, you must be more careful." Dr. Bai said.

"Yes, I understand this, but I'm going to see them, maybe I have to take away the treasure chest, so..."

"I've studied the box almost, you can take it away if you want." Dr. Bai said.

"What about the contents of the box?"

"You also take those things. For me, those things are just cultural relics. I have taken photos and analyzed them." Dr. Bai said.

"Okay, then I'll come to pick it up tomorrow night." In order to be cautious, Li Yuanhong asked Dr. Bai to study for a day.

"It just so happens that we have developed a few new weapons. You will bring them this time. Maybe you can help!" Dr. Bai said.

"Okay!" Li Yuanhong agreed excitedly, and then walked to the weapon room with Dr. Bai.

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