Apocalyptic Hero System

: Festival 583: Cleverly Capture the Desert City

Soon, Li Yuanhong, who was dressed as a city gate official, drove the mutant car to the city gate. I have to say that the masquerade mask Li Yuanhong got was really a magical prop. No wonder it was rated as sub-saint, but this suit Li Yuanhong only got one piece. I don't know what the effect would be if he got all the suits.

Li Yuanhong drove the car and quickly came to the city gate. The soldiers were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the soldiers. Unfortunately, the soldiers did not come, but waited for their heads and drove a car back.

"Head, what's the situation? Why did you come back alone? What about the **** people?" The soldiers looked at their heads sadly.

"Don't mention it, isn't the tiger general's servant coming back today? He brought back a few carts of captives and a large cart of human wine. When the lord guard saw the wine fragrant, we opened it and drank it. As a result, it was annoying. It's troublesome, it turns out that the wine was too strong, and the guardian became drunk after only one bottle." The goalkeeper said with a helpless expression.

"My lord, this guardian is drunk, and we shouldn't be allowed to stay cold here. Those gangsters were not arranged long ago." When the soldier heard that the commander was drunk, the anger didn't strike.

"To say that this is trouble, the guardian is drunk, and this arrangement of imprisoning the prisoners is actually handed over to the tiger servants. You also know that those servants can also do some chores. How to imprison the prisoners? The work he did, he ended up imprisoning the prisoners in ordinary cells, where it’s okay to imprison some ordinary humans there, but those are all evolved humans, and they were locked up. As a result, the servant With a twist of face, three important prisoners escaped, and none of them even took a city defense map. How can you put such an important thing casually?" The city gate officer complained again.

"The captain, the prisoner ran away, what does it have to do with our shift?"

"Why are you so stupid! The prisoner ran away, and of course he was going to be arrested. There are only a few people in the city now, someone who can get up there, and they were all called to search for people. The soldier I brought back was also taken away. When the errands are gone, if I didn’t worry about what you brought back for you to eat, I’m afraid you would have to be hungry here!"

"Really?!" The city gate army was secretly grateful when it heard that, it was not like the city gate army just now, long-winded. It is estimated that the buddy is now hungry searching for the fugitive.

"What are you doing in a daze? Quickly move the food. After a while, the food will be cold, and I have specially stolen a few bottles of human drinks for you." The city gate official said with a smug look.

"Oh! Long live the first!" When they heard drinking, these city gate soldiers were all very excited.

Orcs drink like water, but the wine in the car is only enough for one bowl for each person, and this little wine is enough to moisturize their throats, but they are still on duty, and they can’t be drunk. And there are fugitives in the city, if this fugitive runs away from them, they will be severely punished.

The strength of the orcs is that their military laws are very strict. If they make a slight mistake, they are whipping. Therefore, the orcs are the most particular about military engineering and military methods, but their tactics are very poor. This is because of their beasts. Clan is straight, and rarely thinks about things, which is why orcs like ogres can be big bosses.

As soon as these soldiers got the wine allocated to them, they immediately raised their necks and drank what was allocated to them, for fear of someone coming to grab their wine.

After these orcs had finished drinking, they still didn't forget to touch their mouths, aftertaste the smell of wine just now. To be honest, the wine made by humans is better than the drinks of their orcs. The orcs live in a place of bitter cold, where the food production season is short, and most of the orcs are not good at farming. They mostly live on grazing, so most of the wine they brew is based on various kinds of milk, so their wine tastes greasy The taste is not as refreshing and mellow as human drinks.

Especially the wine they drank today is the best of the wines. Li Yuanhong used the old wine hundreds of years ago as an introduction and carefully brewed it. It was in Spring City. This kind of wine was in short supply. This time, Li Yuanhong took the desert in order to survive. The city has also counted its blood.

After these soldiers had finished drinking, they were all refreshed. They were appetite for the food in front of them. Like a cloud of wind, they ate up the cart of food that Li Yuanhong had brought.

Li Yuanhong also had to secretly admire the appetite of these orcs. If this cart of food was enough for 20 or 30 humans to eat and drink, these ten orc soldiers would have been wiped out.

After eating, these soldiers hiccuped one by one and returned to their posts to continue to stand guard, but before a freshman, these soldiers felt that the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid were fighting vigorously.

A soldier stretched his waist and yelled, "Fucking, all night shifts, these eyelids are starting to fight, brothers, what do you think?"

When he turned his head, he unexpectedly found that a few soldiers standing guard next to him had snored like thunder and fell asleep with their swords in their arms.

The soldier was really sleepy and couldn't stand it anymore, so he kept tapping his cheeks with his hands, trying to make his groggy brain clear up.

At this moment Li Yuanhong came over: "What happened?"

"Captain, it's okay, but I'm a little sleepy, I...ah cut...ah cut."

Before the soldier had finished speaking, he smelled a scent hitting his face, followed by a few sneezes, and then the soldier fell to the ground with a bang, and the snoring sound immediately sounded.

"Really, why do you grow so strong, I have to do it myself!" Li Yuanhong whispered.

Afterwards, Li Yuanhong waved his hand, and many human soldiers ran out in the shadows under the city wall. These people began to bind the fainted and sleeping soldiers with ropes. Soon these sleeping orc soldiers became Li Yuanhong's prisoners.

In the same way, several other city gates were successfully taken down by Li Yuanhong. A desert city of this size was taken down by Li Yuanhong. Of course, this is also thanks to Li Yuanhong’s sub-sacred artifact that can change its appearance at will, plus Li Yuanhong has a special ability, that is, proficient in any language, including the language of the orcs. This allows Li Yuanhong to easily enter the city, and then add some ingredients to the meals of these soldiers, so that these soldiers can unknowingly, just one One fainted and fell asleep.

And when Li Yuanhong took the Desert City, the ogre leader was furious with his hand, especially the wolf cavalry squad leader, who was even more scolded as a dog-blood spray.

"You said you are a trash, what can you do? Let the thunderbird give you a meal, you can lose the thunderbird, let you investigate an enemy city, but you also lost it, you say you, can you do something What?"

Today the city suddenly disappeared, which was really unacceptable to the ogres.

In fact, the ogres did not know that the bombing of their camp last night was Li Yuanhong's preparation for launching the spacecraft.

At that time, Li Yuanhong used shelling to make the orc camp turbulent. Taking this opportunity, Li Yuanhong turned into an orc soldier, mixed into the orc camp, and helped push the siege vehicle, and put several time bombs on the siege vehicle, especially The last few bombs were powerful bombs that could not only blow up the siege vehicle itself, but also ignite a fire, turning everything around to ashes.

It's just that Li Yuanhong didn't expect that these orcs would push the siege truck near the granary, which not only caused the chaos of the enemy camp to completely destroy the enemy's supplies.

At 3:10 in the morning, the spacecraft ignited and lifted off on time. Although the sound of the spacecraft was not small, the orcs exploded a few kilometers away. This made the orcs unaware of what was happening in the lake.

And when Li Yuanhong was evacuating, he planted a lot of mines in the lake. These mines were not very lethal, but there were lethargic plants in them. These things were extracted from the mutant maidenhair fern. The power is definitely a leverage. of.

After finishing all the arrangements, Li Yuanhong left, and the orcs were tossed all night, and a lynx tribe team got in the next day. If the lynx hadn’t fallen into the water because of his long life, then the entire lynx would be right now. Re-existed. But this lynx man is luckier than the tiger man, and he still has a soldier for him to drive.

The enemy was not killed, and so many of his men were damaged, so this ogre leader was very hot. He was madly angry, making people unable to approach for a while.

When his anger subsided, a captain of the tauren came over: "Chief, what shall we do now, our food is running out!"

When it comes to food, the ogre leader is full of anger, and the good granary was attacked in the middle of the night, but there were a lot of meats that he loved, including humans. But the fire was gone.

"What else can I do? Go back to the city first, wait for the city, and find these missing humans. If you don't take revenge, I will not be an ogre!" The ogre leader almost roared out.

That's what the tauren was waiting for. Although it is autumn now, this autumn in the desert is not good, especially on the edge of this salt lake.

After listening to the command of the ogre leader, the soldiers cheered, so one by one, taking care of their bags, taking heavy steps, and starting to rush back, this time back faster than when they came, after all, a cumbersome siege vehicle , It disappeared most of the time, so the speed increased a lot. After only half a day, they saw the huge wall of the desert city from a distance. In the afterglow of the desert, the wall was plated with gold. More and more majestic and tall.

However, these orcs did not know that the soldiers who guarded the city at this time were no longer orcs, but an army of humans, and the disappeared city was now parked in front of the conference hall in the center of the city, and all the remote spaceships The attack weapons were all opened, and only waiting for Li Yuanhong's order, he would give the enemy a head-on blow.

The orc army didn't know it, they were still thinking about returning to the city soon, and then having a nice meal, but unfortunately, their dinner was cancelled.

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