When the general came to the city

and looked up, there were corpses all over the field, not only the corpses of the enemy soldiers on the ground, but also the corpses of many ordinary people

, and the corpses

of his own army were even more numerous than

countableIt's a guy who knows the times

, seeing that the homeless man is an ordinary person, and the general of the Imperial Army didn't take any precautions, so he directly asked him to come over

" Tell me about it

" The beggar grinned

toothily "You come closer, this secret can only tell you one person!"

The general frowned, but still took a few steps forward, and when the two were less than a meter apart, he took out a revolver from his waist that was originally used for decoration

"Can you say it now?"

"I warn you, don't play any tricks on me!" "The gun is fast at seven paces, and the gun is fast and accurate within seven steps

!" "If you dare to trick me, I will shoot you to death

!" The homeless man scratched his head and smiled awkwardly

, "Don't worry

!" "I will definitely play tricks on you!"


homeless man's face changed to show fierceness, and he took out his short blade from his sleeve and stabbed at the general

"Die! Lackeys of the Empire"


The bright red blood bloomed

in the air, and with a loud bang, the short blade fell to the ground, and the homeless man was unwilling to fall to the ground, and looked at the general with a resolute look in his eyes.....


The general picked up the homeless man, looked at him in pain and struggle with a playful look, and couldn't help but smile cruelly

, "Why bother? For the sake of a Qin State that is about to be destroyed?How much good can it give you?"

The homeless man opened his eyes with difficulty, and coughed up blood in his mouth,

"Cough...... Cough...... We don't fight for profit, we have everything we used to have, all the good memories, and we want to protect it from the bottom of our hearts, that's all......

" General Wen Yan

laughed so loudly that tears flowed out of his eyes

, "Hahahahaha!"

"You are really thick-skinned, much thicker than your city wall"

said, slapping the homeless man's face hard


Slap after slap, venting the unhappiness in his heart in the most humiliating way

: "The law of the jungle is the law of this world, who is not in it for money? What are you pretending to be here

?" "Everyone has a price, as long as the money is enough, even their own parents can be killed! You say not for money? Just you are high? Why are you?"

The more he spoke, the more angry he became, and the faster he hit the homeless man, hitting his entire face until flesh and blood were


homeless man's face was bruised, but he smiled, "With my cheap life, I can also pull you as a back!

It's worth it!" "Let's die together!"

The homeless man closed

his eyes but it was a pity, although the person he wanted to protect was no longer there, but the memories that remained in his mind would never dissipate

, goodbye in the next life

! Daqin was forever!

In front of the general's eyes, the homeless man's body lit up with white light, and what followed....

Boom! A

violent explosion sounded

, and the body was in a group?

This person actually carried a genetic bomb, which

was a flash of fire

that no one expected, and the general was seriously injured and walked out of the flames, and there was no piece of flesh and blood on his body that was complete

At the moment when the general fell to the ground, a large number of Qin people rushed out from all over the street, holding a sharp blade

in their hands, "counterattack!! A

pregnant woman with a big belly took a kitchen knife, took the lead, rushed to the front, and while running, all kinds !!of furniture on her body clanged,

"Suffer death!

Looking at the Qin people surging in front of him, his own commander was uncertain about his life

and death, and the imperial army had the idea of retreating, "Retreat!

"Captain, what should

the general do?" "General? What general? Didn't the general burn to death? Did any of you see

the general?" Everyone immediately understood


"Ah, yes, yes, the general was just blown up, and there is no need to take the body back, let's go quickly."

"Everyone is just asking for money, there is no need to make extraneous branches, go quickly

!" "Go! Retreat, the whole army retreats!" The

Qin people in

the Qin capital are like ants pouring out of the nest, dense, and they can't see the edge at a glance, and the entire street is full of Qin people who have taken up arms

, and they can even see it, pick up the table and bench and rush to the first Mr. Teacher

, under the combined force of the Qin people, and actually kill the enemy army is crushed, scattered and fled

In this battle

, the Qin State won a great victory

! Everyone cheered loudly

! "Won the !!",

"Oh oh! We won!" "Victory! We have defended our homeland

!" "This is the city of the Qin State! The Imperial Dogs are all out

of the way!" "Even if the top combat power of the Qin State is not there, our Great Qin is not a country that can be bullied by others" "Great Qin,

we will protect it!"

Great Qin is not a country of one person, it is a collection of

thousands of ordinary people, Great Qin, is everyone's Great Qin!

Qin Yuan has never been in charge of the Qin State for a day, most of the people have taken the initiative to come to the Qin State voluntarily, and the construction of the Qin State

here carries their beauty, there are things they want to protect, and there are people they want to protect

The commanders of the regiments gathered in the inner city to discuss the next battle

: "Strange things, unheard of, unseen! The power of national unity is so strong!" "

The situation is still not optimistic, the Qin army will not retreat, and there are only 400,000 people left in just half a day.... And the enemy army has once again drawn 3 million troops, and it is expected to arrive in three hours

" "Commander Feng, are you still unable to contact the major army commanders and Dharma protectors?"

Feng Nannan nodded silently

, "That's true, giving up the outer city and moving to the inner city is the best choice for us, fighting with the enemy in the streets

, and buying time for the arrival of support" "It's time to release the generals of the Dragon Empire that have been caught, and let them become dead soldiers and rush to the forefront".

While everyone was still discussing, the herald hurriedly ran in and knelt on the ground

, "Report! Urgent!"

"The vortex in the sky has expanded to a diameter of more than five thousand meters, and there are constantly second-order peak alien zergs pouring out of it, and they are

killing Qin Du" "What?!" × all

the generals are shocked by

the second-order peak insect swarm?!


! Extremely dangerous! Qindu, dangerous!

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