
it is also a million-meter-level spaceship, the Tianzun is a tourist ship, not a warship!

To put it mildly, that thing belongs to civilian use, and the Tianzun

, which was chased by the major cosmic pirate groups a few days ago, why is it so brave today?

More than

four In the field of vision of the four super pirate captains, more pirate groups approached this side

, the thunder in the Bull Demon aircraft carrier gritted

his teeth, his fists clenched, and there seemed to be sparks in his eyes,

"These bastards! Even the autumn wind of labor and management dare to fight?

After all, those are the cadres of the Seven Pirate Regiment, and the leader of the Dark Matter Pirate Regiment has an order that we are not allowed to fight internally

" "Especially when the other three are still there, if they really fight together, it will only put us at a disadvantage"

Thunder Bull Demon regained his senses, snorted coldly, clasped his hands to his chest, and glanced at the universe

In addition to the seven top pirate groups, dozens of pirate groups also came, and the entire Star Dome Colorful Light Meteor was full of pirates

Just like a big gathering

of pirates, Captain Thirteen Swords, one of the four major pirate groups, seemed to think of something, and his face changed drastically

: "Not good! This is a plan to divert the tiger from the mountain!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this

? Yes,

why didn't you think of it just now?


! Now all the pirates are here! Wouldn't Qin Yuan and the others easily escape from other places?

The four of them panicked at the same time

: "Damn! The pirates believe the fugitives

!" "It's grassy!" "The world is going down, and people's hearts are not ancient! These dogs are even pirates! The quality needs to be improved

!" "Quick

! Go back! "Defend yourself" "Get rid of everyone and do your best to catch that bastard who played us the Lord of the Blue Star!"


"What do you see that is?"


Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the Bull Demon,

and outside the distant starry sky

, a white-gold million-meter-level battleship had its headlights turned on, and it was full of excitement and drove towards everyone at great speed, and at this speed, it would reach the Star Dome in less than five minutes

, and it was really here!

The four pirate leaders all stared at him with wide eyes, dumbfounded and

underestimated him

! They all thought it had run away, but it turned out to be real!

What kind of joke is

this trying to defeat 10,000 people

? Is it true that the power boss of the Space Pirate Group for so many years has been in vain?

The leader of the Thirteen Swords left a sentence

, "Be careful of deception, I'll go explore the path for you first!"

and then cut off contact, and everyone quit the call at the same time and began to drive towards the Star Dome Colorful Light Fall

The Thunder Bull Demon grinned, baring his sharp fangs, and his eyes were full of greed

, "Go to Nima's path, and grab the credit is so noble?"

"They are my prey! No one wants to snatch them

!" "Little ones, speed up for me

!" "Full speed ahead!"



the distance, Qin Yuan of the Tianzun

stood in the captain's room, looking at the battleship like a school of fish from a distance through the glass, densely packed and countless, even more than the meteorite belt

The corners of the mouth rose, revealing a sunny and handsome smile, and a touch of playfulness flashed in his eyes

, "Dragon Girl Kiki, Elf Princess, have you ever seen fireworks

?" "Fireworks?

What is that?" *2 "What is it like?" ...... That's it!

" After saying that

, Qin Yuan looked directly at the huge number of cosmic fleets in front of him, his breath locked, he slowly raised his right

hand, opened his five fingers, and the genetic energy flowed in his hand, the five fingers suddenly closed, and his lips moved slightly,

"Immortal Conceptual Transformation

" "Immortal Grip"

Hum -

Ability activation

The outline of a big hand appeared in the universe, its hand was wide enough to cover the entire surrounding star field, and under the illumination of the Star Dome Colorful Light Meteorite, it showed a dazzling divine light

and colorful big hand, enveloping the entire fleet and suddenly closing, and in an instant, the space was torn, the star body was shattered, and the universe trembled

The pirates realized Qin Yuan's horror at this time, this is the fear from the deepest part of the biological genetic instinct, this is the collapse of the powerful pirates who cannot resist

They can only watch as death slowly approaches them, and every second before death is extremely tormenting for them

: "What is this?!Oh my God!The sky is falling

!"The universe is collapsing!"Help!"


I'm never going to be a pirate again in my next life!


I don't want to die yet!I'm still so young, and the money hasn't been spent yet

!"Captain, help! Where are you, Captain!"

At this time, the captain of the four super pirate groups collapsed on the sofa, unable to look at the sky

, the Thunder Demon Bull's eyes were dull, his face was like ashes, his lips trembled, and his whole body was uncontrollably swinging

, "This ..... This, this, this...... Could it be ......


"The legendary conceptual-level powerhouse



Extremely stupid

! The real fools have always been our group

! With a dazzling white light flashing and


The Star Dome Colorful Light Meteor has since disappeared into the universe, and along with it, the aircraft carrier formation of the four super

pirate groups and the seven top pirate group formations have struck a blow, and the pirate group has been wiped

out in a single second!

In the captain of the Tianzun

, everyone's eyes and tongue popped out at the same time, and their jaws fell to the ground, so shocked that they couldn't speak


my God

! Oh buy ga!

Tens of thousands of space warships and four million-class aircraft carrier formations were

wiped out in one blow


A miracle! This is

a miracle! Everyone couldn't believe their eyes! They could see such

a miracle

in their lifetime! That huge palm that could hold the stars and crush the tremendous power of space was definitely not something that a creature could do

! Brother Octopus looked at Qin Yuan with a little more awe

, and the elven elder believed in Qin Yuan's identity even more, this was a complete stone hammer

! It was definitely an 8th-order true god!

Although he doesn't understand this power, the seventh-order is definitely unattainable, only the legendary eighth-order true god can make such a miracle

Qin Yuan seemed to have done a trivial thing, shook his hand at will, smiled confidently, and looked at the dragon girl and the elf princess

, "How about this firework

?" "Handsome!" ×4 "

Octopus!Old man! I'm not asking you two, don't interject at will, OK?" Anyway, why are you two old things still stunned

?" "King, where are we going?"

Qin Yuan looked at the depths of the universe and smiled confidently

, "Set sail, set sail!"


" "Life Star!".

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