
! Under the dark clouds, the white light lit up

, the thunder roared, and a black dot fell

from the sky and bang!

After a loud bang, the fourth-order natural calamity thunder magnetic exploding toothworm fell from the sky to the periphery of Qindu

, and its huge body smashed down, causing the earth to tremble, the dust flew up, the rocks cracked inch by inch, and a deep pit of more than 1,000 square meters appeared on the ground.

Seeing this, the Sky Unicorn Fairy grinned, twisted his neck, and showed his white teeth


" "I'm in such a hurry to die, then I'll fulfill you"

The vector controlled

the unicorn fairy's activation ability, and the surface of his body lit up with a purple halo, and his body was like a rocket, smashing towards the Thunder Magnetic Tooth Worm

Quickly falling into the sky and rubbing to produce flames, the air on the periphery of the body began to burn, under the light of the fire, the whole person of the unicorn fairy is like a falling big meteorite

vector control to launch

gravity doubled! inertia


acceleration doubled! impact force doubled! "Vector Impact Meteor"



The gravity impact of falling from a high place was controlled by his own vector, and the damage doubled

again, and a sound

exploded, and a purple circle rippled

in the air, and the unicorn fairy exploded in the air, accelerating again, the air was torn, the clouds were collapsed, and everything around was bounced away,

and the red meteor pointed directly at the thunder magnetic tooth worm

, "Die!"

on the ground

The Thunder Magnetic Tooth Worm opened its big mouth, a red ball of light converged, and it was still in the charging stage, but it saw that the meteor had begun to amplify in front of him

, and the air was rubbed with a roaring sound

, and his pupils shrank

, "How could it be so fast?"

The charged energy cannon was canceled, and the defense was immediately launched

The six giant fangs on the cheeks of the Thunder Magnetic Tooth Worm lit up with blue electric light, and the magnetic force exploded, and a blue rectangular barrier appeared in the sky out of thin air

It seemed that it was not safe, and the single horn on the head of the magnetic storm natural disaster

lit up, "Five-fold thunder magnetic shield!"

Buzz -

in an instant

, five blue shields formed out of thin air

, and at the moment when the barrier was built, the attack of the unicorn fairy had already killed, and the

two collided

, and a dazzling white light lit up and


The small mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the entire battlefield could smell a strong smell of blood, and the smoke and dust covered up all

the joys and sorrows of the mantis that made people look down on the battle situation and watch the battle from a tall building in the distance

, Canglong Yunju and the others were anxiously looking at the smoke center

, did they succeed?

The next second

, the metal in the whole city swayed wildly

and buzzed~

Cars, steel bars, shelves, drink bottles, street lamps on the street, mobile phones, watches.......

All of them

flew to the center

of the

smoke and ...... Even buses, fuel tankers flew into the sky, and even trains, airplanes and high-speed rail trains, even the railroad tracks rose from the ground

, as long as it was metal, it could not escape the control of the thunder and magnetic disaster

, Canglong Yunju saw this, his eyes were full of incredulity, and his mouth opened wide

: "This .....

" "What a terrifying metal control power is this?

The unicorn fairy is in danger, I have to help him

" Jin Linna appeared beside Canglong Yunju at some point, and held the horse's leg

with one hand, "Don't worry, you have to believe in the unicorn fairy

" "You have other opponents, there is more than one fourth-order insect beast that appears now"

Canglong was silent when he heard this, and looked up at the portal, his pupils shrank Countless

fourth-order creatures were crossing the portal and attacking towards Qin Du

, large and small,

uneven Fourth-Order Super Beast Giant Shield Worm, Fourth-Order Super Beast Scythe Worm, Fourth-Order Perfect Species Six-Bladed Tall Foot Insect, Fourth-Order Perfect Species Binocular Laser Worm, Fourth-Order Three-Tailed Stinging Snake Insect ......

All of them are big guys this time

, and there are no ordinary species and elite species when they reach the fourth order, and the bottom quality is all excellent species, and the most are perfect species and a small number of super beast species, and what's even more terrifying is that the fourth-order natural disaster has also appeared

several like a hill, up to 100 meters, with a pyramid-shaped body of eye worms, full of blood-red eyes, and there may be tens of thousands of pupils [Fourth-Order

Peak Meyama Natural Disaster] [

Ability: Manipulating fear into reality

] The head is like a water monkey, with six hands, a round belly like gongs and drums, and a steel sledgehammer

in his hand [Fourth-Order Peak: Sonic Disaster] [Ability: Control Sonic Waves] Surrounded by blood, with bat-like red wings on his back, and his body is like a blood ball [Fourth-Order

Peak Blood Spirit (Natural Disaster Level)


[Ability: Control


Looking at the three new natural disasters, Jin Linna rubbed her eyebrows, her eyes were full of solemnity

, "Canglong, how long

will it take you to recover your strength?" Canglong raised his head and thought about

it, "Give me another 10 minutes, and I will be able to fully recover

" Jin Linna nodded

, "Okay! I'll go and hold them for ten minutes and then replace

you" "They? Do you want to fight three?"

There is no better way now

, there is no one in the city, ...... "How can there be no one?" I counted in the sky, the white bone skeleton plus the Shadow Scourge, the Shaking Scourge, the Mantis of Sorrow and Joy and the Imperial Sword Saint, the Scourgeal Brain Worm...... Isn't this a helper everywhere

?" Jin Linna tilted her head in confusion

, "Imperial Sword Saint?" "Since the Imperial Sword Saint in the Qin Capital ran out of the guard, he has been helping the Qin State kill the alien Zerg

"One Sword Stream, Lion Dance"

first-order peak half-natural catastrophe-level Imperial Sword Saint, and with the help of the seventh sense, it is easy to deal with those injured third-order insect beasts

Successfully slashed a third-order sickle insect again, and before he had time to catch his breath, a mirror suddenly appeared next to him,

and the Imperial Sword Saint turned around with a sword

, "Who!?"

A mixed-race beauty walked out of the mirror, and the Imperial Sword Saint suddenly frowned

, "Ten Thousand Mirrors Natural Disaster Jin Linna, in this situation, you don't still want to catch me back, do you?"

Jin Linna didn't answer her question, and directly threw a tube of potion at her, and the Imperial Sword Saint took it easily, looked at the potion in his hand curiously, and asked

, "Could this be..."

"Second-Order Breakthrough Elixir?"

Jin Linna nodded

, "Yes, drink it, with your current genetic reserves, you can advance to the Second Order in an instant

" "Now there are three fourth-order natural disasters attacking, I need your help"

in just one minute

Jin Lina frequently appeared in various areas, gathering all the calamity-level combat power white

bone archmages in the city, Shadow Disaster, Shock Disaster, Disaster Brain Worm, Explosion Cataclysm Strong, Joy and Sorrow Mantis + Imperial Sword Master

"White Bone Disaster, Shadow Disaster, you two go to stop the Sonic Disaster

" "Brain Worm Disaster, Shaking Disaster, you two are responsible for the Mushan Disaster"

Sorrow and Joy Mantis, Female Sword Saint, Rat King is strong, you are responsible for cleaning up the third-order remnant beasts and resisting the fourth-order beast herd

" "I'm in charge of the blood spirit alone, let's get started!"

"Yes!" × 7

But as soon as Jin Linna's words fell, a hoarse voice came from the sky

, "Wait!".

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