Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 582: Strange Captive

After hearing the report of the Leopard Clan leader, the cannibal leader frowned: "Leopard Captain, what do you mean?"

"Big Chief, I mean, that city seems to have disappeared." The Leopard Clan Captain replied.

"What? Disappeared, you won't tell me a joke, would you, a city so grand, disappeared overnight? Could he not fly!" The cannibal leader shouted angrily.

In fact, the leader of the cannibal was right about this sentence, the city really flew away.

The leopard clan leader had to bow his head and said nothing. At this time, he had to argue with the cannibal leader.

"Well, it seems that you are not malicious. This pioneer is you. Your team will immediately advance and take this city for me!" The cannibal leader said.

"Yes!" The Leopard Clan Captain reluctantly agreed.

At this time, the lake was still very foggy. The Leopard Clan Captain took his team and quickly went deep into the Daohu Lake. The fog quickly covered these soldiers.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a violent explosion in the fog, and there was a faint scream.

"Let’s just say, how could this enemy’s city disappear? No, the Leopard Clan Captain has already fought against the humans. Wait a minute, we will support the Leopard Clan Captain. We can’t let him kill all the humans alone. Hahaha!" The cannibal leader cracked his big mouth that could kill people with a burst of laughter.

The captains next to them didn't know what was going on in the fog at this time. They didn't want to enter the fog to prevent them from being ambushed by humans.

Just as the ogre leader burst into laughter, a leopard soldier stumbled out.

"Leader... Chief, quickly... save our captain, we... have been... human... trap..."

Before the Leopard soldiers finished speaking, they fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

At this time, a lynx squad leader who is closer to the Leopard tribe walked over, checked the soldier, and then turned to the ogre leader and said: "Big leader, he passed out. He seems to have lost some attention. The attack of medicinal weapons only came out because he was not deeply poisoned."

"Sure enough, they are cunning humans, huh, watch me catch them, you can't break them!" The ogre barked his teeth and roared.

"Then...Big Chief, shall we go in and rescue the Leopard Captain?" The Bobcat Clan Captain asked untimely.

"Huh! What if we go in such a big fog and get caught in an ambush? Wait until the fog clears." The ogre leader said mercilessly.

The lynx team leader looked at the misty lake and shook his head helplessly.

After an hour, the fog finally cleared, and on the lake, there was no shadow of the city. There were many corpses of Leopard soldiers floating on the lake. These soldiers were not killed in battle, but fell into the fog and fainted. Drowned in the lake.

Only the captain of the Leopard race, relying on one of his long swords, did not let his body sink into the lake, and he was lucky enough to survive, but now he was also deeply poisoned and fainted.

Seeing this scene before him, the ogre leader was shocked. What about the human being he was going to fight? He saw a big city yesterday, why is it gone now?

"What is going on, who can tell me what is going on?" The ogre's angry voice echoed on the lake for a long time.

And just as the ogre attacked the human castle on the lake, a team of mutant animals came to the desert city, the base camp of the orcs. These mutant beasts are all blue bull mutants. In the front of the animal vehicle, a tiger race is sitting. Servant.

When the convoy came to the gate, the guard at the gate stuck his head out and shouted, "Who are you?"

"Ah, the gatekeeper, you don't even know me anymore. I am the servant of the tiger general. No, the leader won the battle and captured many human captives. No, let me **** me back first." Said the tiger tribe.

"Oh, did the big leader win the battle?" the officer in the city asked casually.

"I haven't completely won. The frontline is playing lively. If I hadn't been sent back to **** these prisoners, I wouldn't come back first. No, I wanted to go ahead and kill a few humans. Then the Tiger General might give me something. A small official Dangdang can't say for sure." The Tiger Clan who was driving the car replied.

"Oh, that's a pity! Wait, I'll ask someone to open the city for you." The officer who defended the city replied.

Soon, the city gate opened wide, and the pair of motorcades began to walk into the city.

Only then did the city defender notice that every car in the convoy was covered tightly, and there was no way to see what was inside the car. But the city guard didn't think about it. After all, there was only one of the beasts here, so there shouldn't be a problem with the tiger servants escorting the car. Maybe the car was blocked tightly because the people inside would recognize the way and run away.

The city guard thought about it for a long time, and it was not until the pair of convoys disappeared that he remembered to let his soldiers close the city gate.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to change shifts for dinner, but the shifts were delayed. This made the city guard very dissatisfied: "His grandma, I have been here for most of the night, this group The kid is still lazy, does he even take advantage of these dozens of minutes?"

One of the city guards grumbled dissatisfiedly, but this was heard by the city guard. In fact, the soldier spoke very loudly, and he deliberately told the city guard.

When the city guard heard this, he frowned. The city defender who succeeded him has a good relationship with him. He has always been punctual and punctual, and he has never been late. What happened today? Could it be that as soon as the chief leader left, he began to relax?

The city defender had doubts in his heart, but he couldn't say it. He could only comfort his subordinates and said: "Maybe there is something urgent in the city. After a while, everyone will wait."

"Is there anything urgent? Are there any women in this city? Their wives will not come here to look for them when they have children." The soldier whispered again.

"You, come with me to see what happened in the city!" The city gate officer was annoyed by the soldier's nagging, so he was going to lead this soldier into the city to see what was going on in the city.

The city gate officer and the soldier went down the city and walked on the street. They suddenly discovered that the soldiers who were supposed to patrol in the past were gone, and the surroundings were quiet and there was no sound. This made the city gate officer feel abnormal.

I walked through several streets in succession, and there was a faint smell in the air that was indescribable. Although the smell was very weak, the city gate official smelled it, because he is a hound tribe, his sense of smell is absolutely More than normal orcs.

That scent was not the scent of any food he knew, nor was it the scent of flowers that this desert should have, and this scent gave him a drowsy feeling, which made the city gate official extinct.

"Pay attention, if you find something wrong in a while, do it immediately!" The city gate officer warned the soldier beside him.

"Why, Captain, did you find something wrong?" The soldier clasped the weapon in his hand and looked around nervously.

"Not yet, but it's too quiet here. Those patrolling brothers are gone. Something must have happened." The city gate officer cautiously walked forward, but they did not encounter any danger along the way until they passed. A street corner came to the inner barracks, only to see the figure shaking in front.

The city gate officer took a closer look and found that it was the tiger servant who had entered the city before. This made him very puzzled. Generally, prisoners are held in external military camps, and they have never been sent inside. In other words, this tiger head servant appeared in a place where he shouldn't have appeared.

"Why are you here?" The city gate officer watched the servant warily, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist tightly. As long as the tiger man acted abnormally, he would cut it off with a knife.

"Oh, who I thought it was! It turned out to be the Lord Chengmen. No, the chief seized a lot of human wine from the front line and let me bring it back together. Who knows to be watched by the guards of the city? When he arrived, he insisted on tasting, but he moved everything in. You know, the big boss is a person who cherishes property very much. If he knows that I have lost his wine, my life will not be saved. So I had no choice but to come over and ask the guardian lord!" The tiger servant said with a sad face.

Hearing what the servant said, the city gate official was relieved. This orc was born to drink alcohol. Even when he heard that there was wine, his throat couldn't help but move, and the wine bug in his stomach rolled several times.

So the servant released his hand on the hilt and said, "It turns out that it is like this. If I have something to meet with Master Defender, then you can go in with me!"

"That's great, I'm worrying about seeing the defensive beating people!" The tiger servant hurriedly bowed and stepped sideways, which meant that the city gate official would go first.

The city gate official also walked directly past the servant without being polite. Just as he and the tiger servant passed by, a strong aroma suddenly came to face him, and the city gate official didn’t understand what was going on, so he hit one after another. He sneezed twice, then became dizzy and fell to the ground all at once.

The soldier who followed him didn't get much better, and fell to the ground, snoring directly.

When the two orcs fell to the ground, a few human soldiers ran out of the garrison. These soldiers had bright armor and excellent weapons in their hands. Obviously these human soldiers were definitely not captured as prisoners. Money coming in.

"Commander-in-chief, grab two more?" The leading soldier asked in surprise. Obviously, this tiger head servant is not an ordinary human being but Li Yuanhong.

"Well, hurry up and tie it up, it will be useful to keep me for a while." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes!" Several soldiers quickly tied the city gate officer and the soldier together.

But Li Yuanhong came to the city gate official and took a close look at the city gate official. After a long time, Li Yuanhong's face began to deform, and in the end it turned into the same as the city gate official.

"You guys take off his clothes, then load me the car with the food added!" Li Yuanhong, who was completely transformed, ordered the two soldiers again.

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