Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 100: It's Over

The shock wave instantly swept everything within the explosion range, including the level 3 zombies and the Winter Soldier...

The layers of air waves brought by the shock wave swept away the sand and dust within a radius of dozens of meters. Fortunately, the blast fragments and steel balls of the high-explosive grenade were blocked by the body of the level 3 zombies and the Winter Soldier, so Han Feng and the American soldiers beside him were not hurt.

After the deafening explosion, Han Feng was stunned in place. The surroundings were deadly quiet. His mind was full of the picture of the Winter Soldier pulling the high-explosive grenade. Then, sensing 300 gold coins in his account, Han Feng knew that the level 3 zombie was dead. As a nightmare in the past, this haunting level 3 zombie finally disappeared from this world forever. But... Winter Soldier...? Where is the Winter Soldier...

"Get out of the way..." Han Feng's voice trembled slightly in the center of the protection circle.

As the American soldiers evacuated layer by layer, Han Feng's heart was also tightened little by little...

The first to be killed by the high-explosive grenade must be the third-level zombie. Even if the Winter Soldier was seriously injured, even if he only had one breath left, he already had a combat laboratory and could definitely save him, and then he would have the opportunity to be promoted to a three-star soldier! His injuries and his ears can be healed because of the star upgrade! It's okay... It's okay!

In his heart, Han Feng comforted himself again and again, the third-level zombies were blocking the front, and the Winter Soldier would not be too serious!

The American soldiers retreated to the side one by one, and Han Feng's vision gradually expanded. When the last American soldier left, Han Feng did not move, but stood quietly in place, looking at the mess in front of him...

The broken limbs of the third-level zombies were scattered all around, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder left by the explosion... In front of him, it was only a few steps away. A broken gas mask, stained with scarlet blood, was quietly placed on the ground...

"Winter... Winter Soldier?" Han Feng trembled and took a few steps forward, muttering subconsciously.

Slowly squatting down, Han Feng picked up the broken gas mask on the ground. After standing up, Han Feng looked around, hoping to see the intact Winter Soldier.

"Winter Soldier, Winter Soldier?" After searching for a few seconds, Han Feng called out the name of Winter Soldier a few times. But when he said these words, his voice was always trembling...

"Report to Captain Han, mobilized soldier No. 0001, codenamed Winter Soldier, has been deployed..."

"Shut up!"

Before Luna finished speaking, she was interrupted by Han Feng's roar!

"Luna, I don't believe Winter Soldier is dead! Tell me! Where is he? Where is he!" Han Feng shook his head frantically and screamed.

"Sorry Captain Han... Winter Soldier..."

"I don't want to hear you say that! I want you to tell me that Winter Soldier has been upgraded and he is fine! He is fine! Tell me! Tell me!" At this time, Han Feng was like crazy, shouting wildly. Tears slowly seeped out of his eyes and flowed down...

"I'm sorry, Captain Han, I can only tell you the truth. Winter Soldier is indeed..."

"Please, I don't want to hear your report! Since you can't find him, I'll go find him myself! Winter Soldier will be fine!" After saying this, Han Feng carried the broken gas mask and staggered around the fourth floor.

While searching, Han Feng said, "Winter Soldier, Winter Soldier. Come out, come and report to me about your promotion to a three-star soldier."

"Winter Soldier! I order you to come out! Come out!"

"I haven't seen what you look like yet, you've protected me for so long! I haven't seen what you look like yet! I beg you to stop hiding, come out quickly, please!!"

Two minutes later, Han Feng went around the entire fourth floor and didn't find Winter Soldier...

"Winter..." At this moment, Han Feng felt that all the strength in his body disappeared instantly. His legs couldn't support the weight of his body, and he fell to the ground.

The moment Han Feng fell, several American soldiers rushed over.

Seeing the American soldiers running towards him, Han Feng lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes and said, "Don't come over..."

After the order was issued, the American soldiers immediately stopped running.

After a few minutes, Han Feng spoke softly, "Except Wayne, everyone else should go down..." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "Wayne, come over..." Han Feng's voice was as weak as a staggering old man.

After a few seconds, only Han Feng and Wayne were left on the huge fourth floor.

After Wayne came over, he first helped Han Feng sit up, and then stood aside waiting for the next instruction.

Sitting on the ground, Han Feng did not speak. After silently taking out a cigarette, he lit it and kept smoking.

When the cigarette was half burned, Han Feng suddenly asked, "Luna... Winter Soldier..."

"Report to Captain Han, Winter Soldier is dead..."

After listening to Luna, Han Feng closed his eyes, and two tears rolled down quietly...

"Why? He should be promoted, he should not die, why is this happening?" Han Feng said this with deep confusion.

"The high-explosive grenade did blow up the third-level zombies first, but at that moment Winter Soldier was also blown into pieces, and his life ended at that time." After hearing Luna's reply, Han Feng did not speak, and the air gradually became quiet.

Suddenly, Han Feng remembered the system and asked, "Luna, can the system revive him?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, the system will not revive soldiers who have already died."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng asked again, "Can I summon Winter Soldier again? Even if he has no level!"

"I'm sorry, but it still won't work... Any combatant or non-combatant summoned by the system is unique. Once killed, they can never come back."

This time, Luna made it very clear, and completely shattered all of Han Feng's hopes.

After hearing this conclusion, Han Feng put out his cigarette butt and carefully examined the broken gas mask in his hand...

"Ah..." With a sigh, Han Feng stretched out a hand and gently wiped the blood off the gas mask.

While wiping, he kept saying, "When I first saw you, I was scared by you. I was so stupid at that time. I was still worried about you when you went to kill the zombie. But you are so powerful, how could you make a mistake?"

"... Your appearance made me feel that there was a glimmer of hope in this terrifying situation. You were all I relied on at that time... Later, there were more and more Red Alert soldiers, but you were always different... I even thought about finding you a wife..."

Han Feng wiped his tears, smiled and said, "Old buddy... Your mission is completed. It was completed very well! Thank you for your care during these days, on the contrary... I failed to save you. You won't blame me..."

At the end, a hot tear fell on the gas mask in his hand.

"Captain Han, it is our greatest honor to be by your side and obey your orders! It is our highest honor to sacrifice to protect you!" Wayne said after hearing Han Feng's self-blaming words.

"No, it was my incompetence that harmed you." After saying this, Han Feng slowly stood up.

After getting up, Han Feng said without waiting for Wayne to speak, "All this is because of zombies! The death of the Winter Soldier is all because of zombies! So many soldiers sacrificed their lives because of zombies!"

Han Feng roared with red eyes, "All this! It's all because of zombies!"

"If there were no zombies in this world! Then the Winter Soldier would not have died! Wei Peng would not be dying! Wei Yun and the others would not have no home to return to!"

Feeling Han Feng's rage, Wayne rushed to say, "Captain Han, you..."

"All this is caused by zombies!" Han Feng ignored Wayne and continued to roar.

Turning around, Han Feng stared at Wayne's

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