Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 254: Scheming to kill giant zombies

Following the shout of the human officer, these survivors boarded these old-fashioned trains one after another, but the carriages were not the kind of passenger carriages, but the kind of large-box carriages that pulled goods. Each carriage contained four to five hundred people. Absolutely no problem, so one thousand people were divided into two carriages and boarded the train. At the same time, many people walked out from the waiting room of the railway station. These people boarded other carriages. The train had a total of twenty This kind of carriage means that this train will transport 10,000 people.

When all the survivors got on the train, the officer shouted into the train station: "We are about to start!"

The giant zombie in the train station uttered a roar. Hearing the roar, the officer quickly ran to the carriages in front of the truck. One of the carriages in the front was a dining car, and the other two were ordinary passenger carriages. A passenger carriage is for soldiers, and finally there is a luxury carriage, in which the commander got into it.

When he got on the train, and then gave an order, the train moved slowly and quickly left the train station. The zombies that were originally scattered on the railroad tracks gave way. The roar of the corpses turned out to be an order. This order was for the zombies to make way.

When the train leaves the train station, there is a figure that teleports, from a train box to the top of the train, and then there is a teleport to the roof of the train station. This figure is Li Yuanhong.

He brought more than 20 players into the team of survivors. Originally, Li Yuanhong wanted to bring all the 1,000 people with him, but then he thought, no, the team of 1,000 people are all very advanced evolutionaries, so much evolution. Those who are inevitably attracted the attention of the other party, and 20 people, mixed in a team of 1,000 people, if not carefully screened by the other party, it is almost impossible to find.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong was in a military vehicle and came all the way to the barracks. In the barracks, Li Yuanhong stood still and was pulled to the train station. When he saw the giant zombie, Li Yuanhong almost chose to do it, but Li Yuanhong did not move again. Because here, not only have themselves, but also ordinary survivors. As long as they do it by themselves, these untrained civilians are bound to suffer.

After everyone was pointed to the carriage and boarded the train, Li Yuanhong discovered that a large number of survivors had come out from the train station behind him. Li Yuanhong secretly rejoiced that he didn't do anything, otherwise it would be more than just a thousand people.

"Guard, I will go out for a while. You are responsible for this. After the train has left the city for a certain distance, the train is hijacked. Pay attention to find a way to catch the officer who takes the lead. Maybe we can get some information from him."

"Ah? What are you doing, Brother Li, is it too dangerous?" the guard asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, if I want to run alone, no one can stop me." Li Yuanhong smiled slightly, and then took out the weapons and equipment of twenty people from the space, and even a machine gun robot.

"These weapons will be used for hijacking trains and this communicator. Once the hijacking is successful, you should contact Commander Xiao as soon as possible and ask them to pick you up. Then wait for my message. Once I handle it, you will immediately go from the outside. Attack." Li Yuanhong continued to whisper.

"Okay, then you have to be more careful, Brother Li!" the guard said again.

Li Yuanhong didn’t say anything, he quickly put on the magic armor, and then from the other end of the train compartment, opened the hatch, clasped the upper eaves of the door with both hands, turned up one by one, and went directly to the roof of the car, then a few teleports, and it was there. The roof of the railway station.

At this time, the train station seemed a bit empty because the survivors had just been sent away, and the location of the giant zombie was obvious.

In fact, this giant didn't want to stay here. The location of this train station was not good, it was too close to the edge of the city. Once someone attacked, he would soon invade here, just the humans of the Western Empire. With the token of Lord Skull Knight, he had to supervise the sending of those **** humans onto the train, just in case, he could only sit here. Fortunately, this mankind is almost finished, and in a short while, he can return to his nest and stay in peace.

At this time, the giant zombies did not notice at all, and there was a person staring at him above his head.

Li Yuanhong has been staring at the giant zombie and saw that there are many guards around him, and he does not know the attributes of the giant zombie. If he attacks rashly, he will definitely put himself in danger, but if he gives up the attack at this time, look for it again. The opportunity to attack is difficult.

When he was embarrassed, Li Yuanhong began to search for his own space, planning to find something useful to attract these zombie guards away. Li Yuanhong looked at it, and suddenly saw the spider robot and the dragonfly robot. These two robots can attack silently. They can just use these two robots to set a trap for the zombies here, and then think of a way to move the giant zombies and the enemy. Separate, then you can sneak attack on this giant zombie.

Li Yuanhong did what he said, and soon commanded the miniature spiders, placed traps at various entrances and exits, and then ran to a hidden place to put down a robot. As long as Li Yuanhong gave an order, the robot could launch an attack.

After setting up the trap, Li Yuanhong took out the dragonfly reconnaissance plane, and then controlled the reconnaissance plane to fly over to the group of corpses silently.

Although the sound of the dragonfly reconnaissance plane was very small, when it was less than 100 meters away from the giant zombie, the giant zombie suddenly looked up at the reconnaissance plane. At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly pressed the missile launch button on the reconnaissance plane to detect The miniature missiles carried on the plane rushed directly to the giant zombies.

However, the giant zombie suddenly opened the barrier. It was a water shield. When the missile hit the water shield, a halo burst out. The explosive force only slightly exploded the water shield, and did not cause much waves.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Li Yuanhong immediately controlled the plane to fly out. However, the giant zombie who was attacked would naturally not let this little thing daring to harass him, so a water arrow shot the plane directly. Li Yuanhong wanted to control the plane to avoid the water. Arrow, but the zombie didn't launch a water arrow and it was done, but a rain of water arrows hit, the small plane was shot immediately, and it fell to the ground.

Seeing that the aircraft attack did not work, Li Yuanhong immediately mobilized the gun robot and walked out of the hiding place. As soon as he showed his head, he shot the zombies with a machine gun.

These zombies just heard the explosion sound from the station just now, but they didn’t see the fire. They didn’t know what happened in the station, so they would look into the station, but the robot came up with a machine gun. The reacting zombies were instantly sawn into two pieces by the robot's bullet.

There were not many zombies on the platform, there were only dozens. After these dozens of zombies were destroyed, Li Yuanhong controlled the robot to stand at the entrance to the zombies in the waiting hall and start shooting frantically. The bullets flew randomly. Shot on the wall, it lifted up dust again, and the smoke enveloped it, making the entire entrance to the station a mess.

The giant zombies were attacked just now. Although the small plane was shot down, the giant zombies understood that it was definitely not an attack on their own body, and there was someone behind them controlling the plane. When I heard the gunshots on the platform and the scene was very chaotic, I determined that the main attacker was on the platform, so the giant zombies led the group of corpses to the platform and rushed over.

When Li Yuanhong saw that the giant zombies were still following his guard, he could only wait, but Li Yuanhong started to let the machine gun robot shoot back while shooting to prevent being attacked by the magic of the corpse group. Although the machine gun robot has magic pattern protection, But that wouldn't be able to support a large number of corpses. Once you blow up your own robot, there will be no second machine gun robot in your own space.

As the robot slowly retreated, the zombies were also led to the door. When the first zombie stepped in to the door, the trap directly set by the spider robot was abandoned, but the machine gun robot's firepower did not stop, so The zombies did not realize that the fallen zombies were caused by traps, and they still rushed to the door.

Due to the narrow doorway and the blockade of machine gun robots, although there are tens of thousands of zombies in the hall, they just can’t rush out. At this time, some zombies begin to rush out from other exits, but whenever these zombies step through the door, they are inexplicable. Is divided by something.

At this time, the zombies noticed that there was a mechanism on the gate, so the two fat zombies that reacted, one transformed, and immediately became the King Kong guard zombie, speeding up to the door, the two big guys slammed into the door frame. After being knocked down, the door frame not only widened, but the trap set on the door frame was suddenly destroyed.

Li Yuanhong saw that the zombies had destroyed the gate. It was no longer realistic to only rely on a machine gun robot to block the zombies. So he ordered the robot to continue to retreat, trying to seduce the zombies in the station as far away as possible, so that the number of zombies around the giant zombies will decrease. It is advantageous to carry out a sneak attack.

Sure enough, the giant zombies saw that the machine gun robot injured their own people and wanted to escape. Naturally, they would not let it go. So they ordered the zombie army under them to start chasing, especially the zombies who were good at speed, to chase the robot quickly.

With the pursuit of the zombies, the team of the entire corpse was elongated, and the guards around the giant zombies were also reduced. Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Yuanhong flew to the side of the giant zombies and zombies, and then opened the black hole space. The suction force pulled half the body of a giant zombie into the space.

The reason why Li Yuanhong didn’t start the black hole at the beginning was that Li Yuanhong didn’t know the attributes of this giant zombie. As the level of the giant zombie increases, its volume also becomes larger, so that when the black hole absorbs the giant zombie, the black hole will often be sucked It's stuck for a while, so once the giant zombies have the ability to resist suction, and they put themselves close to the black hole, it is death.

However, when he saw the giant zombie using water protection magic, Li Yuanhong knew that the giant zombie should not have any magic against the black hole, so he launched an attack at this time.

Most of the zombie's body has been sucked into the black hole. At this time, the giant zombie still wants to struggle a bit, but when the giant zombie wants to pull a few backed zombies, several lightning grenades exploded in front of him, and the electric light quickly enveloped the giant. The whole body of the zombie caused him to enter a state of paralysis, so there was a scream, and the body of the giant zombie was sucked into the endless void. Without the block of the giant zombie's huge body, the suction of the black hole gave out a strong gravitational force, and the surrounding ones The zombies who wanted to fight gravity were dragged into the black hole and disappeared.

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