Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 555th murderer

When the remnant rushed to the edge of the swamp, the hidden lizard team leader greeted him.

"Big...Is the captain here?" The lizardman squad captain asked tremblingly after being frightened all night.

"Why are you? Didn't you return to the city overnight?" the surviving team leader asked.

"Don't mention it, we are in ambush, tell me quickly, is the captain here? I have important things to report." The captain said anxiously.

"Big... Captain, he... he's dead!"

"Dead...dead? Shouldn't it, too much mental energy is consumed, and it won't die so quickly?" The team leader said in a daze.

"The captain was not mentally exhausted, he was killed."

"Killed? Who killed it?" The lizardman team leader was taken aback.

"Oh, it's hard to say now. According to a wounded soldier, the captain was killed by a werewolf."

"Sure enough, it's these **** again!" The lizardman squad leader clenched his fists and said bitterly.

"What?" the team leader on the other side questioned.

So the team leader told the story of being ambushed last night, which made the lizard people present outrageous.

"Then what are we waiting for? Go back to the city and report the matter to the leader!" The leader of the team suggested.

"No, if we go back like this, we may be intercepted by the werewolves if we can't enter the city. We have too many wounded soldiers and it is not easy to fight again." The ambushed team leader vetoed.

"Then what to do?"

"I know a shortcut, through the swamp to reach under the city wall, there is our lizard people's defense zone, we climbed into the city from there."

"Okay, just do it!"

So the whole group of lizardmen changed directions and walked along the swamp, facing away from the city gate.

When the lizard team walked far away, another team walked out of the forest, led by Li Yuanhong.

"Brother Li, you pretended to be a werewolf yesterday, would they believe it?" the guard asked beside Li Yuanhong.

It was Li Yuanhong who attacked the lizardman camp last night and killed the lizardman captain. It was Li Yuanhong who was wearing a masquerade mask and turned into a werewolf. He deliberately learned the voice of the leader of the lizardman transport team that day. , Throw all the black pot on the werewolf.

In fact, the werewolves could not attack the camp of the captain, it was a camp of nearly two hundred people, and there weren't one or two hundred people in such a camp. But the werewolf mobilize so many people at once, it is bound to arouse the vigilance of the lizardman, so the leader of the werewolf will not do such a stupid thing, after all, once this matter is stabbed to the top, he will lose his head. As for sending more than a dozen soldiers to sneak attacks to grab credit, such a thing can still be done.

However, when Li Yuanhong dived into Marsh City, he felt that there was a contradiction between the werewolf and the lizardman, and the contradiction was deep, so Li Yuanhong planned to use this contradiction to mix up the water.

As for the werewolf sending a team out of the city to track the lizardmen, such a move was clearly seen by Fat Lu in the sky.

Li Yuanhong saw the guard asking him, and smiled slightly: "They have believed it. If they don't believe it, they can enter the city from the front gate. You see, they go another way around. It seems that they are afraid that the werewolves are ambushing them. "

"Oh? Then, Brother Li, do you think they will fight?" the guard asked.

"It's hard to say, maybe I will go into the city at night and give them some fire." Li Yuanhong looked at the lizard humanely going away.

"Is it too dangerous?" the guard asked worriedly.

"We have to take risks now. The delay here is too long. Two days later, when the rainy season comes, we can't fight." Li Yuanhong asked the air. Now the moisture in the air is heavier than the previous two days. A lot, which means that the storm will come soon.

At night, Swamp City looks the same on the surface, and there is no change, but the bar at night looks very strange. There used to be a fighting arena, but today there is no competition unexpectedly, and the soldiers drinking in the bar look distinct. Both parties were drinking on one side, never crossing the dividing line in the middle, and even going out, both walked around the wall from their side.

But soon, this balance was broken. The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and a werewolf walked in swayingly, and along the road in the middle of the bar, he walked directly to the bar. The appearance of the werewolf attracted the attention of the audience, especially the lizardmen. , Looked at this werewolf with an extremely hateful look.

The wolf head swaggered to the bar, stretched out his hand, took out a few mutant beast crystal nuclei from his arms, and slapped them on the table with a "pop".

"Boss, here are a few good bottles of liquor, which one you want is strong enough, don't add water to Lao Tzu."

"Hey, let me say Langtou, you have made a lot of money, so magnificent, you are usually not so generous." The bar owner hurriedly put the crystal core away, and then spoke.

This Langtou is a little boss in charge of patrolling the city, and he usually drinks alcohol.

"Haha, it's nothing, windfall, so I can't keep this wealth. I have wine and I am drunk now, boss, hurry up, my group of brothers are still waiting for me to get the wine back!"

"Why? You didn't drink this wine alone?" The bar owner was even more surprised. When was this head so generous that he wanted to treat him?

"Hehe, this wealth is a wealth for those who see it, so everyone can only drink together, but you can give me a drink first, and I will take a drink first!" Langtou said in a low voice, for fear of others hearing it.

"Okay, you wait!" The owner of the bar is to make money, the guests give money, he gives wine, and he doesn't care about everything else. Anyway, he has something to do with the two leaders here. The soldiers here dare not make trouble here, but he does Too lazy to worry about the nostalgia here, anyway, today's weird atmosphere, he is too lazy to bother.

Soon, a few bottles of liquor were brought over, and there was an extra glass.

"This cup is my confession." The bar owner said politely.

"Thanks!" Langtou said nothing. He raised his neck and ate a glass of wine. Then he hiccuped.

"Brothers are still waiting for me to drink, I won't be here to disturb you, the boss!" After speaking, Langtou took a bag of wine on the counter and walked out in his arms.

Just when he was about to walk out of the bar, the soles of his feet slipped and almost fell. Because he was holding the wine in his arms, he couldn't keep his balance, and he ran into the table of the lizardman next to him. Fortunately, he didn't have much strength and only made the table The wine glass shook for a while.

He didn't care whether the wine on the lizardman's table was spilled, and he complained to the bar owner: "I said boss, you have oil on the floor, so you drag it for a while, hiccup!"

After saying this, Langtou walked out without looking back. He walked in a hurry. The corner of his trouser pocket hung on the corner of the table, but he did not send it off. As a result, when he tried hard, the trouser pocket was torn. The opening was not big, he didn't notice it, but the thing in his trouser pocket fell out.

Langtou was anxious to go back for a drink, and hurried out of the bar door, but found nothing that had fallen. But this dropped thing attracted the attention of the lizardmen. It was a ring, and these soldiers had seen this ring. It was the ring that was worn by their captain.

A soldier hurriedly bent over to pick up the ring, then took it to the candlelight on the table and carefully identified it. It was true.

"Brothers, this is the captain's ring, how could he be in the hands of the wolfhead?" a lizardman soldier said with a laugh.

"This guy is probably related to the attack on our captain." Another soldier said.

"Well, I think this guy must have participated in the attack on the captain, or else he had so much money to drink!" Another soldier also echoed.

"Then what do you say?" a soldier forgot to ask other people at the same table.

"In this way, you take the ring and go to the squadron leader. We will keep up with this guy and try to catch him where no one is." One of them came up with an idea.

"Good!" the others agreed.

So a table of people left their seats and chased outside the bar.

Soon, these lizardmen soldiers saw the head swaying and walking in front of him, and several lizardmen followed the head without hurries. At this moment, the head suddenly turned to the alley next to him. Several lizardfolk thought that the werewolf had spotted them, and they were all taken aback, but several people still chased after them because of the large number of people.

As a result, when they reached the entrance of the alley, they heard the sound of peeing and releasing water. The lizards were relieved, so the lizards quietly turned into the alley.

On the other side, the lizard man with the ring hurriedly ran to their squadron leader's residence, and forgot to knock on the door when he entered, and went straight into the squadron leader's bedroom.

The squadron leader was drinking boring wine at this time. Too many things happened in the past two days. The supplies transported to the leader yesterday were investigated for no reason. Today, the squadron leader was killed again. The Hydra egg that was found disappeared, and it hurt them. A squadron leader, was called by the leader for a training session.

There was no place for this anger, so I could only come back for a sullen wine, but the door was knocked open just before I had a drink.

"You kid is looking for death, I didn't see that I was in a bad mood today!" The squadron leader glared, and said as he looked at the fluffy soldier in front of him.

"Captain, found it, found it!"

"What the **** did you find, make it clear."

"The murderer who killed the captain has been found!"

"What?!" Hearing this, the squadron leader suddenly stood up.

"Look at the captain!" As he said, the little soldier handed the captain's ring to the squadron captain.

The squadron leader took a look and found that the ring of the chief squadron was nothing but the mark of the space ring, and the things in the space were gone.

"Where did you get this ring?" the squadron leader asked, staring at the soldier.

So the soldier recounted what was in the bar.

"Fuck, it really was the grandsons of the werewolves who did it. They called for Lao Tzu and caught the murderer for me!"

"Yes!" The little soldier called the team with a look of excitement.

Soon a hundred lizardmen chased in the direction where Langtou left.

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