Apocalyptic Hero System

: 292nd: Flying Dragon Participates in the War

According to the order issued by the national division, the mutant zombies and the ability zombies behind have accelerated. Because the number of mutant zombies and ability zombies is scarce, the skeleton mage must not let these units be cannon fodder, so most of the ability zombies and mutant zombies All at the end of the team, the army of ten million zombies, pulled out more than a hundred miles, in this desert, this one hundred miles, it takes a long time to finish. Therefore, when human beings fight with zombies, the zombies did not immediately take advantage of the number of corpses, but instead became a fueling tactic, which instead allowed human artillery to take advantage.

Now the national division hopes to rely on the advantage of the zombie group as soon as possible, so that the battle can be resolved quickly, and then rely on the absolute advantage of force to kill the human hinterland in one breath, thereby expanding the territory of the puppet kingdom.

The National Teacher is dreaming about his future grand plan, but the reality makes him a little speechless.

Human beings retreat quickly, and have moved away from the zombies again, which is equivalent to the fact that the zombies have finally come close to the humans. The advantage of the zombies in melee combat will soon be brought into play. However, once the humans retreat, this advantage disappears, and everything is back to the original point. Of course, the national division could not accept this kind of thing, so he asked the attendants gloomily: "Where did our planes fly? Does it take so long to chase down so few enemy planes?"

"Report Master Master, we just contacted the fighters of the flying team, but there was no response!" The attendant replied in a low voice.

"What? No response? Don't tell me that all these fighters were beaten down. There were nearly ninety planes, and the enemy planes didn't even have twenty. Even if they hit with their heads, they could knock them all down. , Not to mention there are ghost troops coordinating nearby." The national division asked angrily.

"This... I'm going to contact you now!" The entourage was afraid to speak, and went straight to contact the rigid zombie drivers.

However, the bad news did not end because of this. After the humans in the front retreated, they secretly buried mines in the previous position. The skeleton archer had just been in position and was about to attack the human position again from a long distance. There was a loud noise. Most of the human positions were bombed into the sky. Most of those skeleton archers with very hard bones were bombed into the sky, and then fell one after another. Although there were few skeletons who died directly, most of them had their arms broken. Legs, which caused the skeleton archer legion to basically lose its combat ability, and the zombie legion lost its long-range attack support.

The national teacher did not expect that when the human beings retreated, he would be overcast. The Qi orifices of qi produced smoke, which was real smoke. The flames were constantly erupting from his holes. This was the kind of kiss he brought from another world. The guards didn't expect that few people were bombed by human landmines, which made him not angry.

"All the troops rush to me, don't let any of these humans go!" The anger in the eyes of the national teacher is more than three feet high, and you can see the red light from far away.

With the order of the national division, the entire desert trembled. Nearly tens of millions of zombies ran, and the dust and smoke rose up in the desert. If viewed from a distance, they thought it was a sandstorm.

"I don't know how Wang Jingjingrong's preparations are. If we are not here, we may not be able to stand it anymore!" Commander Xiao sighed helplessly as he watched the smoke rising from the place.

"Order the artillery fire to open, and you must block the zombies, and those who retreat will be deserted!" Commander Xiao can only head-on at this time. If he retreats at this time, the entire team may be annihilated by the entire army of zombies. Will leave a living for myself.

"Yes!" Although the guards looking at the corpse group in the distance were a little afraid, the commander was not afraid, and the soldiers below also grew courageous, not to mention that the deserters were executed in the military order.

"In addition, tell my reserve army to drive over my tank and I will also go into battle and fire two shots." Commander Xiao took off his outer cover, revealing the new magic armor, and flexed his muscles and bones. The soldier's temperament is from the inside. Born.

"Commander, the front line is too dangerous!" The guard next to him hurriedly stopped.

"Isn't there any danger? Once the zombies rush through our defenses, we will all be killed. Instead of dying in vain, it is better to fight to death on the battlefield. Since ancient times, the battlefield has been the home of our soldiers. Only if you are not afraid of him, Finally stand and come back. Go ahead and do as I told you." Commander Xiao said proudly.

"Yes!" The guard also responded loudly, being infected.

Soon, the whole line moved. The soldiers who had just retired heard that the commander was going to the battlefield himself, so they petitioned: "Company commander, let us go up. We just got a few arrows from the turret. There is absolutely no problem in firing. of!"

"Yes, company commander, I just got an arrow shot in my thigh. It's not bandaged. It doesn't get in the way. I'm a gunner and I don't need a leg to shoot."

"Company commander, even his lame man can go to the battlefield, I just scratched my head, it must be fine!"

One by one, the sentiment was agitated, and the scene was a bit out of control. These officers in charge of the rear wounded and sick number were surrounded by these wounded soldiers and couldn't get out.

At this time, Commander Xiao happened to pass by. He was about to go to his two special tanks, but was discovered by the soldiers.

"Commander, commander, look at our company commander for not letting us go to the battlefield, but your order will be punished as a deserter if you don't go to the battlefield. You can't say anything!"

"Guard, have I ever issued such an order?" Commander Xiao was taken aback when he was asked, and quickly asked the guard next to him.

"It seems so." The guard scratched his head.

"Ah? Really? Then I change the order, the injured are not included here!" Commander Xiao said with a smile.

"What, commander, you are shameless!" Now the wounded soldiers quit.

"Wait a minute, listen to me to finish." Commander Xiao cleared his throat and said: "Although you can't go to the battlefield, but now it is wartime, a lot of materials need to be supplied to the front line in time, but now all the forces have gone to the front line, then I ask You guys, if the frontline runs out of ammunition, what else can you use to beat the zombies? What do you say?"

Now the whole scene fell silent, and then a wounded soldier shouted: "Yes, we can go to deliver ammunition!"

"Yes, we are going to deliver supplies. I hurt my leg and I can still drive!"

Suddenly, the wounded soldiers rushed to the ammunition depot, and began to carry ammunition on the truck, forwarding.

"Talents are usable, not to be discarded. Do you understand?" Commander Xiao walked to the besieged petty officer and patted him on the shoulder.

"Ah? Oh! I understand!" The non-commissioned officer was taken aback, thought for a moment, and then replied.

"Okay, the logistics is left to you wounded soldiers!"

"Please don't worry, the chief!" The sergeant saluted.

Commander Xiao nodded, and then strode towards his tank.

At this time, the frontline wars are flying. Although the zombies are blocked by strong firepower, the corpse group is still advancing, and the follow-up corpse group rushes to increase the density of the zombies, and the zombies have a tendency to gradually disperse, allowing the front line to be The cross-section of the zombie facing him is getting wider. The lethality of artillery fire began to decline.

"Hahaha, mankind can't stand it anymore, then let me give him the final blow, go, send someone to send the fat zombie division up, and let them taste the power of the artillery fire of our Necromancer!" Seeing the front line advancing smoothly, he laughed.

The command of the national division had just been given, and before his laughter hit the ground, he heard the chirping of an eagle in the distance. As the chirping sounded, a group of black beasts appeared in the direction where the fleet just disappeared in the distance.

"What's that?" The National Teacher was taken aback, shouldn't his group of aircraft appear in that direction? How come there are so many birds, is it because your flock hit the birds?

When the national teacher was stunned, the group of flying things finally flew in. It turned out to be the Griffin Knights and the flying dragon. The Griffin national teacher had heard of it, but the flying dragon has never been seen by the national teacher. When the teacher was a little dazed, the attack from the sky began, and the Griffin Rider began to draw bows and shoot arrows. Some time ago, humans were still attacked by the arrow rain from the skeleton archers, but now the opposite is the case. These zombies bear the arrow rain from the humans. .

However, the equipment of the Zombie Legion has also been greatly improved. After the first wave of arrow rain, the zombies immediately formed a shield formation to prevent the bow and arrow attacks. However, the flying dragons began to attack. The flying dragons opened their mouths one by one and spewed green magic balls. These magic **** fell on the shield, just like rain falling on a rock, and flowed down the shield. Some fell on the faces and armors of the zombies soldiers hiding under the shields, and then the skin of these zombies exposed outside the armor immediately smoked with a strong corrosive smell. At this time, the attack of the flying dragon dragon bullet, this kind of highly corrosive dragon bullet, caused the corpse group to suffer a big loss as soon as it came up.

Those zombies who thought they had escaped the attacks of bows and arrows and missiles soon felt that something was wrong. Many zombies found that their companies and hands were corroded, and soon their skin rotted away, revealing the dreaded bones. Those arms that still held shields lost After gaining the muscles, he could no longer lift the shield immediately, and one after another with the broken arms with only white bones, they landed one after another, and a lot of the corroded remains of the skeleton were also directly crushed by the heavy armor.

"Quickly, I want to attack from the sky, don't let those monsters that can spray acid liquid come close!" The master of the country roared, so the remaining skeleton archers and ability zombies attacked the sky, and other zombies were also cautious. Avoid those flying dragons that spray corrosive liquid to prevent themselves from becoming the next corroded skeleton frame.

Just when the zombies were busy avoiding aerial attacks, they did not notice their feet. At this time, the area where the entire corpse group was, the sand began to flow slowly, like a huge vortex in the sea, but the speed was very slow at first, and it did not cause the zombies. Attention, but now the flow of sand is accelerating. As long as the group of zombies pay attention to it, the abnormality under the feet can be found. However, due to the aerial attack, the attention of the zombies is completely diverted.

"Commander Xiao? Is Commander Xiao there?" When Griffin and Flying Dragon were both attacking, Commander Xiao's phone rang.

"I'm Commander Xiao, is this Jing Rong? Why haven't you attacked yet!" Commander Xiao is driving the tank at this time, preparing to join the attack.

"Our magic array has been activated, and I hope Commander Xiao will increase firepower to attract the attention of the zombies so that the array can start smoothly!" Wang Jingrong's serious voice came from the other side of the microphone.

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