Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 573rd Festival Fire Thunderbird

Li Yuanhong quickly circumvented the mountain. In fact, when Li Yuanhong planned to visit the bird's nest, he thought of a way out. This is Li Yuanhong's habit. There is no way out. That is definitely a way of thinking, and that cannot be done. It's just that this time Li Yuanhong was a little greedy, so it took some time for the big birds to find his trace.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong had a lot of ways to escape, first teleporting several times in a row, then teleporting his figure behind a big stone, temporarily concealing his figure, making the big birds temporarily lose their target. Then Li Yuanhong teleported back and forth between these stone pillars, completely preventing the big birds from finding their tracks. Then Li Yuanhong found a hidden cave and went into it. At this point, those big birds completely lost Li Yuanhong's figure.

But these big birds didn't stop there. Instead, they kept hovering and flying over the stone forest. The posture was to catch Li Yuanhong. However, Li Yuanhong hid in the cave steadily, just not showing his head, so these big birds wandered for a long time. When the sun is west, these mutant birds may be tired from flying, so they return to their nests one after another. Only the leader is still holding Find Li Yuanhong.

The first thing these mutant birds do when they return to their nests is to check what is missing in their nests. After all, a suspicious human will not go to their nests and hang out for no reason.

Those big gray birds have nothing in their nests, so they didn't lose anything. These big gray birds are the most stable. They return to their nests to sort their feathers.

And those big golden birds return to the nest and see that the eggs in the nest are still there and these birds will settle down. After all, it is difficult for these big birds to distinguish their own bird eggs from goose eggs.

But when these big birds were about to rest, the mutant bird king who finally returned to the nest suddenly uttered a screaming cry, because when he returned to his nest, he found that his team’s eggs had disappeared. Now the mutant birds understood. His own bird eggs were stolen by that shameful human.

With this mournful cry, all the mutant birds took off again and flew straight to the stone forest where Li Yuanhong had disappeared before. This time these big birds not only hovered in the air, but lowered their height and walked directly through the stone forest.

In fact, these mutant birds act like this, which is very dangerous. This stone forest is like a forest. The gap between the stone pillars and the stone pillars is not very large. If the wings of these big birds are not noticed, they will hit the stone pillars. In just a few minutes, several big gray birds have hit the stone pillar and injured their wings.

Even so, the Golden Bird King never thought about returning to the nest. He still shuttled in the stone forest. As long as there was any suspicious place, he would fall down and search for it. During the period, he found several places where Li Yuanhong had been. But Li Yuanhong was no longer there, only the faint smell of Li Yuanhong remained.

In fact, when these big birds returned to their nests, Li Yuanhong took the time to escape from the stone forest. Li Yuanhong knew that once the bird king discovered that his bird's eggs had been stolen, how would he retaliate against him? It is better to leave this place early .

Li Yuanhong ran a few kilometers away in one breath, and the sky was already dark at this time. The big birds were day animals and their eyesight was very poor at night, so Li Yuanhong didn't worry about those big birds chasing after him.

After calling the spacecraft, Li Yuanhong boarded the spacecraft and took a good rest. Li Yuanhong took the stolen bird egg in his hand.

There are two kinds of bird eggs. One is ordinary bird eggs. Li Yuanhong was collecting these bird eggs. The system did not give any hints. Only when Li Yuanhong received the bird eggs from the King Bird, the system vibrated violently. In a state of escape, Li Yuanhong had no time to read this information.

Li Yuanhong examined the display on these ordinary bird eggs: "Ordinary thunderbird eggs

The eggs of ordinary thunderbirds are born by ordinary thunderbirds. There is a small chance that thunderbirds will hatch, but there is a high probability that roc birds will hatch.

After eating this thunderbird egg, it can strengthen the physique of people below level 30, and can slightly improve the body's resistance to electricity. It has a high chance to promote the electrical attribute evolution of the electrical attribute evolutionary to comprehend new skills. "

Seeing this, Li Yuanhong realized that the big gray birds were originally roc birds, and the big golden birds were thunderbirds. No wonder those big golden birds will discharge. However, Li Yuanhong felt very dissatisfied with the edible one. He is now at level 30, and eating this bird's egg obviously has no effect. It seems that these bird eggs can only be cheaper for those with lightning attributes.

Li Yuanhong took out those bird eggs with runes: "The King Thunderbird Bird Egg

The king thunderbird egg is born by the thunderbird king, 60% of this bird egg hatches thunderbird, 40% probability hatches thunderbird king.

If this bird egg is combined with the system, a new building "Dapeng Lair" can be generated.

Dapeng Lair: A third-level creature Roc Bird can be produced, and the Dapeng Lair can be upgraded to a fourth-level creature Thunderbird Lair later.

This bird's egg is edible. After eating, it enhances the human's stamina and helps the thunder system to break through the mortal level. "

When he saw the King Thunderbird Egg, Li Yuanhong was a little entangled. This bird egg can make the evolution of thunder to break through the 30th level, but it is also a necessary item to build the Thunderbird nest. The choice between the two is really difficult for Li Yuanhong. Yes, but Li Yuanhong saw Thunderbird’s combat effectiveness and decided to build Thunderbird’s lair, otherwise his Griffin Rider would have suffered a bit in air combat.

With the decision, Li Yuanhong's next step is to destroy the alien's Thunderbird's lair. When he left the Thunderbird's lair, he had left a detonator. Now he is waiting for these mutant birds to sleep soundly.

During the night shift, the earth was silent. Only those insects who were afraid of heat came out at night to find food in the desert, and Li Yuanhong sneaked back into Thunderbird's nest again. Now most of the Thunderbirds are asleep, except that the Thunderbird King occasionally screams.

In fact, Li Yuanhong really didn't want to come back, but to detonate the explosives in Thunderbird's lair, he must be within two kilometers. If he wants to ensure a successful detonation, he must be closer. So now Li Yuanhong has almost sneaked back below Thunderbird Mountain.

Taking advantage of the faint moonlight, Li Yuanhong looked up at the Thunderbird Mountain and silently mourned: "God help me detonate success!"

After speaking, Li Yuanhong pressed the detonation button, and then on Thunder Bird Mountain, there was a series of roaring explosions, and rubble fell from the mountain like raindrops. Fortunately, after Li Yuanhong pressed the explosive device, a teleport would escape, otherwise Must be killed by these gravel.

Just as Li Yuanhong had just escaped, the entire rocky mountain was completely blown up. Those Dapeng bird nests, nothing else in it, but the whole hay was spread under him, Li Yuanhong’s grenade, but the flame grenade, the high temperature that erupted in that instant, The burning temperature of gasoline is even higher. Li Yuanhong has done experiments. The instant high temperature of this grenade can instantly soften a five-centimeter thick steel plate.

These roc birds can be immune to lightning strikes, but they can’t do anything about flames. Many roc birds are instantly ignited and rush out wailing, but the flames burn more vigorously when exposed to wind, especially large ones. The feathers of the peng bird are the best burning objects, so each of the peng birds turned into flamingos, falling from the cliff constantly, and in the end most of them fell to death at the foot of the mountain, those who did not fall The dead one fell in the cave and died without even rushing out of the bird's nest.

In the encounter with the roc bird, the thunderbirds did not escape. Fortunately, these thunderbirds are immune to electric shocks, so their feathers have a higher ignition point than the roc bird. But these thunderbirds, when on fire, are the first For a while, I wanted to rescue the nest and the eggs in the nest, but the fire soon sealed the entire cave. Many thunderbirds were suffocated in the cave, and the roc birds who escaped by chance suffered differently. With severe burns, some of them are already unable to fly.

The only thing that didn’t get hurt here was the king bird, the king bird’s nest. Li Yuanhong had only time to **** the bird’s eggs away, but did not have time to set off the fire, so the explosion did not reach the Thunderbird King’s nest. . However, Thunderbird King was indeed the first one to fly out of the lair, because the pain of losing a child made it unable to sleep peacefully.

As soon as it flew out of its nest, he saw a dark shadow flashing past the foot of the mountain, and it recognized that this was the egg thief who disappeared in its nest during the day.

Although the night is not conducive to the Thunderbird King's battle, it still has no hesitation in chasing after the dark shadow. As for his subordinates, he has no time to take care of it now.

After escaping from the foot of the mountain, Li Yuanhong quickly ran to the pre-designed retreat point, where it was convenient for the plane to land, so the chosen location was an open area. However, Li Yuanhong did not expect that there was a pair of sharp claws above his head, and he was quickly approaching him silently and silently. Struck.

Li Yuanhong came to the open ground, it was at least five or six kilometers away from Thunderbird’s nest. Even if there was the noise of airplane engines, those rocbirds were panicking and would not care about this, so Li Yuanhong took out the intercom and prepared to call. The helicopter came to pick itself up.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly felt that his heart was tight. This was a sign of danger. Before that, Li Yuanhong had escaped the mortal blow with this omen many times before.

Although Li Yuanhong did not know where the danger came from, Li Yuanhong would never stand still in place. So Li Yuanhong quickly rolled on the spot, avoiding the place where he stood just now.

Just as Li Yuanhong dodged, a thick lightning beam hit the enemy where Li Yuanhong was before, and Li Yuanhong turned into a barbecue only half a second late.

However, Li Yuanhong did not relax because he escaped this flash of lightning, because he felt that the anguish pain, not only did not relieve, but intensified.

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