Changing the direction of the defense of the Dun beetle

, it is very difficult! The Brain Worm Legion has tried six times before, all of which ended in failure, the strength of the opponent's mother worm is beyond imagination

, and it is extremely difficult to change the mind of the third-order shield beetle, so that the brain worm group adjusts its strategy, so that the shield beetle has an illusion in front of its eyes, so that without changing its mind, the experiment of letting it turn its own direction

is really successful, but it also attracts the attention of the female worm, and it is impossible to reproduce it successfully

Immediately after that

, the Cataclysmic Brain Worm frowned, and transmitted a bad news to the Shocking Scourges and Sorrows and Joys in front

of him, "Beware of the danger!" "The

enemy's third-order troops are coming!"

"What? Third-Order


Shaking the Scourge, the others looked up, and

the black

and white vortex door in the sky was wide open

The third-order peak giant shield insects appeared in batches, followed by

the third-order peak giant blade sickle insect, the third-order peak one-eyed insect, the third-order peak scorpion-tailed stinging snake insect and the third-order peak crypto-ground worm, the third-order peak flying dragon insect, and the fourth-order giant vein flying city insect ......

The roars of various insects and beasts sounded

, "Woo aong!!"

When the thousand-meter-long and hundred-meter-high fourth-order giant vein flying city insect appeared in front of everyone's eyes, everyone was dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of surprise,

"Oh my God!"

"This is ..... What kind of monster is this?"

"Humans.... Can you really defeat these monsters?"

"It's over, the human race is finished

" "Ahh!!!h

Human beings, about to dissipate from the long river of history

, shaking natural disasters are silent, and his heart is also full of despair and powerlessness at the moment

, "retreat, go to Qindu

, and defend the inner city" Now in this situation, the outer city can no longer hold it

, only the inner city still has a glimmer of life

, 2 million troops, and now more than half of the troops have been reduced, and only more than 900,000 people are still alive, not including the wounded

Those who really have combat effectiveness may be less than

700,000, but I don't know how many soldiers there are in Qindu?

It is estimated that 600,000 of their 1 million troops can be left, which is good


Feng Nannan in the Qin capital

was fighting on the front line with a laser gun, cleaning up some fish that had slipped through the net from the outer city

, "Commander Wang, how many people are left?"

"Report! Let's ..... We still have 5,000 people left......

"How many?" Doesn't the Qin army have 1 million soldiers?"

Commander Wang was originally an iron-clad man, but at this moment, his tears couldn't stop flowing down

, "sacrificed", "

They all sacrificed... Whining.... The youngest fighter is not yet 18 years old...

"I'm distressed!" "

Why didn't I die?" Woo wow, ah!!!hh

All those who can still fight, pick up their guns and fight

!" "Yes!" × bang!

A loud explosion came from

Feng Nannan's eyes, and he could clearly see that the defensive buildings were smashed by huge shield beasts, their bodies were bloated, but their running speed was not enough to

move their bulky limbs, and they attacked towards the interior of Qin Du

Followed by countless second-order peak cannon fodder big dog insects, six-bladed high-legged insects, and giant veins flying city insects in the sky that are three times larger than aircraft carrier battleships, countless sky dragon knights

This time

all the hole cards of the Qin State are basically exhausted, if there is no foreign aid, the country will destroy

a mutated big hamster with a crown

on the street

, and open the manhole cover with a probe, "Rat, I'm here to repay the favor!"

Fortunately, the city hasn't been broken yet

!" [Explosive Scourge (Phantom Beast Species) Rat King Zhuang

] [Genetic Rank: Second Order Peak Scourge]

Zhuang Zhuang drilled out of the sewer, patted the stains on his body, narrowed his eyes, and raised his hand to the insect tide

, "Explode Legion, give it to me

!" "Squeak Squeak

!" "×N" Squeak Squeak!" ×N "

Squeak Squeak!" "×N

Rat Tide to help!"

Countless self-detonating rats with genetic bombs in their bodies are fearless to kill the insect tide

The Rat King Zhuang hooked his hand towards a big

rat, "Six nuclear bombs, come here!" Take me to the principal of the Qin State, let's help them retreat"

A nuclear beast aberrant rat arched through the sewer, drilled out of the ground, lowered his head and volunteered to be a strong mount

[Second-Order Peak Super Beast (Aberrant) Nuclear Rat].

The nuclear rat sniffed lightly, and soon smelled the smell of Jin Linna, and ran towards the original tallest

building, the EDD high-rise building, at this time, the EDD high-rise building has become a ruin, Jin Lina finally used the ability of ten thousand mirrors to drag the golden bell out,

but it is not easy to activate it, it needs to be constantly entered and orchestrated, and

there are two programs set up in it

, one is the devastating attack that Qin Yuan once left, the Collapse Star Roaring Cannon

In addition

, it is the global shouting function that comes with itself, and the simplified killing move set by Qin Yuan is very convenient to start

, but the latter's own global shouting is cumbersome, unless there is Qin Yuan's strength that ignores everything, it can only be unlocked

obediently step by step When the Rat King Zhuang came here riding a nuclear rat, Jin Linna was constantly changing her body, patting the golden bell, and inputting genetic energy into the golden bell

At Jin Linna's feet, there was a small black snake staring vigilantly at the Rat King Zhuangzhuang, spitting out the snake letter, releasing a powerful poison in the body, ready to fight at any time,

Zhuang Zhuang hurriedly waved his hand

, "Wait, Your Excellency Heijiao!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm here to help you"


On the other side

of the frontal battlefield, the Imperial Alliance Army is fleeing frantically, but it still can't escape

the third-order one-eyed insects of the Zerg army chasing behind them, and the eyes converge with a green light, and the energy converges at one point

, and then boom - laser ray cannon


This third-order insect swarm is simply an ultra-long-distance mobile laser turret, and the green light lights up, and it can be directly carpet-bombed

from a distance of a hundred miles

Boom, boom, ......boom

, Not only the Imperial Alliance, but also the Qindu New City ushered in a devastating blow

, all external defenses were destroyed,

and insects and beasts entered the city

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