Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 434 Sneak Attack on Corpse Monster

Soon, Li Yuanhong received the document that was sent. It was a map of the capital city, but now on the map, many lines were drawn with a pencil.

Li Yuanhong looked at it for a while. Among these messy lines, several intersections were in the same building. Li Yuanhong knew that this intersection was probably the location of the corpse who was in charge of the command.

It was night, Li Yuanhong boarded an airship quietly. During the day, it was these airships that were responsible for the investigation. Since the rapid combat aircraft, the airship has withdrawn from the combat sequence. However, Li Yuanhong defines the airship as an armed reconnaissance transport aircraft, and the airship must remain in the air for a long time. Ability is not comparable to airplanes.

With the help of the night, the airship slowly drove towards Enchanted Capital, and approached the target silently.

The target building is a commercial building located in Fengxian District. The building is not as exaggerated as a 200-storey building with as little as 100 stories in the city center. The total building is only 30 stories tall and its height is less than 200 meters. , But the floors here are generally not high, so you can still see everything along the coast clearly.

But when he saw the shape of the building, Li Yuanhong frowned. I saw that the roof of this building was a sharp shape like a knife and couldn't stand at all, which made Li Yuanhong's idea of ​​exploring from the roof down. And if you want to explore from the bottom of the building, not to mention that the chances of encountering zombies will increase, and at the same time, if you can startle the corpse demon, then you will take the risk.

Li Yuanhong began to search for his own space, hoping to find something standing on the building, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. However, he saw that there were two pikes in the corner.

"It seems that it can only be done!" Li Yuanhong didn't want to return without success now, and planned to take a risk with two skins, but Li Yuanhong did not say to others.

Li Yuanhong walked to the door of the airship, opened the hatch, and jumped into the night sky as soon as he jumped. Due to the darkness of the surroundings, the outline of the building can only be seen faintly below. If Li Yuanhong hadn't had a real eye, otherwise jumping down under the night sky would be no different from suicide.

However, if someone sees Li Yuanhong’s appearance at this time, they will laugh out loud. Li Yuanhong is wearing a very mysterious black armor. Under the night, he is completely integrated with the night, but he holds two in his hand. Pi Liaozi looked so abrupt, as if it were a future robot doing sewer dredge work.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would not laugh at himself. What he thinks now is how to sneak into this building. The rapid fall prevented him from thinking about other things. When he was less than three meters away from the top of the building, he suddenly teleported, directly on the oblique section of the roof, because the roof was all glass, although two There was no one to take care of it for more than a few years, and the upper area was a little gray, but the surface of Guanghua still made Li Yuanhong unable to stand firm. Once he landed, his body could not help but slide down.

Li Yuanhong didn't say a word, he directly buckled the Pi Tiaozi in his hand onto the glass. One Pi Tiaozi was not buckled due to the dust. Fortunately, the other Pi Tiaozi was stuck on the glass.

Grasping the buckled leather squeegee, Li Yuanhong steadied his body. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. Li Yuanhong took out a glass knife from the space again, then freed up a hand and started to cut the glass. Li Yuanhong got into a hole how big a person was.

Since Li Yuanhong is close to the edge of the building, there are no zombies here. Li Yuanhong gently fell into the room and quickly looked at 40,000.

The room that Li Yuanhong entered should be a small office. The tables and chairs around have been turned to the ground. There are long dried blood stains on the ground and bones scattered on the ground. Obviously, tragedies happened here in the beginning of the last days. .

With the help of the real eye, Li Yuanhong carefully avoided the debris under his feet, trying not to let himself make any noise, and then came to the door of the room, opened the door gently, and looked towards the outside.

I saw many zombies wandering in the corridor, including high-level fat zombies and King Kong zombies. With the appearance of these zombies, Li Yuanhong confirmed that there should be a leading zombie on this floor, but in which room the leading zombie is, Li Yuanhong Not sure yet.

Looking at the zombies in the corridor, Li Yuanhong knew that the outside passage was blocked, so Li Yuanhong carefully built the room in large numbers and quickly found the central air conditioner.

Li Yuanhong gently moved a chair and placed it under the vent, then removed the protective net, got into the air conditioner, and started to move slowly to other rooms.

While Li Yuanhong was looking for the corpse, the corpse was giving orders to several shadow zombies. Your failure during the day made the giant zombies very angry, so the corpse was called for a training session. Although the corpse was a military officer, the giant zombies He was also courteous for three points, but today humans have become more aggressive in contacting and attacking, and the reaction of the corpse monster is always half a beat, which makes the giant zombies extremely annoyed.

Reprimanded by the giant zombies, the corpse demon was also very angry, but no matter what, he couldn't fight the giant zombies, so after returning, he sullenly planned how to ambush these pesky humans.

No, the corpse demon just figured out a way, so he called these shadow zombies who ran errands to deliver the letter, and began to assign tasks, preparing to set Li Yuanhong.

After ordering one, a shadow zombie ran out. Of course, these zombies would not open and close the door very gently, so when they walked around, the door was knocked "boom", and the whole floor could be heard.

Li Yuanhong, who was looking for cluelessly in the ventilation duct, naturally heard the sound of the door opening and closing, and wondered: "This is the middle of the night, this bunch of zombies don't sleep well, what are they tossing about?"

But Li Yuanhong turned around and thought again, this zombie can't sleep, so there was a door opening and closing sound at this time, which should have been caused by the zombie walking around, so Li Yuanhong slowly crawled to the place where the door was ringing to see what was tossing at the time. .

When Li Yuanhong came to the top of the corpse demon's room, through the grid of the vent, Li Yuanhong looked down and saw that the corpse he was looking for was roaring constantly at several shadow zombies, which was obviously true. What order to give these zombies, as long as they roar for a while, a shadow zombie will quickly turn around and rush out of the door, and then the door will make a "bang" crash.

"Finally found you!" Li Yuanhong was secretly happy, but was not eager to jump out. After all, his vision is still too narrow. It is still unclear how many zombies are outside. Jumping out rashly may bring unnecessary things to himself. Trouble.

So Li Yuanhong took out a spider robot and let it out. The spider robot crawled out along the mesh and began to scan the entire room.

In addition to the corpse demon and a few shadow zombies in the room, there are also a few fat people standing in front of the window to prevent anyone from entering through the window and attacking the corpse demon.

At the door, there were two fat zombies, and one fat zombies stood in each corner. And through the door that had not been closed, Li Yuanhong had noticed that there were more than a dozen zombies wandering outside the door.

This house can be said that the water surrounded by fat zombies can't leak. If you can't kill the corpse demon in the first time, the corpse demon will run out, and then evacuated smoothly under the protection of the fat zombies.

But the place where the corpse demon was standing was still some distance away from the vent where Li Yuanhong was located. This made Li Yuanhong think about **** the corpse in the first place. Soon, Li Yuanhong came up with a way.

Li Yuanhong quietly released a few spider robots, strapped a chili grenade to each spider, and then ordered these spider robots to crawl into the tunnel, and soon these spiders were basically in place.

Following Li Yuanhong's order, I saw these spider robots pulling the grenades away and throwing them out of the ventilation ducts. Then they heard the "ding and clinking" sound of the grenade landing in the corridor. This sound was particularly harsh in the quiet night. .

All the zombies in the corridor were taken aback. They looked for something that caused the sound, but at this moment, the grenade exploded.

As the grenade exploded, the entire corridor suddenly turned into a red foggy area, and the pungent chili smell made the zombies in the entire corridor wailed in pain.

The corpse demon, who was giving orders to the shadow zombies, heard the chaotic noise outside, and shouted twice at the guard at the door. The two zombies guarding the door opened the door to check what was happening outside.

Unexpectedly, when the door opened, a strong chili mist rushed in, and the zombies who distinguished things by their sense of smell could not bear the influence of this chili mist, and suddenly two fat zombies were smoked and wailed.

"Close the door!" Although the corpse demon doesn't know what the fog is, but he also knows that this thing is harmful to him. He quickly ordered the shadow zombies in front of him to close the door, and at this time the fat zombies standing around began to approach the corpse demon. Move closer, for fear that someone will take this opportunity to attack the corpse demon.

However, at this time of chaos, no zombies noticed. In the ventilation duct above their heads, a few grenades were thrown and landed in the room. When the fat zombies gathered next to the corpse demon, those grenades just exploded. , A few fat zombies crowded together were collectively enveloped by the chili smoke from the explosion.

So the room also wailed the same painful wailing as outside. After a while, the fat zombies rolled up on the spot, especially these zombies kept rubbing their eyes with their hands, but the piercing pain not only did not relieve, Instead, it intensified.

Just when these zombies lost their combat effectiveness, Li Yuanhong floated down and came directly to the corpse monster who was surrounded by the center of the zombies. He quickly took out the Shenyue knife from the space and slashed at the head of the corpse monster.

At this time, the corpse demon was choked by the pepper and all his senses were lost. The severe pain made him completely lose the sense of prevention. When the Shenyue knife struck him, he only moved slightly, and then his head was smoothly chopped off by Li Yuanhong. .

Li Yuanhong quickly put the head of the corpse demon into the space, then jumped up, returned to the ventilation duct, and left the building before the chili mist dissipated.

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