Apocalyptic Hero System

: 572nd Festival Bird Egg

When Fat Lu was furious, Li Yuanhong frowned and played back the scene of the battle just now. These big birds are very similar to vultures, but they are obviously not evolved from vultures, and these big birds are very alert. You know, those drones The sound of the power system is very small. If you use human ear power, you can definitely notice it even if you fly overhead.

But those big birds, even a few kilometers away, felt the arrival of these drones, and they were also ready to attack.

And the attacking lightning is definitely not ordinary lightning. You must know that the missiles launched by drones have been specially processed. If they are struck by natural lightning, they will not be detonated unless the voltage answers. The tens of thousands of volts instantly penetrated the missile shield and detonated the missile.

If lightning of tens of thousands of volts strikes a human being, then this human being will instantly become coke.

Li Yuanhong knew that the threat of such a big bird was too great. If he didn't want to remove the threat of these big birds and attacked the orc base, he would have to go to death, so Li Yuanhong stopped the spacecraft.

"Brother Li, isn't it just that I lost a few drones? We sent a hundred drones to attack this time. I don't believe they won't kill them this time!" Fatty Lu hated.

"No matter how many drones you send, the missiles will not be able to break through the grid interception of those big birds, and they will be for nothing, so wait for a while and wait until we find a way to figure out the characteristics of these big birds." Li Yuanhong stopped the fat team Reckless behavior.

However, at this time, the spacecraft's alarm system rang again. Li Yuanhong was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What happened?"

"The report commander, those mutant birds are fast approaching us." The monitor quickly reported.

"Raise the height urgently to avoid contact with these big birds." Li Yuanhong quickly ordered.


The spacecraft hurriedly raised its altitude and rose to several kilometers in the sky. The big birds flew by under the spacecraft before long. However, these big birds quickly turned back and returned to the nest. Obviously, the patrolling range of these big birds is limited, and they will not be too far away from the nest.

"Fatty, how far are these big birds just now?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Well, they are no more than eighty kilometers away from the nest." The fat man replied.

"Eighty kilometers? What about their flying speed?"

"I just calculated that they can fly at 500 kilometers per hour."

"Five hundred kilometers? That is to say, it takes just over twenty minutes for them to fly back and forth from the nest!" Li Yuanhong counted the time.

"Brother Li, what are you doing with this?" Fat Lu didn't know what Li Yuanhong was planning to do.

"Of course we have to find a way to eliminate these cannibal beasts!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Destroy them? How to eliminate them?" Fatty Lu really didn't understand how the elimination of mutant beasts had anything to do with the time to leave the nest.

Actually, Li Yuanhong only has a general idea, but it is not mature yet. Therefore, Li Yuanhong intends to explore the bird’s nests. This requires Li Yuanhong to calculate the time. He doesn’t want to get to the bird’s nest by himself, and finally gets stuck in the cave by the mutant birds. .

The mutant birds returned to the nest soon, and after the wolf cavalry fed all the meat to these mutant birds, they drove away in the mutant animal cart. Only those mutant birds are active near the nest.

About an hour after the wolf cavalry left, suddenly these mutant birds became alert again, because they heard the drone again. These mutant birds were out of the control of the wolf cavalry this time, and soon lifted off to meet Those planes flew over.

But this time, the UAV did not get close to these mutant birds. It started to release the missile at a distance of five kilometers. This is the maximum range of a miniature missile. However, the advantage of the long-distance launch is that this time the drone launched two rounds of missiles in one go. After the launch, the drone turned around and ran away, completely not giving these mutant birds a chance to meet.

These mutant birds have previous experience in shooting down missiles. They are still launching power grids and bombing the missiles. Then the mutant birds with gray feathers pass through the explosion zone and chase the drone.

However, this time is different from before. Before, the drone was shot down by the big gray birds when it only had time to launch one round of missiles. This time, the drone launched two consecutive rounds with a difference of less than one second. When the gray mutant bird passed through the smoke after the explosion, dozens of missiles flew towards him. One of these mutant birds could not dodge, and one end hit the missile. Suddenly, four or five large gray birds were shot down. Weeping and falling to the ground, she fell to pieces.

The big gray birds were shot down, which immediately aroused the resentment of other big birds. The golden big birds that took the lead screamed and accelerated to chase several drones.

Although the drone is about four kilometers away from the big bird, the speed of the drone is slower than that of these big birds, and the distance between the two sides is constantly being pulled in, especially when these big birds are less than the drone. At one kilometer, the golden birds that took the lead continuously launched lightning attacks, directly shooting down the last few drones behind, but the remaining few drones failed to escape their bad luck and were chased. The big gray bird that came up disintegrated in the air, and a lot of parts fell to the ground without even the chance of explosion.

After destroying the drone, these big birds still flew for some distance in the direction where the drone escaped. They wanted to find a human base to control the drone, but the surrounding area was the Gobi except for the desert. The bird had no choice but to give up and began to fly back.

However, just when these big birds were led away by drones, a person was drilled out of a pile of sand below the Bird's Nest Rock Mountain. This person was not someone else, it was Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong was covered with sand. He wears a closed helmet, and it is estimated that his hair and face are also covered with yellow soil.

Li Yuanhong also didn't care about cleaning up the sand and ran to the stone mountain quickly. This is the bird's nest. If he doesn't hurry up, he will probably suffer if the big birds fly back soon.

The stone mountain is very steep, but Li Yuanhong had already prepared for it. He took out a kind of shoe from the space. This kind of shoe is called a suction shoe. To put it bluntly, it can generate a lot of suction and adsorb on the stone wall. It is an excellent prop for climbing. .

Li Yuanhong quickly put on his shoes, and then put on suction gloves on his hands. The whole person was like a gecko, clinging to the rock wall, and then quickly climbing to the rock cave on the top of the mountain.

The stone mountain is not high, only a few hundred meters, but climbing is also very physically demanding. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong has evolved to level 30. It is not a problem to climb the mountain. It only took a few minutes to climb to the bottom of the rock cave entrance.

This is the nest of the big gray birds. Li Yuanhong explored it, and there was nothing else except the nest built by the big birds with hay. These big birds love to be clean, so there is nothing messy in the nest.

Li Yuanhong continued to crawl upward again, and the underground floors were full of big gray bird nests, the same as the previous ones, except for the bird nests.

Li Yuanhong had no choice but to go up. The nests on the top were the nests of the big golden birds. If there was nothing to use there, Li Yuanhong could only think of other ways to deal with these big birds.

When Li Yuanhong climbed to the top dozen caves, he finally found the bird's egg that Li Yuanhong had been looking for in the nest.

There were more than a dozen bird eggs in that haystack. Li Yuanhong knew that in nature, each bird lays eggs at a time, and there are at most four or five eggs. Unexpectedly, there are so many bird eggs here.

Li Yuanhong was not welcome. He took all the bird eggs directly and searched into his own space. Then Li Yuanhong took out many goose eggs that were similar to these big bird eggs from the space, put them in the bird’s nest, and then put some more Fire objects and burning grenade were hidden in the bird's nest. Of course, Li Yuanhong did not forget to hide the remote-controlled detonating device under the bird's nest.

Everything was right, Li Yuanhong swiftly marched towards the nests of several other big golden birds. Each nest was a pile of bird eggs. Li Yuanhong also concocted the same, stole the bird eggs and put them in the goose eggs.

These goose eggs were originally used by Li Yuanhong for the sacrifice of teeth, but he did not expect to be used at this time.

After searching more than a dozen bird’s nests and making more than 100 bird eggs, Li Yuanhong estimated that the time was almost up and he was about to leave. At this moment, Li Yuanhong looked up and found that there was a bird’s nest at the top of the mountain, and there was nothing near this bird’s nest. Other bird's nests, obviously this bird's nest is the nest of these mutant bird kings, so other mutant birds dare not build nests next to him.

Li Yuanhong gritted his teeth and decided to take a risk and take a look, otherwise he would be unwilling.

So Li Yuanhong quickly climbed up to the bird's nest. At this time, Li Yuanhong could already faintly hear the call of mutant birds in the distant sky. In other words, these mutant birds could return to the nest in a minute at most.

Li Yuanhong couldn't take care of that much, and climbed into the bird king's nest. This nest is much larger than other bird's nests. However, there are only two bird eggs in the bird's nest, and these two bird eggs are different from other bird eggs. Other bird eggs are not much different from ordinary goose eggs. They are all white. Eggshell, oval. On the two bird eggs, there are patterns, like the moiré patterns of ancient Chinese ornaments, and there are many spars around the bird eggs. These spars are also placed according to certain rules. Obviously these crystals The stone provides hatching energy for these bird eggs.

Li Yuanhong didn’t take a closer look either. He quickly collected the bird eggs and the spar into the space, then turned around and ran out. At this time, the mutant birds can already be seen in the distance, one kilometer away from the bird’s nest. Far.

I dare not delay and jump from the top of the mountain. If ordinary people jump down, they must die, because the foot of the mountain is full of hard gravel, and there are even some stones like a sharp spear, showing spikes, pointing to the sky , If something falls on it, it will definitely be worn out.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong also teleported skills. Although Li Yuanhong fell with his head upside down, when a person was approaching the ground, a teleport would move his body away, unload all inertia, and land steadily at the foot of the mountain. Not far away on the sand.

But when it fell to the ground, it was not Li Yuanhong's escape, because the big birds had already discovered the whereabouts of Li Yuanhong. Although they didn't know that Li Yuanhong had stolen their bird eggs, it did not prevent them from guessing that Li Yuanhong must have not done it. Good thing, so they screamed one by one and started to dive down to Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong is a guilty conscience. At this time, I definitely don’t want to fight with these big birds. I can’t afford a thunder and lightning attack from those golden birds. So Li Yuanhong ran away. Of course, Li Yuanhong didn’t run into the open area. Waiting to be swallowed by these mutant birds as bird food.

Li Yuanhong circled the mountain and ran to the other side of the mountain. The front of this mountain is a steep cliff, and on the other side, there are many shorter rocks. These rocks form a small stone forest. There are many caves blown out by the wind during the period. There, Li Yuanhong can find a hiding place.

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