Wave after wave, just repelled the imperial coalition army, and immediately ushered in the second-order insect swarm to besiege this group of second-order

big guys, the strength of this group of insect beasts is not comparable to the group of insect humans just now, many insect beasts are not very smart, they are fearless

, they will only obey the command of the leader of the Zerg, and they are not allowed to have the ability to manipulate human brains in the other race,

Feng Nannan frowned

, "Go and invite Lord Natural Disaster Brain Worm!"

Speaking of which

, there is also a natural calamity-level powerhouse in the city, the natural calamity brain worm, as the maintainer of the operation of the Black Tower, belongs to the logistics force, if it is not for the situation of 100,000 urgent, they will definitely not make a move

At present, the strongest person that the Qin State can find, the White Bone Skeleton Archmage was dragged by the other two natural calamity-level, and in the absence of other top combat power,

there is only one way to invite the natural disaster brain worm

But as soon as the envoy was sent to the Black Tower, the attack of the alien zerg had arrived

, Feng Nannan and the other leaders saw dense black dots through the floor-to-ceiling windows, falling from the portal in the sky, and attacking towards Qindu at great speed

, the insect tide was coming

, and the roar of

thousands of insects on the ground sounded

, and the front was

The elite puppy insect at the peak of the first order, commonly known as the cannon fodder insect, has a gray-brown body, one meter high, a four-legged reptile, with small wings and two scimitar

foot blades on its back, and there are many perfect species of the peak of the second order in the insect tide, the six-bladed high-legged insect, 6 to 10 meters tall, six sharp foot blades hold up the small body high, and the running speed is extremely fast,

and the peak of the first-order excellence in the sky has fly insects, four-winged bird insects, and tooth-faced flying insects ......

The pinnacle of the second-order perfect species is the brown Wyvern Insect Cavalry, and each flying body also has a second-order perfect peak alien zerg warrior sitting on it, and the warrior is wearing high-tech laser weapons,

as well as high-level combat power

second-order super beast red wyvern individuals, second-order super beasts eight-bladed tall foot insects, second-order super beasts land tooth face insects, .....

The third-order super beast giant shield beetle ......

The alien zerg that poured out of the nest was enough to make humans feel hopeless and powerless

just by looking at the endless sea of insects

, and the insect swarm in front of them was at least more than 10 million, and the portal was still sending troops

over, and the regimental commanders who had just had hope for the Qin State were also dead at the moment, slumped in decadence, his

eyes were dull, his eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself

, "It's over, it's all over..."

"We can't win, this sheer scale, like an ocean, engulfing us is as easy as the sea drowning an island

" "Run.....


this, Feng Nannan spewed flames from the bottom of his eyes, and clenched his fists angrily

, "Escape? Where can you escape?"

"Don't be stupid! Even if it's the Imperial Alliance that is cooperating with them now, they won't let any of them go

" "If it's not my race, its heart will be different"

Instead of waiting for death in despair, it is better to give it a go and fight your way out!

" "Death also has to pull a cushion

!" "We can be defeated, but we can't be tamed

" The regiment leaders were a little moved, but the boundless fear in their hearts struck, and their hands and feet trembled

, "Commander Feng, you ...... Aren't you afraid?" everyone

looked at her

, Feng Nannan's fingernails were already embedded in the flesh, blood flowed out of the palms of her hands, and she used the physical pain to forcibly resist this genetic fear

, she slowly spoke

, "I'm afraid of ......", "I'm a warrior, and I'm also an ordinary woman",

"In the face of the boundless insect tide, I will also feel trembling, my limbs are weak, and I am extremely scared."

Not only

am I afraid of death, but I am also afraid of birth, old age, sickness and death!" "But in this world, birth, old age, sickness and death, is there anyone who has avoided it because they are afraid?"

"The last time I encountered an insect plague at school

, I chose to escape" "This time, I will not run again

" "Don't run away, don't retreat, declare war on the alien zerg

" "Those who are willing to fight, stay! If they don't want to fight, escort the children away

" "At least ......

". "The root of Daqin can't be broken here

" Hearing this

, the fear in the heads of the regiment gradually dissipated, and turned into a firm will to die

, "Commander Feng, let's not say much polite words, you just say what do you want us to do?"

"Replace defense with offense, kill!"


The Outer Imperial

Coalition was still cheering for the arrival of their allies, but soon, they realized that something was wrong,

"Is this Zerg attacking in the wrong direction?"

"Why is it coming towards us?"


!" "Ah!!! help

!!" "Oh no! Enemy attack! Zerg is backwater!".

The Imperial Coalition Army was in turmoil, everyone fled in a panic, and they couldn't resist the enemy in an organized

way, which was also considered to be self-defeating

, and the alien Zerg would kill people when they saw it, and the land outside the city was stained red and green with blood

, and the water of the river turned bloody

, whether it was the Qin State or the Imperial Alliance, it was all food for them, and the so-called alliance was just a pretense for them to open the cracks in another dimension in advance,

just to not be disturbed

Now that the goal has been achieved, the Imperial Coalition has lost its usefulness

, and the Earthquake and Earth Disaster on the frontal battlefield

are shaking the natural disaster and the earth catastrophe Seeing this scene, their eyes are split, and they roar angrily

, "Alien Zerg, you liar!" "

Stop, !! beast !!!"

The two of them gave up the siege of the White Bone Disaster at the same time, and turned their heads to help the Imperial Coalition fight against the alien Zerg

Shaking the natural calamity, Li Hao jumped high, a white circle of light flashed in his hand, aimed at the alien insect swarm, gritted his teeth and sent out a full blow

"Earthquake Destruction Fist

" "Death!"


Shock wave boomed

and boomed!

Thousands of insects were killed with one punch, and hundreds of people were injured, which could only be regarded as a drizzle of

"continuous earthquake punch

" and "ahh!!!h

Li Hao was extremely angry, his fist waved an afterimage in the air, and the power of the shock bombarded wildly!

The white shock wave crashed into the insect swarm

, boom, boom, boom, .....boom,

The entire battlefield was bombarded indiscriminately by it, and the first-order peak dog insect killed and injured more than 100,000

Zerg Seeing this, he also released one of his own generals

[Third-Order Peak Super Beast: Giant Shield Worm]

is 25 meters tall, and the entire head is like a huge shield, and there is a big shield on each of the two forelimbs

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