Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 255th Lanzhou War

The giant zombies disappeared. The groups of corpses who were still chasing the machine gun robot were suddenly taken aback, one by one, as if the computer had crashed. They all stayed on the spot for a full three seconds, and then resumed their activities like a computer restart. Activities, as if they have lost their souls, one by one began to wander around blankly.

When Li Yuanhong saw these zombies look like this, he was finally relieved. It seemed that there should be no giant zombies in the city. So Li Yuanhong returned to the roof of the station, and then sent his coordinates to Commander Xiao to send someone to pick him up. It was getting late and it was no longer suitable for attacking Lanzhou City.

Early the next morning, a team of motorcades rushed directly to the military camp outside Lanzhou City. Before this, zombies and humans coexisted peacefully and did not infringe. However, at this time, the entire military camp was occupied by zombies, and the humans in those military camps became Many people were killed in their dreams after eating the food for the zombies. They never dreamed that the zombies who were allied with them would lose their minds, and the six relatives attacked them in disapproval.

When the convoy outside the city came, the zombies in the barracks swarmed up, howled, and rushed towards the convoy.

"What about the captain, do you want to take out the flag to block it?" a soldier in the car asked, this soldier was one of the soldiers who came to the barracks yesterday.

"What block, don't you see these zombies are crazy, do you want to send yourself to the zombies' mouths as food? Hurry up!" The captain slammed the little soldier's skull.

"Didn't I cheat these zombies!" The soldier rubbed his forehead aggrieved by the captain.

"Don't talk nonsense, punch me these mindless guys!" As he said, the captain pulled out a rifle and started shooting at the zombies outside the car.

With the first shot, the entire convoy began to fire, several machine gun robots were also put down, and began to pour fire to the corpse group. The zombies that rushed were all ordinary zombies, and their defenses were not very strong , If it weren't for wearing armor on his body, he couldn't stop a few shots and he would fall down.

Fire at this place, gunfire came from other directions, and the silence of the entire Lanzhou city was awakened by the fierce gunfire.

Due to the death of the giant zombies, the zombies in the city regained their nature. They went wherever there was a gunshot, and ran wherever the sound was loud. For a while, the zombies flooded the streets from the high-rise buildings, from hidden dark places, densely, like Ants moving before the rain.

The zombies came out from the dark, which is what Li Yuanhong hoped, otherwise Li Yuanhong would not risk to assassinate giant zombies.

As the group of corpses approached, the offensive troops began to lead the group of zombies out of the city and gradually attracted to the mountains. These zombies were like meaty mice asking questions. They didn’t know that they were traps in front of them. They chased the convoy and gradually left the city. Enter the rugged mountain road.

As the mountains on both sides became steeper, the groups of corpses were gradually restrained on the mountain road, and the road was crowded with black pressure. Some zombies were accidentally squeezed off the cliff and fell directly into the deep valley, leaving no bones left.

At this moment, several huge figures floated in the distance. It was the airship troops. These airships faced the corpses on the mountain road and began to emptied the magic artillery fire. Suddenly the entire mountain road was covered by magic artillery fire, and the mountain road became The huge slaughterhouse was full of stumps and arms, and the blood was quickly frozen by the cold wind and turned into blood-colored ice rocks.

This kind of scene broke out in many mountainous areas, and at the same time, the number of zombies attacked was less than one million. The corpses who left the city in the second follow-up were still rushing to the fierce gunfire. Until 10 noon, the city once again recovered tranquility. The zombies that bored life were left with only three or two kittens.

Li Yuanhong used nearly 50,000 troops in this attack. Most of the troops were deployed in some dangerous places. Human soldiers defended the situation and fired artillery and bullets at the corpses exposed in the open air. These uncommanded zombies , The only thing that can be relied on a little is the quantity advantage and the fearless charge spirit, but these things are not worth mentioning in the face of intensive artillery fire.

The battle lasted from the morning to the night, and only then did the zombies on the mountain roads be wiped out. There were corpses of dead zombies lying on the highway from the roads outside Lanzhou for dozens of miles. In this battle, nearly 1.5 million zombies were killed. Annihilate.

After the battle, after a night’s rest, the troops entered Lanzhou the next day. After Li Yuanhong entered the city, the first thing he did was to enter the airport. The zombie plane attacked him before, and he was too impressed. The airport must be controlled first. In his own hands, to sever the air power of zombies.

When arriving at the military airport, Li Yuanhong accidentally found many fresh zombies wearing Western Empire military uniforms in the aircraft's control tower. The so-called freshness, these zombies are not even the first level, and the bite wounds are still clearly visible, and even faint. Bloody.

After cleaning up the zombies, Li Yuanhong found some **** corpses that had been eaten by the zombies. The entire terminal building was full of blood. Seeing this **** scene, Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly. These soldiers were killed because the zombies lost control. , Is it your own sin? But these people are willing to be company with zombies, this kind of risk is also they should bear.

After clearing the airport, the airship soon began to land at the airport, and various materials were transported off the airship, and Fatty Lu brought his new plane to land.

"This battle was fought so happily. As soon as the missile went down, hundreds of them were blown up!" Fatty Lu came to Li Yuanhong, shaking a fat body.

"Don't patronize the war, but also pay attention to the movements of the enemy's planes at all times, and don't let the enemy's fighter planes sneak attack!" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I have investigated this area of ​​a hundred miles, and there is no sign of an enemy airfield. Besides, we are not all fighters here. If this is attacked, another airport will increase its staff. What is this called... Oh, you can't put eggs in a basket!" Fatty said proudly.

When the fat man was proud, a soldier from the search team came over: "Report to the commander-in-chief. We have just searched the entire airport. No other zombies were found, but the entire airport's supplies are gone."

"What, it's gone? Who's her mother robbed Lao Tzu's liquor?" Fatty Lu immediately became angry when he heard it. He searched the post-war city every time, but at his happiest moment, the piles of liquor could be left alone. I picked it myself, but told him today that the supplies are gone!

"No need to look for it, the materials must have been taken away by someone from that empire." Li Yuanhong said flatly.

"Dare to **** Laozi's supplies, don't let me run into them, I saw them kill one by one!" Fatty Lu said bitterly.

Li Yuanhong also ignored the angry Fatty Lu. This guy was fine on his own. Li Yuanhong didn't have time to comfort the two hundred catties of big meatball.

"Guard, how was the officer caught yesterday?" Li Yuanhong turned to ask the guard.

"It has been basically interrogated. They have now occupied the Everbright land west of Jiayuguan. They came to Lanzhou this time to grab resources. Since Xinjiang has not many materials and a sparse population, it is very difficult to produce materials. They had no choice but to venture eastward and came over to **** supplies and personnel." The guard said.

"Adventure, what risks do they take? Those zombies give them a nostril, what danger are they in?" Fatty Lu interrupted.

"I've asked. This time, the emperor of their empire made the move personally. These zombies will not kill people for no reason. It needs the control of giant zombies. If their emperor doesn't come out, these Soldiers deliver food to the zombies. Another point is that their weapons and equipment are always inexplicably faulty. Their planes have fallen by no less than ten, so they are taking great risks by flying over. ."

"What? Are they a plane or a kid's toy? How can you say that you fall?" The fat man asked in surprise.

"Did you ask where their plane came from?" Li Yuanhong asked directly.

"I asked, there is a very special zombie among the zombies. That zombie doesn't have any abilities. It is very good at repairing and maintaining aircraft. Therefore, after the end of the world, all the aircraft parked at the airport were repaired by him. , But it just falls down inexplicably." The guard said.

"Oh, it turned out to be a special zombie. It seems that it has inherited the sloppy and procrastinating character of Ah San." Li Yuanhong finally knew what was going on with this zombie plane.

Now that the plane issue is resolved, it is necessary to know the enemy's strength. As a result, this question left Li Yuanhong speechless. Those imperial armies used Ah San’s weapons. The weapons were good but there were not many bullets, because San himself. It does not produce bullets, so it needs to buy from outside, which requires a lot of expenses, so there is almost no inventory at ordinary times. Most of the ammunition is placed on the border of Palestine. As a result, this Ah San has exerted their usual "dedication" spirit. Due to poor storage of those bullets, less than one-fifth of the total number of bullets that can be used for more than two years.

So now the army commander Chen is anxious to arrest people, so as to restore the few industries in Xinjiang, so as to produce weapons and equipment by himself as soon as possible. As for why those aliens don't equip them, it's very simple. Those aliens don't trust him.

In the mouth of the captured officer, Li Yuanhong got the most critical piece of information, that the planes of the Western Regions Empire are gone, and the Western Regions Empire is now trying to find ways to search for planes from other countries. It's no wonder that the plane can't stand too much and it will fall down.

"Well, since the enemy's plane is gone, we are not afraid of air threats for the time being. Let's make corrections here for the time being. By the way, where did the looted population go?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"They have all been transported to Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Province." The guard said.

"It seems that if we want to solve them, we can't do it for the time being, so don't worry. Let's consolidate here. When the army is almost assembled, we are marching to the northwest." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, what are you still consolidating, can you kill it all at once?" Fatty Lu asked a little carelessly.

"The arrangement of the 200,000 survivors we just found. Although Ma Fangyu intends to unite with us, it will take some time to get in touch, especially the officers under him. We don’t know what kind of behavior, so we need to send them to Spring City. Training for a period of time." Li Yuanhong said.

"In addition, we will also use this free time to go to Helan Mountain." Li Yuanhong continued.

"Helan Mountain?" Fatty Lu asked.

"I'm going to find a library." Li Yuanhong said.

"Library?" Fatty Lu and the guard looked at Li Yuanhong with some confusion. There are many libraries in big cities. Are those books not enough?

"Don't guess the two of you, this library is different from the library you think. Guards, you can contact Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling to see where the two of them defeated." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" The guard agreed and turned and went out to contact.

After the army occupied Lanzhou, the survivors of Ma Fangyu were also taken into the city, and then the construction of the city. Although the city was retaken, it was necessary to prevent the zombies from attacking again. Li Yuanhong handed these things to Commander Xiao, and then took Fatty Lu and The guard took the plane straight to Yinchuan.

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