Apocalyptic Hero System

: 557th Festival Two Tigers Fight

As soon as the lizardman leader yelled and brought him up, the werewolf leader's heart touched his throat. After all, he had sent someone to attack them. If the person sent was arrested, it would be difficult to handle.

However, when a werewolf was dragged up, the werewolf leader breathed a sigh of relief. This werewolf was not the one he sent to kill the lizardmen. It is estimated that this was the lizardman leader who wanted to deceive himself, so the werewolf leader's expression eased. .

"Why, Blue Haired Monster, this is the person you said I sent? This werewolf is not my confidant, and you don't think that if I were the one who killed you, I would send someone I don't trust!"

"Why did you send him? Naturally, I can't control this, but this werewolf dropped this in the tavern when buying wine, don't say you don't know this!" Then, the lizardman leader took the captain's ring come out.

"Oh? This is the captain's space ring under your hand. Why, is there anything wrong with this ring?" The werewolf leader contemptuously said.

"Huh, don't play garlic with me here. This ring fell out of his pocket. How do you explain this?"

"Oh, it fell out of his pocket, then ask him! Why didn't you ask?" The wolf head leader said with a rogue face.

"Huh, we accidentally shot him to death just now, so I want you to explain it." The lizardman leader said angrily.

"Haha, I understand. It turns out that you didn’t complete the task and wanted to plant us. You killed my subordinates and planted them on him. I said the blue fur monster. Don’t think of me as a three-year-old kid. I'm tired of playing!"

"Don't you admit that you robbed my person and took the Hydra Egg?"

After hearing this, the werewolf's heart moved, did they really find the Hydra Egg?

Suddenly, an arrow shot out of the group of lizards, and went straight to the leader of the wolf head. The incident happened suddenly, and the leader of the wolf head was a little distracted and unprepared. When he felt When the bow and arrow were shot, he wanted to dodge again. It was too late, so he could only raise his arm to block his vitals. The arrow directly hit his arm, pierced the arm, and almost broke the muscles of the arm.

"Lizardmen have a sneak attack!" The guard standing next to the werewolf leader remembered the leader protecting them.

And this arrow also caught the lizardman leader by surprise. He had never given an order to assassinate the wolfhead leader. Who had no brains to do such a stupid thing at this time. At this time, it was too late to say anything, the lizard leader could only retreat back to prevent the wolf head from attacking.

The werewolf leader was shot with an arrow. Although he injured his arm, he was not life-threatening. Although it was painful, he still could bear it. So he said to the guard next to him, "Kill me, don’t let the **** blue furry run away. Up!"

After getting the order, the werewolves shouted and killed the lizardmen.

At this time, the lizardman leader could only gritted his teeth and shouted: "Attack me, kill these shameless werewolves!"

The lizardman and the werewolf had already got red eyes just now. At this time, the leaders of both sides rushed together and started fighting together.

The lizardman leader who retreated quietly asked, "Who put the arrow just now?"

At this question, all the lizard people looked blank. Just now, everyone was focused on it, and no one would have let go of an arrow.

Seeing no one answered, the lizardman leader had no choice but to give up. After all, it was useless to ask at this time.

"You guys, take people to occupy those buildings, shoot me arrows from above, and shoot these bastards!" The lizardman leader is also cruel now, after all, the current situation is irretrievable.

On the other hand, the werewolf leader endured the pain and gave an order: "Come on me, you must kill that **** blue hair monster, dare to yin Lao Tzu, fortunately Lao Tzu is dead."

At this moment, a werewolf ran over with a medicine box: "Leader, I will heal you!"

The werewolf leader glanced at this subordinate. Although he was face-to-face, the werewolf thought of healing himself at this time, it was considered intentional, so he nodded: "Well, you hurry up, I will slaughter myself later. That blue fur monster!"

"Yes, yes!" The werewolf nodded, then bent down and took out a pair of scissors from the medicine box, directly cut the arrow feathers, and then pulled out the arrow shaft. This moved the muscles on the arms and made the werewolves The leader grinned: "You kid, start lightly, hiss!"

"Yes, yes!" The werewolf didn't know if he was frightened by the spirit of the werewolf leader, he just stooped and said yes.

"Okay, you kid hurry up, I don't have the time to spend here, and later I will kill the **** who shot me an arrow. I haven't been injured for many years."

The little soldier said, "Yes, yes, just put some medicine!"

The soldier said as he took out a bottle of medicinal foam from the medicine box and sprinkled it on the wound of the wolf head leader. At this time, the wolf head only felt the wound cool and the pain he had just improved a lot.

"It seems that this medicine is still effective. You are good boy. When the war is over, you can come to me!"

When the soldier heard that the leader asked him to go to the leader's side, he immediately nodded and bowed "yes yes yes". For such a small soldier, the wolf head leader was helpless.

Soon the arm was wrapped in gauze, and the wound was treated with healing powder, the blood was stopped, and the werewolf leader didn’t feel any pain anymore, so he reached out and took his sledgehammer over: “This time It's Lao Tzu's turn to take revenge! Brothers, rush to me!"

After shouting, the lizardman leader rushed towards the lizardman's position with a sledgehammer.

I have to say that this werewolf leader is indeed very capable. Almost no one is his one-of-a-kind general. Several lizardman squad captains rushed towards him with a knife. The werewolf leader just waved the silver chain in his hand. Hammer smashed several team leaders out, and fell to the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

However, the lizardmen use bows and arrows as their main weapon. Just now the lizardmen leader ordered to attack the buildings on both sides of the street. This worked. Many bows and arrows were shot down from the buildings. , So many werewolves fell under bows and arrows.

However, the werewolves were very brave. They braved the arrow rain to clean up the lizardmen from building to building. Because the night was dark, the lizardmen’s bows and arrows were not very accurate, which made the werewolves’ attacking pace never stopped.

For a time, the two sides suffered countless deaths and injuries. The wounded soldiers fell to the ground and wailed but no one answered. The Werewolf soldier who rescued the wounded just now did not know where he went.

As the battle between the two sides became more and more intense, the sky gradually brightened. At this time, the number of casualties on both sides was already more than half. More importantly, after a night of fighting, the soldiers on both sides were already a little exhausted, and the werewolves charged less quickly. Now, the lizardman does not shoot arrows so effectively.

At this moment, the werewolf leader finally rushed to the building where the lizard leader was with a group of werewolves.

"I said the blue hair monster, I know you are in it, don't pretend to be a grandson of tortoises in it. If you have the ability to fight against Lao Tzu, if you win Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is willing to tell you about your troops!" Werewolf The chief wanted to shout inside the building.

The werewolf leader knew that he would not be defeated, so he dared to make this promise.

"Huh, Scarface, don't think I'm afraid of you, just compare!" Following the voice, the lizardman leader led some lizardman guards and walked out of the building, preparing to fight the wolf head.

In fact, the lizardman leader didn't want to come out, but they had finished shooting their bows and arrows. If they were still nesting in the building, they could only wait for the werewolf to make dumplings, so he had to let go.

Seeing that the lizardman leader came out, the werewolf leader laughed and said, "I thought your blue hair monster was scared!"

"Huh, I stand upright, who have I been afraid of!" The lizardman leader pretended to be fearless, but his tone was not so full.

"Stop talking nonsense, since it's coming out, let's make gestures, then I will let you know what is better than death." The werewolf leader didn't have so much patience to grind his teeth with the lizardman leader, so he rushed directly to the lizardman leader .

The lizardman leader can only be forced to raise the knife in his hand and fight with the werewolf.

This werewolf chain hammer is very powerful, has chain links, and is flexible. This makes the lizardman leader always passive when attacking. Several times the weapon is almost entangled by the chain hammer. Once the weapon is chained by the werewolf leader If the hammer is entangled, the weapon will definitely be snatched by the werewolf leader, and without the weapon at that time, he can only be captured with his hands.

Therefore, the lizardman leader can only try not to touch the chain hammer, which makes the lizardman leader daunting. Over time, this defeat will be a matter of time.

Just when the lizardman was about to give up resistance, suddenly the werewolf leader's footsteps began to sway, the chain hammer was not so powerful, and the werewolf leader was like a drunk brawny.

Seeing that the werewolf leader was out of the situation, the lizardman leader would naturally not be merciful, so he took advantage of the situation and attacked. For a while, the werewolf leader became a role that can only defend but cannot attack.

At this time, the werewolf leader didn't know what was going on, he just felt dizzy, dizzy, and weak. At this time, the werewolf leader just wanted to fall to the ground and sleep. Of course, the werewolf leader knew he couldn't fall down now, otherwise he would really never get up again.

So the werewolf leader hit his tongue hard and bit his tongue, and immediately the werewolf leader felt that he was a lot more awake. At this time, the lizard leader’s knife hit his chest with all his strength, and the werewolf leader naturally wouldn’t let him The lizardman leader succeeded, and with a sudden swing of the chain hammer, he directly entangled the lizardman leader's knife. This was beyond the expectation of the lizardman leader, so the lizardman leader hurriedly drew the knife, but the chain hammer had firmly tied the knife. Unless the lizardman leader was stronger than the werewolf leader, the knife could not break free. , So the two sides are deadlocked there.

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