Apocalyptic Hero System

: One hundred and twenty one: Shanghua Chaomen

Li Yuanhong looked at the data in his hand and thought about a problem. Their action only attracted zombies in some parts of Chongqing City. The zombies here seem to have less control than the northern corpses. I don’t know if it’s the giant zombies here. Weakness or other reasons caused the zombie group to have a lot of autonomy.

"Wang Bin, what would be the effect if we only put bait on the other bridges without fortifying it?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Commander Li said, let us put bait on several other bridges to cause a tide of corpses, so that the zombies can accidentally happen?" Wang Bin is very smart, and Li Yuanhong understood what Li Yuanhong meant when he said it.

"Yes, although we have opened up river transportation, there are still problems with material transportation. We must have limited ships. We can't use too much force to regain the city, so let these zombies fend for themselves and wait for us to finish. After supporting the mission in Sichuan Province, we can easily take this city." Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes, I understand. I will work out a plan with the staff in return." Wang Bin replied.

"Okay, after making the plan, show it to me. By the way, how is the situation on Jiangxin Island that I asked you to investigate?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"The commander-in-chief of the report has already made the investigation clear. Although there are a large number of zombies on the island, there are no bridges on the island to connect with the outside, so the number of zombies is not very large. It is estimated to be 10,000 or 20,000. The zombies are mainly ordinary zombies. The number of power zombies and mutant zombies is very small, it is estimated that there are only a few hundred." Wang Bin's expert report reported.

"Haha, yes, it seems that making you a captain is a bit wronged!" Li Yuanhong praised with satisfaction.

"I'm not wronged, I just have a better memory. When I was in the military academy, I was called a living computer in my class. As long as I read the book and goods data, I can remember it without forgetting." Wang Bin said proudly. .

"Ah? It's so powerful. I thought it was bragging to remember the book. It turns out that there is such a thing. In this way, you first hand over the things on the Yangtze River to you, including transport ships and warships. What are the problems in time? Report to me." Li Yuanhong promoted Wang Bin in one sentence.

"Yes!" Wang Bin saluted very happily.

"Then your next two tasks, one is to work out a plan to lure zombies as soon as possible, and the other is to take Jiangxin Island as soon as possible." Li Yuanhong looked at his watch: "I will give you twelve hours, can you complete the task? ?"

Wang Bin did not answer immediately, but lowered his head to meditate for a minute, then raised his head and said: "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

Seeing Wang Bin’s performance, Li Yuanhong nodded secretly, knowing that Wang Bin is a very cautious person. In that minute, he was using the data he obtained to calculate the possibility of completing the task, and he was not eager to answer. Obviously With such an officer's command, the possibility of troop losses will be reduced.

"Work hard, I am optimistic about you!" Li Yuanhong patted Wang Bin on the shoulder, and then walked into the cabin.

Time passed quickly, and the sun soon shifted to the west. While Li Yuanhong was sitting in his office studying the map, the door rang.

"In!" Li Yuanhong said without looking up.

Soon, Wang Bin walked in with smoke and dust: "Report commander-in-chief, we have already taken Jiangxin Island."

"What? Did you take Jiangxin Island?" Li Yuanhong looked at his watch in surprise. After only four hours, he took Jiangxin Island, which was too fast.

"Yes, we took Jiangxin Island, but thanks to the arrival of the second batch of transport ships, we were able to take it down smoothly." Wang Bin replied without arrogance.

Li Yuanhong looked at the smoke and dust in Wang Bin's suit and knew that he had also participated in the battle personally. Although it was not the kind that went to the island to participate in the battle personally, he was also commanding the battlefield in person. Such an officer is reassuring.

"Okay, yes, it seems that I still underestimated your ability. You first let the soldiers clear out the Huxin Island, and then build Jiangxin Island into a temporary base. This will be our first foothold."

"Yes, then I will make arrangements!" Wang Bin replied, then turned around and went out.

Li Yuanhong happily drew a circle on the map and another arrow. The circle was Jiangxin Island, and the arrow pointed to the Sichuan Survivor Base.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanhong took everyone and set foot on Jiangxin Island. Li Yuanhong’s first plan was completed. Time was just short of the time he planned. In fact, if he took this Jiangxin Island, Li Yuanhong could keep a steady flow of material resources. It is possible to take this Jiangxin Island as the center and find a way to airdrop supplies to the Sichuan base, so that the Sichuan base can be stabilized, but this is only a temporary solution, and the most fundamental thing is to Rescue the people in the base in Sichuan Province, because there are two to three hundred thousand survivors, these are precious human resources.

"It's more practical to step on the ground!" Li Yuanhong sighed after landing.

"Yes, in the first few days I got on the boat, I vomited almost every day!" Fatty Lu said happily beside him.

"Why didn't you vomit you to death? On the contrary, why did you feel fat again?" Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man with contempt. Because this guy is too fat, his cockpit has to be specially modified.

"Brother Li, you are not right, you are too unsympathetic, this is the end of the world, is it easy for me to grow a little meat?" Fatty Lu said, patted his fat belly, and said softly.

Li Yuanhong is a little cold-proof, this fat Lu can also act like a baby, but that acting like voice can only make people get goose bumps.

Li Yuanhong hurried forward to avoid the harassment of Fat Lu's coquettish voice.

The environment on the island is pretty good. This is an island made of physical land, not an alluvial island, so the island is very large, and many houses have been built scattered on the island. The environment is very good under the cover of trees, but now There is no one here. Many houses have no one to look after them. The glass, doors and windows of the houses have been damaged. There are dilapidated scenes everywhere. Only the trees and weeds are growing luxuriantly.

"Oh, if the survivors can occupy this place, maybe this island can feed many people!" Li Yuanhong sighed.

When the officers around him heard this, they also had a sad look in their eyes. Among them, a few of them went to the island yesterday and searched, and there were human bones in many houses. Obviously that was when the apocalypse broke out. Many survivors were killed by zombies. died. These soldiers have also experienced the apocalypse. Many officers have seen their comrades-in-arms, being bitten and devoured by zombies, so when they see those dead bones, they will unconsciously recall the comrades who died before.

"Wang Bin, where did you put the headquarters?" Li Yuanhong asked, looking at the dilapidated village in front of him.

"It's in the center of the village!" Wang Bin said.

"Okay, let's go together." Li Yuanhong walked towards the village. When he passed the entrance of the village, Li Yuanhong saw a word of mouth, with the four characters of thanks: Shanghua Chaomen.

Li Yuanhong glanced at it. He didn't know if the stele was written with the name of the island or the name of the village, but he felt that the semantics were very elegant, but the scene was gone, and I don't know when the past prosperity can be restored here.

Li Yuanhong followed Wang Bin to the center of the village. It was a small three-story office building. It was enough to be used as a temporary command room, and some rooms could be freed up as bedrooms. Li Yuanhong may be here to direct the battle for some time in the future.

"Yes, here is very suitable for commanding operations. I will check this island with me when I look back. If the island is big enough, I can build an airstrip here." Li Yuanhong said to Wang Bin.

"Yes, I checked before. This island is very big. It will definitely be no problem to build an airport, and there are still a lot of farmland here, so there is no problem solving part of the food." Wang Bin said.

"Okay, then build a permanent base here. If you want to win Sichuan Province, it won't work without strong material support." Li Yuanhong said, so we must do a good job here. We must not only defend zombies, but also Defend other survivors from sneak attacks.

"Other survivors?" Wang Bin was taken aback. How could other survivors attack here?

"People in the last days are unpredictable, and we build a base here and store so many supplies, it will definitely attract attention, and the Yangtze River is the best way to avoid zombies. I believe that many survivors will hide near the Yangtze River, so we Be vigilant, we are not afraid of survivors coming to seek refuge, but someone deliberately sabotages it, which may cause us to be unable to rescue the base in Sichuan Province, which is the lives of two to three million people." Li Yuanhong looked at the flowing river.

"We have guns and artillery here, do they dare to come?" Wang Bin didn't believe that anyone would dare to come here to grab things.

"Haha, don't underestimate the desire of human beings to survive. If you let people nearby know that we are hoarding a large amount of supplies here, I believe that they will forget their deaths and rob them. If you are soft, they will treat you as a softie. So We must be careful. After all, there are not many people here. We should not relax our vigilance until General Xing Ling comes."

"Yes!" Li Yuanhong's reminder made Wang Bin take his heart. After all, Wang Bin is very cautious, which is why Li Yuanhong values ​​him very much.

With human activities on the island, especially the battle on the previous bridge, the sound of guns and guns attracted the attention of survivors. On a steep mountain more than 50 kilometers away from Chongqing, a dozen people gathered in an artificial cave. Together, these people are sturdy and sturdy, but these people are very murderous, and their eyes are full of fierce aura. These people are roasting a corpse, a human corpse, they are in eat human.

At this time, a person ran in from outside the cave. Unlike the person sitting in the cave, he was thinner, and unlike those big guys who showed fierceness, this person had no vicious air on his face, but was a little shrewd.

When the people in the cave saw him coming in, they stood up: "Boss, you are back!"

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