Under the black and white vortex in

the sky

, the distorted black figure still raised his hands high, and the black Rubik's Cube turned into a living thing in his hands, constantly beating countless

strange black runes oozing out of the Rubik's Cube and merging into the vortex, making the cracks in the other dimension continue to expand

[God of Deceit: Tiso Raunos]

"He" was expressionless, and whispered to the void,

"Worm God· Niberocas, don't be whimsical, it is impossible for the Blue Star at this stage to let the true god enter it, the Blue Star will has awakened, and it is already a violation of the covenant of the gods to help you open the crack in advance

" "Don't take an inch

" The voice of the insect god came from the void

"Then why don't you let me send a sixth-order demigod?Seventh-order apostles, let these little minions send them

?" "Isn't this to send them experience?" "

I don't understand"

In the past, the combat method of the insect god Niberokas was to first send the strong into the planet to kill the strongest, and then the invasion of a large army, and slowly take over the planet to

achieve the most efficient goal with

the least loss, but it does not mean that they are stupid, at least the IQ of the high-level of the Zerg is still online, not only researching various types of troops, but also inventing various genetic weapons,

and the face of the god of deceit has a human expression on his face, showing a strange smile

"Of course, in order to collect the negative energy of the universe and prepare for the next battle, do you think that with the kind of goods

of the sixth-order demigod, it is also the opponent of the Worm Emperor?" "The sixth-order demigod is not worthy of lifting its shoes

" "Even if it is a seventh-order apostle, it is only to deliver food here, unless your body, the eighth-order true god comes in person, there is a slight possibility of killing it

" The insect god was even more puzzled after hearing this

, "According to what you say, its strength is at least the top of the eighth order?" With your current crippled body, you dare to challenge the eighth-order

true god?" "Indeed

, the body of the deceitful god Raunos used to be very strong and could conquer most

of the universe, but now it is only a wisp of remnant soul plus a finger, at best, it is only the level of a seventh-order apostle

, and the apostle fights the true god?

Isn't this pure looking for a draw?"

The deceitful god's expression was restricted, and his tone was full of

solemnity. The other party's growth speed is too fast, if he doesn't make a move, I estimate that he will hit the God Realm"

Qin Yuan's growth speed can only be described as outrageous, in just one month, his combat power is almost to the eighth order...... No, maybe it has already reached the eighth order

, to put it simply, this war is that the forced

deceitful god has two cosmic keys in his hands, and Qin Yuan has a cosmic key in his hand, only three cosmic keys can activate the cosmic authority

, and both of them want the cosmic key in each other's hands, so there must be a battle between the two,

and it is impossible to dodge, it is better to give it a go and prepare in advance Yin Qin Yuan

It was difficult to kill him, but

it was not impossible to seal it for a while, and it was not impossible for him to look at the alien insect army that had been killed on the ground, as well as the insect people who were constantly falling in Qindu, and whispered

"Yes, that's it

" "Despair, pain, unwillingness, resentment, killing...... A little more

" "A little more!" These

are all bargaining chips for himself to deal with Qin Yuan, Qin Capital is the place where 'he' chose Qin Yuan's bones to bury

"It's almost

" "The other party's support has arrived

" "It's time to go to the fourth-order troops"

In 'his' sight, a thirty-three-meter-tall giant one-horned immortal insect man was using his ability to rush back to Qin Capital in overspeed

, and the target direction of the one-horned immortal was him!

In the clouds

, the unicorn fairy looked at the distorted black shadow under the whirlpool in front of him, and his trademark crooked smile appeared on

his face, "Heh, it turned out to be a monster who didn't want a face, no wonder he dared to hit my Qin Du's doctrine!"

The unicorn fairy's hands condensed a purple halo, and two vector balls appeared in the palm of his hand, and he suddenly threw it forward,


The two purple vector cannons flew forward at supersonic speed, and they were about to reach the vicinity of the twisted figure

, and a hundred-meter-tall insect beast with six huge tusks suddenly rushed out of the whirlpool and boomed in front of it

! The

fangs hit the vector cannon, and a huge explosion immediately occurred, and the sky was filled with

smoke and dust!

But as the smoke and dust dissipated

, the

one-horned fairy's eyes narrowed, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his expression was solemn


kind of ......monster is this?" "What kind of monster is this?" I hit the vector cannon head-on, and it actually ...... Unscathed?"

With such a strong defensive power, I'm afraid it's not a good stubble

[●Fourth-Order Natural Disaster: Thunder Magnetic Teeth

] [Ability: Control Magnetism]

It was a big guy with a height of more than 100 meters and a body length of 300 meters, and there were six large tusks on both sides of his cheeks like the tusks of a mammoth, but their fangs were more practical

The fangs are as sharp as a sickle, and they are covered with spikes

, and there is only a huge mouth covering the armor on the face, and there is a thunder horn on the armor, which is specially used to control the magnetic thunder magnetic explosion teeth to open the huge mouth in front of them, and roar towards the unicorn fairy, so as to swear their sovereignty

"Roar !!!!!

" "I am a magnetic explosion natural disaster under the seat of the insect god, thunder magnetic explosion teeth, blue star creatures, don't you quickly kneel down and surrender when you see this natural disaster?".

The roar shook the sky, and all the insects and beasts were encouraged, because they knew that

the natural disaster boss had appeared! The

Zerg natural disaster was equivalent to the great general in the human race, and now the general called the battle, which can improve the overall morale

If no one in the human race dares to take it, then the Zerg will be inspired, and they will be even more fearless to die and fight forward,

where can they endure the "

Fourth-order natural disaster, I will be afraid of you?"

The unicorn fairy shouted at the top of his voice

"Listen to the insects on the other side, I am the commander of the first army of the Qin Kingdom, the vector natural disaster unicorn fairy, the fat insect on the other side, dare to come alone?" "

Above the extraordinary, everyone's strength and quality are the same

, but the amount is a matter of more and less, and the total amount of fourth-order insect power can reach a hundred times of the second order

, but the natural disaster fight, what is more important is the ability to restrain

the vector control, and the direction in which all forces can be controlled, which can be said to be the natural disaster in the natural disaster, and the power of the upper limit of the natural disaster

The second order fights the fourth order, and it is not without any hope

, Lei Ci burst his teeth, raised his head

, "Single-handedly, I will be afraid of you

" The two spoke almost at the same time

, "Come!" "× 2



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