Apocalyptic Hero System

: 436th: Fierce Battle on Chongming Island

Li Yuanhong’s strategy is very simple. It is to occupy the bridge across the Yangtze River and make the zombies on Chongming Island a lone army. Then Li Yuanhong and the guards led their teams to attack the zombies on Chongming Island from both the north and south sides at the same time. The zombies are not a problem.

Therefore, the key to this battle is the guard of the bridgehead. This is also the reason why Li Yuanhong has not used hot weapons before. The later he shoots, the later the zombies know about it, and the more time he can stay at the bridgehead.

The first step plan was quickly completed, and at this time, a fleet of forces drove up on the river surface, the main force of the real island landing operations.

"Commander-in-chief, our ship is already in place." The captain of the team is Commander Fu Chuanzhi Fu. Some time ago, Taiwan Island was completely liberated. Fu Chuanzhi's fleet returned to Dalian Port for comprehensive maintenance. He was transferred again.

"Okay, let the heavy equipment land immediately, and at the same time proofread the naval guns. After a while, based on the aerial survey results, plow me the corpses on the island first!" Li Yuanhong said domineeringly.

"Yes, please rest assured, Commander Li, to ensure full coverage!" Fu Chuanzhi's confident voice came from the other side of the economy.

With the construction of the bridgehead, the landing ships began to dock, and tanks and armored vehicles began to land. Teams of soldiers with live ammunition began to go to the island. At this time, the naval guns on the warships began to slowly Turning the muzzle, pointing straight to the island, and the aircraft on the aircraft carrier also entered the take-off position, ready to take off, and began bombing the corpses on the island.

Everything is ready, Li Yuanhong shouted at the walkie-talkie: "A full-scale attack begins!"

As the order was issued, the two aircraft on the aircraft carrier began to ignite, quickly rushed out of the runway, flew into the blue sky, and soon appeared over Chongming Island.

As the plane approached, the zombies on the island raised their heads one after another. I don't know what these birds calling so loud are? Just before they could understand, these birds began to lay eggs.

With the launch of aircraft missiles, groups of small mushroom clouds exploded among the corpses, and at the same time, the naval guns with adjusted gun positions began to roar, and the whole island became very lively for a while. This explosion sound One after another, the whole island began to tremble.

The huge explosion sound, like an alarm clock for waking up sleeping office workers, suddenly made the zombies on the island boil, especially in the center of the island, there were a few roars, and then the corpses began to rush towards the edge of the island, but More missiles and artillery shells leaked, and many zombies were torn apart before they saw humans.

However, welcoming the zombies on the island is not just an aircraft cannon. As the landing ship transports the attackers to the island, armed with a new magic gun and an army driving a new tank, they begin to face the tide of corpses in the distance and open the slaughter mode. .

The cannonballs of the magic tank, which are set off among the corpses, are always magic ripples without flames, but the ripples are scattered, and the damage to the zombies is by no means less than the cannon of the gunboat. It is a crushing attack. The huge magic failed, and even the zombies in the center of the explosion were directly squeezed into mud.

Li Yuanhong didn’t care about the attack on the island, because with the addition of the steel torrent, the destruction of the zombies was inevitable. Now the only thing to pay attention to is the defense on both sides of the bridge. Once the bridge cannot be held, the island’s The battle may be interrupted by foreign aid zombies.

The roar of the giant artillery and the explosion of the missiles were also a huge shock to both sides of the Yangtze River. The zombies on both sides looked at the river. At this time, the respective zombie commanders on both sides turned their eyes to Chongming Island.

Speaking of which, Chongming Island belongs to the three-regardless realm. The Demon Capital and the zombies in Nantong City on the north bank of the river want to place the zombies on this island under their own jurisdiction. The strength of the giant zombies is weaker than that of the giant zombies in the magic capital, but the giant zombies have not learned anything else, but they have learned the problem of face-saving in love.

However, conflicts between giants and zombies are generally not easy to break out, because even if one party wins, it will hurt the enemy three thousand and lose eight hundred, and will not get the slightest benefit. Therefore, between giants and zombies, they often try their best. Avoid conflicts.

Therefore, under the influence of the face of the giant zombies leader, this Chongming Island became a land of freedom, and two relatively low-level giant zombies became the rulers of this kingdom.

Today's roar of the giant artillery made the giant zombie leaders on both sides of the strait look at this island, but the two giant zombie leaders did not send reinforcements in the first time.

"My lord, why should we stand still?" the giant zombies in the magic capital asked.

"Wait again to see how the other side reacts!" The giant zombie leader responded.

"Yes!" This subordinate does not understand why their leader depends on the reaction of the other side.

At the same time, in a tall building in Nantong City, a giant zombie at the beginning of the twenty-ninth level asked his opponent: "Has the zombie army on the other side dispatched?"

"Return to the king, there is no movement on the other side!" the subordinate replied.

"Huh, the old cunning thing, wants us to send troops first and suffer losses, want to be beautiful, order the troops, not to send troops privately, wait for me, wait until the other party sends troops, we will move!"


Due to the face problems of the giant zombies on both sides, the zombies on both sides of the strait were surprisingly quiet. Although the river surface was rumbling and the island shouted for murder, the zombies on both sides of the strait remained indifferent.

"Guard, is there any movement of the zombies on your side?" Li Yuanhong glanced worriedly at the south bank of the Yangtze River, and saw that the zombies hadn't moved. He didn't know what big tricks the zombies on the other side were holding.

"Brother Li, everything is going well on my side, and there is no movement of the zombies on the opposite side." The guard reported truthfully.

"Well, I guess what big moves the zombies are holding, so the defense force must be strengthened, and there is no opportunity for the zombies." Li Yuanhong cautiously asked.


With the introduction of tanks, the zombie offensive was completely dismantled, especially this time the double-barreled tank was thrown in. The two guns fired alternately, just like a machine gun, so that the tide of corpses could not get close to the tank’s range, and the zombies on the island Most of them were ordinary zombies, and couldn't stand the bombing of tanks at all. Pieces of zombies were blown into fragments, and their flesh and blood soaked the land.

At this moment, there was a roar of grief and indignation from the depths of the corpse group. A giant zombie rushed out with a group of mutant zombies. These zombies held various simple weapons in their hands and launched a charge towards the tank group. The resistance of zombies is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary zombies. Even if they are shelled, they will not die immediately. At most, they will be destroyed by bombing. Moreover, these zombies are glowing with light golden magic light, which is obviously blessed with metal. Sex magic.

"Report that there is now a zombie force attacking our tank group, and the tank shells are actually ineffective against them."

Li Yuanhong was wondering why the zombies on both sides of the strait did not attack, but received news that the zombies counterattacked.

"Go, let's go and see!" Li Yuanhong jumped onto an armored car and galloped to the front.

When Li Yuanhong came to the front line, the attack of the tank was actually forced back by the group of zombies that appeared. Although the tank group was not damaged, the group of corpses had already begun to counterattack. Because there were giant zombies in front of them, behind The damage suffered by the corpse group has been reduced a lot. At this time, the corpse group is less than two kilometers away from the front of the human tank. This distance can be said to be reached by raising the leg.

Li Yuanhong took out the binoculars and carefully observed the movement of the corpse group. He quickly noticed that in the front row of the corpse group, there was a tall giant zombie whose body was bronze, and magical light radiated from him, covering other zombies. , Li Yuanhong knew that this should be this giant zombie, a kind of group magic, if there is no such group magic, those zombies should not become invulnerable.

"Can't let the group of corpses get closer!" Li Yuanhong thought to himself, but this metallic zombie, but the strongest defensive force, is stronger than the soil attribute.

While Li Yuanhong was considering whether to take a risk on his own, he suddenly saw the magic light flashing when the giant zombie cast the spell again. As the giant zombie cast the spell, the dim magic shield on the surrounding zombies regained their luster again.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong had an idea: "Pay attention to all the tanks, aim all the targets at the giant zombie, and blast me fiercely. I want to see if you have more magic or I have more cannonballs!"

Following Li Yuanhong's order, all shells hit the giant zombies. Although the giant zombies were protected by a Rubik's Cube, a round of artillery fire broke the protective shield of the giant zombies.

The giant zombies hurriedly cast the spell again and restarted the magic shield. But when the next round of artillery fire hit, the magic shield that had just been restored shattered again. Since the giant zombies were set on fire by artillery fire, they could not take any further steps. This made the giant zombies very aggrieved. As long as they rushed to the front of the tank, they could easily tear these iron bumps and destroy them. Can't get close.

And because the giant zombies stopped, other zombies also stopped. This is not that other zombies are afraid of death, but that the magic of giant zombies is limited in distance. Once these zombies leave the cast range of giant zombies, human artillery will be ruthless. The zombies out of the circle were bombarded to death.

Therefore, when the giant zombies and the human tank group enter the stalemate stage, as long as one of them cannot hold on, it will immediately collapse.

Over time, the casting speed of giant zombies has slowed down a bit, and more importantly, the magic value of giant zombies has bottomed out.

At this moment, a few more ships sailed on the sea. These are the landing ships that departed not long ago. The third group of landing troops arrived. Many tanks drove onto the beach, crushing the last straw of the giant zombies. Has arrived.

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