Li Yuanhong was about to raise the knife to kill the little Krusu in front of him. However, in the pools on both sides, there were thousands of little Krusu climbed out. If he wasted time and hacked this Krusu to death, then around Crusoe who climbs up will surround himself.

These little Crusoe don't look at their young age, but their teeth are very good, as long as they are surrounded, they will be eaten up by these little Crusoe every minute.

Li Yuanhong is not a person who is reluctant to give up. His life is important, so he turned and ran, and a teleport quickly came, pulling his distance away from these little Crusoe. However, don’t look at the height of these little Krusu than Li Yuanhong, but the running speed is definitely not slower than that of Li Yuanhong. These Krusu are born close to level 30, and their physique is a bit stronger than that of giant zombies of the same level. It was a piece of cake to chase after Li Yuanhong, if it weren't for Li Yuanhong's teleport skills, I'm afraid he would have been submerged in the Krusu group long ago.

After rushing out of the cave, Li Yuanhong quickly ran out along the tunnel. While running, Li Yuanhong took out the intercom and shouted, "Quickly, execute plan B."

However, what Li Yuanhong responded to was the electric noise of "Prickly Prickly". Li Yuanhong felt a stunned heart when he heard it. If the plan cannot be executed in time and these little Crusoe ran out, there will be no way to eliminate it. At that time, Crusu was overwhelmed, and there was no need to wait for the alien giants to come, the earth creatures had to be destroyed by these crusu.

But Li Yuanhong had no choice but to run out of the cave first. So desperately urging the teleport skills, and constantly rushing to the entrance of the hole, but the little Klusu behind him hurriedly chased after him, and they kept making immature roars, if it hadn’t been for Li Yuanhong to have seen this little Ke in person. Lu Su cannibalism, it is really difficult to say that the milky cry is connected with the cannibalism.

Finally, after nearly half of the mana was consumed, Li Yuanhong saw the light at the entrance of the cave. Li Yuanhong took out the walkie-talkie again and panted and shouted, "Quickly, implement plan B."

But there was an indistinct voice from the walkie-talkie: "What, I didn't hear clearly!" The voice was still mixed with the sound of electricity.

Li Yuanhong had no choice but to use teleport again, and he was close to the entrance of the cave for more than 20 meters. The light from the entrance of the cave could shine on him, so Li Yuanhong shouted into the intercom: "Quickly, implement B. Plan, I'll say it again, hurry up and implement Plan B!"

Li Yuanhong's voice was already a little hysterical.

This time, a slightly clearer voice finally came from the walkie-talkie: "Understand, implement plan B!"

With the repetition of the voice over there, Li Yuanhong's heart was slightly lowered, but the cries of milky voice from behind made Li Yuanhong's heart rise in his throat again, and these Krusu had already chased to the entrance of the cave.

Li Yuanhong knew that it would take time to execute plan B, and these little crusu rushed out of the cave, and it took less than a minute to do it. As long as these crusu rushed out of the cave, even if plan B was very powerful, it would be difficult to count them all. These Crusu kills. So now someone needs to block the hole and stop Crusu.

However, there were no soldiers around at all. This was because Li Yuanhong was worried that the soldiers would be controlled by Krusu, and at the same time, the crowd might expose the target, so Li Yuanhong came by himself, and there was no one who had been killed.

"Oh, life is hard!" Li Yuanhong sighed, it seems that this glorious task of blocking the hole has fallen on him again.

Li Yuanhong gritted his teeth, turned his head, and looked at the mouth of the cave with a decisive expression. The milk in the cave called out. In Li Yuanhong's ears, it was simply the howling of the devil. Of course, Li Yuanhong was not fighting alone. He released the robot dogs in the space and directly gave the two robot dogs the command to charge the laser cannon.

Just as Li Yuanhong was preparing, Crusu's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, and not one, but three at the same time, but now the robot dog is still charging and unable to participate in the battle, Li Yuanhong had to swing his knife and rushed up by himself.

Now Li Yuanhong must guard the entrance of the cave and not allow these Crusu to rush out. Therefore, Li Yuanhong did not seek to kill these Crusu, but repelled them. Therefore, as soon as he came up, Li Yuanhong threw out a few chili grenade, and then the sword spirit. Slash, directly repelled the three Crusu that had just been chased by such a small step.

This small step is enough. Because of this small step, Crusu’s fast forward momentum was broken, and the three Crusu almost blocked the road behind Crusu, which allowed the entire Crusu group to move forward. Forced to stop.

Now those Klusu who was in the back quit. They thought that Klusu who was in front had caught Li Yuanhong and began to enjoy the food without their share. So these Klusu was crowded and planned to rush to the front. Pushing and shoving, they almost fell, but they had to slow down because Li Yuanhong's sword aura threatened them very much. They had to fully prop up the tentacle shield to resist Li Yuanhong's sword aura.

For a while, the small Crusoe group was in chaos, and the entire cave was blocked by the small Crusoe himself.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong threw into Crusu's chili grenade, which exploded, and suddenly the red smoke spread. Those little Crusu who opened their mouths and screamed suddenly inhaled the mutant chili powder. This taste was so spicy. Adults, although those little Crusoe have stronger endurance than normal people, but the taste is not what they can tolerate, so the wailing cry turned into milky crying, even some Crusoe planned U-turned and ran back, but the tunnel was not very wide, which restricted the movement of these crusues. The key is that there are too many crusues here, and thousands of crusues occupy the entire cave, which makes crusues His actions are restricted.

Li Yuanhong’s attack took advantage of the geographical advantage, but after all, he was alone. The continuous attack of sword energy made him a heavy burden. Only less than ten seconds, his sword energy consumed nearly half. Rusu has already begun to adapt to his attack, and Crusu behind is not crowded, the entire Crusu team is restoring order.

However, these ten seconds have also won time for the robot dog to recharge. Now the robot dog is charged, a mouth, a laser cannon aimed at the cave, and it sprayed out, two dazzling rays of light went straight to Crusu inside the cave Away.

Crusoe at the front wanted to take advantage of Li Yuanhong's knife to rush forward out of the hole, but the two rays of light that came from it made them feel a great threat, so the tentacle shield was deployed again, but this time the laser cannon directly It penetrated the body of Crusu in the front row, and has been penetrating Crusu in the second row before disappearing. Four Crusoe died directly on the spot.

With this blow, Klusu backed back several steps in shock. Li Yuanhong thought that these newly-born Krusu would be scared away by the power of the laser cannon. The **** air emitted by the dead Krusu stimulated these Krusu instead. Each of them became red eyes and called out. The sound was not so milky, but a bit ferocious, one by one began to rush towards the entrance of the cave.

"Then shoot me!"

Li Yuanhong ordered two robot dogs. The two robot dogs immediately released laser cannons again. Another string of Krusu died on the spot. However, the robot dog can only release laser cannons three times once it is charged. The dog's energy was exhausted and the laser cannon was automatically turned off.

Without the support of the laser cannon, Li Yuanhong immediately felt that his pressure had become extremely huge. The young and flabby Crusu faces were getting closer and closer to him, and Li Yuanhong could even hear the sounds of Crusu breathing.

Just when Li Yuanhong thought he was going to be unable to hold the hole, suddenly Li Yuanhong remembered one of his skills, the space-time domain. This is a skill that was only activated when he reached level 30. In the skill introduction, as long as he is in the space covered by this skill, Li Yuanhong It is an invincible existence, so Li Yuanhong wants to experiment with his skills here.

"Space-time realm!"

Li Yuanhong shouted violently, and the space around Li Yuanhong suddenly trembled, and then a burst of energy spread out. Then Li Yuanhong felt that he seemed to be the master of this space. As long as he was enveloped in his own space, Li Yuanhong could even Control the movement of a tiny dust, it feels very strange.

When Li Yuanhong opened the space-time realm, two Crusu broke into his space-time realm, so Li Yuanhong decided to experiment with these two Crusu.

"Transposition magic!" Li Yuanhong shouted. In Li Yuanhong's mind, there was a scene in which a cobblestone on the ground and Klusu's head running in front suddenly changed positions.

And at the moment when Li Yuanhong thought, something like this happened to Crusu, who was running at the forefront. Suddenly his head turned into a boulder, but his head was suddenly planted in the ground, so he was on top of the stone. Crusoe's body was still rushing towards Li Yuanhong, while Crusoe's head, which was planted on the ground, blinked and looked around curiously.

It's just that the head screamed next, but the screaming lasted only a second, and it stopped abruptly, because once this Klusu realized that his head had fallen, then his death moment was also almost there.

With the wailing of the brain, Crusu's body with the stone topped slowly fell down, his distance was only less than half a step away from himself.

The first Klusu was killed smoothly, it can be said that effortlessly, he instantly took the head of the enemy general. But Li Yuanhong did not use the same method for the second Crusu, because this object replacement technique, if the dead object is replaced by a dead object, such as a stone on the ground and a brick next to it, Li Yuanhong can complete it without any effort. , But this kind of replacement involving life forms requires Li Yuanhong to pay a considerable amount of energy. According to the law of time and space, any magic requires energy, especially when it comes to life forms, the energy that needs to be paid is even greater. After the replacement, Li Yuanhong felt dizzy, and if he did it again, he would probably faint without having to use those Crusoe hands.

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