Apocalyptic Hero System

: Festival 273: Thousand Miles No Man's Land

"Luoxia, what's the matter? What's the problem?" Li Yuanhong asked Li Luoxia frowning uncontrollably.

"Husband, are you going to go out again?" Li Luoxia asked.

"Yes, I guess I will leave tomorrow." Li Yuanhong apologized.

"Husband, did you say that we will spend one month together this year?" Li Luoxia asked.

"It's been more than a month!" Li Yuanhong didn't count it either.

"Well, so I always miss you, what do you say?" Li Luoxia said.

"Well, or else I will call you after the fight, OK?" Li Yuanhong coaxed Li Luoxia.

"No, people who can't see you think more!" A straightforward answer rejected Li Yuanhong's proposal.

"Then, or else I ask Dr. Bai and the others to find a way to restore the video call function, then we can video chat." Li Yuanhong tilted his head and thought of a way.

"Not good, or not good!" This time Li Luoxia didn't even give a reason, so she denied it.

After being denied one after another, Li Yuanhong didn't know what to do, so he asked Li Yuanhong: "Then...what do you say?"

"Of course I set off with you!" Li Luoxia said firmly in her eyes.

"Go out with me? How can this be done? The battlefield is very dangerous. I can't protect you then!"

"Who wants you to protect? When you are away, I worked very hard. Now my level is not lower than you, and I also train myself every day. I train those female soldiers and hope that one day I will fight alongside you on the battlefield. !" Li Luoxia said firmly.

"No, this is definitely not possible!" Li Yuanhong shook his head.

"I have already decided. If you don't agree, I will bring someone to the front. I want to fight with you!" Li Luoxia stared at Li Yuanhong unwaveringly.

Li Yuanhong looked at Li Luoxia's appearance and knew that she had planned for a long time. If he didn't agree, he might really go crazy, so Li Yuanhong reluctantly compromised: "Well, you are not allowed to be petty at the front line. , If you do not obey the command on the front line, I will send you back immediately!"

"It's safe, we will definitely save face to our chief commander when we get to the front line, rest assured, rest assured!" Li Luoxia smiled mischievously, completely disregarding Li Yuanhong's words.

Li Yuanhong looked helpless at Li Luoxia's naughty appearance. Li Yuanhong didn't know if his concession would cause serious trouble. Everything I can only be more careful not to hurt Li Luoxia.

Because Li Luoxia’s team was also going to expedition, Li Yuanhong stayed in Spring City for another day until the third morning, Li Yuanhong and Li Luoxia took the lead to take off by plane and went straight to Lanzhou City, while Li Luoxia’s women’s army was behind. Depart by train.

When we arrived in Lanzhou, it was a busy scene. Ma Fangyu’s 200,000 survivors have moved back to Lanzhou City, and many new soldiers have been added here. Now there are more than 400,000 people in Lanzhou City, including more than 200,000 soldiers. All kinds of tanks and artillery are lined up neatly, ready to set off at any time, and the sergeants are also busy making the final mobilization for the next battle.

As soon as Li Yuanhong returned to Lanzhou, he immediately convened a meeting with the officers in charge of the army. As soon as the officers entered the meeting room, they felt their eyes brightened. The attentive officer suddenly discovered that there was a beautiful girl beside Li Yuanhong.

Many officers had never met Li Luoxia, thinking that it was the secret that Li Yuanhong was looking for, so some officers began to gossip with each other in a low voice.

"I'm talking about Commander Zhang, who is the pretty girl next to the commander in chief?" an officer asked.

"I haven't seen it either. Is it the little secret Commander Li brought back from Spring City?"

"No way, we usually see Commander Li being very serious, but I didn't expect...hahaha!"

Li Yuanhong's ears are very good, and the people below spread rumors in front of him. Isn't this tired of life, so Li Yuanhong hurriedly spoke to prevent the rumors from spreading.

"Ahem, everyone is almost there, we are meeting now. First of all, let me introduce the beautiful female officer sitting next to me. She is the captain of the female corps and my wife, Li Luoxia, captain, he is not My little secret!"

After saying this, Li Yuanhong's sharp eyes swept down, and several of the officers who had just passed on the small words suddenly felt cold in the back of their necks. Obviously, Li Yuanhong had heard what they had just said. So these officers began to worry about whether they would be worn by Li Yuanhong.

As a result, after Li Yuanhong introduced Li Luoxia, he quickly moved on to the topic of normal military deployment. Originally, this kind of trivial matter was not worthy of Li Yuanhong's hatred. It was enough to warn him. The next step was to resolve the Western Regions Empire.

Li Yuanhong is still a two-headed line, a strategy of advancing side by side. Commander Xiao set out from Lanzhou, took Xining at the end, attacked Kuqa, Aksu, Xinjiang, and regained the southern Silk Road of Xinjiang. Jiayuguan went straight to Urumqi and took the northern line of the Silk Road.

Although the strategy is well formulated, the battle is not so easy. First of all, the southern route will face more deserts and plateau routes next door, so the material consumption will be greater, so Li Yuanhong sits on the southern route, although the northern route is convenient. , But there are also many passes along the way. If the enemy keeps the pass, the difficulty of fighting is not as bad as that of the southern route. However, this kind of battle is most suitable for the two war mads, Wang Jingrong and Xing Ling.

After the task was dispatched, troops were dispatched. The team set off on the next day. The mighty tank group opened the way ahead and the aircraft escorted in the air. The troop walked smoothly along the way. Not only did we not see zombies along the way, but also the wild animals that recovered after the end of the world, nor did we see one. The empty roads and empty mountains, as if Li Yuanhong and the others came to the restricted area of ​​life, which made Li Yuanhong A little nervous, for fear of the trap of the Western Regions empire buried here.

Xining City arrived soon, which made Li Yuanhong a little uncomfortable. Normally, between the two big cities, there will be many small county towns. Every time they pass, there will be a battle. This time, the battle will go smoothly. Arriving outside Xining City, Li Yuanhong was a little uncomfortable.

"Commander Zhang, you send someone to investigate the situation in the city to see the distribution of zombies." Li Yuanhong instructed the head of the tank regiment that was accompanying him.

"Yes, promise to complete the task!" Head Zhang saluted, and then quickly ran to arrange.

Li Yuanhong also took out his binoculars and stood on the armored vehicle and looked towards Xining City.

Xiningcheng had a population of more than two million before the end of the world, and was an important gateway to Tibet in Qinghai. Historically, it was an important town for military strategists. Therefore, there was a city in ancient times. There are many historical sites here, and there are many Tibetan Buddhist temples scattered around the city.

However, the prosperous and noisy city in the past is extremely quiet at this time, similar to the situation when it came. There are no zombies and no other creatures. It seems like a dead city here.

"Report, the front investigation is back." At this time, Head Zhang returned and reported.

"What was the result of the investigation?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the city seems to be an empty city, no zombies have been found, and no other animals have been found." Head Zhang said.

"Okay, send a few more teams into the city to search. We must search house to house to prevent zombies from hiding in the dark and attacking us." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Head Zhang went down and came back soon.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, I have searched in front, and there are no zombies, and..." Head Zhang hesitated.

"And what?"

"Moreover, the doors of all rooms are open, and the materials inside are gone." Head Zhang said helplessly.

Li Yuanhong was taken aback for a moment. Is this a solid wall and a clear country? I don’t have a lot of supplies with me. I just hope that I can get the supplies on the spot when capturing the city, so as to reduce the logistical pressure. This is good. The zombies come directly to the solid wall and clear the land. There are no beds to sleep at night. Soldiers can hit the floor, but hitting the floor this winter is a headache.

"Okay, order the troops to enter the city. After entering the city, make defensive arrangements. In addition, let the logistics supply some necessary bedding, and don't let the soldiers freeze." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes, I will definitely notify the logistics department." Head Zhang replied firmly.

After Li Yuanhong gave his instructions, he took the lead to get off the armored vehicle and walked to the city government office building. It stands to reason that the city government can use the least materials here, basically office desks, chairs or various documents, other necessities such as clothes and food, almost non-existent, but unexpectedly, when Li Yuanhong walked into the office building, it was also here. It was empty, not even a piece of confetti left.

"It seems that this Western Region Empire is poorer than us!" Head Zhang next to him sighed.

Li Yuanhong also shook his head secretly. This situation made him unexpected. Now that he came here, he didn't even have a chair to sit on. It seems that the meeting will have to sit on the floor.

Fortunately, it’s not very far from Lanzhou City. Soon some necessary supplies were shipped over, and Li Yuanhong finally had a chair to sit in and work. But one after another bad news came: the offensive on the north line went smoothly. Within a day, After winning the two cities, it is expected to arrive at Jiayuguan city back tomorrow.

Why is such good news called bad news? It turned out that the northern line and the southern line encountered the same situation. The cities passed by were all empty cities. Not only did the zombies in the city disappear, but all the materials in the city were also empty.

This kind of locust-like raids by the Western Regions empires has resulted in increased logistical pressure on Li Yuanhong’s troops, and as the front continues to stretch, its supply becomes more and more difficult. If the enemy sends a small group of troops to harass the rear, then The entire front may fall into a passive state.

Under tremendous pressure, Li Yuanhong returned to his cabin at night, but before entering the house, he saw that the door of his room was half open, and there was a faint light coming from inside, which made Li Yuanhong startled. Could it be that he entered the room? Up? But now there is nothing in his room, what did this thief steal in?

Li Yuanhong opened the door cautiously, ready to enter the fighting state at any time, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw a figure of Qianli busy in the room. Li Yuanhong was taken aback. That figure was Li Luoxia. She was not left behind by herself. Already, why did you get here?

"What are you doing, sneaky, like a thief!" Li Luoxia turned her head and looked at Li Yuanhong and asked mischievously.

Li Yuanhong's face went dark for a while. He thought he was a thief, but he became a thief.

"Why are you here? Didn't you arrange for you to prepare supplies in the rear?" Li Yuanhong asked a little bit strangely.

"Didn't I prepare the materials and come with them!" Li Luoxia said lightly.

Li Yuanhong was speechless for a while, but there was a woman around him that was different, the originally empty room, after Li Luoxia's manipulation, the empty room felt like home.

Li Yuanhong knew that it was impossible to drive Li Luoxia away. He could only find a way to ensure Li Luoxia's safety. Fortunately, it was now a no-man's land, which was considered safe.

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