Sunlight spilled into the room

Qin Yuan opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of turbidity, and ended the day's genetic cultivation

with 5% growth, 500 tons of normal power plus a critical strike power bonus, the normal force can reach 1,000 tons, and the insect form is 2,000 tons of power

After washing up, he met Jin Linna in the office, and after arranging the two red beans to her, Qin Yuan set off alone to Luokang City to capture his mount

, Jin Linna looked worried

, "Lord Lord, do you need to bring a helper? After all, ...... Your body..."

At this moment, Qin Yuan's hair has turned white, this is caused by the consumption of life force, and it has no effect on combat power, but the whole person looks a little tired

, "Don't worry, I'm invincible

" "Yes! Lord Monarch"

Jin Linna looked at the confident and dazzling Qin Yuan in front of her, her little face was slightly red

, good MAN!

Lord Monarch!

After saying that, Qin Yuan came to the balcony, his wings spread out behind his back, and the wings flapped and instantly flew to a height of thousands of meters

and buzzed~~

The mobile phone vibrated non-stop, Qin Yuan stopped flying, suspended in mid-air

, and looked at the call message: Counselor Xie

Ting's college counselor, what is he calling again? Could it be that there is another insect plague in Yu'an City?

"Qin Yuan! Your grandfather is really a god! My God! More than 5,000 people from the school went to see the party that day, and only 2 classes of 96 people ran away, and the others all died! That scene was full of blood.....

"By the way, did your grandfather leave any warnings when he was alive?" "Grandpa?

I haven't even seen my grandfather in person, let alone me, my father hasn't seen it, where did he get any warnings!

Everything is just my "experience" talk

In fact, there were 97 people who survived in the previous life, and the extra one was Qin Yuan, who was sick and didn't go

to the party, "You guys have been careful lately, there have been insect and beast riots everywhere recently, and the army will soon stop taking care of it, and when the time comes, the mob will run rampant, and the law will no longer exist

" "I'll give you a phone call to remember, he can buy everything, including guns and ammunition, but you have to do it as soon as possible

" "In the future, the banknotes of the Dragon Kingdom will not be in circulation, so it's better to exchange it for a little more gold or something now"

I don't have much to say, bye!"



he said, without waiting for Xie Ting to speak again, Qin Yuan hung up the phone, and sent a text message to his former three roommates to pay attention to

the end times, and the real end times are coming, just 6 o'clock tonight!

It is also the best time for yourself to make changes

, and the news of opening the university group 99+ during the flight is all about discussing the last insect and beast massacre incident and the coming of the end of the world, and

even after Xie Ting sent a warning letter last time, there are still a few classmates who did not go and escaped by luck, and they all thanked

, "Thank you for that kind person! Your grandfather is really a fairy!"

"I'll knock one first, thank you! Thank you for the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!"

And then the most are all kinds of posts discussing insect beasts, and there are even pictures of some people in the school who have mutated into

insect people, Yu'an City is much more chaotic than Bincheng, Bincheng has Qin Yuan and his dark crystal insect army in charge, and the management of insect people in the city is also quite good,

and they are the ...... in the forefront of the city

Qin Yuan flew 200 kilometers at the speed of sound to reach his destination this time: In his

previous life


he heard that there was a very handsome and powerful phantom beast in Luokang City, and it was the dream of countless forces to catch a phantlus beast as a city guardian beast

It is still a familiar steel forest, and the entire city center is basically a high-rise building with more than 30 floors, and the height will gradually be reduced after the outer second and third rings, and the height will be gradually reduced to 12 floors, 7 floors, and 3 floors......

There are a lot of insects and insects, it's not a lot of chaos, after all, it's a big city with a population of 8 million, insects and insects and beasts are hiding in all kinds of streets and alleys and devouring human beings, and it's normal to die hundreds or thousands of people every day, and

there are a large number of troops stationed in the city, but now the army is on the verge of getting out of control, and they are the executioners who do all kinds of evil

Under the pretext of searching for the insects, a few ill-intentioned soldiers forcibly broke into the homes of the two

girls, and there were beatings and curses

, followed by the girls' painful wails and begs for mercy, and the men's laughter and foul language

were constantly playing out in the city, whether it was a robbery of money, a robbery, or some other .......

Qin Yuan shook his head slightly

to see the degree of resistance, these two women are estimated to not be able to live after being played, this is the end of

the world, a world where only despair breeds

When Qin Yuan looked away and was about to look away, an interesting scene happened

, a

beggar-like man outside the door heard the sound and leaned over, and was pointed at a gun by the soldier to let him leave, he pretended to leave and went around from the other side and quickly grabbed a rifle

Then the gunshots rang out


just a few seconds

, the magazine was emptied, and several soldiers in the house died, and the two girls fled without thanking them, and

the beggars didn't care, dropped their guns and looked around, and then ran away,

do you think this is the end

of the show

? After a while

, a group of soldiers came and surrounded the house, it was two girls who took the initiative to report that the beggar killed the soldiers in the house, and led a dozen soldiers to find the beggar, the two of them seemed to know where the beggar was

, 5 minutes later, they found the beggar at the intersection of a street, and the beggar also found the group

of soldiers, stood up and wanted to run, but unexpectedly, the other side was also full of soldiers, and he had been surrounded by the

captain, who had a big belly, and stepped forward

"Run, why don't you run?".

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