Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 240th Day of Atlantis

Li Yuanhong followed Bai Lao to the weapon room. There were a few more new weapons inside. Li Yuanhong even saw a few models of airplanes. It seems that the old guys are really studying new airplanes.

"Why, you saw this plane?" Dr. Bai noticed Li Yuanhong's longing eyes staring at the plane.

"Yes, although the airship is very good now, but the speed is too slow. It is often unable to arrive in time for support on the battlefield. So I always hope that there are helicopters of the previous type that can support the ground forces." Li Yuanhong said.

"Hehe, don't worry about that. We have already studied the Magic Aircraft. It is estimated that it will be mass-produced in one month. At that time, you can prepare the raw materials for production." Dr. Bai said proudly.

"How about the performance?" Li Yuanhong asked expectantly.

"Haha, keep it secret now!" Dr. Bai pretended to be mysterious.

Li Yuanhong also had nothing to do with these old urchins, so he could only continue to grow in the weapon arsenal and look for weapons he liked.

Soon, Li Yuanhong actually saw the hand cannon, the weapon that was taken down by Dr. Bai from the air, finally appeared in the arsenal.

"Why, Dr. Bai, this hand cannon has been researched out?"

"Well! This is the primary version. The performance is similar to the one you gave me before. It is absolutely one shot against zombies below level 23."

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he was a little discouraged. He took the one out of the space, but it was all right to fight a level 25 monster. As a result, what I researched here has actually lowered myself two levels.

"Why? Not satisfied? Tell you, this is a weapon that can be mass-produced, and it has been improved. It can not only attack by photon cannons, but also has three types of fire cannons and frozen cannons. The weaker zombies will be shot one at a time. Besides, the special version of the hand cannon has almost been successfully developed, and you will not regret it when the power is even more than the original one." Dr. Bai said with a complacent expression.

"Okay!" Li Yuanhong can now only use the downgraded hand cannon to deal with it first.

Then, in the weapon arsenal, Li Yuanhong saw a special bullet hitting it, and a weapon similar to the energy sword in Star Wars. Later, Dr. Bai introduced it as a magic sword. But Li Yuanhong still felt that his Star Blade was more practical than these illusory weapons.

There are some large weapons. These weapons did not help Li Yuanhong's operation, so Li Yuanhong didn't want it either.

Finally, Li Yuanhong took the ammunition with special effects, as well as the hand cannon that was downgraded.

After leaving the Magic Tower, Li Yuanhong made detailed arrangements for each unit, so that he could provide timely support once something unexpected happened.

Time flies quickly, and in the morning of the third day, Li Yuanhong took the treasure chest and went directly to the east coast of Sakhalin Island.

At this time, it was quiet here. Crusoe landed ashore two days ago and almost destroyed the entire city. Although the population of this city is not large, the combat power of Na Crusoe is definitely overwhelmed by all Li Yuanhong’s troops, so now it has completely changed It was in ruins, there were ruined walls everywhere, and the streets were full of magic bomb craters left during the battle. Some rooms showed signs of being washed by the flood.

Li Yuanhong doesn't care about the ruin of the newly destroyed city. Now Li Yuanhong only pays attention to the mysterious signal director who invited him to come, and is even more interested.

Li Yuanhong looked at the sea level from time to time to see if there was a ship coming, or looked up to the sky to see if there was a plane approaching.

When the sun hits the sea level, the sea water in the distant sea begins to boil, and then a golden chariot rises on the sea level. This chariot is not a modern armored vehicle, but the ancient, horse-drawn one. Go to the chariot, but this chariot is running with a machine and a horse.

The people in the car surprised Li Yuanhong even more. There was a beautiful snake-like beauty in the car. This beauty actually grew six arms. If there is a war, it is estimated that no one can get close. Li Yuanhong was shocked by this beautiful monster driving a car, and the two chariots and horses that I could drive on the sea level.

I saw the beautiful soldier driving a chariot and quickly came to Li Yuanhong.

The beautiful warrior held her back and turned to ask Li Yuanhong, who was opening his mouth, "Are you the human representative?"

When asked by this beauty, Li Yuanhong reacted and hurriedly said: "Yes, I am the human representative, are you?"

"My name is Nasia, a fighter of the Naga tribe. This time I was sent to retrieve the private treasure box of our war queen."

Listening to that sweet voice, if you are not firm, you will definitely be confused. But Li Yuanhong will never be confused, because since he was often attacked by soul attacks and magic, Li Yuanhong's mental defense has doubled. To this kind of temptation, Li Yuanhong has long been unable to confuse him.

"Then how do you prove that this box belongs to you?" Li Yuanhong didn't want to hand over the box easily. If it was those hostile aliens who pretended to be, that would be bad.

"Who dares to pretend to be our Naga clan is to die. But I don't want to make it difficult for you, as long as you return the map and the box in the box to me, as for the jewels and the gold coins in it, you can help regain the treasure box. Now." Nacia said indifferently.

"You only need a box and a map?" Li Yuanhong really didn't understand, why this beautiful Naga named Nacia only needs these two things.

"When you look at you post-human beings who are so backward, you only see the glamorous things on the surface, and you can't see the true value at all." Nacia said sarcastically.

Li Yuanhong didn't care too much, and then asked: "I have also seen the two things you asked for. The box is said to be able to hold the soul. The map should be the ancient Atlantis map. I'm not wrong!"

"Hehe, I didn't see it. You interpret some superficial things so quickly, which is worthy of praise, but you only know some superficial things." Nacia still said disdainfully.

"Oh? What's the deep thing?" Li Yuanhong was going to talk about it.

"The deep thing is... I won't tell you!" Nacia gave a sly smile.

Li Yuanhong was almost choked. This little girl looked young, but she was a thief. If you can't find out the secrets of this map and box, then you need some real benefits.

"Since Beauty Nacia is not going to tell me the secret of this box, can you ask a question?" Li Yuanhong said humblely.

"what is the problem?"

"What the **** is this Crusu? Why is there such a monster on earth? And since we help you find the treasure chest, we must give us some real help. Those treasures are really useless to us!" Li Yuanhong said .

"Hehe, it seems that you, a post-human being, are still a bit interesting. Let's do this, because your ancestors have a little friendship with us, I will tell you something." Nacia said.

"Our ancestors?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. He didn't remember anyone in his ancestors who had intersections with monsters like Naga.

"Your ancestor was the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. You don't know it and it's normal. I won't talk about you here anymore. Let me talk about this Krusu first."

"This Klusu is a survivor of the behemoth tribe in ancient times. They are cruel by nature and slaughter and warlike. Later, there was a war with our tribe. In the end we defeated them, but they did not completely destroy the tribe. They are hidden separately and come out from time to time to make noise, but the harm is not great."

When Nacia said that Klusu was not harmful, Li Yuanhong's mouth curled up. Several of his cities were razed to the ground. Isn't that harmful?

Just listen to Nasiah continuing to say: "Later something big happened, which caused the earth’s magical power to be constantly lost. These giant beasts lost their energy support and fell asleep, so in your history, there is almost no existence of them. But recently the loopholes in the earth have been almost repaired, and the energy is slowly recovering, and these giant beasts have slowly awakened. This Klusu is one of the first monsters to wake up, and his combat effectiveness is just average!"

Li Yuanhong's brows jumped again, this ordinary combat power is so strong, so the ordinary can't let himself destroy the country!

"In order to repay your love for returning the box, I will give you some hints. The dragon clan we gave to your ancestors was also asleep. It is estimated that they will soon wake up. You can go to the Black Dragon Pool in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang. Found it," Nacia said.

"Oh? The Dragon Clan? Okay, thank you, I took it down!" Li Yuanhong finally heard some useful information.

"In addition, your ancestors once accepted a batch of science and technology books presented by us, but they didn't understand how to study them. Now that batch of books is sealed in the Helan Mountains, you can go and look for them at that time." Nacia said again.

"Helan Mountain? Beauty Nacia, can you give me some specific tips, it's so big, it's hard to find!" Li Yuanhong looked at Nacia with an imploring look.

"Only you have a lot of work, okay, you take this, this crystal ball has tracking function, there is a same positioning ball in that batch of science and technology books, the color of the ball will become red when the two positioning **** are close together. Then you can determine the location."

Nacia said, throwing a crystal ball to Li Yuanhong, and Li Yuanhong hurriedly caught it, for fear that the crystal ball would be broken.

Li Yuanhong put the crystal ball into the space, then took out the treasure chest and map from the space, and handed it to Nacia: "Thank you for the beautiful lady's help. This is what you want."

"Yes, you also have space for equipment!" Nacia took the treasure chest and the map naturally, and then looked at it, and then the two things were shaken and disappeared. Obviously she also has space for equipment.

"Okay, I'll leave. Don’t go to Mariana Trench if there is nothing to do in the future. There is Crusu’s lair. Now those demons are recovering. You can quickly find the dragon clan. They are dealing with Crusu A powerful helper of the man." After saying this, Nacia flicked the reins, and the robotic war horse screamed and ran toward the sea on the waves.

Li Yuanhong was stunned and watched Nacia driving straight into the sea in the chariot. When Nacia entered the sea, Li Yuanhong saw a huge mask covering the entire tank. The sea could not enter the tank. Li Yuanhong knew that this kind of operation was impossible with his current technology.

It took a long time for Li Yuanhong to wake up. At this time, Nacia had already disappeared into the sea, and Fatty Lu also landed the spacecraft and came to Li Yuanhong.

"Brother Li, how are things going?"

"Fortunately, I'm afraid this race is an extraordinary existence!" Li Yuanhong said thoughtlessly.

"Brother Li, are you okay?" Seeing that Li Yuanhong was a little bit unwilling, Fatty Lu asked concerned.

"I'm fine, let's go, there are still a lot of things to do!" Li Yuanhong finished speaking and strode towards the airship.

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