Under the cover of night, a figure flew over the forest

at a high speed

, Qin Yuan spread his wings, holding a red bean in his left hand and Liao Huo in his right hand, leading them to search over the forest,

and the three of them chatted and explored


, "How is it?"

It may not be here anymore..... "

That's right, the range of activity of the insect beast is not fixed, maybe that insect beast has gone to live in other cities

, "Alas, brother, look, that valley has appeared again!"

Following the red bean's gaze, Qin Yuan found that there was a misty valley not far from him, and a huge black shadow flashed in it from time to time, and its size was even more than a hundred meters,

and an invisible voice suddenly sounded in his mind

Keep telling him that there are good things in it, and there are things that can make you evolve and become stronger

! Go

in! Go in!

The shouts changed from temptation to threat, constantly echoing in his mind

, Qin Yuan's gaze began to gradually become dull

, "Demon Lord, what's wrong with you?"

Hongdou's shout pulled Qin Yuan back to reality, and his eyes gradually changed back to a clear

What is the situation?

"It's weird here, let's leave first"

Qin Yuan launched a flicker, teleported to a kilometer away, spread his wings, and returned

to Hongdou's house at a very fast speed, and at the moment when the three of them left

, the valley disappeared, "Hongdou, what's going on in that misty valley?" tell me in detail", "

This has to start from when you were an egg..."

After listening to Hongdou's description, Qin Yuan immediately frowned, the mist crack he knew about

the otherworldly channel, but the time of appearance and closure was too coincidental, there

was only one possibility, the will of the world wanted to send it away!

Deliberately arrange a movable otherworldly channel to appear "just right" in the place where he fell, and then immediately close "just right" to take himself out of this world

Unfortunately, the entry of the brother and sister made the otherworldly rift impossible to close at will

, and then brought out the egg-shaped self

, so

the two of them are still their own nobles?

The two siblings glanced at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes, and the elder brother was silent for a while and spoke first

, "I originally planned to take the university entrance examination, and then find a class, marry a wife and have children, but now, ..... I just want to protect my sister

" "I..... I do not know..... I just want to bring my parents back to life

" "In that case, come with me to the city first, I will help you save your parents' bodies with special props" "

Thank you, Brother Qin!" "Thank you!"

The two siblings bowed to Qin Yuan very politely

, and the three of them began to return, on the way, Qin Yuan killed countless mutant insects and beasts and various mutated animals and plants along the way, and the gap in genetic energy was finally filled

The genetic growth has also returned to 4% 400

tons of power in the human form and 800 tons of power in the insect form, not counting 200% of the crit bonus, and the strength growth is 10 times that of

the past! Lord, I finally got in touch with

you, a lot of things have happened since you went to heaven...... "What do you mean after going to heaven?"

Jin Linna roughly said four things

, one is the placement of 2,000 insects under her command

, and the second is the arrival of the insects special forces and their special potions

, and the third is that the three tigers and the unicorn fairy went to the forest to level up

Fourth, there are still two group owners, 4,000 bugmen, who want to

come over and take refuge, asking for support "Well, got it!"

"Tomorrow I will officially take over the entire Bincheng, and then set off to Dongxing City to recruit a talent to come back, and by the way, bring back the bugmen on the side of the group leader No. 7 you said

" "By the way, I picked up two bug people in the wild today, you can come over tomorrow to arrange

them" "They are all perfect level, and the potential for future growth is okay, take care of them a little"

Hanging up the phone

, Qin Yuan began to think about his next move

, monopolizing the potion market

, and looting the landlord's money/resources!

There are many kinds of potions in the last days, such as treatment and recovery, temporary enhancement, cultivation supplement, and advanced breakthrough ......

Although I don't know how to make it, I know who understands

the Lu family in Dongxing City, there is a genius named Lu Xiuyi in the alchemy family, and he will almost monopolize the southern alchemy market in the future, but the cake that has moved too many people will

end up very miserable

, not only was he exterminated by the big forces, but he was also gouged out of his brain, soaked in the nutrient solution to develop new drugs for other forces,

and what is the most important thing in the last days

Of course, it is strength and resources, Qin Yuan already has the strength, so he naturally has to monopolize all the resources,

but before that

, he still has to solve the problem

of the Bincheng base first, today is October 7th, and tomorrow is the day to occupy Bincheng

, so he has to make a little preparation, first go and buy a suitable set of clothes, it is best to catch a pet with a B grid, and tomorrow he can use his

mobile phone to send a text message to Wu Qianqian

for a national live broadcast"You can prepare tomorrow and make a big national news come out

" and "I want the prestige of the emperor ant to resound throughout the entire dragon country

" A new era will be opened by me!

What kind of obscene development

? Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

What I want is for everyone to see me, kneel on the ground

and bow their heads

, "Welcome to the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor Ant!"

People are controlled by

fate, and I

am in charge of fate!

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