Apocalyptic Hero System

: 581 Sleepless Night

Due to the large number of siege weapons this time, the team of more than 10,000 people did not go very quickly. They were also bombarded by Li Yuanhong's drones several times. However, these drones were attacked by missiles or The bomb attacks were all easily resolved by the abilities of the orc generals. Of course, there are not many drones sent by Li Yuanhong, only four or five drones are dispatched each time, so the attack density is not high, which allows the orcs to deal with them easily.

The team had been walking for more than a long time before they could see the human lake city from a distance, but at this time the sun was sinking in the west, and only the outline of the city could be seen from a distance. Although the entire city looks majestic with tall buildings, to the orcs, this kind of unsturdy building cannot withstand their impact.

"General Tigerman, this is the city you mentioned that defeated you? Such a weak defense is simply a delicious meal for us cannibals!" The ogre leader said to General Tigerman.

The tiger general naturally understood that this was the ogre leader deliberately sarcasm, but the tiger had to bear it. Whoever allowed himself to be a bachelor now, no one under his team, now the tiger is simply a toothless tiger. The ogre leader ridicules as he pleases. However, the Tiger General would never tell the arrogant ogre leader about his ambush, otherwise the opponent should take this matter to ridicule himself again.

Seeing the tiger general bowed his head and said nothing, the cannibal leader nodded in satisfaction, and he finally tamed this unruly tiger. Next, as long as you easily take this city yourself, you can deter the entire orc race.

"Give me a siege machine, and we will completely level the city tomorrow morning!" The cannibal leader glanced at the darkening sky. Although the orcs were in the dark, their eyesight was not as strong as that of humans, but the orcs must be larger. Most races still have good eyesight during the day, and accidental injuries may occur at night, so the cannibal leader plans to launch an attack the next morning.

The night slowly enveloped the earth, and everything was calm. Only the lights of the city and the torches in the orc camp could give the earth a glimmer of light.

However, just as the orcs were preparing to rest, a sharp, piercing sound suddenly came from the air, and then an explosion sounded in the camp. This explosion caused all the orc soldiers who had just lay down to jump up. Could it be that the enemy attacked the camp? ?

The cannibal leader was also taken aback. He never thought that humans would come and attack the camp.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" The cannibal leader quickly asked the guard at the door.

"The report leader, the enemy fired a shell, but it didn't hit our camp. It exploded a few hundred meters outside the camp." The soldier replied.

"What? The enemy's artillery can hit this far? No, immediately notify all troops and retreat one kilometer!" The cannibal leader is stationed at a distance of five kilometers from the city. He doesn't think that human artillery can hit this far. But reality taught him a lesson, but humans didn't know that only one shell was fired and nothing happened.

The whole army of orcs was tossed up because of a shell, and began to retreat, one kilometer back, and then re-set up camp again. After another full hour of tossing, it was close to 12 o'clock in the morning.

Arranged for the camp, the cannibal leader lay on the bed again, ready to sleep, and then get better and attack the human camp.

However, before the cannibal leader lay down for twenty minutes, another loud noise exploded in his camp.

"Guard, guard, what happened this time?" The cannibal leader suddenly jumped off the bed in shock.

"Report leader, a catapult we placed in front of the camp was suddenly bombed." The guard said hurriedly.

"What? You rubbish! Tomorrow we will rely on these trebuchets to siege the city. Don't you take good care of me. If there is a problem with the construction truck, then your head is asking." The cannibal leader said in anger.

"But... but we don't know why the engineering vehicle exploded?" The orc guard said aggrievedly.

"Send me more manpower. In addition, first move the engineering truck to me inside the stockade. This time I see how the **** humans are destroyed!" The cannibal leader roared.

"Yes!" The guard quickly agreed, and then proceeded to make arrangements.

The cannibal leader slid back and forth in the tent for a long time, until the guard came back and said that everything was arranged in order, and then he lay on the bed and prepared to rest.

Not long after he had just lay down, there was a sudden loud noise, which exploded in his camp. The sound was very loud and faintly accompanied by fire, which directly shook the cannibal leader from the bed to under the bed.

"Guard, guard, what happened this time?" The cannibal leader got up from the ground and asked quickly.

"Report... report to the leader, the big thing is not good!" The guard ran in panic this time.

"What happened? So panicked." Seeing the guards panicked, the cannibal leader felt that something was wrong.

"The first... the leader, the engineering vehicle and the granary were... bombed together!" the guard replied in panic.

"What? What happened?"

"Didn’t you tell us to move the construction vehicle to the stockade! So we moved to the most heavily defended granary. We didn’t know that the siege vehicle exploded just now. Not only did it blow up the siege vehicle, but also brought it to the granary. Burned!"

"Trash, really trash, what are you doing here? Don't hurry up to fight the fire! I can't save the granary. I will take you early tomorrow morning!" The cannibal leader almost shouted this sentence.

When the guard heard this, he almost collapsed on the ground in shock, said "yes" quickly, and then rushed to the fire. He must keep the granary, otherwise his end will come.

After more than an hour of tossing, the fire was finally extinguished and most of the entire granary was burned. There is enough food for more than 10,000 people to eat and drink for three days, but now there is less than one day left.

"Trash... rice bucket, are your abilities all decorations? You, the leader of the leopard clan, don't you usually clamor that your atmosphere is as good as fire? Why didn't a gust of wind blow out the fire today?" Angrily said, naming and accusing.

The named captain of the Leopard Clan actually tried to use the wind to suppress the fire, but unfortunately the flame was getting stronger and stronger. The granary suffered such a heavy loss. Half of the credit goes to the leader of the Leopard Clan.

Knowing that he had done something wrong, the Leopard Clan Captain had to lower his head and say nothing. Then the big leader criticized several captains by name, and this allowed people to rearrange the remaining food, and then he was ready to send someone back to transport the food again.

This tossing took more than two hours, and it is now three o'clock in the morning. This time the cannibal was lying on the bed again, this time he dared not sleep well, for fear that something would happen again.

Two hours later, the sky gradually brightened, and the horns of getting up sounded in the camp. The cannibal leader couldn't help but got up with big dark circles. As a result, as soon as the cannibal leader left the camp, he found that the entire camp was lifeless.

"Guards, this wake-up call sounded, why haven't you seen the soldiers come out?"

The guard hurriedly said, "Big Chief, that's it. The soldiers were too tired to fight the fire last night, so many people have not gotten up yet."

"What? It's too shameful. This is the army, not someone's hot kang. Let these lazy pigs get up quickly. If anyone dares to be lazy, they must engage in military law!" The chief of the cannibal felt that he had come to this lake. The temper was never broken.

The guard hurriedly agreed and sent the order. In fact, the boss of the guard was dissatisfied. Yesterday the cannibal leader was just gesticulating there and didn't do anything. Those who did the job were all big soldiers like them. Half-dead, I’m not allowed to rest for a while in the morning, but I’ll charge for a while, but they cannon fodder!

Regarding the sad eyes of the guards, the leader of the cannibals completely ignored them. He only needs to attack the human city according to the plan, and then take the entire city in one fell swoop, catch all those who dare to play with his humans, and use them as his own food reserve. Let them enjoy the fear of facing death.

When the team assembled, the cannibal leader discovered that his soldiers were also wearing dark circles one by one, not to mention that these people were listless and lacking strength.

How to fight in this state? So the cannibal leader ordered the cook to cook the only small amount of fresh meat and distribute it to these soldiers. The cannibal leader also knew that if the soldiers were not fed full at this time, he would not charge for a while. .

After eating breakfast, these soldiers looked like they were at least energetic, and in the morning light, their armors were bright and their weapons shone, which is exactly what they should be when killing an enemy. Nodded with satisfaction.

"Leopard captain, your team will be in front of you for a while, in case the enemy has traps, and also pay attention to the movement of the enemy city." The cannibal leader said to the leopard captain.

"Yes!" The leopard clan leader took the order.

"The remaining captain followed me to follow up, and when the front proved that the enemy was not in ambush, we immediately launched a full-scale attack, not to give humans a chance to breathe."

The other orc captains also agreed.

In the end, the Tiger General was left. This polished commander had no soldiers to take. The cannibal leader arranged for him to camp at the camp. The Tiger General had no objection to this arrangement and accepted it with pleasure.

Everything is arranged, the orc army is about to launch an attack on the human city, and the cannibal leader is responsible for pressing the remaining five siege vehicles and approaching the human city.

There will always be mist in the early morning of autumn, especially on the lake, it is even more foggy. When the cannibal leader brings his army of orcs towards the lake, he always feels that something is wrong. Everything here is too quiet, just like here No one is the same.

At this time, the leopard clan captain came back: "Boss, we have already explored, there are no traps on the shore, but..."

The Leopard Clan Captain groaned for a while without saying.

"But what?" the cannibal leader asked impatiently.

"But... I don't seem to find the shadow of a human city in the lake." The Leopard Clan Captain said hesitantly.

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