Apocalyptic Hero System

: 271st The Abandoned Dragon

"Where did your kid get my grandson?!" Seeing that the dragon egg suddenly disappeared, the dragon burst into anger, with a cannibal expression.

"What's the hurry! I just put the dragon egg in the space!" Li Yuanhong saw the dragon looking like a baby, so he had to release the dragon egg again and explained.

"Space equipment? Your kid still has such advanced things?" The dragon looked at Li Yuanhong suspiciously.

"What? I'm not allowed to have room for equipment?" Li Yuanhong said with a very awkward expression.

"Space equipment, I haven't seen it in other people for many years! Alas!" The dragon said with emotion.

"Okay, stop sighing here, we hurriedly send this dragon egg away, the longer the delay, the smaller the probability of this dragon egg being rescued." Li Yuanhong looked worried, but in fact the heart was blooming. .

"Okay, I'll go with you!" After finishing talking, the dragon shrank to the size of an adult. Then the dragon really became Li Yuanhong's supervisor. Where Li Yuanhong goes, he will definitely follow.

Li Yuanhong was not afraid that the dragon would see something tricky, so he took the dragon egg into the space again, and then quickly walked towards the well head.

Li Yuanhong greeted the fat man and the guards and boarded the plane. Unexpectedly, the dragon also squeezed into the plane, which made the combat aircraft crowded. Fortunately, the flight was very fast, and it flew to Sakhalin in more than two hours. But when Li Yuanhong got off the plane, he felt his legs fluttered. Obviously, the crowded environment made him a little suffocated.

Finally, the dragon began to urge Li Yuanhong to treat the dragon egg quickly. No way, Li Yuanhong hurriedly chose a cave close to the mountain, because the system showed that the dragon’s lair needed a quiet cave. The spar mine is nearby, and the Wyvern Cave is placed nearby to help take care of the spar mine.

Li Yuanhong put all kinds of materials in the cave, then painted magic runes on the ground, and finally pointed the watch at the magic circle. After a while, the whole magic circle glowed with brilliant brilliance. In a full ten minutes, the whole cave changed. In this way, the cave was covered with runes, and in the center of the cave, there appeared a nest built by unknown hay. The hay exuded waves of magic, as if it could give people unlimited magic power.

Li Yuanhong took out the dragon egg from the space and put it into the dragon nest built with hay. As the dragon egg was put in, Li Yuanhong's watch was shocked again, and a message came through: "The modeling of the flying dragon nest is complete, the first flying dragon The eggs are about to hatch, and the incubation time is 24 hours. From then on, the first-level flying dragon nest can produce four flying dragons every week."

Li Yuanhong took a peek at the system information and knew that the dragon's lair was finally completed successfully. However, in order to punish the dragon, he allowed himself to stand for ten hours for no reason, and decided to let the dragon also stand. So Li Yuanhong said to the dragon: "Okay, my business has been completed. In twenty-four hours, this dragon egg will absorb enough energy and then hatch out. Let's go and rest!"

"Why are you going to rest at such a critical moment? How can no one guard here!" The dragon heard it and stopped doing it.

"What you said is right, so let me send some guards to guard here, what do you think?"

"You guards, no, no, I don't worry, I'll watch it myself, isn't it just twenty-four hours, I'm here to guard!" The giant dragon looked like he was willing to go.

Li Yuanhong yawned, and then said to Ju Long, "No, I have run out of magic power in my body. I need to go back and replenish some energy. When I finish replenishing, I will come to accompany you again!"

"Go, go, your human bodies are really fragile, and you can't bear this tiredness! Hey!" The dragon kept sighing.

Li Yuanhong staggered out of the cave, while the dragon's eyes stared at the dragon egg firmly, not daring to stagger for a while, for fear that if he lost his mind, this dragon egg would have problems.

For a whole day, the dragon lay in front of the dragon egg, without moving a bit. When Li Yuanhong came the next day, he finally saw what a giant dragon with panda eyes looked like.

At this time the dragon had dark eyelids, half-opened his eyes, staring at the dragon egg blankly. If it weren’t for the dragon’s abdomen, and panting, Li Yuanhong would have thought that the dragon died suddenly at night. .

"You are better than you!" Li Yuanhong asked caringly. In fact, secretly it was extremely happy that you let me stand for ten hours yesterday, and it also gave you a taste of the feeling of physical exhaustion.

The dragon ignored Li Yuanhong, his eyes still fixed on the egg.

"Are you hungry? I have good potato stew here. Would you like some?" Li Yuanhong continued to lure the dragon, but the dragon still ignored it.

Li Yuanhong chatted with the dragon again. The dragon dragon was still listless and ignored Li Yuanhong, but his eyes were always fixed on the dragon egg.

At this moment, the dragon egg suddenly glowed with a faint magic light, and a magic vortex revolved around the dragon egg. Li Yuanhong knew that the dragon egg was about to hatch.

Soon the magic energy around the dragon egg was collected, and the dragon egg returned to its original shape, but the dragon egg swayed slightly, there was a slight knocking sound inside, and along with the knocking sound, the dragon egg shell began to appear tiny cracks.

At this time, the giant dragon was not lying there, but stood up, his eyes wide open, and he did not dare to look out at the dragon egg, and Li Yuanhong also looked at the dragon egg with all his attention, because the two knew that the dragon egg was about to Hatched.

Five minutes later, the cracks on the eggshell of the dragon egg became denser and denser, and finally hatched out of the turquoise dragon with a tender cry of milk.

This flying dragon also has four claws, but it is not very similar to the giant dragon, but a bit like a large lizard, except that it has the appearance of a dragon, that is, the dragon scales and the weird dragon horns on the head, but the title of this flying dragon is directly This is reflected in the fact that the little green dragon has a pair of wings, which better reflects the characteristics of his flight.

Looking at this weird flying dragon, the giant dragon was a little stunned, and then he stammered and asked Li Yuanhong: "You...you...no...no...get it wrong...the dragon egg!"

Obviously, the dragon did not believe that this weird little thing was his grandson.

Li Yuanhong was scanning the flying dragon with real eyes at this time: "

Baby Flying Dragon Level 0

Wyvern: The mutated descendants of Anaconda are more compatible with the power of nature, have higher defense power, and are immune to magical attacks below advanced levels, except for special magic, such as Medusa's Petrified Light and Swamp Bull's Death staring. Attack methods include flying dragon claw, flying dragon bite and flying dragon dragon bullet.

Flying Dragon's Claw: Use sharp claws to attack the enemy's target. The flying dragon's claws are extremely sharp and can easily tear off the opponent's defense and kill the opponent.

Flying dragon bite: Attack with sharp teeth, which can easily bite off the flesh and blood of the prey, thereby hunting the prey.

Flying Dragon Dragon Bullet: The basic magic attack of the flying dragon, the wooden magic missile is ejected from the mouth of the flying dragon. This magic missile is highly corrosive and can easily corrode a tank.

Because the dragon is a mixed-blood descendant of the dragon family, its dragon characteristics have been weakened, and its immunity to magic is not as strong as that of the dragon family, and its magical attack power has also been weakened. However, the bloodline of the dragon family makes its physical attack power much stronger than ordinary creatures.

Young flying dragons can evolve by swallowing crystal nuclei and mutant meat. "

After reading the introduction of the flying dragon, Li Yuanhong felt that the attributes of the flying dragon were not bad, because he had not seen the actual fighting of the flying dragon, so he could not evaluate the fighting power of the flying dragon. However, seeing the little flying dragon full of milk, Li Yuanhong doubted the fighting power of the flying dragon.

At this time, the little flying dragon was gnawing on the eggshell. The hard eggshell seemed to be delicious in the world, and it was crackling and crispy when it was bitten by the little flying dragon. After eating the eggshell, Xiaofeilong let out a big breath, then curled his tail, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this time, the dragon asked Li Yuanhong again: "You can't take the wrong dragon egg!"

At this time, Li Yuanhong, who had awakened from the flying dragon data, finally heard the dragon’s doubts, so he raised his face and stared at the dragon’s suspicious gaze: "I said Dragon Egg, since I took this dragon egg, you haven’t Leaving my side, I want to change the dragon egg, I have to have time! Besides, is this dragon egg so easy to get? If your family has extra dragon eggs, I will buy them, and I will charge as much !"

Seeing Li Yuanhong so hard, the dragon quickly softened: "Isn't this scared by the little guy! If you go back, her mother will not be sad if she sees it!"

"I have never heard of a mother who dislikes the ugliness of her son!" Li Yuanhong curled his lips.

"I said yes, I said yes!" This will be the dragon without the confidence it had before.

"Well, if you don't want it, this little flying dragon will give me support to ensure that he will not be bullied by me." Li Yuanhong patted his chest.

"How is this possible? I just went back empty-handed, and I can't explain to its mother!" The dragon looked embarrassed.

"What's the matter? You said that Xiaolong was born with a weak physique and couldn't leave the research center. He needs serious care. When he grows up, he can grow up healthy, and then go back. Besides, there are two dragons beside her. Eggs? After the two dragon eggs hatch, she won't have time to think about the dragon baby!" Li Yuanhong said.

"That's what you said, well, I'll give you the little dragon, you have to show it to me!" The dragon finally made up his mind and agreed to Li Yuanhong's request.

"Then I said Uncle Long, do you give your grandson a meeting ceremony, otherwise he will know that his grandpa is so stingy in the future, what do you think he will think!" Li Yuanhong smiled and looked at the dragon.

"Hmph, it's your kid who wants delicious food!" The dragon said with disdain.

"I'm only temporarily keeping things for him. I won't embezzle a child's things!" Li Yuanhong said vowedly.

"Okay, for the sake of hatching the little guy, I'll give you some benefits!" As he said, the dragon took out a ring. When Li Yuanhong saw it, he was stunned. The ring was very familiar. Wrong, is one of the five resource rings.

"I got this ring accidentally. There is a little magic on this ring and it's not worth money. Take it and play with it!" After speaking, the dragon threw the ring to Li Yuanhong, and then said that he wanted to go back to see his daughter and walked out. Longdong flew away.

It took a long time for Li Yuanhong to recover from the surprise. He didn't expect to get a treasure so easily. The dragon didn't know the goods, and that precious thing was given to himself. He had already obtained three rings of resources. When there are two, they can be combined, which makes people happy to think about it. But Li Yuanhong got a headache again. Now there are two rings, one in Luo Xia's hands and one in Du Sanniang's hands. If the ring is synthesized in the future, how can that ring come back!

But soon Li Yuanhong shook his head and didn't want to think about it. After all, I don't know where the remaining two rings are hidden. Waiting for myself to find these troublesome things.

Li Yuanhong put the ring in his own space, planning to give it to Luo Xia for safekeeping when he returned. At this time, the little dragon had a tendency to open his eyes. Li Yuanhong hurried forward and looked at the little dragon.

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