Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 569 The Power of Nature

For the second Klusu, Li Yuanhong did not use other abilities, but directly used a skill similar to hourglass time. This skill can be used in the space-time realm for an unlimited number of times without consuming any force. This is the special field effect of the space-time realm.

I saw Li Yuanhong quickly rushed to the crusu. Before the crusu reacted, Li Yuanhong’s Shenyue knife was cut directly from the back of his neck, and the one was still shouting. The head of Crusoe was separated instantly, and Li Yuanhong walked back to the place where he stood just now.

Li Yuanhong's set of actions, when viewed from outside the realm of time and space, it was as if Li Yuanhong's figure swayed, and the head of Klusu on the opposite side was crossed out, which was simply unimaginable.

However, after killing this Klusu, more Klusu from behind rushed into the space-time realm. This time Li Yuanhong did not swing a knife and chop, but replaced it with a golden bow and took out a bursting arrow directly from the space. , Using the characteristics of time-space realm that he can control time, start to draw bow and release arrows. A burst of arrows hit Crusu's head accurately, and then exploded. Suddenly, Crusu's heads exploded like a bursting watermelon.

When outsiders look at Li Yuanhong, they will see Li Yuanhong holding a bow. The speed of shooting arrows is almost like a phantom. The arrows that are shot at the speed of light will hit them when they go out, and then Krusu will fall. Down.

In this way, Li Yuanhong stayed at the entrance of the cave by himself, and kept shooting Krusu. In just five minutes, nearly forty Krusu fell in front of the cave entrance. However, at this moment, Li Yuanhong felt that his body was sore. Gritting his teeth and insisting, it is estimated that a gust of wind will blow himself down.

This is not what Li Yuanhong is worried about. His space-time realm can only be opened for five minutes now, and after five minutes, his invincibility state will be declared over, and plan B has not heard any movement until now, and does not know this. What is the fat man rubbing?

Just when Li Yuanhong secretly scolded Fat Lu for the thirteenth and forty times, the crater above his head suddenly exploded with a "boom", and then the crater approached the mountain on the side of Crusu's lair. , Don't blow up a huge gap.

Originally, the crater was facing a huge circular chimney, surrounded by magma perfectly, but this explosion suddenly appeared a big gap, like a person knocking off the front teeth, not only ugly, but also easy to leak. Of course, there is no wind to leak from the volcano, but magma is very allowed to eject from this gap.

The explosion caused the rock to collapse, and the huge rubble smashed down the mountain quickly. Li Yuanhong was outside the cave. If it was hit, it would definitely be the end of the scoop. The so-called gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, so Li Yuanhong whistled, a griffin hiding next to him, flew down, Li Yuanhong jumped on the griffin and flew away while those Klusu was attracted by the explosion. .

When those Crusoe came back and wanted to chase Li Yuanhong, but Li Yuanhong had already flown away from the rockfall area, and those Crusoe did not dare to walk out of the cave, because the falling rocks outside kept falling down like rain. , These Crusoe also understood that if they were hit by these stones, they would definitely not end well.

Klusu, who was fighting the blue dragon in the distance, suddenly heard an explosion behind him, and was shocked. He was always worried that his battle would spread to the cave behind him, so he fought with the blue dragon away from the island. , But something still happened, so now her heart is upset.

Originally, this Klusu was about the same level as the Qinglong. They fought and fought. Although they now look like they are all scarred, they are all skin injuries and are not fatal at all. It is just like this. No two days. God, don't want to tell the outcome.

But now Crusu's heart is confused, both attacking and defensive faults have appeared. Of course the Qinglong on the opposite side would not let such an opportunity pass, so through Crusu’s mistake, he grabbed a claw on her abdomen. This claw was so deep that it almost broke her belly with blood. It suddenly came out. This time not only caused Crusoe to suffer a serious injury, but also slowed Crusoe's actions. Just now Crusoe was able to perform both offensive and defensive capabilities. Now he can only defend with all his strength, and she has to Check back from time to time to see what is wrong with the island.

It’s okay not to look at it. This look made Krusu's mood even more chaotic. The explosion just now only caused a gap in the mountain. The volcano is in a dormant state, and the magma will not flow out. Wait for the loose stone to fall. The cave below has no effect.

However, now, the volcano has thick smoke and dust, and as the smoke and dust rises, there is the sound of thunder explosions in the volcano, and thunder and lightning flashes continuously in the smoke, and inside the volcano mountain, it is also coming. The rumbling vibration sound, all of this, indicates that the volcano will erupt.

Crusu was even more unable to fight with peace of mind. She took a punch from Qinglong, and then quickly retreated with the force of being knocked off. She wanted to take advantage of such an attack to escape from the battlefield and return to the island.

But of course Qinglong wouldn't let her go, Qinglong suddenly opened his mouth, and a breath of dragon went straight to Crusu's back.

Crusu's heart was completely confused now, and she realized it when the dragon's breath attack was approaching, but at this time she wanted to dodge, it was too late, her back was hit hard by the dragon's breath.

At this moment, Crusu vomited a mouthful of blood. There were many internal organs in the blood, which showed that she was seriously injured. But that's it, this Klusu still stubbornly flapped his wings and rushed to the island.

However, as she approached the island, the volcanic crater suddenly erupted. A huge flame was ejected from the crater, like huge dazzles, exploding in the air. This is not over yet, the calm magma is also surging. It overflowed from the crater. The volcanic magma would overflow in all directions, but at this time, the crater was missing a corner. Suddenly, all the magma seemed to have found a place to vent, and the brains gushed out from this place.

When Krusu flew close to the island, the entire volcanic mountain near Krusu's nest was completely covered by crimson magma. The rushing magma, like a flood that released a flood, rushed straight down to the foot of the mountain.

What Klusu can do at this time is to rush back to the cave as soon as possible and rescue those cubs of his own. Although not all of them can be rescued, even one is good.

Unfortunately, there is a Qinglong behind her, and Qinglong will naturally not let this opponent escape. Although both Qinglong and Crusu can fly, Crusu depends on the pair of wings. And Crusu originally lived in the sea, flying was not her strong point, so when she approached the island, Qinglong had already arrived on top of her head.

Then Qinglong launched an attack from top to bottom. This time it was a large-scale thunder and lightning attack. Hundreds of lightning struck Klusu. Suddenly Klusu was struck by lightning, although she did not kill her. But the wings that Crusoe used to fly were pierced by a flash of lightning. Suddenly Crusoe's flight was unstable and swayed to the island.

And when Crusu fell down, he saw several panicked little Crusu ran out of the cave, trying to run to the sea, but the volcano erupted not only magma, but also many burning stones. , Were ejected together, these stones reached the sky and turned into stone rain, falling from the sky, and the few Crusus hadn't run far, they were sturdily hit by the stones and suddenly turned into a pool of fleshy mud.

Several Klusu who were killed by the bombing, Klusu in the cave did not even dare to step out of the cave, and one of them wailed anxiously. They hoped that their cries would bring back their mothers and save them. . However, their mother had already folded her wings on the beach at this time, and several heavy blows had made it difficult for her to get up. She could lift her head up as best as she could, looked in the direction of her lair, and wailed.

In the eyes of this Klusu, the magma flow has already flowed into his lair and sealed the cave. Since the entrance of the cave is slightly higher than the ground, the little Klusu can feel the hot magma, making them even more uncomfortable. Dare to approach the entrance of the cave.

But the magma accumulated higher and higher, and finally overflowed the entrance of the cave and began to flow into the cave. Little Klusu was forced back into the cave step by step, but there was only a dead end there. When the cave was full of magma, it was These crusu's doomsday.

No one can escape the wrath of this volcano. The magma is thousands of degrees high, and even steel will melt when it enters. Even if Klusu's evolution is high, it can't resist the heat of this magma.

Crusu lying on the beach let out a final scream, and then there was a lightning strike that directly hit her head, ending the life of Crusu’s mother who tried to change the fate of Crusu, and at this moment , Magma finally filled the entire cave, and even the ring-shaped valley before it was filled with lava, and the magma continued to advance, pouring toward the sea.

Naturally, Qinglong would not fight magma. He grabbed the corpse of Crusu and flew towards the spaceship. His mission has been completed. This corpse will be the basis for his return to life.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was sitting in the command room, tired and half dead. He opened the space-time realm just now, and almost drained his own energy. If it weren't for the moment when the space-time realm was over, the volcano was bombed, it is estimated that Li Yuanhong's life would be accounted for.

Li Yuanhong weakly said to Fat Lu: "I said Fatty Lu, is it that difficult for you to make a volcano erupt?"

When Fatty Lu heard this, he grinned: "Brother Li, I haven't done it before. Isn't this the first time? My hands are a bit raw. Besides, if you let the volcano erupt and explode the mountain, this project is a bit big. So, this time..."

"Okay, I won't care about you this time. Next time you are asked to do something, you should move faster. This time I can't come back, who almost hurt!" Li Yuanhong complained.

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