Apocalyptic Hero System

: 274th Fight of Wisdom

It’s great to feel at home, but to have a home is a greater responsibility. Li Yuanhong rushed forward so desperately in the last days, hegemony or something, Li Yuanhong never thought about it. He wanted more love for his family and himself. People, a more peaceful environment.

On the second day, Li Yuanhong continued to lead the army forward. It was still no man’s land. All the towns and villages were raided and cleaned. If it was not too much trouble to demolish houses, it is estimated that people from the Western Regions would demolish even houses. Up.

The motorcade soon came to Qinghai Lake. Before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong had always wanted to visit Qinghai Lake. Today I finally saw this big lake, but now the lake is completely enclosed by ice and snow, and there is no scenery at all except ice and snow. The cold wind brings the coldness here even more.

Li Yuanhong looked far away, without any breath of life. Li Yuanhong wanted to dig through the lake to see if there were any aquatic life in the lake. At this moment, on the west horizon, Li Yuanhong seemed to have noticed something moving, but This flash disappeared. If it weren't for Li Yuanhong's super good eyes, it is estimated that Li Yuanhong would not see this flash.

"There is something in front of you, quickly send scouts to investigate." Li Yuanhong instructed the tank regiment leader beside him.

"Yes, I understand!" Head Zhang immediately dispatched a military jeep and rushed forward quickly. Because the tank was too slow, it was more convenient to do reconnaissance than a jeep.

Soon Head Zhang's walkie-talkie rang: "Report to Head, we found a small group of zombies in front."

"Okay, stare at it, you must not lose it!" When Head Zhang heard this, he immediately became energetic. He hadn't even encountered a zombie in these two days. It really made these soldiers itchy. The zombies immediately brought the soldiers to their spirits, one by one, like the big gray wolves who met the fat sheep, the tanks started with full horsepower and chased them away.

This chase was tens of kilometers. At first, these zombies were still running along the road. Later, seeing that they could not get rid of the chase of the tank, they got off the road and turned directly to the dirt road. The speed of the tank slowed down because of the slippery snow in winter. The reason is that the speed of the tank entering the snow has slowed down by nearly half. In some places, you have to be careful. The surface of the snow layer of Mapingchuan may be buried below the deep pit that can bury the tank.

Li Yuanhong can already see the zombies at this time. The number of zombies is not very large. There are only less than one hundred. This point of zombies may be easily solved by sending a few tanks. Then, when Chief Zhang is excited, he will send all the tanks. Chasing the zombies.

Observing these zombies carefully, Li Yuanhong found the problem. These zombies are shadow zombies with agility. Although winter affects the flexibility of zombies, in this snowy field, these zombies run much faster than tanks. . That's not a big deal. These zombies seem to control their speed deliberately and don't run with all their strength. Sometimes the tank is pulled away, and these zombies will deliberately slow down.

"Quite, all tanks stop sneaking!" Li Yuanhong suddenly ordered.

"What's wrong, Commander Li?" Head Zhang was suddenly stopped by Li Yuanhong, a little puzzled. The zombie was about to catch up, so why did he stop?

"There is an ambush of zombies nearby!" Li Yuanhong said coldly.

"What?" Head Zhang was startled, why didn't he notice.

"Order the troops to retreat, pay attention to retreat in a defensive formation, and do not expose your weakness to the enemy." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Although I don't know how Li Yuanhong discovered that there was an ambush, Head Zhang still unconditionally executed Li Yuanhong's order.

Soon, the tank slowly retreated, but at this moment, in the snow not far from the tank, many zombies suddenly appeared, and these zombies rushed towards the tank group.

"Give me a cannon and fight fiercely!" Seeing the zombies rushing, Commander Zhang also jumped. These zombies are less than two hundred meters away from the tank unit. If the tank goes further, your own unit will Entered the circle of zombies.

Since the tank is close to the corpse group, the tank’s artillery can’t do its job at all. It can only rely on the machine gun that the tank is equipped with to shoot. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong asked the tank to open upside down, which made the tank attack the zombies the first time. Otherwise, the tank is turning around and attacking, it is estimated that the zombies will climb onto the tank.

Although the tank’s firepower is very fierce, the zombies are still approaching. After all, the machine gun on the tank is not the kind of powerful machine gun, and many of these attacking zombies are armored zombies, which greatly reduces Li Yuanhong’s machine gun attacks, and the snow is also Reduced the tank's movement speed, which made the tank group unable to escape the pursuit of zombies for a while.

"Fat man, we are chased by zombies here. We need your support. Support as soon as possible!" Li Yuanhong took out the walkie-talkie and directly requested support from the Air Force. If it is an airship, Li Yuanhong will never ask for support. The speed of the airship will wait until here. It's cold.

It has to be said that the air force is still strong. In less than ten minutes, the two new aircraft rushed to the battlefield. A meal of miniature missiles drove these reluctant zombies and bombed them, so that the tank group was out of close contact with the zombies. Then the tank’s artillery finally took advantage. With the addition of tank fire, the group of zombies was soon annihilated. When the group of zombies were counted, Li Yuanhong discovered that the equipment of these zombies had changed a lot, and these zombies were not there. It's the kind of crude cast iron armor, but the armor made of stainless steel. This armor is more bulletproof. No wonder the machine gun bullets are so weak to them.

While cleaning the battlefield, Head Zhang came over: "Commander in chief, how did you find that zombies are in ambush?"

"This is very simple. After you find the zombies, those zombies fleeing seem to be deliberately guiding us here, which is very strange."

"Lure?" Head Zhang didn't understand, why didn't he find the zombie to lure himself.

"These zombies are not controlled by the giant zombies, but they don't take the initiative to attack us, but take the initiative to retreat. This is not in line with the habits of zombies, and when they retreat, they seem to slow down deliberately and fail to escape at all. This is similar to a normal retreat. The zombies are different. And on the plain in front of us, there are a lot of snow packs. This is a plateau and the wind is very strong. It is normal if there are dune-like heavy snow packs, but these inexplicable little snow packs are abnormal. Because this kind of snow pack has long been flattened by the wind on the plateau." Li Yuanhong said.

"Ah, it turns out that there is so much attention to each other, why didn't I notice it!" Head Zhang exclaimed.

"Lead troops to fight, no details should be let go. The enemy will not give you a chance to correct your mistakes. Just like just now, if we retreat in the evening, then we will be surrounded by zombies. Don't look at us. The tank has a hard shell, but now the zombies have very strong attack power. It may not take long before the shell of the tank will be destroyed by the zombies, but then we will be passive." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes, I will be more careful in the future." Head Zhang said with some fear.

"Well, you go and report what happened today to the entire army, so that all units will strengthen their guard to prevent the zombies from being caught by mistake."

"Yes!" Head Zhang immediately went down and sent the message.

Li Yuanhong frowned and looked at the corpses of the zombies that fell on the ground. There were only more than 10,000 zombies that were wiped out. They were completely cannon fodder in the corpse group. In addition to the shadow zombies used as bait, these corpse groups There is no mutant zombie or supernatural zombie, they are all ordinary zombies. This is obviously the corpse leader using these cannon fodder to test himself.

However, this is also a signal, which means that in the future, zombies will use more and more tricks. If you want to ambush this kind of trick, there will be an endless stream. Now Li Yuanhong has no choice but to use tricks. Once the main enemy is found, Li Yuanhong will not Let go of the other party, and let these zombies see who is the ancestor who used the trap.

The motorcade continued to move forward, out of Xining, and then on to the plateau Gobi area. It is not only cold, but also sparsely vegetation, and the climate is dry and cold. Here, it is almost no man’s land in nature, where the natural environment is harsh, within a thousand miles. There are few people, if there weren't any roads, Li Yuanhong would have lost his way.

"Where are we?" Li Yuanhong looked at the map in confusion. The scenery is the same everywhere. On the rough rocky beach, there are a few sparse thistles full of thorns, and there is no reference to them. Even the satellite signal is quite weak.

"Commander in chief, we are almost at the junction of Xinjiang and Qinghai!" Regiment Zhang said.

"Okay, pay attention. Although there is no dangerous terrain here, once it is surrounded, it is difficult for us to rely on terrain defense and let the soldiers expand the cordon outside." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" Leader Zhang agreed.

Not long after the scouts were sent out, they heard the anxious cry of Head Zhang's walkie-talkie: "Report to Head, it's not good, we have encountered a group of corpses!"

"Report your location, report the number of zombies!" Head Zhang hurriedly shouted into the intercom.

"We are ten kilometers directly in front of the team. The number of corpses is unknown, and there is a large black mass. I don't know how many there are!" The voice is very rapid, and there are also the sound of cars running and guns shooting violently in the intercom. Obviously the scouts have already Glued to zombies.

"You must order the troops to retreat. This is not suitable for blocking. Order the troops behind to do defense on the spot." Li Yuanhong quickly ordered.

"Commander, why don't we stop the enemy here?"

In the past, Li Yuanhong likes to drive the zombies to the plains and then use intensive firepower to annihilate the zombies, but that is to set up the game by himself so that the zombies are concentrated in a relatively small area, so that the power of the intensive artillery can be exerted. At this time, the surrounding area is open. If the zombies spread out to attack, their current artillery density will not be enough. At that time, the zombies will not be annihilated, but the zombies will surround themselves. Once there is a mistake in a certain direction, it will cause an overall defeat.

"Here we don't have enough firepower. Let the logistics unit withdraw first, and then the tank unit retreats while fighting, release pigeons to the enemy, and inform the fighter unit to be ready to increase its personnel at any time." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" Head Zhang received the order and hurried down to convey it.

After a while, a reconnaissance military jeep galloped over, less than a hundred meters from the rear of the car, and was chasing dozens of zombies. The soldiers on the jeep kept shooting backwards, but these zombies easily More past.

Although Li Yuanhong is far away, he can still see that these zombies are the evolution of shadow zombies, shadow zombies, but the speed of these shadow zombies is faster than before, if it weren't for the soldiers' continuous shooting, causing these shadows The zombies kept avoiding, slowing down, and these soldiers might be chased by the zombies and killed.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanhong took out a sniper rifle from the space, set it on the roof of the armored car, opened the real eye and aimed at the zombies in the distance, followed by a shot, and the zombies running in the front suddenly stopped. Preparing to avoid the bullets that the soldiers shot at him, at this moment, Li Yuanhong's sniper rifle arrived, impartially, and the bullet passed through the head of the zombie.

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