After 5 days of high-speed flight and traversing the long cosmic corridor, the Tianzun finally came to a huge earthy yellow

planet, which looked like withered leaves, the earth cracked, and the lives were devastated

" Captain's room

, Qin Yuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands in his pockets, frowning and staring at the planet that was about to fall into dead silence, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, and

he turned his head to look at the elf elder

, "Are you sure this is a life star?" "

Why does it look like this? Shouldn't the Life Star be green?" Hearing this

, the Elf Elder bowed forward and saluted

, and then he said, "Lord God, here's the thing, since 100 years ago, the Life Star's World Tree was transformed and began to frantically absorb the life force on the planet, and now the Life Star is on the verge of collapse

" After listening to the explanation, Qin Yuan was even more puzzled,

"What does the transformation mean?" Since it's a planet on the verge of collapse, why do you still put the royal capital here

?" "Also, I remember what you said last time about the civil strife in the Life Empire?"

Elven Elder's eyes were gloomy, his fingers clenched unconsciously hard, and his tone was full of personal emotion,

"Alas.... It's all because we're too greedy!Listening to the slander of the Frozen Demon Clan, the World Tree was transformed into a Technology Tree, which caused the Life Star to be on the verge of death

" "As for the royal capital, this is our home planet after all, and there is no suitable planet for us to live in the vicinity, so we can only place the royal capital here all the time" "

The matter of civil strife is more complicated, and not only the internal strife of the elf race, but also the internal struggle of the dragon clan, it is likely that the turmoil of the two races comes from the hands of the frozen demons".

"The purpose is not difficult to guess, most of it is to annex our two major forces, and it freezes the demon's cosmic pirate kingdom so that it can take the opportunity to unify the entire galaxy

" "However, the dispute between the three major forces has been going on for a long time, and the reasons are complicated, and the specific situation behind it is difficult to sort out......

" Qin Yuan heard this, and some future fragments suddenly flashed in his mind

, frame by frame, which were clearly visible, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise, and a smile appeared on his face,

"I see!"

"Okay, just a frozen demon, don't worry too much, go directly to the royal capital

" Squidward raised his hand and saluted

, "Yes! King!"

With that, the eight tentacles danced quickly, crackling and making an afterimage on the operating table, and the elf elder also quietly walked over, kindly helping Squidward send a docking request

At the same time

, the life star, through the layers of clouds and mist, you can see a big tree that stands up to the sky

The trunk of the tree is withered and yellow, up to tens of thousands of meters, the branches are luxuriant, the leaves are wide like the sea, and there are tens of thousands of elves living under each emerald green leaf

, and the trunk is almost hollowed out, densely packed with all steel houses and various facilities

, not only that, but even the name of the world tree has been beautified and processed, and now it is called the 'technology tree'

an old tree that is close to death, and it used to raise elves

No one will thank it, just think it deserves, and then ask for it endlessly until it dies ......


this time, the spaceship platform in the trunk, the staff received a docking request from the Tianzun

, and it could not be called a request, because the original words it sent were very polite, and the original text was as follows

: "Miscellaneous people! Take care of your dung-spew-full skin swallows, now the noble gods need a resting place, give you this opportunity to cherish it, the royal airport is perfect for stepping up, by the way, call your new emperor to come and kowtow to the gods, lowly rebels, I hope you don't know

how to lift!"—Tianzun

is in a groove!

Where is this request? This is simply a war letter!

After reading this short message, the staff immediately reported it to the battleship general, who at first thought it was a prank, but did not care about

it until after reading it, his pupils shrank, the corners of his mouth rose, and his face showed a crazy look,

"Tianzun? Isn't that where the elf princess Yufia is staying now?"

"It was actually delivered to the door? What a big surprise! Great credit!"

Everyone is not allowed to make loud noises, open the royal airport and let them land, and when they fall, hehe! Catch them all again

!" "Yes!"

Qin Yuan didn't know the little trick played by the elf elf elder, he closed his eyes and lay down on the rocking chair leisurely, his palms patting his thighs rhythmically, humming a brisk song in his mouth,

and waiting for the spaceship to land leisurely

, and

the Tianzun successfully landed

With the opening

of the hatch, Qin Yuan walked out of it with his negative hand, the sun was dazzling, squinting his eyes and looking at the sky, a yellow sun hung high in the sky, his eyes were pulled in, and the surroundings were full of emerald green and tender leaves, but the air was dry and a little uncomfortable

"It seems that the life star is more serious than I imagined"

There is not much moisture in the air, which means that this planet will not last long

"Let's go, go directly to the palace to get something".

After that, Qin Yuan led everyone to leave

, but at this moment, hundreds of elves ran out of the trunks, all of them held genetic technology weapons in their hands and aimed at

Qin Yuan and the others, and in the crowd of people who shot without saying a word, a black-skinned elf pushed away the soldiers who were in the way, walked out of it, and showed a hideous smile towards Qin Yuan and the others

, "Hahahahaha! Sure enough, it's the two of you" "

Former Elf Princess Yufia, Elf Elder You Luo".

[Sixth-Order Peak Night Elf King (Natural Calamity Level)

] [Ability: Dark Log Control]

The Night Elf laughed arrogantly, spread his

hands and took a breath of air, "Ah! Praise the mother star! And the unexpected gain of the Dragon Maiden! There is also a human with a bounty of 5.6 billion?hahahaha! It's really a favor from heaven!" "

If you obediently tie your hands and catch it, I can torture it a little lighter later, otherwise...... Waterboarding, soldering iron, skinning, hanging...... The eighteenth torture has to be arranged all over again!hehehehehe!"

Qin Yuan pouted disdainfully, didn't bother to look at it, only raised a finger slightly, and the lightning exploded, and a blue laser shot out of the

Light Thunder Law Thunder Laser

The Night Elf King's eyes widened, his eyes were full of disbelief, the core in his forehead was shattered, and his lips opened and he wanted to say a last word, but in less than a second, the focus of his pupils completely

dissipated, and there was only one thought left in his heart: I was seconded? Sixth-Order

Peak Night Elf King, pawn

! Kill in seconds!

I didn't even have a chance to speak, and the top combat power of a dignified elf clan dissipated

Qin Yuan's cold eyes skimmed at the group of elven soldiers with laser guns, and the elven soldiers were so frightened that they even threw away the laser guns

, and immediately scattered a group of birds and beasts A group of dust that was not even as good as miscellaneous

Qin Yuan did not continue to chase and kill, but glanced at the elf elders beside him with inexplicable eyes,

and the elf elders noticed something, and immediately sweated and lowered their heads, not daring to look at them, but fortunately, Qin Yuan's gaze only stayed for a moment, and he immediately turned his head and looked at the technology tree again

"Elven elder, you are familiar with this place, so you can lead the way! Warning once, don't play tricks again, Bendi has never been a good person"

is not a good person, so he can act without scruples

and mess around as he wants

! If he says to kill your whole family, he will kill your whole family

! Fists are the truth

! Only I want to do it or not, can I do without me!

Hearing this, the elven elder immediately knelt down and kowtowed, the clothes on his back were already wet with cold sweat, and his eyes

were full of horror, "Thank you, Lord God!"

He thought he was doing seamlessly, but in fact, he was full of flaws in front of Qin Yuan

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