Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 556 Civil Unrest

When the lizardman squadron leader led the team to the vicinity of the bar, he saw that there had been a fight in the street, and several soldiers had fallen to the ground. However, it seems that the lizardmen have suffered a great loss. After all, the lizardmen are good at bows and arrows, not good at close combat. At this time, the two sides are engaged in close combat, and the lizardmen have obviously more deaths and injuries than the werewolves.

"Damn, someone who dared to kill me, shoot me arrows, and shoot these **** to death!" When the squadron leader saw that he was at a disadvantage, he didn't care about the three or seventy-one.

As a result, more than one hundred lizardmen drew their bows and arrows to shoot at the werewolves. Suddenly, more than a dozen werewolves were hit by arrows, and several of them fell to the ground and died.

The werewolves suffered a big loss at once, and one of the werewolves turned and ran, shouting as they ran, "No, the lizardmen are going to slaughter our werewolves, brothers, run!"

This shout immediately attracted the attention of the lizardmen. The soldier who was carrying the ring to report the letter recognized at a glance that the runaway werewolf was the one who lost the ring in the tavern.

"Captain, the ring he dropped."

Upon hearing this, the squadron leader immediately looked at the werewolf who was fleeing, and saw that the werewolf was running fast and the target was the werewolf barracks. This made him run back to the werewolf barracks, and it would be difficult to catch him again. The squadron leader drew a bow and shot an arrow, and went straight to the back leg of the werewolf.

The werewolf was very agile, and the arrow was dodged by him. The werewolf was not shot, but he shouted even more joyously because of the shock. The voice came far away, not far away. The werewolf barracks there, there was already a figure, obviously there was a werewolf on duty checking the situation.

The lizardman squadron leader was anxious and decided to perform his own stunt. Three arrows appeared on the bowstring and aimed at the escaped werewolf. These three arrows blocked all the retreat of the werewolf, no matter where he hid. Will hit the arrow.

So the lizardman squadron leader was about to release his arrows, but the werewolf seemed to know that someone was aiming at him. He turned and ran to the alley next to him. It would be difficult for him to drill into the alley and try to catch him again.

So the lizardman squadron leader was no longer aiming. When he let go, three bows and arrows flew out. The werewolf was so close to rush into the alley, but was still shot by the bow and arrows, and the werewolf fell into the alley heavily and issued " "Puff through" with a resounding sound.

This scene was seen by the people in the nearby barracks. They thought the lizard people had really come to the slaughter camp, so Sayazi went to the camp to report.

The lizardman squadron leader didn't care about this. He wanted to catch the werewolf. At this time, the werewolves who fought with the lizardman just ran away, leaving only the lizardman on the street.

"You two, go and catch the werewolf for me!" The lizardman squadron commanded the two soldiers behind him.

"Yes!" the two lizard soldiers agreed, and then ran to the alley quickly.

At this time, the lizardmen squadron leader called the two lizardmen who had just been fighting and asked, "Why did you fight in a group just now?"

"We don’t know. We were drinking in the tavern just now. We heard someone shouting that the lizardmen were going to kill the Werewolves. So we went out to see what happened, and we found that the Werewolves were fighting with our lizardmen on the street. I'm on it too."

"Oh?" This squadron leader is not a dry food. When he heard the answers of the two soldiers, he always felt that this matter was a bit strange, but he couldn't think of the fault.

At this moment, the two soldiers who had gone to the alley dragged a werewolf over.

"How about he or not?" the lizardman squadron leader asked the soldier who reported the news next to him.

"It's him, that's right, it's him, look at his trouser pockets, there are still traces of tears." The soldier recognized the werewolf named Langtou at a glance.

"Huh? Why does he seem to be dead?" At this moment, the soldier found out that this Langtou seemed to be dead.

"What? He died?" Now the squadron leader was a little panicked. The so-called thief must be dirty. The thief suddenly died. The dead man had no confession. If he confronted him later, how could he be right? This is related to the whereabouts of the Hydra Egg.

Just when the squadron leader was stunned, a group of werewolves rushed out of the front barracks. They shouted: "Kill the lizardmen and avenge the dead brother!"

The lizardman squadron captain also couldn't take care of the dead head. The wolf head who was killed on the opposite side was very aggressive, completely immortal.

"Brothers, take revenge for our dead brothers, our captain! Shoot me arrows!" The lizardman squadron captain also gave up, and now it's important to solve the immediate crisis first.

A rain of arrows flew towards the werewolf. The werewolf swung the chain hammer in his hand to make a feather arrow, but some people still fell to the ground with the arrow, but the werewolf was very fast and the distance between the two sides was not very far. After two rounds of arrow rain, the wolf head The man rushed to the lizardman.

This lizardman used the arrow method, ten werewolves could not catch up, but in close combat, the lizardmen were not the opponents of the werewolves. Soon the lizardmen in the first row were cracked by the werewolf’s hammer and smashed by the brains and the dead body Lie down a lot.

"Quickly seize the houses on both sides and guard them away!" Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, the lizardman squadron commander quickly ordered to guard the house.

At this time, the street melee turned into street fighting, and the shouts of killing became more and more fierce. Werewolves and lizardmen kept running back to their camps to move troops. The melee of two hundred people soon evolved into more than a thousand. People city war.

As the battle intensified, a lizardman finally ran to the central castle.

"Quickly... inform the big boss that our people are almost killed by the werewolves!" The lizard man asked for help from the lizard team patrolling near the castle.

"What? What happened?" The soldiers on patrol heard screams and screams in the city just now, but they didn't know what happened. Because of their duties, they didn't dare to check and could only do it. listen.

This lizardman gave the general situation of the melee between the two sides, which surprised the lizardmen on patrol.

"Quickly, take him to see the leader, you guys, hurry up to contact the surrounding soldiers on patrol to prevent the wolf head from attacking here." The lizardman squad leader quickly arranged.

So the lizardman soldier who reported the news was led to the room of the lizardman leader. As the soldier who reported the lizardman turned around, the corners of his mouth were slightly upward.

Soon, the lizardman soldier was taken to the lizardman leader.

"What happened outside, so noisy?" The lizardman leader is very upset now. The credit that came to his hand is suddenly lost because of the group leader's death. More importantly, the lizardman leader did not expect that the werewolves would Dare to kill his captain.

Now it was the lizard man who was afraid of tearing his face with the werewolf, so he suppressed it and did not question the werewolf.

Now suddenly there was a riot outside, which caught the lizardman leader by surprise.

"Big Chief..." The lizard man who reported the news hurried forward to report the outside affairs. At this time, the lizard man leader knew that he had to come forward. So the lizardman leader led a group of people and rushed to the scene of the accident.

When the lizardman leader came to the outer streets, there was already a pot of porridge, with dead bodies and blood everywhere, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The lizardman leader was very annoyed. He had lost a lot of people yesterday. Today, I saw many lizardmen falling in a pool of blood. The lizardman leader was a little angry and wanted to rush up and kill a few werewolves with his bow and crossbow.

But reason defeated the anger. The lizardman leader suppressed the anger and shouted: "Stop it all!"

The shout of the lizardman leader spread all over the block. This sound stopped the actions of the lizard people, but the werewolves still attacked quickly. After all, the shout belonged to the lizardmen and could not control them, so The werewolf also took this opportunity to kill a few lizardmen.

Seeing that the werewolf dared to attack, the lizardman suddenly became furious, regardless of the leader's order, again raised his weapon and killed the werewolf.

At this moment, there was a loud roar from behind the werewolf, "Stop the fuck, I!"

The sound was from the leader of the werewolf. Following this shout, the werewolf soldiers began to retreat, preparing to stop, but this time the lizardman did not stop. Instead, they took advantage of the distance between the two sides and a burst of bows and arrows shot past. The next annoyed the werewolves, and the werewolves screamed: "Brothers kill these lowly lizardmen!"

On the opposite side, the lizard people also shouted: "Brothers, kill these dogs and mothers!"

The two sides rushed to each other again, and there was a good posture to go to war again. At this time, the werewolves and lizardman leaders yelled out unanimously: "Stop it for me!"

Because the leaders of both sides gave orders at the same time, the soldiers on both sides gave up and retreated.

Seeing the soldiers retreat, the lizardman leader and werewolf leader each stepped forward. Under the street light, it can be seen that the werewolf leader is stronger, and an oblique scar runs across the entire right face, making him look more hideous, while the lizardman leader has a bigger belly than that. There is no momentum for the werewolf.

When the two sides met, naturally they wouldn't say anything polite, especially the werewolf who was even more aggressive.

"I said the blue fur monster, what do you mean, why let your subordinates attack and kill my people!" Since most of the lizard people have blue-green skin, this werewolf leader directly gave the lizardman leader a foreigner. number.

"I said Scar, how come my people attacked you, it should be your people who killed me!"

"What? My people killed your people? It's obviously your people who came out of the bar and attacked my people. People on the street have seen this. Don't deny it!"

"That's not my person who wanted to kill you. It's because your soldier dropped something in the bar. That thing is the ring that our captain was taken away before his death. So we have to find out the truth, of course. Take him back for questioning!" The lizardman leader stared at the werewolf fiercely, to see how he reacted to this.

"What? Your team leader is dead?" Hearing this, the Werewolf leader was shocked. Yesterday, only a small group of lizardmen was attacked. Didn't you hear that there was a lizardman leader inside?

Seeing the werewolf’s suspicious expression, this made the lizardman leader not sure that the captain was killed. Is it related to the werewolf? Maybe it was done privately by the werewolf. The werewolf leader did not know?

"Well, our captain was killed by a sneak attack and taken away his ring, so the person we saw you today actually held our captain's ring. Of course we have to arrest him and ask. "

"Have you caught someone?" the werewolf leader asked anxiously.

"Caught it, people get it!" After speaking, the lizardman leader waved back: "Bring it!"

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