Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 272 Fully Prepare for War

Soon Xiaolong woke up and opened his eyes and looked around curiously. When he saw Li Yuanhong, his eyes met and Xiaolong's milk cried out, "Mom!"

This shout shocked Li Yuanhong, this dragon clan was too powerful, and could speak when he was born! But looking back, this might be his cry. The little lamb was just born, didn't it bleat? The sound was like calling mother.

Thinking about it this way, Li Yuanhong was relieved that this old man was called a mother, so it would be a shame to say so.

But the little dragon didn’t think so. Seeing Li Yuanhong was a stance of shouting and rushing to hug Li Yuanhong. This frightened Li Yuanhong enough, so he quickly took out a baby bottle from the space and stuffed it into Xiaolong’s mouth. This was prepared by Li Yuanhong in advance. Although he didn't know what the little dragon was eating, the milk and water should be no problem.

Sure enough, this little dragon had a baby bottle in his mouth, and he started to **** milk and water desperately. He didn't entangle Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong was sweating darkly. This little guy wouldn't be a heartbreaker. Why would you forget your mother if you have milk! No, I'm a man, I can't be a **** wife, I should have forgotten my dad if I had milk, it doesn't seem right!

Li Yuanhong was thinking wildly, watching Xiaolong eating milk cheerfully, a sense of happiness came to life. But this happiness comes and goes quickly. A bottle of milk and water that is enough for a child to drink two meals, but was drunk by the dragon in less than a minute. The dragon who drank all the milk and water did not stop. Staring at Li Yuanhong with pitiful eyes, the adventurous offensive made Li Yuanhong surrender very quickly, so a bottle of milk and water later turned into pieces of fresh meat, all rounded by this bottomless hole.

An hour later, the little dragon was satisfied and fell into a deep sleep. Li Yuanhong realized that the evolutionary pork in his own space had lost nearly a hundred catties. The little dragon didn’t feel how big it was. went?

In the next three days, Li Yuanhong thoroughly experienced the pain of being a dad. Li Yuanhong finally knew why the output of this dragon's nest was so low. It wasn't that he didn't produce more, but that he could not afford it!

Half a month later, Li Yuanhong was finally able to take the dragon on a trip. Now this first flying dragon has grown to be more than a person tall and has basic flying skills. The most important thing is that the dragon can now perform magic attacks and attacks. Not inferior to the fifteenth-level ability zombie, this is Xiaolong's instinctive attack.

During this period of time, Li Yuanhong was not idle either. He took time out to perform holy ranks on various sub-bases, especially in some suitable locations to build flying dragon lairs. Now, the number of flying dragons has increased. In just two weeks, Li Yuanhong owned nearly fifty flying dragons. Of course, they were all young flying dragons.

In addition, Li Yuanhong’s rotation training plan has also been implemented. Officers above regiment level have all learned advanced combat skills, and officers above division level have also learned master-level strategy. This is the true essence of victory, although not Everyone can reach the level of Sun Tzu's soldier saint, but at least he avoids the appearance of a commander who talks about soldiers on paper.

And after this month of preparations, the weapons of the soldiers in front have also been updated, especially the planes, which have been equipped with nearly twenty aircraft, which are completely sufficient. Therefore, Li Yuanhong is ready to fight the Northwest region and completely take down the Western Empire.

Li Yuanhong took the plane back to Spring City on this day. He didn’t come back for another half a month. Although Li Yuanhong didn’t go through any fighting in the past half month, he was really tired when he rushed around. After getting off the plane, Li Yuanhong felt that he was both The feet are drifting, the sequelae of flying for a long time.

After getting off the plane, Li Yuanhong went to the No. 2 chief to report. During this period, thanks to the weapons provided by China, the defense bases of Western countries were finally stabilized. The offensives of those zombies and mutant beasts were prevented, and many bases received a large number of high-level crystals. Nuclear, so that the local evolutionary has also been strengthened and promoted.

However, after being promoted, these people not only failed to express gratitude to the Huaxia people, on the contrary, the sentiment of Huaxia was raised again. Moreover, these people began to secretly cooperate again, intending to force Huaxia to surrender advanced technical information. Of course, these unreasonable requests, They were all overpowered by the second chief.

"You short-sighted guys, do you think that the attack of zombies and mutant beasts is over like this? I tell you, this is just the beginning. Our China is now laying down this peaceful and pure land, so that you have a place to improve the strength of your survivors. With the rear that has improved your weapons and equipment, you don’t know how to cherish it, and you are still greedy for it. Don’t forget, what are the consequences of killing chickens and getting eggs!"

It is rare for the second chief to get angry with these foreign missions, and even the second chief hinted that if these people continue to make trouble, they will completely cut off confessions to these countries, and this will stop the storm temporarily.

After Li Yuanhong came back, his brows tightened immediately when he heard the news.

"What do you think after hearing this news?" Chief Number Two asked.

"I don't think they will let go, knowing that they dare not do anything, secretly, they will definitely do something." Li Yuanhong said.

"You think the same as me, what do you think they will do?"

"I think they start from three aspects. The first aspect is to steal our advanced weapons and then go back to crack them. Conventional weapons are easy to handle, but they don’t even think about high-end weapons. Many magic runes are Those with protective measures will self-destruct once they are destroyed by violence, and they will get nothing at that time."

"Hehe, it seems that your kid had taken precautions long ago!" Chief Number Two smiled.

"Didn't they also guard against us back then! This is called treating others in their own way."

"What about the second point?"

"The second point is that they buy our technical personnel and officials to obtain technical information. In this regard, I will gradually increase the treatment of technical personnel. For officials, I will increase supervision and improve the welfare and punishment system. Once an official is bought, he will be expelled from the country. When the time comes, the officials will weigh the gains and losses. Now the world is the only one who is safe here. Leaving here, let’s not say how they can live, even if they can live. Let's talk about it in the next step. This will let them know that after being bought out, the price paid is too high, and they will have their own choices."

"Well, this is a good idea. In the past, corruption could not be cured because the cost of crime was too low. What about the third?"

"The third point is that they directly send people to sneak into the R&D base and steal it directly, but the location of our R&D base is very secret. They want to find some time. In addition, the defense there is a copper wall and iron wall. They want to go in, hehe, I can only say that they are welcome to test the loopholes in my defense system."

"Hahaha, your kid is bad enough, well, just have your confidence, then what are your plans next?"

"Next I want to continue westward. The Western Region Empire gives me the feeling that if it is not resolved in time, the threat to us in the future is too great, and we are not allowed to eliminate them as soon as possible." Li Yuanhong worried.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Chief Number Two asked.

"Our former opponents of zombies, as long as we have enough firepower to support, even if there are too many zombies, it is only a number, but with this empire, they provide weapons and equipment for zombies, and even have aircraft to fight, which will break us. The advantage of weapons, once we let them develop for a long time, our weapons no longer have the advantage, then the zombies can rely on the number to crush us, so we must understand this hidden danger as soon as possible."

"It seems that you have not been dazzled by the victory. Whatever your kid wants to do, just let it go. I will support you at the back. If you have any trouble, just come to me." Chief No. 2 said happily.

"Is it troublesome, I just don't know if Commander Ma Fangyu has called you?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Ma Fangyu came two days ago, and I enlightened him. This man is not of bad quality, he is a soldier's temperament, and you can let it go." Chief Number Two said.

"Well, with the words of the chief, I don't have any worries!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

Ma Fangyu is a major military man near Lanzhou City. If Ma Fangyu is unstable, Li Yuanhong will not dare to attack with all his strength. If he fights on the front line and Ma Fangyu makes chaos behind, he will be angry at both ends, and may even cause the entire army to collapse.

Now that Ma Fangyu is stable, he can rest assured to continue to attack west. One of the important things that Li Yuanhong will meet in Spring City this time is to determine Ma Fangyu's movements.

Saying goodbye to Chief No. 2, Li Yuanhong immediately flew straight to Li Luoxia’s barracks. This time Li Yuanhong did not encounter difficulties at the entrance of the barracks. Obviously Li Luoxia gave orders to these female soldiers, otherwise her husband would always be molested by her own men. Where can I put my own face?

But Li Yuanhong stood at the door, and the eyes of the female soldiers swept like him from time to time, which made Li Yuanhong feel very uncomfortable. Li Yuanhong was very uncomfortable until Li Yuanhong came out. Although the two knew that they had been separated for half a month, but the so-called little love wins the newlyweds, Li Yuanhong was held by Li Luoxia, and walked into the night city like a newlywed.

It was another romantic night. Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia came to Cuihua’s restaurant. The hotel Cuihua is in charge of is a high-end restaurant. People who come to eat here usually have a certain identity. Ordinary people come here. If you have more points, you are only willing to spend precious points to consume here.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would never care about the points. He fights with all kinds of dangers every day, and he brings too many materials and technologies to the base. For example, the book he recently got. This value can be converted into points. Li Yuanhong has eaten in Cuihua's restaurant for several lifetimes.

Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia asked for a private room. While serving the food, Li Yuanhong handed the resource ring to Li Luoxia: "This is given to me by the dragon. I think it suits you well. Right!"

"Ah, another one. My husband is amazing! It's so beautiful!" Li Luoxia took the ring happily.

"It seems that you promised Miss Zhizi last time and gave him such a ring, just this one can be given to her!" Li Luoxia said, let this sub-artifact be sent out passively, Li Yuanhong wanted to stop it. , Maybe these treasures, in the eyes of women, are not beautiful to distinguish their value, of course, there is one more point, is the gift is not given by one's beloved.

Li Yuanhong could only shook his head secretly, but Li Yuanhong was willing, and he did not stop him, so the two said parting for a while.

Soon the dinner was delivered, and the two gently touched their glasses, and the cozy dinner for two began.

However, during the meal, Li Yuanhong discovered that Li Luoxia seemed to be at heart. During the meal, Li Luoxia always frowned involuntarily.

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