Apocalyptic Hero System

: 291st Desert Battle

During the day, although it is winter now, Kuangsha is still the biggest enemy of the desert. Although zombies do not need to drink water, their bodies will still dry out if they leave the water, which will reduce their combat effectiveness and the cold in the desert is even more terrifying. That kind of cold is painful to the bones. This kind of cold makes the skeletons feel that their bones are beginning to become brittle, and the sand and dust can make people lose their way. Therefore, the plan of the national division to cross the desert one day fails the next day. Up.

The biggest trouble in the desert is getting lost. Unfortunately for the national teacher, he lost his way. Fortunately, the stars saved him at night. However, the original one-day trip took him three days. At this time, due to lack of water, many zombies The fighting power of the zombies has dropped drastically, and even the fat zombies have become thinner.

When the national division was very upset, finally at dawn on the third day, the zombie army saw the edge of the desert. At the same time, the zombies also saw the human barracks on the edge of the desert, which made the national division very happy. He finally hurried across the desert before the humans left. However, the national division forgot, why the humans did not leave for such a long time. Here, it seems that human beings are waiting for them specially.

The battle started immediately. The zombies rushed towards the human camp frantically, and the humans responded with intensive artillery fire. Because they were charging in the desert, the speed of the zombies could not be raised by the sand. The charging road of a few kilometers was normal. The zombies can rush up in ten minutes, but now the zombies have spent an entire hour, and humans are still constantly attacking with intensive artillery fire, causing the corpse group to suffer huge losses.

"Quickly, transfer me the skeleton archer!" Seeing that the offensive ahead has not been effective, the national division plans to open the way with dense bone arrows.

Soon the archers were in place, five hundred archers hand in hand to shoot arrows, and the dense rain of arrows flew to the human camp from two kilometers away.

"Attention all, enemy arrows are coming!" The human observers have been paying close attention to the enemy's movements. When the skeleton archers lined up, these observers noticed. Therefore, when the bow and arrow are shot, the observer immediately reports. To the troops.

With the sound of the announcement, both tanks and armored vehicles activated the magical protective runes covered on their surfaces, so the surface of the tank floated. When the bone arrows struck, most tanks and armored vehicles were intact, and only a few were unlucky. The soldiers in the bunker, unfortunately, were shot by the bow and arrow that penetrated the floating soil of the bunker, making a miserable cry.

The first wave of bow and arrow attacks did not cause substantial damage to humans. The human artillery fire was still fierce, and the appearance of skeleton archers also made human artillery fire at them. When the second wave of bone arrows were fired, humans had revenge. Artillery fire also came, and the skeleton archer was immediately covered by artillery fire.

The dust and smoke from the artillery fire has not dissipated. From the dust and smoke, the bone arrow rain was launched again. This time the bone arrow rain shot on the tank in front. After the magic protection of many tanks flashed twice, they suddenly burst. The tank was shot directly into a hedgehog by a bone arrow, and the tank became dumb.

Commander Xiao, who had been observing the movement in front of the rear, asked the guard next to him anxiously: "Why haven't the aircraft reinforcements arrived yet?"

"Report to the commander, there are hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest airport, and it should be here soon!" The guard hesitated.

"These **** skeletons, it seems that only the missiles of the aircraft can solve them." Commander Xiao said bitterly.

At this time, the second wave of human artillery fire covered the position of the skeleton archer. This explosion finally played a role. Finally, some skeletons were rushed into the air by the waves of the artillery fire. This allowed the observer to finally see the state of these skeletons. . Although some skeleton archers were bombed and missing a part, such as a certain leg bone, most of the skeleton archers were shining with a faint magic light. It is obvious that these skeleton archers have magic protection. No wonder the first wave of artillery attacks Did not affect them.

The artillery and arrows exchanged between the two sides caused each other's casualties, but in general, the impact on humans was relatively large. Due to the loss of tanks at the front of human defense, the intensity of artillery was weakened, and corpses soon burst into places less than one kilometer from the human camp. .

At this moment, there was the sound of an airplane disturbing the air in the distant sky, and a human bat plane appeared in the distance.

"Finally she fell, and it won't be Lao Tzu's first line of defense!" Commander Xiao said in a slightly excited voice.

However, the excitement of Commander Xiao hadn't landed yet, and there were many erratic ghosts in the corpse group flying into the sky one after another, facing the distant plane.

"Attention, the ghost force is dispatched, you pay attention, you pay attention." Commander Xiao quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie next to him and called to the leader of the air fleet.

"We understand, we understand!" Fatty Lu's voice came from the leader of the fleet.

As the ghost approached the aircraft, the aircraft group took the lead in firing. The aircraft launched not ordinary missiles, but a special missile that resembled flare bombs. After these flare bombs were launched, a light curtain was formed in front of the aircraft, and These flareballs hit the ghosts, causing the ghosts to mourn, and several ghosts were directly beaten into dust.

However, there were many ghosts, and only a small part of the ghosts were killed directly. Many ghosts escaped the attack by throwing light bombs and rushed directly to the plane. The two sides collided quickly, and the expected phenomenon of ghosts being scattered and flying did not appear, but when the ghosts contacted the zombies, the zombies penetrated the aircraft shell and directly got into the aircraft, and the pilot directly faced the ghosts. , The ghost screamed directly, and directly robbed the pilot's consciousness, and then the plane fell directly.

As soon as the two parties met, they had their own losses. Fatty Lu just intuitively felt that if he ran into the ghost, there would be unexpected danger. So when the ghost flew towards him, Fatty Lu hurriedly and the plane flew over the ghost’s head. , When Fat Lu saw that the planes that had been invaded by ghosts had all fallen down, Fat Lu was frightened and sweated.

"Attention, all staff, don't let the ghost approach the aircraft, don't let the ghost approach the aircraft." Fatty Lu informed the other pilots in the communication, so the two sides are intertwined, although the ghost has the characteristic of wearing an aircraft, Soon Fatty Lu discovered that the speed of these ghosts could not be compared with that of airplanes. As long as they kept their distance, these ghosts could not cause any damage to the airplane.

In addition, Fatty Lu also took time to fly over the Skeleton Archer’s position and threw a few missiles at the position. As a result, the explosive power of the missile caused the Skeleton Archer to be directly killed and casualties, which disrupted the archer’s attack. , Human beings can finally put the main attack on the zombies. Due to the obstruction of the archers just now, the zombies group has taken a step further, and the distance from the line of defense is already less than 500 meters.

Because the skeleton archer was attacked, and the ghost’s attack did not have the expected effect, especially the plane was equipped with a light magic weapon such as a flare bullet, which was unexpected to the national division. I did not expect that after a short confrontation, more than 100 The ghost turned into fly ash.

"Airplane, where is our plane?" The national teacher angered in his eyes and asked the entourage beside him.

"Master Mage, we have already notified the airport, but due to the lack of airstrips at the airport, it will take a while for the fleet to arrive." The entourage replied cautiously.

"Huh, the irritating human emperor, doing things so procrastinated, watch me turn around to punish this puppet!" The national teacher's eyes were more angry.

The entourage next to see that the national division was full of anger and did not dare to answer. At this moment, there was a roar of planes in the distant sky, and the fleet of zombies finally appeared on the horizon. And depending on the size of the fleet, there were no less than 100 planes. , And now there are only more than 20 human airplanes. In terms of number, zombie airplanes have an absolute advantage.

With the arrival of the zombie’s plane, the situation in the air turned irreversibly. Fatty Lu saw the zombie’s fleet from a distance, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: "The enemy aircraft group is found, everyone pays attention, and the enemy aircraft group is guided as planned. Go to the reservation area and protect yourself!"


"Roger that!"

The planes responded one after another, and the planes flew back in the chaotic air battle. Most of the enemy planes that came started chasing Fatty Lu’s plane. However, there were still a few planes rushing towards the human position, ready to fight. Humans are bombing.

"Damn Fat Lu, why are you still leaving a few planes!" Commander Xiao cursed secretly when he saw the enemy plane flying in. Fortunately, these zombie planes are still traditional aircraft before the end of the world. Traditional air defense weapons are still useful, so Commander Xiao ordered: "Quickly, bring me the air defense missiles!"

Following Commander Xiao’s order, several anti-aircraft missile vehicles were driven out. Soon the missiles of the missile vehicles were erected. As the soldiers pressed the launch button, the missiles rose into the sky and went straight to the zombie’s aircraft.

Although these zombie planes maintained the appearance of pre-end-of-the-day warplanes, the zombie pilots of these planes were not as flexible as human flying planes. Less than ten planes would be blown up by missiles by more than half. These planes did not operate in the air at all Any dodge action seems to be directly towards the missile, the two sides are in close contact in the air, and then a brilliant spark is exploded in the air.

However, two planes still escaped the missile attack. The two planes quickly flew to the human position, so the two planes retaliated against the humans. The missiles and airborne bombs on the planes smashed into the humans like a torrential rain. Soon the first line of defense appeared a major defensive loophole.

With a loophole in the first line of defense, the corpse group finally rushed into a place less than two hundred meters away from the humans, and at this time the corpse group's follow-up troops also began to follow up, and the corpse group's pressure on humans was increasing.

Commander Xiao looked at his watch helplessly: "One and a half hours, alas, this defense time is a bit short! Order the first line of defense to retreat to the second line of defense, and the second echelon enters the position to attack!"

"Yes!" The soldier next to him received the order and immediately went down to pass the order.

At this moment, there were two explosions in the sky, and the two aircraft that broke into the human position were blown up by the subsequent air defense missiles.

In the sound of the aircraft explosion, three kilometers away from the first line of defense, the artillery fire of the second line of defense began to fire frantically. Soon the front of the first line of defense was covered by artillery fire, and the zombies that had just approached were immediately suppressed. , And the front-line troops also took advantage of this rare opportunity to quickly withdraw back. I saw the tanks and armored vehicles that were withdrawn, mostly with bone arrows. Because people were sitting in the tank, the skeleton archer was not accurate. Aiming at the soldiers in the tanks, so most of the soldiers in the tanks and armored vehicles are still alive, but many are injured.

The retreat of mankind further aroused the desire of the national division to kill: "Humans, die! Order the troops behind to speed up, and these humans must not be allowed to escape!"

"Yes!" The skeleton attendant beside the national teacher also said with a strong flame in his eyes.

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