Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 435: Chongming Island Strategy

Ten minutes later, the chili mist dissipated, and these fat zombies slowly recovered. They came together, and it felt as if something was missing, but these simple-minded zombies didn’t know what they were missing for a while. They first checked. I found that there was no change, and even the scars did not appear, so these zombies were relieved, so these fat zombies slowly began to look for the creatures that attacked them.

It took a long time for these zombies to notice that there was a headless corpse in the room. They looked familiar, but they couldn't remember who this corpse belonged to.

"Who is this corpse, do you know?" a fat zombie urn asked angrily.

"I don't know, or let's ask the sergeant!" Another fat zombie replied.

"Okay, let's ask the sergeant! But where did the sergeant go? Have you seen it?"

So all the fat zombies shook their heads together. No one knew where their military division went. They had no choice but to send someone to find it, and at the same time, they reported to the giant zombie leader that there was an extra corpse here, and the military division could not find it.

When the giant zombies received the news, they almost fainted. It was obviously that the military division was killed. These idiots are still looking for it. The unknown corpse belongs to the corpse. These idiots are still looking for it, if not this Gang idiots belong to high-level zombies, and giant zombies have to kill them all.

The military division's death would make the giant zombies completely dizzy, so he sent a lot of zombies to wait for the human ships on the beach, and when he saw the human ships, he began to yell at the humans, which meant to challenge the humans.

Li Yuanhong ignored these mindless guys and drove the boat to a distance of fifty meters from the coast, and then the archer was a bow and arrow, killing the roaring zombies one by one, and then drove away.

The fainting trick of the giant zombies directly caused the zombies of the Devil Capital. Within five days, nearly 100,000 zombies were lost. At this time, the giant zombies had recollected and quickly evacuated the group of corpses from the coast and the river bank. The two sides entered the stalemate stage.

The zombies by the river could not be hit. Li Yuanhong went to rest. He did not harass the zombies for several days. The zombies were quiet for a few days. The giant zombies thought that Li Yuanhong had given up the attack. , Cruising in the sky.

"Commander in chief, we have been flying in this sky for four or five days, what are we looking for?" The guard accompanied Li Yuanhong, wondering what Li Yuanhong was looking for in the magic city.

While looking at the map, Li Yuanhong kept marking on the map against the buildings on the ground.

"Do you think we are going to behead once, is it feasible?" Li Yuanhong asked suddenly.

"Brother Li, are you planning to kill that giant zombie?" The guard asked in surprise.

"I have this plan, but there is a question. We killed the corpse before. Will this make the giant zombie more vigilant? If he is prepared, what arrangements will he make?" Li Yuanhong looked like himself Talking to himself, like asking a guard.

"This...I can't guess it!" the guard said, shaking his head.

"If I were the giant zombie, next time I choose to stay, it will definitely not be the roof." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"Hehe, what I mean is, if I know which roof the zombie is on, I will throw a chili grenade down, and I will kill them!" the guard joked.

"You think the pepper grenade is so good. Last time I killed the corpse demon, I almost ran out of half of my inventory." Li Yuanhong shook his head.

"By the way, Brother Li, we are attacking the magic city this time, if nearby zombies come to support, what shall we do?" the guard asked.

"No matter how many zombies come, it is not terrible. The terrible thing is our logistics. Once the army rushes into the city, it is bound to be separated by zombies. If the army is surrounded by zombies, the army will lose. Replenishment, once the ammunition runs out, it becomes the meat on the zombie's cutting board."

"Brother Li is afraid that the tragedy in Chengdu will repeat?" the guard asked cautiously.

"Yes, so I checked this map in advance, and tried my best to have sufficient support for every step of the army, and not to be surrounded by a lone army. You see, this magic city is divided into several rivers. Many small pieces, we can take advantage of this, we conduct block operations, so that we don’t face many zombies every time, and it is also convenient for us to move forward and backward."

"Then Brother Li, which block do you plan to take first?" the guard asked, staring at the map.

"Let's take this place first and let the zombies completely cut off the connection between the two sides of the Yangtze River!"

The guard looked at the map pointed to by Li Yuanhong. It was Jiangxin Island at the mouth of the Yangtze River. This was Chongming Island, the third largest island in China.

Chongming Island is an alluvial island. Due to the accumulation of a large amount of sediment, the soil is fertile. Before the end of the world, it was called the land of fishing and rice. Before the end of the world, the population living here was close to one million. There is a bridge across the river, connecting the magic capital. On the north bank of the Yangtze River, Li Yuanhong had previously attacked the zombies in the Demon Capital along the Yangtze River several times, hoping to minimize the number of zombies that were reinforced when he captured Chongming Island.

At the end of August, Li Yuanhong's battle against Chongming Island began.

The mist on the surface of the Yangtze River in the early morning has not yet cleared, but there are many ships quietly floating on the surface of the river. These ships are manually sliding without starting the engine, so the zombies wandering on the river bank are not alert to the arrival of the ships.

"All units pay attention, before landing on the island, three rounds of bows and arrows were fired to wipe out all the zombies on the shore, and then quickly occupied the bridge across the river, in the shortest time, to establish fortifications." Li Yuanhong sat in the front one. On the first landing craft, he whispered to the soldiers.

"Yes!" The soldiers also replied in a low voice, because before setting off, Li Yuanhong instructed to lower his voice as much as possible before battling the zombies so as not to attract the attention of the zombies on the ground.

As the ship slowly approached Chongming Island, the figure of the zombies in the mist slowly appeared. Since Li Yuanhong has cleaned up the zombies on the shore of Chongming Island many times in the past two days, there are not many zombies on the shore now.

"Attention archers, shoot three rounds. After three rounds, the sword and shield soldiers will land!" Li Yuanhong issued a battle order, and then Li Yuanhong took out a golden bow, aimed at a zombie on the island more than 100 meters away, and shot it with one arrow. Hit the zombie's eye socket directly.

As Li Yuanhong's bows and arrows were off the string, the archers on the ship also took action. In just one round, the few zombies on the shore were basically cleaned. Although there are still many zombies wandering a little further away, Li Yuanhong doesn't plan to wait anymore. After all, the farther the distance, the lower the accuracy of the archer.

As the sword and shield soldiers landed, the zombies in the distance finally rushed up. These sensitive zombies, as long as they smell a little human breath, they will madly pounce on them. The sword and shield soldiers are not afraid of the impact of these zombies. The average level of the sword and shield soldiers is around the 23rd level. The shields in their hands, but the real level 30 equipment, for these zombies less than 27th level, there is no need to fear that they will destroy the shield.

The sword and shield soldiers used shields to withstand the impact of the zombies. The half-human shields clanged loudly by the claws of the zombies. However, these claws, which can make the skin and fleshy claws, really had no effect on these shields, and the shields The soldiers quickly traveled a shield wall on the beach, and the zombies could only look at the wall and sigh.

But the human spearmen rushed up at this time, using the gap of the shield to accurately send the spear into the heads of the zombies surrounding the shield wall, and soon the zombies closest to the shield wall fell one by one. And the archers who landed at this time also joined the station group, and the zombies fell into the corpse group in a burst of arrows.

The joint attack caused nearly a thousand zombies to fall in less than ten minutes. As the zombies near the shore were cleaned up, the subsequent material ships quickly landed and began to transport strategic materials ashore, waiting for the first batch of materials and All the soldiers landed, and the boat quickly rowed away to transport the next batch of supplies.

"Quickly, occupy the bridge. As long as the bridge fortification is repaired, our battleship can join the offensive and defensive battle." Li Yuanhong is now anxious to completely occupy the bridge before the mist dissipates. After all, cold weapons are too slow to kill zombies. The heat weapon is too dynamic, so Li Yuanhong must block the path of the zombie reinforcements after the bridge is occupied, so as to dare to increase the movement.

The troops are advancing quickly. Roads are very important for humans, but they are different for zombies. Such highways are generally equipped with guardrails, and Modu is a bustling commercial metropolis. Before the end of the world, there was daily traffic on the highway. There is a constant flow, but when the end of the world comes, the expressway becomes a large parking lot.

This has both guardrails and cars, which hinders the zombies from roaming freely, so generally zombies are fine, and they don't want to come here. This created conditions for the rapid advancement of mankind. In just half an hour, Li Yuanhong took the system soldiers and occupied the bridge.

As for building fortifications, it is actually very easy. Nowadays, there are cars parked everywhere on highways. Although no one has moved these cars for more than two years, many cars cannot be started, but for human soldiers who have become more powerful, move them. Cars are still not a problem, but they are not. Li Yuanhong used space tricks to install cars into the space, and then change the cars where they were needed. Therefore, Li Yuanhong’s fortifications were built in less than ten minutes. All right.

"Guard, how's the close combat thing on your side?" Li Yuanhong picked up the intercom and asked.

"Brother Li, don't worry, my side is progressing very smoothly. It is estimated that the bridgehead construction will be completed in another half an hour." Guardshui reported.

"Okay, hurry up, we are going to give gifts to the zombies soon!"


Li Yuanhong's Chongming Island battle is about to start in full swing.

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