After the buildings on the periphery of the Qin capital were destroyed by the indiscriminate bombardment

, everyone was forced to move inward, and the range of activities was sharply reduced, when the circle was reduced to full coverage of the bombing, it was when the Qin State was defeated

, and the sound of dong sounded in the Qin capital, in the corner where no one was paying attention, a piece of moving protrusions suddenly appeared on the concrete floor,

and a worm

poked its head out of it, swallowing a survivor in one bite

[Third-Order Peak Perfect Species: Crypto Worm]

moves extremely fast underground, its whole body is covered with wriggling spikes that can be planed, its round giant mouth is full of sharp white teeth, and you can also see the wriggling powder in the mouth

to swallow a person into the stomach, without chewing, it can completely digest

the recluse worm in a few seconds with stomach acid alone, and the splashing stomach acid will corrode the ground

with a "roaring !!

". Captain Wang picked up the long knife and blocked it in front of everyone, his eyes were full of determination

, "You go first! Just a burrowing worm, I'll block it!" As

soon as the words fell

, bang!!

a large amount of land was broken, and dozens of ground-drilling insects drilled out of the ground, looking at Feng Nannan and Captain Wang and others with playful

eyes, like cats and mice, they surrounded them like cats and mice, looking at the desperate and unwilling eyes of human beings, and the hidden insects only found it interesting

Captain Wang's face turned pale

, "Okay, there is more than one"

This poisonous milk, if you don't know it, the whole team will lose here!

The third-order peak perfect species, everyone works together to deal with one head is enough to choke, and now there are more than 10 heads, it is not at all what a few of them second-order perfection level leaders can deal with

Looking at the ten-meter-high hidden insects

, everyone is ready to die, and their minds enter memories, recalling their past lives

The marquee appeared

, "twitter......

" The marquee ended

, and the sound of rats pulled everyone back to reality, and groups of rats poured in from the inner city of Qindu

, and the head of Wang and Feng Nannan glanced at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes, Feng Nannan

raised his gun to shoot, and continued to inspire:

"This is a friendly army! Counterattack! Don't let them escape".

The laser gun began to hit the mouth of the Hidden Worm like a desperate one, splashing a few green blood flowers

, and everyone also reacted at this time, and hurriedly opened

the !!




"Hidden Thorn Spin Strike"

The Hidden Worm launched a counterattack, and its body rotated to form a spike tornado, and countless arm-thick spikes shot out in all directions


Puff puff ~ ......

The spikes pierced through the walls, through the human body, through the rats, the blood infected the entire street

, and more than a dozen third-order hidden insects flew around at the same time, and the damage caused was immeasurable,

"Be careful!"

Captain Wang pounced on Feng Nannan and blocked dozens .......of spikes flying from all directions for her

Feng Nannan could hear it clearly, the spiked voice like

flesh, and he could see that the head of the Wang regiment had round eyes, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and the flesh was turned out, still protecting himself,

and he still wanted to say something in his mouth, but he never said

it, after a volley

, the hidden insects were also full of spikes from the other party, and they had to stop spinning and start yelling at each other, and the content of the scolding

was extremely ugly

Taking advantage of this gap, the self-exploding rat began to approach the crypto-insect

Crypto-insect did not refuse, and swallowed them all as food to replenish energy

, and the result was


muffled sound, and the crypto-insect vomited blood and fell to the ground, opening its mouth to warn its teammates

, "Hiss..... Hiss ....." (Don't eat it, there's fried ......

The other cryptontas were puzzled

: "Hiss?" (Fraud, what can there be?),

"Hiss, Hiss, Drops!" (I don't, I eat, I'll eat

!) "Slightly, slightly, slightly!" (sticking out the tongue)


! bang! bang! bang...... There were hundreds of muffled sounds in a row, and all the hidden insects fell to the ground, their tongues flung out, and they spat blood in their mouths

, "Hiss..." (, a small number of rats were involved in the bomb) "Hiss

....." (To die, I ate ten) "

Hiss..." (I am slightly, I ate a nest, it hurts..... )


If they can't be solved within five minutes,

they will gradually resist the paralyzing effect of the gene bomb and recover as before, and for a long time in the future, they can be immune to similar gene paralysis effects

The mice came to Feng Nannan's side and handed it a purple quality long knife


Feng Nannan took the long knife sluggishly, holding the corpse of Commander Wang in his arms, and wanted to help him close his eyes with one hand, but when the palm of his hand touched his eyelids, he would still open his eyes again, and he


just a 25-year-old young man......

Feng Nannan recalled that last night, the last phone call made by

the head of the regiment Wang, the young man in the cafeteria

, Hang Erlang, said about his achievements

: "Mom, it's not cold here! Oh, don't worry! Your son is now the head of the regiment, hehe! When I become famous and become the chief of the regiment, I will take you to the highest military subordinate area and enjoy the blessings!"

"Son, in fact, ...... It's good to be an ordinary person, Mom doesn't ask you to be famous, I just hope you don't get hungry, don't get sick, don't be bullied, just go home once in a while

" "Go home? Wait, get busy now! ...... after a while Forget it, I haven't been back to my hometown for a few years! I'll come back tomorrow afternoon, remember to add a pair of dishes and chopsticks for me

" "Hey! Really, yes, Mom is going to prepare tomorrow's dinner

" "There's still a whole day! It's too early to prepare, isn't it?"

"Silly boy! If you know you're back a day in advance, Mom will be happy all day in advance!"

Hung up the phone

Now there is an old mother waiting for her son's return somewhere in Qindu, looking at the dishes on the table with a stupid look, and...

She just didn't know about the clean dishes and chopsticks

, and she would never be able to wait for


Feng Nannan's eyes were swirling with tears, she looked up at the sky, pursed her lips, trembling slightly

, her mother once told herself, when she wanted to cry, look up at the sky, so that the tears would not fall

, the blood stains on her hands had dried up and turned black, her hands were tightly clutching the handle

of the knife, Feng Nannan could no longer suppress the grief and anger in her heart, and looked up to the sky and shouted angrily

, "Ah, !!!!

", "Zerg !!!", "

I killed you!! "

Kill, kill, kill!!".

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