Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 253 Traitors are also useful

When Ma Fangyu was burning with anger and was about to do something extraordinary, Li Yuanhong walked in.

"Ma Sling, don't get angry. Fortunately, we came back in time and didn't lose much. These people will be handed over to me for the time being, and I still have something to ask them." Li Yuanhong walked over and said to Ma Fangyu.

"Well, these beasts will be handed over to you, Brother Li, I will go see my brothers!" After speaking, Ma Fangyu strode out of the command room.

Li Yuanhong moved a chair and sat down in front of Commander Zhang. He had already removed his mask at this time. Although he was still in silver armor, everyone recognized him.

"Let's talk about it, how does that Western Region Empire contact you?" Li Yuanhong looked at Master Zhang with a smile.

"What Western Region Empire?" Master Zhang asked with an expression that didn't know anything.

"Oh, you didn't know it, it seems it's useless to keep you, guards, pull out this scum who wasted food and bury it alive!" Li Yuanhong was not angry when he heard Master Zhang's answer, and directly addressed the door. Shouted.

"Yes!" When the guard outside the door heard it, he immediately walked in with the two soldiers, and could not help but dragged the arm out of Master Zhang.

Teacher Zhang was taken aback at first. Why didn't this person named Li Yuanhong play his cards according to common sense? According to common sense, you should first promise yourself some benefits, and then make some money for yourself. How come you get buried alive?

When I was dragged, my legs came in contact with the cold ground, my brain immediately recovered, and he quickly hissed and shouted, "I know, I know!"

"You know! The guard, drag him back first. This guy might still be useful. By the way, you take those people to another room and ask, what they all know. If you ask three questions, you don’t know. The rice bucket is buried directly. The end of the world, there is no need to waste food!" Li Yuanhong said coldly, listening to let those **** breathe cold, so everyone searched and thought about knowing the information in order to receive In the next interrogation, he could survive.

Of course, Li Yuanhong didn't really want to kill these people. After all, everyone has weaknesses. These people are obviously the kind of people who are afraid of death and greedy for money, otherwise they would not be traitors to the zombies. Li Yuanhong quickly opened Master Zhang's mouth and learned some secrets of the Western Regions Empire.

The creator of the Western Regions Empire is an old acquaintance of Li Yuanhong, the Chen Junzhang who knows how to control zombies, but he has now taken refuge in the zombies of the Three Kingdoms, that is, the skeleton knight Luo Sijie. With the support of Luo Sijie, Chen Junzhang Acquired some weapons and equipment of the Three Kingdoms, including airplanes that Luo Sijie has always found to be unreliable. With the support of the zombies, Chen Junzhang returned to Xinjiang with his army of zombies and encircled the survivors there. Those who obey his orders will be ruthlessly arrested, and then dedicated to the zombies, so that these people can be transformed into new zombies.

Of course, Chen Junzhang will not blindly kill. For those who succumb to his force, they will be allowed to use official positions to assist him in ruling the country. Of course, these people will not resist, because Chen Junzhang practiced slavery. These officials changed their lives and became slave owners. They could do whatever they wanted. Of course, the premise was to complete the tasks assigned to them by Chen Junzhang.

Chen Junzhang’s mission is also very simple. To capture more survivors and build stronger armor and weapons for the zombies, but this Chen Junzhang is unfortunate. The equipment and weapons he can now produce are all primitive. Cold weapons, most of these zombies are too stupid, and more complicated weapons are simply incapable of mastering them, and more intelligent weapons, the technology that Chen Junzhang currently masters, cannot be made at all.

This is why Chen Junzhang wants to arrest a lot of people. More slaves, not entering means labor, and it also means that there may be more scientific researchers.

So the messenger of the Western Regions empire approached Master Zhang and promised him that once he was able to see the survivors from this place and bring him to the Western Regions Empire, he would be made a marquis, which was quite a provincial governor. , He can become the ruler of a large area, anyone here will become his slave, let him dominate. So, under the control of his desire for power, he agreed.

After listening to Master Zhang's introduction, Li Yuanhong suddenly remembered those planes.

"What's the matter with those zombies flying planes?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"I don’t know. After I saw the messenger, the messenger only gave him the way to contact him, as well as the task. I didn’t talk about the other details anymore. It is said that the zombies all over the world will obey the orders of the Western Regions Empire. , The Western Regions Empire will use the power of zombies to rule the world!" said this, even Master Zhang himself was a little excited.

"Dreaming!" Li Yuanhong said, ruthlessly pulling Master Zhang back to reality. Indeed, he is now just a prisoner of Li Yuanhong.

After Li Yuanhong learned the information of the Western Regions Empire, he began to ponder. He was almost ambushed by the zombies, and many survivors were taken away by the zombies. He should always do something. The so-called indecent assaults should always be given to this zombie. The Puppet Kingdom ordered a meeting ceremony. Looking at this Master Zhang, Li Yuanhong suddenly had an idea.

Li Yuanhong asked Master Zhang how to contact the Western Empire and how to transport the survivors away. After all the details were clarified, Li Yuanhong called the guards and asked them to send a letter to the empire according to the method that Master Zhang explained. The letter, the content of the letter is that Master Zhang took advantage of Ma Fangyu's opportunity to go out and occupied the base. Now he has controlled the survivors here, and how to transport these people away. Then Li Yuanhong waited quietly for the other party's reply.

In the afternoon, the information came back quickly. The other party asked Li Yuanhong to use the card to transport the survivors to the military camp outside Lanzhou as soon as possible, where the Western Region Empire would transport the survivors to Xinjiang Province.

Soon, a few trucks set off from the base and headed south to Lanzhou City. The military camp outside Lanzhou was surrounded by zombies, but these zombies were just wandering outside the camp, and there was no sign of entering the camp.

When the convoy came outside the camp, they saw a flag hung in the car with a knight riding a skeleton horse painted on it, which was made by Chen Junzhang to please Luo Sijie.

When the zombies saw this banner, the zombies stepped aside one after another, and the road leading to the barracks was quickly avoided.

The car entered the barracks smoothly and stopped on the playground. At this time, a group of soldiers armed with guns and nuclear bombs walked out of the barracks, but the clothes of these soldiers were embroidered with the armband of the skeleton knight.

At this time, the car door opened, and an officer wearing a pre-apocalyptic military uniform got out of the car. He swept around slightly, and found that the entire barracks was empty. He didn't want a large number of people, so he frowned.

At this time, among the soldiers with the armband of the skeleton knight, a leader came over. This person is obviously not a Chinese Han. Although the hair is hidden by the military cap and the color cannot be seen, the deep eye sockets are like an eagle beak. Nose, it all made clear that this is a foreigner.

"How many people did you bring?" the officer asked in Chinese in a foreign accent.

"The first batch, five cars, nearly two hundred people in each car." The officer who pressed the car said.

"Just so few people?" Obviously the foreign officer was not very satisfied.

"No way, now the vehicle is in short supply, and the mysterious army that we contacted last time has been frequently nearby recently. We dare not go out casually. These people are still going around to you!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and send people to the barracks!" the foreign officer said impatiently.

So the convoy drove the truck to the warehouse in the barracks, which was already empty, so a thousand people were driven off the truck and locked in the warehouse. The soldiers of the Western Empire outside just took a brief look. Most of these survivors He was unkempt, his clothes were relatively shabby, and he had no weapons on his body, so he safely closed the warehouse and asked the team to go back and continue pulling people.

When the convoy left the camp, the officer said to the soldiers behind him: "Go, contact the station and see when these people will be picked up?"

"Yes!" A signal soldier agreed and ran to a room in the barracks.

And this officer only left two guards, and he returned to the office carelessly. The office was filled with food and some high-end wine. If not for the mission, this guy even wanted to bring a few beautiful women over.

As soon as the officer sat down and took a couple of sips, the correspondent ran over: "Report to your lord, the people in the station said that they will send someone to pick up the first batch in a while. They said that there was just enough train skins. They can send people to the Western Empire."

"Well, I have to look at them here. I really bother. When I finish this work, I should go back and enjoy the peace. It's okay to go to this place and suffer. It's hard to find a beautiful woman."

"Yes, yes, Master Viscount has worked hard. It is expected that when you go back this time, the imperial emperor will definitely upgrade you to a higher level!" the correspondent flatly said.

"Hahaha, well said, your kid is sweet, this chicken leg has been rewarded to you!" After speaking, he threw a fat chicken leg on the table to the correspondent.

The signal soldier was thankful for a while, and after all sorts of flattering, he retreated.

The officer drank wine comfortably and ate meat that was rarely seen in the last days, enjoying extraordinary enjoyment.

When the sky began to darken, several trucks drove outside the barracks. The bodies of these trucks were marked with a skeleton knight logo. Soon these cars entered the camp. The officer in the barracks handed the survivors in the warehouse to the soldiers. Later, he went back to his room to eat and drink.

These cars were crowded with people, and quickly entered Lanzhou City with the bumps, and came to Lanzhou Railway Station unimpeded all the way. At this time, the outside of the train station was empty, and there were no signs of zombies at all. The car drove directly from the side to the front of the train station platform. Only when I got here, I saw many zombies standing there like soldiers.

After the car stopped, another human officer came over, and the leading driver came down and began to report to the officer. After hearing the report, the officer let the survivors get off the train, and then pointed to an old internal combustion engine train and said to the survivors: "Hurry up and get on the train. The train will leave in a while. Don't waste time!"

These civilians who just got out of the car were still a little dizzy. They kept turning their heads. The surrounding environment obviously did not adapt to the situation in front of them. However, one of these people had sharp eyes and his eyes were straight. Stare straight at the train station, because there is a tall figure, if it is correct, it is a giant zombie, and it is very likely the commander-in-chief of the giant zombie in this city.

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