Apocalyptic Hero System

: Day 571: The Nest in the Desert

Matthew rushed to Li Yuanhong’s office, and ended up eating a closed door. What made Matthew even more uncomfortable was that Li Yuanhong actually left, and it was the kind of departure that did not know the return date, which gave Matthew a kind of Bad premonition. So Matthew hurried to the city gate, but he was wearing too formal, and his leather shoes were not suitable for running, and he almost twisted his ankle halfway.

When Matthew ran to the wall and looked up to the sea outside the city, where there was the shadow of the aircraft carrier, there was not even a bird on the sea. Obviously, Li Yuanhong was walking on the aircraft carrier.

Matthew had a feeling of being tricked, but there was nowhere to vent, he could only sigh and droop his head, and went back.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was sitting in the control room of the spacecraft. Fatty Lu on the opposite side was laughing: "I said, Brother Li, how did you come up with such a bad idea and let the pigeons go so cool, hahaha!"

"Oh, I was also forced. You have seen the posture yesterday. If I don't give him a satisfactory answer, he is saying that he will not give way to death. You know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a car. So I had to agree!" Li Yuanhong said in a helpless tone.

"It turns out that Brother Li wanted to go back to bed earlier. I thought Brother Li was playing with that kid on purpose." Fatty Lu conjectured.

"Am I that bad? Besides, people want to investigate our warships blatantly. I can't give him hope." Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, you still said that you are not bad, you are sluggish." Fatty Lu joked.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, where are we now?" Li Yuanhong glanced at the virtual illusion in the center of the control room and asked.

Now the illusion shows that the Gobi is the Gobi when it is surrounded by it. No landmark buildings can be seen at all, and no living objects can be seen.

"Now we are in the hinterland of Australia, the eastern part of the Gibson Desert. After a while, we will reach a lake and the scenery will change." Fatty Lu looked at the recorder in his hand.

However, Fatty Lu’s answer did not help Li Yuanhong in any way. Li Yuanhong was very unfamiliar with the terrain of Australia. This made Li Yuanhong miss Yan Peiqi’s little girl. With that little girl, he might be able to tell himself about the current geography. Environment.

However, the last time his old father-in-law gave a training, Li Yuanhong and Yan Peiqi's ideas were wiped out, and the little girl could only stay in Spring City.

However, there is no guide and satellites to help locate in the sky, so that Li Yuanhong will not lose his way in this desert.

When Li Yuanhong was thinking about Yan Peiqi's affairs, suddenly the warning light of the spacecraft came on.

"Fatty, what's the situation?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback. Why did the warning light suddenly turn on? Is there an intruder?

"Brother Li, it was not an invasion, but the spacecraft found a large mutant beast nest within 50 kilometers." Fatty Lu replied.

"Mutant Beast Lair? Pass the image over." Li Yuanhong said.

After a while, the virtual imaging system in the center changed. It was no longer the three-dimensional imaging of the spacecraft, but a mountain. It was not very high, but there were at least six or seven hundred meters of mountains. The mountains were steep and bare, almost There is no vegetation, just near the top of the mountain, there are many caves. Near these caves, many birds go in and out. They have brown and golden feathers. They are not small. The brown feathered birds have a full wingspan. A few meters long, and those golden feathered birds, after spreading their wings, can be twenty meters long.

These birds have sharp claws and sharp beaks. At first glance, they are the main meat-eating birds. However, there are deserts nearby, and there are no wild animals at all. However, the nests and birds in the nest are no less than white. How do these birds live?

Just when Li Yuanhong wondered how these birds survived, suddenly a few cars came down at the foot of the mountain. The cars were pulled by mutant beasts. Around the cars were many wolf cavalry with weapons. There were five giant wolves sitting on these wolf cavalry. It is six meters long and taller than any mutant wolf Li Yuanhong has ever seen. With its gray mane and deep-cold eyes, it makes people shudder at that station, not to mention the people riding on these giant wolves. Outside of their fangs, their faces are full of flesh, and what's more, some people still have horns on their heads. At a glance, you can tell that these powerful people are not earth humans, but aliens.

These aliens, the orcs introduced by the official Naga people to Li Yuanhong, all have the blood of beasts, natural warriors, and most of them are naturally immune to magic. Many magic attacks have little effect on them, but they are sturdy, muscular, and the force is definitely not comparable to humans, and they are naturally close to mutant beasts, and they can raise many mutant beasts to fight for them.

And this team of wolf cavalry was to feed the mutant birds flying on the cliff. Seeing the mutant animal carts, the birds flew down and fell on the ground and called to the wolf cavalry. Obviously they were starving. Up.

The wolf cavalry came to the feeding place and opened the canvas covering the cart, revealing the cargo loaded on the cart. It was a piece of raw meat, fresh raw meat.

Most of these raw meats are herbivorous mutants, such as ostriches, mutant sheep, buffaloes, and even kangaroos. But Li Yuanhong saw from the screen that these raw meats were actually mixed with human corpses, and there were still a lot of them.

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong frowned. This animal, no matter how cute, will become an invisible killer once he eats human flesh, because once he eats human flesh, he will classify humans as food. Category, from now on will be salivating on human flesh.

Some scientists have once investigated that most of the tigers that eat humans accidentally captured humans when they were injured. From then on, the staple food of these tigers is not the wild animals in the mountains and forests, but humans. Of course, this is the same as Human beings are easy to catch and related, but in the process of animal protection, once you encounter a wild animal that can eat people, no matter how precious the animal is, it will be killed without mercy.

Now Li Yuanhong has encountered this nest of mutant birds, and now he has begun to feed on humans, so Li Yuanhong will also classify it as a must-kill. However, Li Yuanhong sent a team to attack immediately, because Li Yuanhong felt that this group Birds are not so simple.

"Fatty, first send a drone to conduct a tentative attack, and then make plans after seeing the attack power of these birds." Li Yuanhong told the fatty.

"Don't worry, Brother Li, aren't they just some mutated big birds? I guarantee that once these drones arrive, they will turn these mutated beasts into dead birds in minutes." Fatty Lu said indifferently.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Li Yuanhong said.

"Don't worry, Brother Li!" Fatty Lu didn't care at all.

Following the order from Fatty Lu, a dozen drones flew out of the spacecraft and went straight to the Bird’s Nest 50 kilometers away.

The wolf cavalry moved all the fresh meat from the cart and threw it on an open space. After they finished this, they sat on the big rock next to them and started chatting.

The mutant birds lowered their heads to peck at the meat that was thrown on the ground, but suddenly these mutant birds looked up and looked at the distant sky, which was the direction the drone flew from.

And those orcs, seeing that these mutant birds stopped eating, so they stopped chatting about a leading orc, and shouted twice at the wolf who also looked up at the distant sky, and the wolf also replied twice. .

In this way, the orc also looked up to the direction of the drone. At this time, the drone had not revealed its shadow, and it was still several kilometers away from these mutant birds.

This phenomenon caused Li Yuanhong's brows to furrow tighter. These orcs were able to communicate directly with mutant beasts, which is bad news.

The speed of the drone is very fast. In less than a minute, the drone appeared in the sky. The leading orc, seeing the drone, yelled at the mutant birds twice, and the birds spread out one by one. The wings, soaring into the air, flew straight to the drone.

Both sides are very fast. The speed of those birds is not slower than that of drones. You know, drones are not inferior to the speed of fighter jets. In general, few birds can reach this speed. But these mutant birds did it.

The two sides kept getting closer, and finally they were less than a kilometer away. Fatty Lu issued an order: "Attack!"

As the order was issued, air-to-air micro missiles were launched from the drone. Although these micro missiles are only as thin as a Coke can and less than half a meter in length, their power and speed are definitely not less powerful than the aviation bombs before the end of the world , This is a magic missile that has been transformed by magic.

When the missile was launched, it flew towards the mutant bird at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. However, these missiles had not yet reached the 20-meter range of these mutant birds. The golden mutant birds suddenly released lightning nets and flew all over. The missiles were all shrouded in it, and then one by one the missiles were detonated by the power grid, bursting into flames, but these explosive flames did not harm these mutant birds at all.

The gray mutant birds swiftly passed through the explosion zone and flew over the drone before the drone launched the second wave of missiles. These mutant birds extended their sharp claws or used sharp beaks. , Pecking at the drone, and in an instant, no one lifted the fragile shell, and the birds were attacked by these big birds, all of them lost their power, and they fell down, exploding on the ground with a burst of flames.

From the time the two sides approached to the end of the battle, the entire time lasted less than one minute. These dozen drones were all scrapped without even striking a single bird's feather. This result was unacceptable to Fat Lu.

Fatty Lu was there for a few minutes, then suddenly jumped up: "Fuck, how do you operate? These dozen or so planes didn't even kill a mutant bird. How do you train today? Don’t give me dinner tonight!"

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