Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 320th Bridge Battle

The sound of guns not only caused the zombies to die in rows, but also caused more zombies on the mountain to come down the mountain and began to gather towards the bridge. During this period, many zombies went the wrong way and fell directly off the mountain road, leaving the disabled zombies army. Further expansion, which caused the number of accidental casualties of zombies to continue to increase, but the huge number quickly piled up tall corpse mountains on both sides of the bridge, which significantly reduced the shooting efficiency of magic weapons.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the corpse hills on both sides of the bridge have exceeded five meters, and our weapons can no longer shoot the dead groups farther away. Now the zombie forward has approached our defense line less than 150 meters." A soldier told Li Yuanhong Reporting.

"I know, continue to monitor the movements of the zombies." Li Yuanhong was not in a hurry, but was waiting, waiting for the appearance of the ape corpse that he cared more about. Since the morning luring the zombies to gather on the Yangtze River Bridge, the battle has been going on for most of the day , Now the ordinary zombies gathered towards the bridge, and none of the ape corpses appeared on the bridge.

"Is the ape corpse still in the urban forest?" Li Yuanhong asked the guard standing next to him.

"Yes, the ape corpses are still there still, it is estimated that giant zombies are controlling them." The guard replied.

"This is troublesome, I thought there were no giant zombies in this city!" Li Yuanhong had a headache, and the ape corpse controlled by the giant zombies was even more difficult to destroy.

"Do you want to give them some excitement?" Wang Bin next to him asked.

"Give them stimulation? How to stimulate?" Li Yuanhong asked

"If we launch weapons from a fixed point on the bridge and throw bombs directly at those ape corpses, will the ape corpses sit still?" Wang Bin said.

"You can give it a try. Before that, explode the corpses on both sides of the bridge. Don’t hinder the shooting range of the weapon. Otherwise, the movement speed of those ape corpses is not so easy to deal with. We try to cause them damage from a distance. , To prevent the ape corpse from entering our position, now our soldiers fight the ape corpse alone, it is still a bit difficult." Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, I try my best to let the soldiers arrange obstacles in front of the position to stop the moving speed of the zombies." Wang Bin said.

"Okay, go ahead, arrange as many obstacles as possible." Li Yuanhong nodded.

Soon the naval guns rang. With the bombardment of huge teams, the piles of corpses piled up on both sides of the bridge were quickly destroyed. The piles of corpses on both sides of the bridge were blocked, under the huge shells of a dozen naval guns. Turned into fly ash. With the sound of naval guns, two five-kilometer infantrymen on the bridge also rang. Two artillery shells accurately landed in the group of ape corpses. Suddenly two or three ape corpses were injured, but more Before the shells landed, the ape corpses jumped away, without any harm.

Li Yuanhong was observing the shelling results with a telescope from a distance, but he saw that the shelling results were not good, so Li Yuanhong said to the captain: "No, this kind of small damage will not cause zombies to react. Increase the shelling range and density. , In this way can kill more zombies, and also make zombies explode." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes, this will make all the infantry on the bridge run and open fire. But this will cause more damage to the buildings on the shore." Wang Bin said.

"We can't go ashore now. Those ape corpses are too dangerous. These modern buildings have no preservation value. They will be exploded. Anyway, there won't be so many people living here in the future. Losing some buildings is nothing." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Wang Bin stood at attention, and then went to issue orders.

Afterwards, a row of ten shells fired, and they exploded quickly in the corpse group. This would be a dense explosion, finally causing the ape corpse to pay huge casualties. This finally angered the zombies. With a roar, countless ape corpses sprang up from the entire mountainside, and they rushed towards the bridge like a black tide. Loushan was not an obstacle to them at all, but to the trees in the forest. , Protecting the apes, allowing them to come and go freely in the urban forest, a few kilometers of roads, they rushed to the bridge head in less than five minutes, various weapons on the bridge, magic running, machine gun robots, and even ships The artillery was added to the attack, but once the ape corpse became mad, they did not fear the attack of these weapons. With the help of flexible bodies and the cover of the building, they escaped most of the attacks, only large-scale attack weapons. Can cause harm to them.

When the tide of corpses rushed to the bridge, the loss of the group of ape corpses was less than 10,000, but the entire tide of corpses was two hundred catties. Although only a part of them rushed, there were also five to six hundred thousand.

Li Yuanhong looked at the attack of the ape corpse, much like the scene in the movie "Rise of the Ape Ape", except that the ape was more terrifying and the number was larger. When the ape corpses gradually gathered to the bridge, the intensive firepower finally appeared. Out of its power, the casualties of ape corpses continued to increase. When many zombies jumped into the air, they were directly killed by the snipers in the middle of the bridge.

The impact of the two sides went into white-hot, and the ape corpses began to take unusual paths. They rushed to the bridge, and some ape corpses roared and jumped into the river one after another. As everyone knows, zombies are afraid of water. This kind of diving behavior makes people surprised.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Li Yuanhong watched the ape corpses jumping into the river, and suddenly shouted: "No, these ape corpses are going under the bridge! Hurry up and shoot these ape corpses."

As soon as Li Yuanhong's words fell, those ape corpses who jumped into the river, as expected, stretched out their longer arms, grabbed the bridge piers, and only swayed gently to release the strength of the decline, and then moved forward. Vertically, he grabbed the hole under the bridge and started to climb up from under the bridge. The attack on the bridge did not pose a threat to these ape corpses. These ape corpses were only a few verticals, and they jumped to a distance of thirty or forty meters from the bridge head.

"Hurry up and shoot. You can't let these ape corpses get close to the defensive position." Li Yuanhong shouted while taking out a sniper rifle, shooting continuously, shooting several ape corpses down the bridge, and the zombies shot off the bridge fell into the water, only a few ups and downs , Disappeared. But Li Yuanhong’s skills are very good, and other people’s shooting is not so accurate. Although the gunshots on the ship are now loud, the harm to the corpses under the bridge is not serious. Soon the corpses will wrap the bridge head tightly. Yan Shishi, like the Kuroshio open his mouth, slowly swallowed the bridge a little bit.

"Wang Bin, quickly order the people on the bridge to retreat, leaving the machine gun robot broken." Li Yuanhong saw that the bridge could no longer be held, so he ordered to retreat in order not to cause casualties.

"Yes!" The situation was critical and Wang Bin was also very anxious about the safety of the personnel on the bridge, so as soon as he received Li Yuanhong's order, he immediately turned to arrange the personnel to retreat.

As the people on the bridge were withdrawn, the firepower on the bridge became weaker, and soon the corpses attacked the human position. After these ape corpses stepped onto the position, they began to wreak havoc without being overturned by the team’s magic cannon. The machine gun robots that were still shooting were torn down by them, and even several infantry guns were overturned by them and thrown into the river.

"Notify the fat man, the plane will be dispatched to me, and give a lesson to these crazy monkeys!" Li Yuanhong looked at the ape corpses on the bridge that kept roaring, and then gritted his teeth and shouted to Wang Bin.

"Yes!" Wang Bin was also furious. The weapons he brought with him were not many. In less than ten minutes, the weapons on the bridge were destroyed. This made it difficult for him to use weapons before the follow-up weapon supplies came up. Organize such a lure war.

As the spacecraft on the two battleships took off, soon the sound of the plane firing sounded above the group of ape corpses. Those ape corpses that were still being destroyed were immediately violently attacked. In an instant, the bridge turned into a sea of ​​fire. The ape corpses that were still on the bridge with their teeth and dancing claws instantly turned into roasted ape corpses, most of them turned into coke, and some of the ape corpses that were not in the center of the explosion also lost their hair, and their body was black and burnt. One piece.

Many of the ape corpses that were climbing on both sides of the bridge fell into the water due to the shock, and never showed their heads after a few more ups and downs. The bridge finally reveals its original appearance, but the bridge deck has been damaged for a short period of time, and people can no longer see its original appearance. The railings of the bridge were gone, the light poles on the road were gone, and even the painted roads on the bridge were lifted.

The corpse of the ape was attacked, and there was no target to attack on the bridge. The corpse of the ape fled back to the urban forest like the tide ebbs, but the plane was pursuing it, trying to kill a few more apes.

Li Yuanhong saw that the plane had a tendency to fly into the city, and quickly took the walkie-talkie: "Dead fat guy, come back quickly, you can't enter the city!"

"It's okay, we are in the sky, these dead monkeys can't hurt us!" The fat man's voice came from the intercom.

"This is an order, execute it quickly!" Li Yuanhong said angrily.

"Well, let's withdraw!" Fatty Lu said reluctantly.

Then the two planes fired two missiles at the corpse group, shaking their wings, and slowly flying towards the ship. They didn't notice that at this time, there was a pair of scarlet eyes in the building group, staring at the flying plane, exuding a deadly breath.

"It's really unorganized and undisciplined. Looking back, how can I manage you!" Li Yuanhong said bitterly. Fatty Lu's greed and aggressive approach is completely harmful to others and himself. Once the plane penetrates into Chongqing city, it is easy to be ambushed by the zombies in the city.

Seeing the plane landed, Li Yuanhong was about to go over and teach Lu Fei a lesson, but then Wang Bin came over: "Report to the commander-in-chief. The battle damage and results have been calculated just now."

"Oh? What was the result of this battle?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"We lost ten machine gun robots this time, four magic cannons, infantry artillery stone gates, and one meal for other ammunition bombs. The total ammunition and missiles consumed this time are fifteen tons, which basically exhausted the ammunition we carried. It is estimated that there are 150,000 ordinary zombies and 50,000 ape corpses. But when we caused the corpse tide, many zombies caused casualties due to accidents, about 300,000." Wang Binhui reported.

"That is to say, the zombies we wiped out this time have not suffered as many accidental deaths as the zombies themselves?" Li Yuanhong was very surprised.

"Yes!" Wang Bin admitted reluctantly.

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